Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 167: No longer from the same world, about to go to the imperial capital!

"hold head high!"

The real dragon looked up to the sky and roared. On both sides of him, two groups of bloody flowers exploded. From a distance, the blood rain poured down, and it really looked like fireworks.


The real dragon turned into a human form, its red cloak danced, and slowly descended from the sky.

At this point, the enemies...are all destroyed!

"Did you win?"

"Hey! Is this disaster solved so quickly?"

Ordinary people looked surprised.

"That person... looks like the figure who protected Xinghai State three years ago!"

The blood prison cage dispersed, and the sunlight hit the golden body of the real dragon, shining brightly.

A magnificent rainbow appeared on the horizon, and the rays of light crossed over the mountains in the distance and fell on everyone equally.

"three years ago……"

Some people recall that three years ago, in the messy land and the sky full of flames, there seemed to be such a figure standing out!

That figure from behind... is remembered by the entire Xinghai State.

However, no one knows his name yet!

"Luo Ming..."

When Mo Rutian and other powerful men from Xinghai Prefecture arrived one after another, they saw only a golden figure standing up slowly with his back to everyone.

"Hey... you guys are a little late. I'll accept the heads."

Luo Ming opened his palms, and on his hands were two beast cores of different shapes.


Mo Rutian looked complicated.

He was increasingly glad that he had made the decision not to fall out with Luo Ming because of Gu Yumo.

Facts have proved that this is right. In just half a year, Luo Ming has grown to a height far beyond him!

Ding ding ding!

The phone rings.

The call from the imperial capital came from the other end.

"Well, the matter has been settled."

"Resolved? The Imperial Capital has conducted an investigation. If there are no accidents, the three monsters that sneaked into Xinghai State should be diamond-level powerful beings, and they were the ones who attacked the train before the fusion beast."

"Your Xinghai Prefecture is guarded by diamond-level experts?"

The person on the other end of the phone was very confused.


Mo Rutian nodded.

"Who! What's your name! Why is there no record in the military files? Who is the captain?"

"Luo Ming... a freshman at Yanxia University!"


The other end of the phone suddenly became quiet, and Mo Rutian could even hear the other party's disordered breathing.

After a while, the phone was hung up.

Mo Rutian put down his phone.

Several people walked towards Luo Ming with complicated expressions.

Among this group of people was the former dean of the Xinghai Prefecture Monster Academy, and they fought fiercely to compete for Luo Ming.

And... Jin Pingtao, the former dean of Xinghai Monster Academy.

Although he had resigned after taking the blame, Ning Yuan called him in because the incident was too big.

Jin Pingtao looked at Luo Ming with a complicated face.

With just one thought and a missed opportunity, he could have brought glory to their Star Sea Monster Academy far beyond its peak!

But he... completely missed it.

"Luo Ming...I..."

Jin Pingtao watched Luo Ming walk in and wiped his palms on his trouser legs.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ming passed him by.

It was like I had never known him as a person.

Jin Pingtao smiled bitterly, and he opened his palms and took a look.

haha, yes……

Now he is no longer in the eyes of the other party.

Many years later, when Luo Ming becomes a top figure in Yanxia, ​​maybe after dinner, he will think of such a principal when he was young, who once ridiculed, despised, and abused him in his life.

But even if I think about it, I might just smile slightly.

Because they are no longer from the same world!

If you continue to worry about it, the price will drop.

Forgetting...is the highest form of contempt.

"Captain Mo, this incident was purely accidental. They came for me."

Luo Ming said.

"But... next, I will go to the Imperial Capital and will not stay in Xinghai State anymore, so you don't have to worry about them appearing again."

Luo Ming said.

"No, Luo Ming, that's not what we meant. We don't mean to blame you at all."

"So you don't have to force yourself to go to the Imperial Capital!"

Luo Ming shook his head.

"No... I have decided to go to the Imperial Capital. This is not forced, it was agreed upon by us early in the morning."

Luo Ming smiled.

"Luo Ming, are you willing to go to the Imperial Capital with me?!"

Xia Qingcheng looked surprised.

"My father has wanted to see you for a long time!"

"Hey! Luo Ming, when you see my father-in-law, you want to give me a gift!"

Ning Susu, who was standing next to Ning Yuan, gave Xia Qingcheng a victory gesture.

"I'll give you my father's cigarettes and Maotai! You can borrow flowers to offer to Buddha and give gifts to my father-in-law!"

Ning Yuan's face turned dark instantly, what a filial daughter.

"No, no! Brother, you have to follow me to the Lin family! The Lin family is your mother's family! Grandpa is the king of Yanxia, ​​he will definitely be able to protect you!"

Lin Yuning stepped forward.

"Besides, isn't it called Chinese New Year when the whole family has to be together during the Chinese New Year!"

The two of them held Luo Ming's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Wow! I can't tell! Luo Ming, you are still trying to do both!"

Ning Susu covered her mouth with a look of wonder.

Luo Ming: "..."

"This...let's just say she is my cousin."

"What the hell! I'm your sister!"


Lin Yuning snorted coldly, flicked her hair, and looked at Xia Qingcheng with hostility.

As if to say that I'm not allowed to take my brother away from me.

"It's not that relatives will be happy when they are together. Relatives in name are nothing."

Xia Qingcheng shook her head.

"Luo Ming, do you want to go to the Xia family or the Lin family?"

Luo Ming slowly pulled his arm out of her arms.

Xia Qingcheng's face darkened.

"You really want to..."

Then, Luo Ming put his palm on her head and touched it gently.

"I said I want to go to the imperial capital a long time ago. Is the Lin family in the imperial capital?"

Xia Qingcheng raised her head, and little stars were blooming in her eyes.

"Really! Really! Are you willing to go to the Xia family?!"

Luo Ming nodded.

"Yes! Everyone in the Mingcheng team is in the imperial capital. Maybe you are right. It is the happiest to spend the New Year with everyone!"

"You! Humph!"

Lin Yuning was unhappy instantly.

But she was sulking for a while.

Then she came over again.

"Then I'll go to the capital too!"

"Why are you going with me? You follower! Go back to your Lin family!"

"The capital is not owned by your Xia family! Why can't I go? I just want to accompany my brother. Otherwise, if some witch takes my brother away, I won't have anywhere to cry!"

The two were about to quarrel.

Luo Ming hurriedly pulled the two girls apart.

"Okay, stop quarreling. It's the Spring Festival travel rush. Buy tickets quickly."

"Or we can walk!"

"Ah! That doesn't matter!"

Mo Rutian smiled.

"We have a special car to take you to the capital!"

"Since you have made a decision, Luo Ming, we are relieved."

He smiled.

"Otherwise, you might have to spend the New Year with me, an old man."


"Is this guy coming to the capital?"

"I haven't seen him for a long time! I heard he's been very active recently!"

"Hahaha! Good boy! But it's not easy to get into the Xia family! Xia Qingcheng is the only eldest daughter of the third generation of the Xia family, and her cousins ​​are not so easy to deal with!!"

Ye Changan laughed particularly happily when he heard that Luo Ming decided to come to the capital.

"Hey! Stop laughing, this is today's work, do you still have time to play the two-word game?"

Ying Tianzhe next to him threw a pile of documents like a mountain in front of Ye Changan with an expressionless face.

"Before the New Year, everything must be dealt with. Now that the Saint Group Leader is not here, it will be handed over to you, the acting Saint Group Leader!"

Ye Changan: "..."

"Zhezhe, let's discuss something..."

Ye Changan approached with a playful smile.

The other party turned away expressionlessly.

"Get lost!"

Ye Changan: "..."

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