Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 260 Father and son agree! Ye Changan kills the king!

Federal resolution meeting.

"Where are immortality and judgment?"

The Innocence King asked, holding a Bible and tilting his head.

"Isn't this what I should be asking you? I'm not guilty. I read the Bible all day long. Is my brain going crazy?"

King Black Sun, one of the ten kings, replied casually.

Innocence and immortality are the lower three kings of judgment, and Black Sun is the middle three kings, so I look down on these three guys who make up the numbers from the bottom of my heart.

"Hei Ri, your mother told you to study more, but you go to herd cows."

"I'm not their parent, it's none of my business. Isn't this what you, the person responsible for informing the news, should do?"

"There is no logic at all in what you say."


The Innocence King's retort made the Black Sun King furious.

"Okay, stop arguing, I know where they two went."

Another king spoke.

This is a gray-haired boy who looks like he is not even eighteen years old.

"They went hunting for the prisoner who escaped from the trial cell."

"I'll be back soon, let's have a meeting first."

The king of white age.

"What did you say?! Chang'an..."

At this time, Yan Shura frowned in the Yanxia camp on the opposite side.

He seemed to be holding back some kind of anger, but finally slapped the table hard!

"You have gone too far! Send people to ambush my genius, Yan Xia! Is this the style of a world-powerful beacon!"

He stood up suddenly and glared at the lighthouse kings opposite.

But the MPs from other countries all remained silent, as if they were watching a show.

"Don't get me wrong, we have no intention of targeting the genius Yan Xia. It just happens that one of the prisoners in my lighthouse is the father of your genius Yan Xia. We are obliged to take the prisoner back, but he chose to protect the prisoner. Therefore, he is a prisoner of your country. The genius wants to fight us first!”

"If he wants to fight hard, can Immortal and Judgment just stand and let them fight?"

"I would like to ask why you, the genius of Yan Xia, chose to protect the prisoners of our country!"

Bai Sui Wang waved his hand and asked indifferently.

Yan Shura's face looked extremely ugly.

"Shura, calm down."

Ye Liukong spoke. He had a cigarette in his mouth, a fur coat on his body, and his face was a little pale.

Apparently he has not recovered from his previous injury.

"Ye Liukong! The ones who are in trouble now are members of your holy group! You actually told me to calm down?"

"I know, but rushing here won't change anything."

Ye Liukong shook his head.

"Haven't you noticed yet? There is so much disunity in the hot summer."

"Lin Qitian betrayed, and now the old guy from the Qin family is playing tricks on us, and there is also the old immortal from the Li family, and Li Wanjie has just died."

"After all, our current situation is very unfavorable."

"This is the only way to break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly, and to welcome a new era."

Ye Liukong sighed.

"I believe in that kid from Chang'an, and Luo Ming. I'm also optimistic about him. Don't worry, maybe it's the little brats from Lighthouse who will suffer this time. It's hard to say."

Ye Liukong looked at the masked king of the lighthouse who had been silent.

"Would you be heartbroken if you lost two kings at once?"

Wang Shou raised his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, they're just the two bottom guys."

Ye Liukong was noncommittal.

"Wait! It's too late to go now, and these guys won't let us go."

"When encountering a problem, you should stay calm first and don't get into trouble."

Ye Liukong took a puff from his cigarette and blew out a series of smoke rings, and the fog instantly filled the entire place.


A woman from Sakura Country coughed violently.

"Ye Sang! Please don't smoke on this occasion!"

Beside the woman, a tall man with short hair stood up and said loudly.

He is the head of Team 7 of Sakura Kokutoku.

The girl from before was from the sixth team. Obviously, she was a bitch.

"Ah! It's true that smoking in public places is not good."

Ye Liukong stood up silently.

Then he came to the tall Minister Teko.


He put out the cigarette butt directly on the top of his head.

Then, he threw it into his collar.

"You don't smoke now. Are you feeling better?"

Nagato Dogoro's expression was ugly and he kept twitching!

Humiliation, this is naked humiliation!


"What are you doing! I'm in a bad mood, don't touch the gun."

Ye Liukong looked back at him lightly.

Nagato Dogoro felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast.

My back was instantly soaked.

He shut up with lingering fear.

Only then did Ye Liukong sit down in his seat.

Obviously, while he was comforting Yan Shura, he was not at peace inside.

After all, one is a young man that he likes, and the other is raised by him like his own son.

How could he not be worried about their safety!


Ye Liukong uttered a word and then sat back down.

Smoke filled the air again.

"Die! Die! Die!"


The fire soared, and the dragon scales on the Immortal King were removed one by one by Ye Changan!

He was beaten back and forth, unable to fight back!

"How is it possible! He is just a Jinyu level, a junior! How could I lose to him!"


The Immortal King was filled with fear. It was unforgivable that he was actually afraid!

He was afraid of Ye Changan. He was afraid of fighting!

"This time, no one can save you!"

A strong murderous intent flashed in Ye Changan's eyes.

He began to prepare a fatal shot!

One shot would kill the Immortal King!


The demon ape's earth-shaking roar resounded through the sky. The armor on his body glowed violently, and the demon ape entered a violent state!

The Judgement King was also on the side, constantly harassing Luo Xuan!

Relying on speed to fight guerrilla warfare.

The battle was very stalemate. If it dragged on, it would be disadvantageous to Luo Xuan. His body could not withstand a long battle!

"Ming'er, go to Shanhaixiongguan quickly!"

"Don't stay here!"

"Delay will lead to changes!"

Luo Xuan said in a voice transmission.

"Father, what are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't die, but if this battle continues, there will be no winner. My goal is to let you leave safely."

"Relax, your father is not a fool, I won't mess around. We have just reunited not long ago, how can I just abandon you like this?"

Luo Xuan whispered.

"But I really don't have much time left. Even if I don't burn my life, I only have the last three months!"

"Ming'er, how about we make a promise?"

Luo Xuan smiled casually.

"Father, you say!"

"Three months later, father hopes you can return from the mountain and sea pass with glory and splendor!"

"At that time, we will... kill the Lin family together! Avenge your mother!"

"My only regret is that I have never fought side by side with my son. Even if it's only once, I will be satisfied!"

"Ming'er, can you do it?!"

Luo Xuan asked.

"Father! In three months, I will become a Yanxia warrior, and then return with supreme military merit! I will kill the Lin family with you!"

"Let's kill Lin Qitian together!! I make this promise with you! But you have to make a promise with me too!"

"I have found someone who is enough to accompany me for life. She is a very good girl. I will marry her at that time. Father, you must attend our wedding! Is it okay!"

Luo Ming nodded vigorously and asked.


"Really, father, you believe me, your son is great! Look! I have a lot of monsters! I have six, and there will be more!"

"Three months is more than enough, I will become very strong, so strong that no one can threaten us anymore!"

Behind Luo Ming, six phantoms appeared. Luo Xuan saw them, and was shocked, but his eyes flashed with great relief.

"Lu Wu, did you see it! This is the Ten Evils! They chose me... Luo Xuan's son!"

"That's great! My son is so outstanding!"

"He has grown up too!"

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