Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 71 The Letter Of Complaint From Hogwarts, The Old Master Is Confused! [Seeking The First Ord

Before Mrs. Huo Qi could react, overwhelming thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

As long as they were still flying in the air, they were all shot down one by one.

Mrs. Hooch was also struck down by Zhang Xuan's lightning.

Although she was not seriously injured, the feeling of numbness on her body made her body tremble uncontrollably.


"Bloodyhell! How did Zhang Xuan start the error ratio attack!"

"Hiss~ ah ah ah!"

The little wizards fell to the ground collectively, crying out mournfully on the ground one by one.

"You..." Mrs. Huo Qi wanted to criticize Zhang Xuan, but found that Zhang Xuan actually picked up the students on the ground and headed towards the infirmary.

This made it impossible for her to say what she said later.

In the school infirmary, Madam Poppy Pomfrey felt dizzy as she watched little wizards being brought in one after another.

"What's the matter?" Madam Poppy Pomfrey asked.

The little wizards who were carried in gritted their teeth, refusing to utter a single word.

No way, who let a group of them be defeated by one person?

This incident made people laugh out loud.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey watched more and more people coming in, and couldn't help frowning.

This number is too much.

"Madame Poppy Pomfrey, I don't know if there are any beds available."

Because the little wizard was not seriously injured, he carried another little wizard into the infirmary.

And behind them was Mrs. Hodge, although Mrs. Hodge was not seriously injured before.

But that was extremely insulting.

As a flying professor, she was actually knocked down from the air by her own students.

If this matter gets out, I'm afraid it will be laughed out of the mouth by others.

"Mrs. Hodge?!" Looking at Mrs. Hodge who was helped in, Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey's eyes widened.

What kind of situation is this "410"? How come even the professor of the class set up the infirmary together?!

Madam Hodge looked at Madam Pomfrey and smiled helplessly.

"Don't ask, you may not believe me if I tell you, I was beaten down from the sky by the children of Longguo."

"???" Madam Poppy Pomfrey had a look of disbelief.

The kid from Dragon Kingdom?

Hasn't the principal already made a series of school rules for him?

Doesn't this limit his performance?

Mrs. Hodge's smile became more and more bitter.

Professor Dumbledore did restrict him from flying with his sword.

But he did not have Yujian to fly!

He flies on a broomstick.

That posture, that movement, and even the flying speed have not changed in the slightest from Yu Jian's flight.

It makes no difference whether there is a ban or not.

And the most important thing is that Professor Dumbledore did not forbid Zhang Xuan to use the magic of Dragon Kingdom!

These people were all brought down by Zhang Xuan with the magic of the Dragon Kingdom.

If you want her to say, it doesn't matter whether Yu Jian's flight is forbidden or not, the important thing is to quickly ban his Dragon Kingdom magic!

8th floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey pushed the door of Headmaster Dumbledore's office with some dissatisfaction.


Madam Poppy Pomfrey pushed open the door and saw Dumbledore folding something.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey's sudden appearance made him accidentally tear up the origami in his hand.

"Oh..." Dumbledore looked at his hands, crooked!

Headmaster Dumbledore turned to Madam Poppy Pomfrey.

"Pomfrey, what's the matter?"

Pomfrey rarely came to him, and Professor Dumbledore was very surprised that Pomfrey appeared.

"Dumbledore, I think you have to deal with the little wizards at Hogwarts."

"Today, there are more than 300 little wizards sent to the infirmary a day."

"There are simply not enough beds in the school infirmary."

Madam Poppy Pomfrey's face was very heavy.

Under normal circumstances, she alone can deal with six wounded.

But during this time, her work was far beyond her limit.

"More than three hundred little wizards?" Principal Dumbledore was also surprised.

How could so many little wizards be injured at the same time?

Headmaster Dumbledore checked today's class.

Today seems to be flying class, so many little wizards will be injured in flying class?

Could it be that something happened in the air?

"Merlin's beard, this should be the most wounded after Severus Potions class."

Last time, in the potion class, the little wizards imitated Zhang Xuan to make alchemy, and then the cauldron exploded, injuring hundreds of people.

What's going on this time!

It can't be the broomstick blowing up!

Madam Poppy Pomfrey sighed deeply, she looked at Headmaster Dumbledore, and said threateningly.

"Dumbledore, let me tell you, you must find a way to deal with this matter."

