Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 73 People Are In Hogwarts, Summoning Souls For Wizards! [Seek Full Order! Customize! 】

Zhang Xuan followed Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey to the Hogwarts infirmary.

What I saw was that the little wizard fell into a coma, breathing weakly, as if he would die at any time.

"What's going on here?" Professor Dumbledore walked quickly to the bed and looked at the little wizard on the bed.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey shook her head.

Although the little wizard suffered serious injuries, most of them were external injuries.

Now I don't know why, people are just unconscious.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey looked at Zhang Xuan.

Zhang Xuan walked to the hospital bed and put his hand on the little wizard's wrist.

The pulse is steady and powerful, and the breath is gentle.

Reaching out to open his eyelids.

Rolling up the whites of the eyes, not pretending to be dead.

"How is he?" Principal Dumbledore and Madam Poppy Pomfrey looked at Zhang Xuan nervously.

Zhang Xuan shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just scared out of my wits."

"Leaving the soul?" Principal Dumbledore was a little confused, not knowing what it meant.

Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey, who was following Principal Dumbledore, also looked confused.

"What is a departed soul? Is there a way to remedy it?" Madam Poppy Pomfrey asked anxiously.

Zhang Xuan nodded: "It's not a big deal to leave the soul, just summon the soul."

"Find a big black umbrella, open it to the place where he died and call his name."

"You can come back when you see an extra footprint under the umbrella."

"Remember to call his name all the way."

Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey and Principal Dumbledore, although they were a little puzzled, still followed what he said and found a big black umbrella.

He rushed towards the place where the little wizard had an accident.

Seeing Madam Poppy Pomfrey and Principal Dumbledore obeying Zhang Xuan's words, the eyes of the other young wizards in the infirmary couldn't help but widen.

That's the great Headmaster Dumbledore!

He actually obeyed the arrangement of a little wizard!

"Whoa, what's going on!"

"It must be the wrong way for me to open my eyes!"

"No, it's not necessarily that I'm dreaming!"

.......How is this possible! That is the great Professor Dumbledore! How could he listen to Zhang Xuan's words!"

The little wizards in the infirmary began to doubt life one by one.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

"No, by the way, Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey is the school doctor, right? Why does Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey listen to Zhang Xuan?! Could it be that Zhang Xuan's healing skills are better than Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey's?" Is it great?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! That Zhang Quan is a year or two younger than us! How could his medical skills be better than Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey?"

The little wizards were lying on the hospital bed, comforting themselves and each other.

On the other side, Principal Dumbledore has brought Zhang Xuan and Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey into the Forbidden Forest.

The depths of the Forbidden Forest were dark, and there was a smell of rotting leaves everywhere.

There was silence all around, only the creaking of the three of them stepping on the leaves.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey looked around nervously.

Headmaster Dumbledore was also full of vigilance around him.

There are many potential dangers in this forbidden forest. If they are not careful, even they may encounter danger.

Not long after walking, Professor Dumbledore stopped.

He pointed to a place not far ahead.

"There are traces of magic there.

But Zhang Xuan stopped and looked around.

"There is no sign of the soul remaining here."

"There are only two possibilities, one is that his soul has been wiped out, and the other is that his soul is not here.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey and Headmaster Dumbledore both frowned.

This should be the place where the little wizard had an accident.

If his soul is not here, where is it?

Shouldn't it really be gone...

"Zhang Xuan, do you have a way to find his soul?"

Principal Dumbledore asked anxiously.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

Calling back the soul, Taoist priests are just getting started.

He took out a soul-calling banner from the Taoist robe.

Then muttered in a low voice.

"The soul is at ease, the body is unobstructed, the three souls and seven souls are complete and happy, the ten directions are righteous, protect the body from evil spirits, and the nectar of dharma water can cure diseases and eliminate disasters..."

Soon, Professor Dumbledore and Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey felt a biting cold wind blowing around them.

The soul-calling banner in Zhang Xuan's hand shook slightly.


A dark red light, as if tied to something, was pulled by Xuan to his side.

Both Headmaster Dumbledore and Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey stared at Zhang Xuan with wide eyes.

What happened, they didn't see it at all.

"This..." Principal Dumbledore looked at Zhang Xuan and asked, "Has the matter been resolved?"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

"What's so hard about it? It's the basics for us."

"???" Headmaster Dumbledore and Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey felt that they were not comforted.

As for Zhang Xuan's words, if the other little Taoist priests in Longhushan heard it, they would cover their heads and shout, our entry foundation is different from your entry foundation!

