Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 81 I Thought You Asked The Number Of Passengers, But You Asked The Driver's Name? ?

The next day, Filius Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw, came to Dumbledore's headmaster's office.

He looked at Headmaster Dumbledore with blue eyes and was taken aback.

"Dumbledore, what's the matter with you?"

Why do you look increasingly haggard? "

Professor Filius Flitwick looked at him with some hesitation, not knowing whether he should speak his question or not.


"Filius, have you come to make peace with the pottery?"


Professor Filius Flitwick looked puzzled.

"Dumbledore, what's the matter with you?"

Something is wrong! Something is wrong with Dumbledore!

Could it be Voldemort's comeback? Dumbledore was under too much pressure for a while, Professor Filius Flitwick thought secretly.

But Principal Dumbledore seemed to have just reacted, he hurriedly said, and then said.

"Oh, it's okay, Felius, what do you want from me?"

Professor Filius Flitwick did not say what was wrong with him, but looked at Principal Dumbledore with some concern.

"Dumbledore, are you really okay? Why do you look so haggard?"

"Although Voldemort has made a comeback, he has not fully recovered his previous strength, and you don't need to worry about this."

Dumbledore waved his hand: "Yesterday Zhang Xuan recommended a drama to me. I watched it all night. It really gets more and more interesting the more I watch it."

"The wine sword fairy in there, I feel like I am him"

"Yu Jian rides the wind, and removes demons from the heaven and the earth. There is wine and joy, and without wine, I will be intoxicated. I will drink up the rivers and rivers, and then I will drink the sun and the moon. I will not be drunk with a thousand cups. I am the only wine sword fairy, tsk, really He is handsome and chic!"

Professor Filius Flitwick fell silent.

He was worried about his feelings for so long because Bai "317" was worried, and this guy was not worried about Voldemort at all.

He is tired of watching dramas overnight!

Professor Filius Flitwick immediately became annoyed and fell half short again.

Principal Dumbledore coughed twice in a hurry, greeted his majestic image, and then asked.

"Felius, what can I do for you?"

"The bronze door knocker in our common room in La Wen Keluo can't help but go on strike today."

Professor Flius Flitwick said grumpily.

Headmaster Dumbledore nodded, then said.

"I think I probably understand about me."

"Not long ago, Zhang Xuan seems to have recommended a few dramas to it. It is estimated that he is exhausted and has fallen asleep. If you let him sleep for two days, he will definitely be full of energy after he wakes up."

Professor Filius Flitwick almost jumped up and punched him in the face.

Let the Bronze Hoop sleep for a few days, and where will the children of Rawen Klau sleep:

Sleep on the Hogwarts lawn?

"Yeah, there's Levito, too."

Zhang Xuan suddenly backed away from the office door.

It was a bit of a surprise to see Professor Filius Flitwick Zhang Xuan.

I heard that the prefect went to see Professor Flius Flitwick today, but I didn't expect that Professor Flitwick was here with Principal Dumbledore. It seems that the beautiful prefect may have to make a trip for nothing.

"Hey, Zhang Xuan is here?" Headmaster Dumbledore's eyes were full of tiredness, and the moment he saw Zhang Xuan, he showed excitement, and there was no trace of fatigue.

Zhang Xuan approached Principal Dumbledore with a little excitement, and asked, "Principal, have you read the Legend of Sword and Fairy that I recommended to you yesterday?"

"how do you feel?!"

Principal Dumbledore nodded Lianlian: "It's so beautiful!"

Say it.

Principal Dumbledore looked at him with a smile and asked him if he had any other good plays.

He just finished watching a TV series last night!

"Of course, I have a lot of good dramas here!"

Seeing that the two were sticky and started chatting about the drama again, Professor Filius Flitwick almost didn't draw out his wand, and one of them gave them a wand.

It seemed to feel the resentment of Professor Filius Flitwick.

Zhang Xuan quickly drew to Professor Filius Flitwick's side, and then told him.

"By the way, Professor Flitwick, I have a...

Before Zhang Xuan finished speaking, Dumbledore quickly stopped him.

