Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 90 It's Bad! Fox Began To Sing The Lonely Brave!

In the school's auditorium, Hogwarts' principal Dumbledore and the four principals were all sitting together, and they were discussing about the 'little animals' raised by Zhang Xuan


The animals Zhang Xuan raised were confirmed by the Ministry of Magic as all XXXXX-level magical animals.

Although these animals have never appeared here, in the Dragon Country, all these animals are existences that make people talk about it!

Professor Severus Snape frowned tightly: "Zhang Xuan does raise many dangerous magical animals, but those animals are obviously obedient and gentle in front of him, so they can't be called dangerous."

Professor Minerva McGonagall frowned tightly.

"However, it is an indisputable fact that Zhang Xuan violated the school rules after all.

Next to him, Professor Filius Flitwick also frowned very distressed.

For Zhang Xuan, he can be said to love and hate.

Zhang Xuan's yellow paper magic opened the door to a new world for him, but the child's Chinese translation of those magic spells made him want to ram his head to death.

None of the spells he sinicized are normal.

It almost revolves around the genealogy of people.

"I think this matter has yet to be finalized."

"XXXXXX magical animals cannot be tamed, but Zhang Xuan's animals have already been tamed by Zhang Xuan."

"Those animals are unusually obedient and well-behaved around Zhang Xuan, I think it's not fair to classify these animals as XXXXX animals and expel Zhang Xuan.

"Dumbledore, you have had contact with the old heavenly master of the Dragon Kingdom before. Did he ever say, what is the position of these magical animals in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Professor Filius Flitwick looked at Headmaster Dumbledore.

Principal Dumbledore's face changed slightly when he heard Professor Filius Flitwick's question.

What did the old master say?

The old master said that these animals are all fierce beasts in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

However, the old Tianshi also said that this Shan Hai Jing is a recipe written by the ancients of the Dragon Kingdom.

The monsters above are all ingredients!

You say, what should they do?

Is it possible that Hogwarts will expel Zhang Xuan because of Zhang Xuan's domestication of ingredients?

Besides, Zhang Xuan is one of their exchange students between Hogwarts and Longguo Longhushan.

If Zhang Xuan is persuaded to return, then their little wizard from Hogwarts must also be brought back.

However, before the five big bosses who were in charge of the Hogwarts house could come to an agreement, one, two, three, four, five, the door of the Great Hall over there was pushed open vigorously from the outside.

A little wizard ran in hastily.

Professor Severus Snape frowned as he watched the little wizard running in.


"Aren't you supposed to be in Principal Dumbledore's office now, cleaning his office?"

Potions class, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley speaking in class.

Professor Severus Snape punished them both for cleaning Headmaster Dumbledore's office.

I didn't expect this guy to come here.

"It's not good! Professor Deng Zailido!"

"Your Fox can talk!"

"What did you say?!" Dumbledore stood up in shock.

How could Fox possibly be able to speak!

From the beginning to the end, he has never heard that the Phoenix can speak!

Harry Potter calmed down his agitated and nervous mood, and then sang like Fox.

"I love you walking in a dark alley alone, I love you, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you who have persisted in despair and refused to cry, I love your tattered clothes, but you dare to block the gun of fate, I love you so much like me it's the same....."


All the professors present were stunned.

what's going on?

Fox not only talked, it also started singing?

Just this song.....

How come the more I listen to it, the more I think about it? Is it a confession?!

Professor Filius Flitwick patted Headmaster Dumbledore's thigh.

"Dumbledore, winter is over soon, spring is coming, and it's time for everything to recover again, animals..."

"Filius Flitwick!" Headmaster Dumbledore became visibly serious.

He didn't care about anything else, and hurried towards his office.

When Dumbledore and the deans of the other four colleges arrived.

Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes, was singing loudly.

"If you die, you must love! If you don't cry until you smile, you won't be happy! The feeling is so deep, only in this way can you confess it!!!

Fox sang in a cadence, and Dumbledore's heart kept soaring along with its singing.

Headmaster Dumbledore, who was still extremely nervous, was not so worried when he saw Fox standing in the office singing with great energy.

"Hehe~" the four principals couldn't help laughing.

"It looks like Zhang Xuan's handwriting." Professor Minerva McGonagall pointed at Fox and said with a smile.

Professor Severus Snape observed Fox carefully.

The more he looked at him from a distance, the more surprised he was. He had seen Fox a lot before, but at that time, although Fox was spiritual, he was not so intelligent and human.

The current Fox, looking at the aura is overwhelming, and his intelligence seems to be equivalent to that of a human being at the age of fourteen or fifteen.

"Professor Dumbledore. "I think I've found something."

Although Professor Severus Snape's tone was calm, the tension and excitement could already be heard clearly.

"What's the matter, Severus?" Professor Dumbledore asked Severus while reaching out to caress Fox.

...asking for flowers...

He now likes Fox more and more.

Although he and Fox could understand each other before, there was no way to communicate with each other after all.

But now it's different, his Fox can talk!

They can talk and communicate directly!

And Fox can sing now! Is there anyone who is good at entertainment!

Professor Severus Snape observed Fox carefully, and then said.

"Dumbledore, logically speaking, it is impossible for Fawkes to speak."

"And its IQ shouldn't be this high."

"I think that it is now like this, probably because of what Zhang Xuan did to it, and then it can speak, and it has become very smart.

"If, Zhang Xuan can make the pets of all the little wizards in Hogwarts talk...then..."

Think of the words of Professor Severus Snape.

Headmaster Dumbledore's eyes grew brighter.

If the pets of all teachers and students in the school can talk, and their IQs are raised to the level of Fox, then pets will be more than just pets!

The more Professor Dumbledore thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

"You have to ask Zhang Xuan first about this matter."

However, when the headmaster and the deans were discussing, the whole Hogwarts became lively.

Because there are a lot of little animals that can talk all of a sudden!

"Brooke, what are you going to do, come back quickly!" A little wizard watched his pet toad running and jumping outside, and hurried forward to catch up.

It was as if the toad didn't know he could talk.

It bounced outward without looking back, and he was talking while bouncing.

"The director is so stupid! I'm a frog, not a toad! What kind of pet do you take me for!"

The little wizard who was running after his pet froze in place.

He looked at his pet in disbelief.

He never thought that his pet actually thinks of him like this, and his pet can actually talk!

how can that be!!!

And things like this happen everywhere in the Hogwarts castle.

"Hagewig, what are you going to do?!"

Harry Potter felt a headache when he watched his owl fly away without looking back.

Before he saw that Fox could talk, he was already very surprised, but he didn't expect that when he came back, he found that his Hedwig could actually talk!

"Hey, Miss Owl next door wants to chat with me. I want to take her to see the scenery and talk about life. See you!"

The pets of the little wizards in Hogwarts all seem to have become spirits.

For a while, the whole of Hogwarts fell into chaos.

When Principal Dumbledore and the four principals came out of the principal's office, they were all dumbfounded.

The whole of Hogwarts fell into a kind of confusion. .

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