Although they can also catch ghosts, exorcise demons, and summon spirits, they can't do it as easily as he does, as if they just have hands and mouths.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey looked at Zhang Xuan with some doubts.

"Is this really all right?"

"Didn't you say you want to find his soul and take him back with a black umbrella?"

Zhang Xuan yawned and said slowly.

"Oh, that's generally true."

"But I'm different."

As he spoke, he took out a small bottle from his pocket and shook it.

Mrs. Poppy Pomfrey and Headmaster Dumbledore could vaguely see a shadow of a person in the small bottle.

That person has falsehoods and realities, he can't see clearly, and his facial features are also a little blurred.

But they can roughly tell that this is what the person lying on the hospital bed looks like.

"Is this the so-called soul?" Madam Poppy Pomfrey looked at the bottle in Zhang Xuan's hand very curiously.

Zhang Xuan nodded.

He has made a lot of this kind of small soul-holding bottle, which he used to practice his hands when he first started learning how to refine weapons.

Headmaster Dumbledore was very interested in the vial in his hand.

"Zhang Xuan, did you catch those ghosts in the school with this kind of small bottle?"

When he mentioned this, Zhang Xuan fell silent.

Because this matter is an oolong.

At first he thought that these ghosts were invading Hogwarts, but later he discovered that these ghosts were actually aborigines!

Sure enough, there are huge cultural differences between the East and the West!

Here humans and ghosts live together!

"Ahem........." Zhang Xuan coughed twice in embarrassment.

"Principal Dumbledore, you can't wrong a good man."

"I have rescued all those ghosts that can be rescued, and the ones that cannot be rescued are still floating in the castle.

"They didn't arrest their souls!"

Confining the soul and refining the soul is the way of evil cultivators.

The old man ghost, bride ghost, and loli ghost in his hands are the spoils he got after defeating the evil cultivator.

Now the resentment and hostility on these three ghosts have been almost eliminated by him.

It's just that they have done evil before, even if they correct their evil now, it will not be easy to have a good pregnancy in the future.

So these three ghosts stayed by his side all day long.

It's okay to fight landlords and play mahjong.

Now Hogwarts has allowed these three ghosts to make the chess and card room and mahjong room industries flourish.

Headmaster Dumbledore just smiled.

"I have no other meaning, but there are many ghosts in the neighborhood of our school, and these ghosts will attack the students in the school."

"I was thinking, since you have this kind of bottle, I wonder if you can lend it to me and return it to you after I catch those ghosts."

Zhang Xuan blinked.


Oh, he got it.

What Principal Dumbledore was talking about should be those dark, disembodied remnants in the Forbidden Forest.

Voldemort seemed to be attached to those remnants before.

But since it's their words...

"Principal Dumbledore, I don't think you need to worry about them anymore."

"The ghosts you mentioned are actually broken souls, they have no possibility of reincarnation, and they have never attacked other living beings.

"So I've wiped them all out!"

Hearing what he said, Principal Dumbledore's eyes widened a little.

What did he say, he actually wiped out all ghosts!

How long has he been in Hogwarts, and he has already dealt with all the ghosts in the Forbidden Forest?!

Zhang Xuan was very serious.

He has always been extremely confident in his profession.

There are only dozens of ghosts, if he can't even solve this, the master will come from Longguo to beat him in anger.

He answered calmly, but it sounded like thunder to Dumbledore's ears.

Those ghosts can be defeated or even killed by magic.

But that is not a simple matter, at least a young wizard who has just entered school is unable to do it.

This kid actually said that he solved all the ghosts.

How could this surprise him?

Madam Poppy Pomfrey was startled too.

But soon she regained her senses.

now is not the time to think about this

There is also a little wizard who is about to die lying in the school infirmary.

He still needs Zhang Xuan to save him.

"Zhang Xuan, since you have found his soul, is it possible to revive him?"

Zhang Xuan nodded.

"As long as his remnant soul returns to his body, he can come over.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey glanced at Headmaster Dumbledore who was still in a daze.

She reached out and pushed Principal Dumbledore: "Albus, let's go back."

Headmaster Dumbledore was still in a daze, nodding indiscriminately, and Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey led Zhang Xuan back to the school infirmary.

Seeing that the three of them came back again, the little wizards in the school doctor's office all stared at Zhang Xuan.

Just now when the three of them were away, these little wizards made a bet to see if Zhang Xuan could wake them up.

Many people felt that Zhang Xuan was talking big.

Although he has some medical skills, he can't be better than Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey.

Madam Poppy Pomfrey was helpless and declared that she was powerless to heal the little wizard.

