Let you awaken the monster, will you awaken the ten ancient evils?

Chapter 67 The melee is about to begin! Gu Linxiao comes again! The real dragon appears in front of

"Wow, there are so many... Tsk, tsk, this main beast looks more powerful than the previous lizard."

Luo Ming stood on the top of the mountain, looking at a monster that looked like a black slime at the entrance of the valley not far away.

"This is an A-level mud beast, and its characteristic is that it has a strong splitting ability. If it is him, it can indeed meet your needs of hunting two thousand bronze-level monsters."

Xia Qingcheng stood beside Luo Ming and said.

"Then it is decided that it is him. I will...kill my way out of the valley, and finally stab this Heaven-Devouring Spear into his anus."

Luo Ming sneered.

"Bah! Rogue remarks!"

Xia Qingcheng spat secretly.

"What do you think, do you want to wait here or go down with me?"

"No, we won't go down, just wait for you here."

Xia Qingcheng shook her head.

"That's fine."

Luo Ming nodded thoughtfully.

He stood at the entrance of the valley, and then grinned.

"You are too excited, Taotie, I am here to complete your second trial!"

After saying that, he leaned over and jumped down from the mountain, smashing towards the dense group of monsters in the valley.


The red light was so bright that it almost illuminated the entire sky.

"Damn it! I can't do it anymore! Jin Tao, I'm here to accompany you!"

With the continuous fighting, more and more students have been exhausted, and the black iron war bear Guo Xiong is almost one of the few who have persisted the longest.

But at this time, he couldn't hold on anymore. The iron stick in his hand was taken away by the monster, and the mud-like monsters pounced on him one by one to completely drown him.

He knew that he was going to die here.

"I worked hard and went through thousands of hardships to get here with Jin Tao. I thought there would be a broader world and journey in the future, but I didn't expect... we would die here!"


A mud beast covered Guo Xiong's head, and he couldn't see anything. His vision was severely obstructed.

The giant mud beast that blocked the valley laughed wildly with excitement.

He had long been eyeing this group of examinees. Fifty outstanding human warriors, what a delicious meal it would be.

Now that he finally succeeded, he could have a good meal every day.

The giant mud beast laughed excitedly, and the speed of its splitting was much faster.

And at this moment.


Red light fell all over the sky, and a bloody figure fell from the sky.

"If you can split, split more, otherwise it may not be enough for me to kill!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Ming roared to the sky, and the fierce power of the gluttonous beast pressed in all directions like a tide.

The momentum was really too fierce.

The giant mud beast couldn't help but feel cold all over and let out a strange cry.


The Heaven Devouring Spear danced at high speed in Luo Ming's hand, and waves of red spear light swept out.

"One, two, three!"



Luo Ming smashed the spear hard, and dozens of mud beasts were immediately destroyed by his body.

"My God... this guy is too fierce. The beast tide that we fifty people couldn't stop was pushed back by him alone?"

Guo Xiong was stunned.

The fifty of them were blocked here for nearly a day.

Now, this beast tide was pushed back by him alone.

What kind of monster is this guy?

"Haha, genius, what kind of genius are we? He is the real genius!"

Guo Xiong laughed at himself.

"We are just the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals who encircled and suppressed Sun Wukong. No, it is even possible that we are just leading horses for the heavenly soldiers and generals."

He shook his head bitterly, and the so-called arrogance was gone.

"Some strength, but not much."

On the other side of the hill, a figure looked at Luo Ming who was rushing madly, with a sneer on his face.

It was the genius of the Zhao family before, Zhao Yiran.

"This monster is the strength of the second-level silver, worth 2 military merits, I want it."

Zhao Yiran's face was cold.

Just when he was about to lean over and land to join the battle.


A huge shadow rose from the distance and covered Zhao Yiran.

He took his steps back abruptly.

"The young master of the Qin family, Gu Linxiao."

Zhao Yiran sneered.

"Then let you fight each other first."

He crossed his arms and watched the game leisurely.

"Luo Ming! You can't run away this time!"

A roar that shook the earth came.

The Hundred-Splitting Golden Lion Beast fell from the sky with two swords in his hands. He completely ignored the many monsters present, and instead swung his sword straight at Luo Ming.

On the other side, there were also nine monsters of different shapes attacking.

The leader was a majestic horse with cold blue fire on its four hooves.

The whole body was azure blue, covered with crystal-like armor, and the warhorse had a majestic body and a dragon head on its head.

This was not an ordinary horse-shaped monster, it was a dragon horse!

It was the SS-level monster that Lu Cheng transformed into, the Blue Sky Dragon Horse Beast!

He led the other eight S-level monsters and surrounded Luo Ming from two directions with Gu Linxiao.

"Not good!"

Xia Qingcheng and Tang Momo on the mountain changed their faces.

"It's Gu Linxiao, he is also ambushing Luo Ming!"

Xia Qingcheng showed a chill on her face.

She and Tang Momo were about to take action.


A stream of white night light streaked across the void.

I saw a seven-tailed white fox covered in snow and white walking on the clouds.

Her seven furry tails danced around, with little pink shadows.

"Are you uncomfortable seeing your little lover in trouble?"

"I didn't expect that our iceberg beauty, Miss Xia, would also be emotional."

The seven-tailed white fox spoke with a sneer, and the coquettish tone in his tone almost made Zhou Heng, who was still in a bottle, weak in the legs and fall down on the spot.

"It's you! Chu Qingning!"

Xia Qingcheng's eyes darkened again.

The eldest lady of the Chu family, Chu Qingning, the awakened monster is an SS-level seven-tailed demon fox!

Moreover, this monster has the potential to advance, and it may even advance to an SSS-level nine-tailed fox in the future.

"Sorry, Miss Xia and Miss Tang can't leave here as long as I'm here."

Chu Qingning smiled sweetly.

"Besides, there are other people hunting these two prey, right?"

Her charming fox eyes twinkled and looked extremely charming.

"Slut! Get out of here!"

Tang Momo yelled angrily. She usually didn't like a slut like Chu Qingning.

It doesn’t matter if he is taller or older than her, but he is also more feminine than her. How can I bear this!

"If you want me to get out of the way, the two eldest ladies can try to defeat me."


As she finished speaking, a blue ice phoenix and a black and purple butterfly appeared in place.

"If you don't get out of the way, I will make you into an ice sculpture today."

Xia Qingcheng spoke coldly.


In an instant, the two of them were killing Chu Qingning.

At this time, Luo Ming was surrounded by a tide of beasts, and Gu Linxiao and his subordinates were entangled on the left and right.

At this moment, he finally no longer planned to hold back.

"Change your approach!"

He put away the sky-devouring gun.

He shook his hand.

The golden light around him drowned the blood flames.

Waves of dragon roars resounded throughout the world.

"Now that things have happened, there is no point in pretending!"

"Real dragon!"


Suddenly the golden light soared into the sky and flooded the valley.

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