"Sigh... Zhang Xuan, Felius won't watch those dramas, he's only interested in magic spells."


Zhang Xuan agreed with some disappointment, then turned around and recommended two more plays to Dumbledore.

Seeing the appearance of the two, Professor Filius Flitwick suddenly felt a headache, and for a while, he regretted getting Zhang to La Wen Keluo.

This little guy has only been here for a day, and all the little wizards of Lawen Crowe sleep together on the street.

After a while, I'm afraid that the little wizards of their Raven Klaw will turn into savages!

"Zhang Xuan, let's talk about the drama later, you first replace the bronze door knocker with a normal one!"

"Now the wizards of La Wen Keluo, all go into the common room!"

"Ah?" Zhang Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly patted his head.

"Yes, I think the question bank of the bronze door knocker is too old, so I updated it, and the answers have not been synchronized with the students of La Wen Keluo.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xuan didn't stay in Principal Dumbledore's office any longer.

After throwing down two plays to Principal Dumbledore, he turned and headed towards the Great Library.

The people in Lawen Keluo are all top academic figures. On weekdays, the place where they spend most of their time is the big library.

Zhang Xuan went to the big library to catch people, and he caught one.

Watching Zhang Xuan leave, Dumbledore looked at Professor Filius Flitwick with a smile.

"Felius, is there anything else going on now?"

Professor Filius Flitwick's face was dark and dark: "No."

The person he invites back by himself will be pampered to the end even if he shed tears!


On the other side, in the Gryffindor common room.

George Weasley and Fred Weasley looked at each other and smiled.

"Fred, I have a great idea."

"By coincidence, George, I have a good idea too."

"What do you want to do again?"

Neville Longbottom stood beside them, looking at them with some trepidation.

Zhang Xuan was not there, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were busy with the assessment, and Gryffindor's score began to rise slowly.

This couldn't be better for Neville Longbottom.

Now these two mischievous bastards actually want to make trouble, this matter must not be tolerated!

Fred Weasley and George Weasley looked at each other, then took out their wands and petrified Neville Longbottom

"Hey, Neville, you can't blame us for that."

"Now is a great opportunity!"

Fred Weasley said with a smile.

And George Weasley next to him also nodded in agreement.

"That's right!"

"Now La Wen Keluo and his own people are locked out of the public rest room, we just took the opportunity to go in and have a look!"

Neville Longbottom was petrified in place by the two of them, anxious inside, but he couldn't do anything.

I can only watch these two mischievous troublemakers doing things.

Fred Weasley and George Weasley came out of the Gryffindor lounge, and then they took out a blank parchment, and then he put his wand on the blank parchment , whispered out.


Something magical happened.

A slender ink line began to spread on the blank parchment.

After a while, a complete map of Hogwarts emerged, which was extremely detailed.

It shows a detailed map including the secret passage, and the location of everyone in Hogwarts.

There is even a way to open the secret passage above.

George Weasley and Fred Weasley looked at each other and smiled, and then they followed the map and headed towards La Wen Keluo's common room.

When the two arrived on the fifth floor, next to La Wen Keluo's common room.

George Weasley whispered: "Mischief managed!"

Soon, that complete map was once again a blank parchment.

The two quietly walked to the place where the La Wen Keluo lounge was, but to their surprise, there were a lot of people gathered here.

Wearing the colors of their school uniforms, they are all the little wizards of Rawen Crow.

Both George Weasley and Fred Weasley were stunned.

Didn’t these guys all go to the big library, looking for a way to open the door of La Wen Keluo’s lounge? Why are they all gathered here?

"Hey, George, what do you think they're doing?"

"I don't know, Bandit."

Weasley's twins, the two gathered together to discuss in low voices the little wizards of La Wen Claw.

These little wizards seem to be looking at something, and they are communicating while watching, as if they are discussing some academic issues.

"I think I have mastered everything, how about I try it?"

A little wizard from Lawen Keluo asked the surrounding companions cautiously.

The other companions gave him encouraging expressions.

