Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 124 The immortal dragon body! The phoenix fire burns the body and the heart!


There was a long cry of a divine bird, and Luo Ming instantly felt as if a sea of ​​fire had appeared in his mind.

The endless flames cover the sky and the sun, swallowing up everything, destroying and destroying everything. In this endless fire, the sound of the Shennong bird's long cry shakes the world.

Luo Ming's pupils shrank, and he saw a red firebird whose whole body was burning with flames, bathing in the fire and crowing, with nine deaths, nine deaths and nirvana!

"This is... Divine Phoenix?!"

Those golden phoenix eyes are full of majesty, and their gaze is deep and domineering, enough to intimidate the common people! Conquer all things!

"Boy... do you want to accept my trial?"

Phoenix's voice resounded and reached Luo Ming's ears.

"Haha, is there any other choice? I choose, accept!"

Luo Ming sat aside with his head bowed. Qin San and others saw him lowering his head, seeming to be mumbling to himself.

He couldn't help but look puzzled.

"What is this kid talking about? Does he know that he is about to die, so is he insane?"

"Hmph! What a arrogant person in the summer, it's nothing special, isn't it? We were still defeated."

"I'm going to chop off his head!"

Someone walked forward with a weapon and walked towards Luo Ming.


He waved the long knife, but at the moment when the light of the knife was about to fall on Luo Ming's neck.


Luo Ming suddenly raised his head, his eyes seemed to be burning with boundless sea of ​​fire.

In the sea of ​​fire, bursts of golden light swept across the world, as if there were the sun and the moon in the sky, as majestic as an emperor.

The man was startled by Luo Ming's gaze and took two steps back involuntarily.

"Pretend to be a ghost! I'll kill you!"

He gritted his teeth and brandished his knife, intending to behead Luo Ming.

"When I return...the divine fire of Nirvana will burn you completely!"


The next second, his entire body was wrapped in red phoenix fire.

The scorching flames frightened the man and he involuntarily took two steps back, almost sitting on the ground.

At that moment, time stopped!

【Ding! It is detected that the host is undergoing the fourth most dangerous assessment in extremely dangerous circumstances! The protection mechanism of the Temple of Ten Evils is activated! Time will remain suspended until the host completes the assessment! 】


Everyone's movements stopped, and when Luo Ming opened his eyes, he was already in boundless flames.

In front, is the huge sky-covering divine phoenix, flapping its two arms, its whole body burning with flames, as if it is the supreme being in the fire!

【Ding! The host accepts the assessment of the Fourth Fierce Divine Phoenix! first round! Nirvana nine deaths! 】

[If the trial is successful, the host can obtain the Divine Phoenix Fire of Destiny and the Divine Fire of Nirvana. The host will enter the Nirvana state, nine times of immortality, and nine times of Nirvana! If you succeed in the trial, you can transform into a divine phoenix! Take charge of the fire that burns the sky! 】

As the tone from the Temple of Ten Evils fell, the divine phoenix flapped its wings and the endless Nirvana fire immediately enveloped Luo Ming. Then his nerves suddenly tightened, and boundless pain spread throughout his limbs and bones.

"If you want to survive Nirvana, you must first survive...the pain of Nirvana and improve your compatibility with the divine fire of Nirvana! This is the first level, the body is burned by the phoenix fire!"

Shenhuang spoke calmly, but his tone was full of the majesty of Mother Yi Tianxia.

"Nirvana and immortality...rebirth from the ashes..."

Boom boom boom!

The divine fire was burning, and Luo Ming felt that every limb, every piece of flesh, and every cell in his body was wrapped in flames. This was not tempering, but pure torture!

After this torture, there are eight more to come!

Only after experiencing the fire of Nirvana nine times can you accept this first round of trials!


His clothes were burned in an instant, and then his whole body was scorched black by the flames. Blood flowed down, but it was evaporated in the blink of an eye and turned into blood scabs that clung to his skin.

Just when Luo Ming was about to reach his mental limit and fainted.

"hold head high!"

A burst of dragon roar resounded, and his dilapidated body suddenly burst into golden light, with golden dragon tattoos covering his whole body.

