Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 95 It's Not That I Look Down On Anyone, Everyone Here Is Rubbish

Even though the ten young wizards like La Wen Keluo didn't say anything, the young wizards from the three colleges in the audience were already extremely angry.

"In the words of Long Guo, these people are really arrogant!"

"Definitely give him some color!"

"Let's see, what kind of powerful magic did they discover that gave them such confidence!"

Looking at the little wizard standing on the platform, waiting for other college students to challenge La Wen Keluo.

The young wizards of the other three colleges were all angrily shouting below.

The little wizards of Raven Klaw, who were originally full of confidence, were inevitably a little timid at this time.

After all, there were only ten of them, and the people from the three colleges below looked like black and black, and their momentum was frightening.

They subconsciously looked towards Zhang Xuan on the high platform, Zhang Xuan smiled and nodded towards them.

Obviously Zhang Xuan just made a very simple action, but they felt that they really wanted to get endless encouragement and support.

One by one, they straightened their waists in an instant, bursting with confidence.

On the high platform, the four professors sitting couldn't help being surprised.

Zhang Xuan already had such prestige in their eyes.

It was just simple encouragement, but they were so happy?

The four professors met and exchanged glances, and they looked at Zhang Xuan with a bit of eagerness in their gazes.

And Zhang Xuan sat in the middle of the four of them, feeling the scorching eyes of the four of them, he was a little dazed.

What's the situation? He doesn't seem to have done anything.

What does the look in their adoring eyes mean?

On the stage under the high platform.

Someone has already rushed to the high platform.

This is a little Slytherin wizard.

He holds his wand tightly in his hand

"Come on, let me see what you have discovered, something so powerful that you have such great confidence!"

This little wizard looked at the 10 little wizards pulling Wen Keluo on the stage with a dark look.

He pointed to one at random.

"It's up to you!"

The little wizard who was known was taken aback for a moment and then became ecstatic.

He also walked forward with a bit of excitement.

The eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and at the same time there was a bit of sympathy for the little wizard Slytherin.

Seeing his expression, the little Slytherin wizard immediately felt offended.

He muttered while holding his wand.


And his spell had just uttered a syllable.

He saw a figure and rushed up.

Before he could react, a hand covered his mouth.

He only felt that there was an inexplicable force pulling him to the left side.

Before he could stand still, another force pulled him to the right and fell down.

He was like a tumbler on the high platform, turning left and right, being dragged by the little wizard who pulled Wen Keluo, shaking his body constantly.

There was a blank in his mind.

I forgot all the spells I wanted to say.

Looking at the little Slytherin wizard on the stage.

The little wizards from other biology colleges were all speechless.

How can it be like this?!

What about the powerful spell?!

Just come up to melee?!

"Are you mistaken what is he doing here?!"

"Despicable does not talk about martial arts!!!!"

"How did a good magic sparring turn into a hand-to-hand combat!"

Below, the young wizards of the three colleges were filled with righteous indignation.

But there is nothing they can do about it.

After all, they are not the ones fighting on the high platform now, even if they want to help, they have no experience.

Of course, there are also some smart people who have new calculations in their minds.

Dellak Malfoy looked at the two younger brothers beside him.

"Gore, wait for you to go up.

"You remember to keep a distance, don't use any magic spells to remove your weapons, it should be useless to them."

"Damn it, it's all Zhang Xuan's fault."

"Obviously a good magic school, but now it has become the Dragon Country Martial Arts Academy!"

"Who will believe this thing!"

Dellac Malfoy tugged at his magic robe in annoyance.

Look at those guys in La Wen Keluo, all of them are fat and big ears. It seems that they usually eat the food made by Zhang Xuan.

It has been a long time since he had breakfast made by Zhang Xuan.

"But young master, is it really useful?" Gore pointed to the top.

The little wizard of Slytherin on the high platform has already reacted.

He struggled to break free from the grasp of the little wizard Rawen Keluo.

Pull away the distance and prepare to cast a spell.

But he was hit by a magic spell by the little wizard of Rawen Klaw.


The spell he used was exactly what that Slytherin wizard just wanted to use to kill you.

"Hiss..." Seeing the little wizards below here, they couldn't help but gasped.

Good guy, he still uses magic!

Can you make some sense?!

How can you continue to play this way without talking about martial arts?!

"Merlin's floral panties! How can this be done!"

"I fucking forgot! This guy is a wizard!"