Can Zhang Xuan save people?

Why are they so unbelievable?

Madam Poppy Pomfrey, Principal Dumbledore, and Zhang Xuan all walked to the hospital bed.

Headmaster Dumbledore and Lady Poppy Pomfrey. Looking at Zhang Xuan standing in front of the hospital bed.

Clenched his right hand and stretched out his index finger and middle finger, touching the patient's forehead, lowering his head and babbling a lot of words they couldn't understand.

After half an hour.

Zhang Xuan suddenly shouted: "Get up!"

The person lying on the hospital bed suddenly sat up.

His eyes were wide open, and there was a look of horror in his pupils.


But his sudden sitting up startled everyone present.

~ Did you make a mistake? Really woke up?!"

"It's outrageous. Didn't Madam Poppy Pomfrey say that he has no cure?"

………Emotional Zhang Xuan is really better than Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey's medical skills?"

The little wizards in the school infirmary looked at the little wizard sitting up in disbelief.

The few of them had been observing the unconscious little wizard before.

The little wizard obviously fell into a deep coma.

But now, he actually sat up directly!

This is simply outrageous!

Madam Poppy Pomfrey's eyes widened.

Actually woke up!

This evocation is really useful!

The little wizard sat up startled from the dying illness, staring blankly ahead.

"Leach, how are you feeling?" Madam Poppy Pomfrey asked a little nervously.

The little wizard named Leach shook his head in a daze.

"Leech, tell me why you are going to the Forbidden Forest?" Dumbledore looked at him seriously.

The little wizard named Leach shivered when he saw Dumbledore in front of him.

he said quickly.

"Forbidden Forest? I didn't go to the Forbidden Forest"

"Last night, because I stayed in the library for a while, it was a bit late when I returned to the dormitory, and there was no one in the school."

"By the time I was almost back in my bedroom, I lost all consciousness. 21

"When I woke up, I was already in the Forbidden Forest."

Madam Poppy Pomfrey and Headmaster Dumbledore exchanged glances.

And Zhang Xuan frowned slightly and asked.

"Then what happened to you?"

There are generally three situations for the soul to leave the body. One is that the soul itself is unstable and easy to lose the soul.

One is being attacked and forced to leave the soul.

Another possibility is that the soul left the body after seeing something horrible.

The little wizard named Leach thought for a while, and then his eyes were full of horror.

"Spider Huge spider!"

He seemed to recall something terrible, his voice was full of fear, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Zhang Xuan couldn't help frowning.


What kind of spider is it that can scare a living person out of his body?

"Merlin's beard!"

Headmaster Dumbledore, low (a good-natured huff.

He figured he'd know what Leach had seen.

I have to say that this little guy is quite lucky.

He was not eaten by the eight-eyed spider.

"You little guy is lucky." Headmaster Dumbledore reached out and patted his head.

In the Forbidden Forest, the little-eyed spider didn't eat him.

He lost his soul and was sent to the school infirmary, and Zhang Xuan was there to help him find the soul.

It's fate that he is still alive now.

Zhang Xuan thought for a while, and took out a yellow talisman paper from his pocket.

He folded the yellow talisman paper into a triangle shape.

"Carry it with you, it has the effect of stabilizing the soul."

"I just took a look. You have a relatively light horoscope, your soul is unstable, and you lose your soul very easily."

"To be honest, it's really not easy for you to grow up so big."

"I've encountered bad things since I was a child."

Zhang Xuan looked at his expression with some sympathy.

Unlucky ones like this are rare.

Leach looked at Zhang Xuan with a confused expression.

He knows the person in front of him, and he can understand the words he speaks, so why can't he understand this person and this sentence together?

What is a lighter horoscope?

What is extremely easy to lose one's soul?

And what the hell is the strengthening of the soul?

He just fell asleep, what happened. !

Leach looked bewildered.

And Zhang Xuan was not interested in explaining for him, but just patted his shoulder sympathetically.

"Principal Dumbledore, Master and the others have sent some things over for me. I'm going to the dormitory to check, so I'll go first."

"Ah... good!" Professor Dumbledore suddenly woke up from his contemplation after being reminded by him.

Hastily nodded to him, let him leave on his own.

Watching Zhang Xuan leave, Mrs. Bobby Pomfrey looked at Principal Dumbledore and extended the invitation to Zhang Xuan again.

She felt that it was more suitable for such a medical genius to go to the hospital.

And Principal Dumbledore, without thinking about it, directly refused.

When his face digs his corner, can this be tolerated?

PS: Seek full order, seek automatic subscription!.

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