Dragon blood automatic body protection!

"This is... the body of an immortal dragon?"

Divine Phoenix looked surprised.

"The killing insect!"

The divine phoenix gritted its teeth and was protected by the immortal dragon body. It was only a matter of time before Luo Ming survived the fire of Nirvana.

This first level is indeed not difficult for him.

Sure enough, after a while, Luo Ming's body withstood the power of the Nirvana Divine Fire and slowly began to absorb it.

Until he opened his eyes.


The golden dragon energy turned into a real dragon flying around, and the red flame turned into a divine phoenix spreading its wings!

【Ding! Immortal dragon body and Nirvana divine fire reaction! The host gains protection from dragons and phoenixes! Immortal dragon and phoenix body! 】


Half of Luo Ming's body was covered by the snarling golden dragon, climbing from his back to his shoulders and then to his chest.

The other half was covered by the soaring divine phoenix, from the waist to the chest and abdomen!

The dragon and phoenix are auspicious, and the dragon and phoenix call each other!

Divide each half in half.

"I didn't expect...the physique that the True Dragon Clan and the Divine Phoenix Clan have dreamed of all their lives, and that could never be realized, would appear in a human at the same moment! Is this...is it God's will!"

Divine Phoenix looked sighing with emotion.

With the body of an immortal dragon and phoenix, Luo Ming will become extremely difficult to kill from now on!

Even if he is beaten to powder with one move, he can still be nirvana in the flames, and every time he is resurrected, his strength will increase by one point!

Luo Ming opened his eyes. At this moment, he even wanted to look up to the sky and scream.

"Do you think you can kill me!"

But before he could be happy for long, Shenhuang spoke with a cold face.

"Don't be too happy too early. There is still a second round of trials! Phoenix fire burns your heart! Let me see what you desire most in your heart!"


In an instant, the flames of the divine phoenix swallowed Luo Ming again, which was different from the last time.

This time the flames were extremely heart-burning!

"Luo Ming! Are you going to Dali? Let's join the tour group together this time, and it only costs 10,000 yuan per person!"

"Forget it, I won't go."

"Luo Ming, I want to go to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and see the most beautiful alpine rhododendrons in the world!"

"Sorry, I don't have time."

"Ming'er, my father and your mother have always dreamed of going to the capital to see the Great Wall..."

"Sorry, Mom and Dad, I really can't do it now. Give me a little more time! Give me a little more time and wait until I make money!"


Luo Ming opened his eyes.

"What's wrong? I always think back to some things from my previous life."

"Because those things are the regrets you have always had."

The figure of Divine Phoenix appeared in front of him.

"The world you once longed for so much, the true love and freedom you so longed for, but in the end because of reality, you had to be imprisoned in this three-acre land. You sold your faith, your life, and the moon in the sky, and were forced to pick it up. Sixpence on the ground."

"Although you have been hiding it, the Nirvana Divine Fire shows the truest thing in your heart. So Luo Ming, what is it that you have been longing for? There is no one else here."

"You can tell me your true feelings directly, and put aside all reality, what you have most wanted to do."

Luo Ming's eyes became extremely confused.

"When I was in college, I wanted to go to Dali, see the romantic scenery, and play the piano by the Erhai Lake, but I had no money."

"After work, I want to go to LS with my best friend, riding a motorcycle and carrying a guitar, to see the Rizhao Jinshan Mountain and the Potala Palace, but I have to work."

"Later, my parents got old, and their lifelong wish was to go to the capital to see the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, but... I couldn't let go of work."

"When we meet again... they have turned into a handful of loess."

"In my last life, I had too many regrets and too many things that I was powerless to do. I felt like my life was useless."

Divine Phoenix nodded.

"The past life is in the past and cannot be changed, but now you have a chance to do it again."

"What about this life? How do you want to live in this life?"

"this life……"

There was a faint fire in Luo Ming's turbid eyes, as if it was the darkness born out of ruin and despair.

"In this life... I want to live for myself!"

There is a typo, it is not a real dragon body, but a dragon and phoenix body...

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