"What monsters are these people in La Wen Klau!"

"This is what Zhang Xuan taught them! This is too foul!"

Among the three colleges, the people in Gryffindor are the most depressed.

At the very beginning, Zhang Xuan had been living in their Gryffindor lounge.

At that time, they seemed to be looking for Zhang Xuan to pay back.

It never occurred to him to ask Zhang Xuan to learn how to use magic.

This time, the people who pulled Wen Keluo really won!

"Oh... I knew, I should have learned how to fight from Zhang Xuan..."

"In other words, why shouldn't we be thankful that the people in La Wen Keluo didn't use the yellow charm magic and thunder magic that Zhang Xuan is best at?"

"If the guys from La Wen Keluo can use Zhang Xuan's kind of magic, then we really can't get enough!"

The little wizards of Gryffindor were depressed for a while.

Among the most depressing ones were Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

The trio spent the longest time with Zhang Xuan.

Relationships are also the best.

At that time, they were too busy drawing food with Zhang Xuan, completely forgot, and followed Zhang Xuan to learn the magic of the Dragon Kingdom.

This is simply their biggest mistake!

They looked at the little wizard of Rawen Klaw, who was showing off his power on the high platform, and regretted for a while.

The little wizard of La Wen Keluo, seeing that he succeeded in the first battle, immediately became excited.

The wand waved more cheerfully.


"Locomotor Mortis!"

"Petrificus Totalus!"

One after another, the little wizard of Raven Crow threw on the little wizard of Slytherin.

That little wizard in Slytherin was simply miserable.

He wanted to call a timeout and surrender several times.

But the opponent's spell was released very quickly, and it was very accurate.

He couldn't even open his mouth for a while, and kept wandering on the road of being attacked and being attacked.

All the little wizards below couldn't help but grow their mouths.

Do you want to be so powerful!

Although Hogwarts is divided into four houses.

However, the difference between them is not that big, unless it's a scumbag who meets a top student, otherwise it shouldn't be such a one-sided trend.

But the little wizards that Slytherin and the others went up to are definitely not scumbags, how could they be beaten like this?

Some people couldn't help but make complaints.

"How the hell are you going to fight..."

"These people in La Wen Keluo are really disgusting!"

His words were immediately recognized by many people.

is not that right?

It's also disgusting.

They can't get close to each other, they need to constantly look for places, and distance themselves from each other.

Because once the distance is close, the opponent will rush up and punch you.

He even greeted you directly with his wand.

And if you keep a distance, people will also cast spells and spells.

Even, their speed of reciting spells is a bit faster than yours.

The magic they cast is more accurate than yours.

It's almost like an unsolvable mystery.

No matter how hard you struggle, it seems that you can't get rid of the opponent's attack.

"This is simply not worth fighting!"

I don't know who yelled below.

The young wizards of the three colleges were all depressed for a while.

They feel that their magical future seems very slim.

Hermione Granger, squeezed to the front of the Gryffindor line.

She carefully watched the spells and movements used by the little wizard in Ra Wen Klaw.

The little wizard of La Wen Keluo, who didn't know how to do it, seemed to know how to use two things at once.

He could judge the distance between the opponent and himself very accurately, and once the distance was enough, he would step forward with one stride, and then the little wizard of the opponent's Slytherin would be rolled and crawled on the ground by him.

After Hermione Granger looked at it for a while, she suddenly noticed something.

She looked at Harry Potter and Ron Weasley beside her in surprise.

"Harry, Ron, do you guys find the method used by the wizard at Wen Klaw familiar?"

Hermione Granger felt more and more familiar with the methods that the little wizard of Lawen Crowe used to beat people.

It seemed that she had learned those movements somewhere.

But for a while, she couldn't remember it.

A moment later, Neville Longbottom was the first to see what it was, who was standing not far from them.

"La Wen Keluo, did they use something called Tai taught by Zhang Xuan?"

"Tai Chi?!"

Hearing this word, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger suddenly realized.

That's right, they said why this action looks so familiar.

The action of emotion is something they have learned before!

Harry Potter looked at Zhang Xuan sitting on the high platform in surprise.

"Zhang Xuan actually let the little wizard of La Wen Keluo learn Tai Chi like this!"

"Cool! It turns out that Tai Chi can still be used in actual combat. I thought it was just for exercise!"

"Ah... When I watched dramas before, I saw that Zhang Sanfeng became a martial arts master because of Tai Chi. I thought it was just a TV drama fabrication, but I didn't expect that it could actually be used in actual combat!"