"That kid named Zhang Xuan, why don't you let him come to the infirmary to be my apprentice, or else, don't send him to my infirmary for any troubles he causes in the future.

Madam Bobby Pomfrey found out that Zhang Xuan, a child from the Dragon Kingdom, was extremely lethal.

As long as it was because of his troubles, there must be many people who were injured.

"Zhang Xuan?" Professor Dumbledore hesitated, looking at Madam Poppy Pomfrey's puzzled question.

"What's wrong with him? I remember that I have clearly stipulated in the school rules that Yujian is forbidden to fly."

It can't be said that these little wizards violated the school rules together, blatantly learned to fly with the sword, and smashed themselves into half-crippled ones!

Madam Poppy Pomfrey paused for a moment, then said.

"I heard from Mrs. Huo Qi that Zhang Xuan does not fly with a sword, he flies with a broomstick."

"The effect is almost indistinguishable from Yujian flying."

"Merlin's beard..."

Professor Dumbledore only felt a headache at this moment.

Such a situation, he really did not expect.

But then he felt something was wrong, even if these children learned to fly on Zhang Xuan's broomstick, they wouldn't fall so neatly.

What's more, they have suffered such a loss before, how could they do it again!

These children are all healed, have the scars forgotten the pain?

"You may not believe it, but these little wizards were all shot down from the sky by Zhang Xuan."

"Among them... Mrs. Hooch is also included..."

Madam Poppy Pomfrey couldn't help but smile a bit.

"What did you say? Huo Qi was also shot down from the sky by Zhang Xuan?"

Hearing this, Headmaster Dumbledore was even more surprised.

Huo Qi can become the professor of flying lessons, so her flying skills are naturally beyond words.

On the broomstick is her home field.

She was actually beaten down from the sky by a young boy in her own home field?

This is simply outrageous!

Professor Dumbledore took a deep breath, he felt that it was necessary for him to find out the real situation.

Before he could find Zhang Xuan, another person rushed in through the door.

This person was none other than Professor Sybill Trelawney who had had some conflicts with Zhang Xuan before.

Professor Sybill Trelawney wore a pair of huge black-rimmed glasses, her head was bowed, her eyes were a little flushed.

Seeing Professor Sybill Trelawney crying with red eyes, Professor Dumbledore had a bad premonition.

Could it be Zhang Xuan did something again...

But he remembered that he had stipulated in the school rules that he could not tell fortunes to the professor and other young wizards in the divination class.

It's already like this, is it possible that Zhang Xuan can still provoke Professor Sybill Trelawney?

"Professor Trelawney, what's wrong with you?" Headmaster Dumbledore asked her.

Professor Sybill Trelawney's eyes turned red again.

There was a bit of indescribable resentment and annoyance in her voice.

"Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, I wish to resign.

Professor Sybill Trelawney placed a letter of resignation on Headmaster Dumbledore's desk.

Headmaster Dumbledore looked up at Professor Sybill Trelawney with some surprise.

Because Professor Sybill Trelawney is crazy on weekdays, many young wizards think she is a little nervous, don't believe her prophecy, and think she is a liar.

She didn't choose to resign when she was questioned by everyone, and she didn't even care when some young wizards boycotted her class.

But now, Sybill Trelawney wants to resign?

What the hell happened!

"Professor Sybill Trelawney, don't get excited, let's talk about something, don't just resign."

Headmaster Dumbledore hurriedly comforted Professor Sybill Trelawney.

Professor Sybill Trelawney wanted to resign very strongly.

Seeing her persistence like this, Principal Dumbledore is no longer trying to keep her.

"Professor Trelawney, you can resign if you want, but you have to tell me what happened."

Professor Sybill Trelawney hadn't been told what had happened since her arrival.

Professor Sybill Trelawney took a deep breath and said.

"Principal Dumbledore, it's not that I want to resign, it's that I can't teach these little wizards anymore!"

"Especially that little wizard from Dragon Kingdom!"

Headmaster Dumbledore just felt dizzy for a while.

he couldn't help asking.

"Zhang Xuan, what did he do again?"

Professor Sybill Trelawney said through gritted teeth.

"Zhang Xuan does not use tea foam and crystal balls for divination!"

"He didn't know where he took a palm-sized, angular object. There were many things engraved on it, and he couldn't understand what it was."

"He used that thing for divination!"

Professor Dumbledore was stunned, and he didn't know what Zhang Xuan had done.

But when he thought about what he did before, Dumbledore probably understood why Professor Sybill Trelawney was so angry...