The little wizard nodded heavily, and then walked to the side of the bronze door knocker.

However, this time, the question asked by the bronze door knocker once again exceeded his expectations.

Question: The driver Lao Li became a conductor. He started from city A. At the first stop, seven people got on the train and zero people got off. At the second stop, three people got on the train and five people got off. At the third stop

It turned out to be such a question when I heard the bronze door knocker...

All the little wizards couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that this question must ask how many people are left in the car at the end, or how many stops in total, or how many people in total.

The little wizards around started to take out their pens to calculate.

After the question about the bronze door knocker was finished, all the little wizards were full of confidence.

This time they recorded everything.

This kind of digital logic problem has never been afraid of the little wizards of Wen Keluo.

"Ask! Ask!"

"Yes! Quickly ask how many people are on this train!"

"I haven't gone back to the dormitory for a day and a night, I want to go to the dormitory, hurry up and ask!"

The little wizards were all excited.

The little wizard who came to answer the question felt a little lost.

It took him a long time, and it was hard to finish watching those TV dramas.

Unexpectedly, the bronze door knocker asked this time not about the content of the TV series!

Alas! What a disappointment!

But it's okay! At least I can enter the dormitory smoothly!

However, just when the little wizard was thinking this way.

The bronze door knocker asked a question that made him almost vomit blood.

What is the conductor's name? "

All the little wizards present were dumbfounded.

What's the name of the conductor...

Who knows!

For such a question, shouldn't the focus be on how many people there are, how many people get on and off at each stop, and how many people are left in the end?

Why do you ask the conductor's name?

The little wizard standing in front of the bronze door knocker looked at the surrounding little wizards as if asking for help.

And these little wizards all lowered their heads in shame.

All of them didn't pay attention to what the name of this big wronged conductor was.

The Weasley twins stood by, watching the small movements of Raven Crowe and the others.

Immediately, they understood what these people were trying to do.

They wanted to enter the lounge, but they couldn't answer the questions correctly, so they were trapped outside together.

"Don't any of them know that the conductor is called Xiao Wang?"

George Weasley said loudly to Fred Weasley beside him.

Fred Weasley next to him also nodded heavily.

"Yeah! They're so poor that they should be shut out for such a simple question!"

After hearing the words of George Weasley and George Weasley.

The eyes of the little wizard standing next to the bronze door knocker suddenly lit up! Someone knows the answer!

He replied directly: "The conductor's name is Xiao Wang!"

Immediately, the little wizard heard a burst of haha.

It was none other than the Weasley twins who made the laugh.

"Haha, Fred, did you see that? He really believed that the conductor was called Xiao Wang!"

"That conductor is called Lao Li, 1.5!"

George Weasley also bent over laughing.

He suddenly felt that the bronze door knocker of Rawen Klau was very interesting.

Much funnier than their grumpy fat lady.

Hear George Weasley.

The expression of the little wizard standing in front of the bronze door knocker changed.

It's over!

Sure enough, just as the Weasley twins spoke, there was a sound from the bronze door knocker.

"Wrong password."

If the password is wrong, it means that he loses the possibility of answering again. He can only wait for other people to answer the questions before they can enter his lounge!

All the little wizards of Raven Claw cast resentful eyes on the Weasley twins.

When George Weasley and Fred Weasley saw their eyes, they immediately smiled, turned and ran.

If they stayed any longer, they would be beaten up by the whole Rawen Klaus.

The two ran a long way before stopping.

Standing in a dim corner, George Weasley looked at Fred Weasley excitedly.

"Fred, I think Zhang Xuan is more interesting than we thought!"

"Yes, I found out too!"

As soon as I arrived at La Wen Ke Lao, I changed the access control of La Wen Ke Lao, and then locked all the students of La Wen Ke Lao outside.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

"But what about Zhang Xuan?" George Weasley looked at his brother.

And Fred Weasley was also in a daze.

It stands to reason that the bronze door knocker was made by Zhang Xuan, so he should have a way to open it.

So why are all the little wizards of La Wen Keluo standing outside the common room now?

This seems a little unreasonable. .

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