...asking for flowers......

"This is too fraudulent! If this Tai Chi is true, are the other martial arts in TV dramas also true?"

"It seems that it is true that people in the Dragon Kingdom know martial arts!"

A group of little wizards below were gearing up, all of them excited.

However, Hermione Granger frowned.

Things seem to be going in an unexpected direction.

magic school begins

Learn the Kung Fu of Dragon Kingdom.

And it seems that these little wizards are more curious about Dragon Kingdom's kung fu.

"Isn't it good if you waste magic in order to learn Tai Chi?"

Hermione Granger asked worriedly.

You know, learning magic is not that simple.

Moreover, when using magic, it is absolutely not necessary to stand so close to the opponent.

The little wizard in Slytherin was beaten like this, and there is a big reason why he was defenseless.

At the beginning, I didn't expect the other party to attack like this.

If he had been on guard, I'm afraid the battle situation would not be so one-sided.

Harry Potter reached out and patted Hermione Granger.

"This exchange has only just begun. I think Zhang Xuan should have a backup. Let's continue to look down and talk about it."

To be honest, Harry Potter was really surprised.

This way of fighting was something he hadn't thought of at all.

In his cognition, the wizard should stand at a distance and throw magic at the enemy.

But now these little wizards in La Wen Keluo are completely beyond his imagination.

Before the school asked Zhang Xuan to teach them Taijiquan, he had also learned it, and he could also learn the tricks of those little wizards in La Wen Keluo, but he never thought about integrating these things into his own fighting to become a Chinese medicine practitioner.

The little wizard of Slytherin was soon beaten up by the little wizard of Rawen Crow, and was carried down.

Dellaco Malfoy glanced at the little wizard, and spat with some dissatisfaction.


"Go, throw!"

Dellaco Malfoy kicked Goyle beside him.

Then he looked up at Zhang Xuan on the high platform.

He knew that Zhang Xuan must have made this matter again.

If he could figure out how Zhang Xuan did it, it would be a big step forward for the Malfoy family!

Goyle looked at Dellaco Malfoy, then at the triumphant little wizard La Wen Kelaw on the high platform.

He only felt pain all over his body! Thinking about the miserable appearance of that little Slytherin wizard just now.

Gore gritted his teeth and stepped onto the ring.

"bring it on!"

After Gore and the little wizard of La Wen Keluo made a salute.

He backed away and distanced himself from the little wizard of Rawen Klaw.

Goyle's eyes were fixed on the little wizard of La Wen Keluo, in case he suddenly threw a spell at him, or rushed up to punch him.

His vigilance made it impossible for the little wizard of La Wen Keluo to do anything, and the scene seemed to freeze.

Both sides looked at each other vigilantly, motionless.

In the stands, Professor Minerva McGonagall narrowed her eyes slightly and couldn't help asking Zhang Xuan.

"What should we do now?"

Both sides froze.

This is just a competition for learning and learning. If you encounter an enemy in actual combat in the future, the enemy will not stop making moves and meet your eyes all the time.

"They still haven't practiced home."

Zhang Xuan sighed.

What he envisioned was the perfect fusion of magic and Tai Chi.

During the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, these guys also combined Tai Chi and magic under his guidance.

But now, these guys have completely forgotten that magic can be used in melee combat.

And the opponent's magic can also use Tai Chi to change the direction and strength.


It's not that he looks down on anyone.

These little wizards here are sticks!

No one can beat it!

It's all rubbish!

"Oh?" Professor Filius Flitwick next to him couldn't help being interested.

He had already had full confidence in the students of their La Wen Keluo, but in Zhang Xuan's eyes, did they just not practice well?

"Then what would it be like if you practiced well?"

Professor Filius Flitwick asked very curiously.

Zhang Xuan glanced at him indifferently, and then said.

"If they practice well, they'll be melee combat wizards.

"They are alone, and there are three or five people on the opposite side.

The four professors sitting in him: couldn't help but gasp.

One against three or even five, this is simply something they can't even imagine!

Professor Filius Flitwick's eyes lit up a little.

"Hey, Zhang Xuan, you are also a student of our La Wen Keluo now, why don't you go and give them a demonstration?"

Filius Flitwick was gearing up, as if he wanted to hug Zhang Xuan and put him on the ring right now.

The faces of the three professors next to Professor Filius Flitwick were not so good. .

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