Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 181 Ye Changan has absolute trust! Luo Ming takes over the battlefield. You call it anger, l

"The war situation is not favorable..."

Ye Changan stroked his chin and shook his head.

"Whether you win or not is one thing, but whether it can have a training effect is another."

"This barrier is certainly good, but trying to stop us with it seems like a fool's errand."

Xiao Pingan shook his head.

Cheng Jinghong, the principal of Imperial University, also spoke out.

"Let's see again. As long as they don't die, they can do whatever they want. If it really doesn't work, then we can take action. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed. If my best genius in the summer is at this level, I think we should abstain from this federal competition of 100 schools. Bar."

Especially Nangong Xi and Shen Huaqing, these two students he was very optimistic about, but in the end, one of them fell on the ground and was almost beaten to death.

There is another one who is scurrying around like a mouse. Is this a circus?

Cheng Jinghong, the president of Imperial University, is very disappointed, very disappointed!

"The requirements are a bit too high, Mr. Cheng."

A tall and handsome man with white-rimmed glasses and shaggy hair spoke.

He is the vice-principal of the University of Magic. Last time, Qin Yanran invited this person after she was scared away by Ye Changan.

This person is still very young, only in his forties, and he has taken the position of vice principal.

He also has a very strong background. In his early years, he worked as an assistant to King Qin of the Qin family for a period of time in the military department. Later, he went to teach at the Magic University. He had a good relationship with Li Lin, a man of the hour and now the overlord, and also had a friendship with Gu Yumo. That's okay.

It is conceivable that Qin Yanran relied on him when she entered Devil University.

"Is this high? This is not high."

Cheng Jinghong shook his head.

"The beast king is much more powerful than these fusion beasts. He can't even defeat these little Karami, so there's no way he can take on a big responsibility."

"Hey, let me tell you, Zhou Ruyin, your cub's arms were torn off, and you don't seem to care."

Ye Changan raised his finger and pointed at Li Quan, who had an arm cut off by an angry knife.

"As long as they don't die, Demon University has a way to treat them."

Zhou Ruyin spoke calmly.

Qin Yanran beside him curled her lips.

"It's better than that Luo Ming. He can't hide and is huddled in a corner."

Seeing Xiao Pingan and Ye Changan turning their eyes towards her, Qin Yanran panicked.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm not talking about Yanxia University, I'm just referring to individual students."

"The student you are talking about is my friend. I think you want to be slapped in the mouth by me again?"

Ye Changan seemed to be smiling, but Qin Yanran couldn't help but trembled and hid behind Zhou Ruyin timidly.

"Luo Ming won't run away. I know this kid. He is holding back his ultimate move."

Ye Changan looked at the fierce battle in the picture and smiled softly.

"how you said that?"

Zhou Ruyin asked with a smile.

"You do not believe?"

"True, but I feel that an ordinary student, and a student whose combat ability is not considered top-notch, will not be able to play a big role."

"Haha, real geniuses can always create miracles."

"Brother Chang'an, do you think this Luo Ming is a real genius?"

Ye Changan shook his head.

"I have seen many geniuses, but those geniuses have to call him a genius when they see him, including myself."

Zhou Ruyin raised his eyebrows.

Even Cheng Jinghong and other mentors turned their attention to him.

In order to promote Luo Ming, he even lowered himself. Ye Changan was trying too hard. Is Luo Ming his illegitimate son?

But the age doesn't match up.

However, Xiao Ping'an knew that Ye Changan's words were not exaggerated at all.


The silver dragon spear was inserted in front of Zhou Ruyin.

"Brother Chang'an, what do you mean?"

"It depends on whether Luo Ming can do it. If he can't, I will give you this gun."

"Brother Chang'an, you are really spending a lot of money... In this case, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you."

Zhou Ruyin smiled slightly.

"I see that Luo Ming is also good at using a spear. If he is really as Brother Chang'an said... How about I bet you this stone that can break through all things?"

Zhou Ruyin held a piece of blood-colored crystal the size of an egg in his hand. Just looking at it from a distance, he felt as if a dazzling light was about to penetrate his eyeballs.

"It's actually this thing..."

Xiao Ping'an couldn't help but be speechless.

This is a big deal.

The stone that breaks through all things has amazing properties. If it is integrated into a weapon, the weapon will have a terrifying attribute.

Broken wounds.

Once stabbed, the injury cannot be repaired unless it is completely chopped off.

When Ye Liukong, the leader of Tianchi Saint, was building the Silver Dragon Spear for Ye Changan, he searched for this crystal, but to no avail.

This also became his regret at the time. The Silver Dragon Spear could not become a truly invincible weapon.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ruyin had such a big one in his hand.

If it is integrated into the Sky-Eating Spear, its power can be imagined. If anyone is scratched by Luo Ming, the wound will not heal at all.

No matter how strong a nanny is, there is no point.

If Ye Changan had this thing back then, he might have killed the King City Devourer.

"Good thing, I bet on it."

Ye Changan agreed directly without saying a word.

At the same time, in the blood prison cage, a figure slowly opened its eyes.

"It's done, diamond level one!"

The roaring shadow of Taotie slowly retracted into his body, Luo Ming stood up, evil aura flashed in his eyes.

"The strength of Diamond Level One is not enough to fight against the strongest Arrogance. I need to start with other opponents first, but... the other few are not a big problem."


Bursts of blood-red flames entangled his limbs like a whirlpool, and the figure of Taotie emerged, spewing out a mouthful of hot white gas.

Luo Ming strode out with the Heaven-Devouring Spear in his hand.

"It's showtime."

The Blood Prison cage slowly disappeared, and Luo Ming's figure reappeared in the outside world.


Li Quan's entire body was swept away by a sword and smashed hard against the wall.


The alloy wall was deeply dented by him.

"Damn it, why! I was the first to lose!"

He pounded the ground angrily.

Doesn't this mean that he is the weakest guy!

I'm not willing, how can I be willing!

"Weak little dog, let me eat you obediently!"

He strode over and swung his sword towards Li Quan's head.

Just when Li Quan's head was about to fly up, a long spear crossed the air.


The long spear trembled like an angry dragon, forcing the big sword back.

"I've heard you screaming for a long time, chirping, chirping, I thought you were so strong, but you're still a waste."

"Go back, don't embarrass yourself here."

The blood-red flames were steaming, and Luo Ming, who had turned on the cruel king, strode over with the Heaven-Devouring Spear.

"Luo Ming, you..."


Without waiting for Li Quan to say more, he kicked him away.

"Shut up, you have no right to talk here, you waste, shut your mouth obediently."

"My dog ​​is tired, I'll fight you next! Bastard!"


Luo Ming held the gun in one hand and pointed it at the angry brows in the air.

"You called... angry, right? Then I want to see how angry you can be!"

Li Quan fell to the ground, looking at the back blocking him, gritting his teeth.

A strong sense of shame and anger surged in his heart.

"Luo Ming, how dare you humiliate me like this!"

When he was helpless and furious, Luo Ming had already shot at the angry one.

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