I'm afraid that the divination method used by Zhang Xuan is very accurate, even more accurate than that of Professor Sybill Trelawney, that's why Professor Sybill Trelawney is so angry.


Headmaster Dumbledore sighed deeply, then addressed Professor Sybill Trelawney in a somewhat reassuring manner.

"That child came from Longguo, and he hasn't been here for a long time. There will always be some cultural differences from ours."

"Besides, we use crystal balls for divination here, maybe they use that weird thing in his hand."

Dumbledore persuaded Professor Sybill Trelawney with good words.


Professor Sybill Trelawney wanted to say something more, but Professor Dumbledore interrupted her.


Tell me, Trelawney, whether he's right or not.

Professor Sybill Trelawney fell silent.

If not, will she come to Dumbledore?

It was because Zhang Xuan's calculations were too accurate, so she felt that her status was threatened.

Before, Zhang Xuan counted his fingers and calculated a lot of things.

Now Dumbledore forbids Zhang Xuan to give fortune-telling to her and other classmates in divination class, so he took out the gossip and started to tell fortune-telling to the pets of other teachers.

Forget it, besides fortune-telling, he also reads Feng Shui!

What exactly is Feng Shui, she still hasn't figured it out yet.


He tore down her divination classroom.

It is said that bad feng shui is not good for the people in the classroom.

Looking at Professor Sybill Trelawney's expression, Professor Dumbledore knew he had guessed right.

Dumbledore heaved a long sigh, then he looked at Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sybill Trelawney, and raised the origami in his hand.

"I already know what you said, and now I will send a letter to the old heavenly master in Longguo."

"His students still need him to take care of them."

Madam Pomfrey looked at the letter in Headmaster Dumbledore's hand.

The letter paper had been torn by him.


Madam Pomfrey spoke with some hesitation.

"Principal Dumbledore, it's not good for you to complain like this..."

Anyway, their Hogwarts is also the most famous magic school, and now they can't manage an exchange student from Dragon Kingdom.

Waiting for the letter to go back and let the teacher of Longguo come to discipline them in person, doesn't it seem that they are incompetent....

Headmaster Dumbledore waved his hand.

Of course he knows the size.

His purpose of passing this letter was naturally not simply to complain.

There are some things that he needs to confirm with the old celestial master of Longguo.

"Okay, you go back and wait for the news."

Headmaster Dumbledore didn't give them a chance to refuse and sent them off directly.

Both Professor Sybill Trelawney and Madam Pomfrey left the Headmaster's office at the same time.

The two looked at each other, then turned their heads and left.

The old celestial master, who was far away in Longhu Mountain in Longguo, looked at the paper crane flying straight in front of him, and shed a cold sweat.

This Headmaster Albus Dumbledore has been around for so long, and his origami skills really haven't increased by 4.8 points.

The old heavenly master reached out to catch the paper crane and unfolded it.

The letter paper that was folded into a paper crane was filled with words.

And the most conspicuous part of it was written about Zhang Xuan's recent events at Hogwarts.

Looking at the letter with a somewhat sad tone.

The old master was full of confusion.

Flying... Yujian seems to be flying without any problems...

Divination and fortune-telling... There seems to be nothing wrong with using gossip and compass...

Making healing potions, decoctions... There seems to be nothing wrong with refining these things into pills...

Low-altitude flight battle class... It seems that there is no problem in knocking down the enemy from the sky...

The old celestial master looked at it for a long time, but he didn't understand what Dumbledore was dissatisfied with at all.

From his point of view, there seems to be nothing wrong with what Zhang Xuan did.

Is it because there are so many differences between the East and the West, and there is something that he didn't understand?

The old heavenly master couldn't help calling his apprentice over.

"Master, are you looking for me?"

Wearing a navy blue Taoist robe and a lotus crown on his head, the middle-aged Taoist priest respectfully bowed to the old heavenly master.

"How is that exchange student from Hogwarts doing now?"

"Did he do anything unreasonable?"

The old heavenly master looked at his apprentice seriously.

The difference between the East and the West is here. If my apprentice did something outrageous at Hogwarts, I am afraid that this student from Hogwarts will do something too.


However, the middle-aged Taoist priest looked dazed.


The middle-aged Taoist thought for a long time, and finally said something.

"Oh, by the way, he doesn't seem to know much Chinese.

"Thinking of this, he made a lot of jokes."

"There's nothing else but this...",

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