Let You Be An Exchange Student, Have You Sinicized Magic?

Chapter 98 After Being Beaten For So Long, Have You Learned It Yet?

The little wizards below, try the method Zhang Xuan just used.

But soon they found that their eyes could see, but their hands were like pig's trotters, and they didn't listen to their commands at all.

Some young wizards imitated the way Zhang Xuan moved just now.

But they always step on their own feet, or trip themselves up.

Another little wizard turned around like Zhang Xuan turned around.

As a result, he patted his waist.

"Oops... it hurts!"

"Excellent!" The classmate next to him looked at him with contempt when he turned around and twisted his waist.

"Don't be ashamed, turn around and you twisted your waist."

And the little wizard who twisted his waist was very dissatisfied, and gave him a hard look.

"You are amazing, then try it yourself, his movements are not something ordinary people can do!"

The little wizard who twisted his waist, he deeply suspected that if he really turned the way Zhang Xuan did just now, he would probably break his waist!

"Try it and try it!"

The little wizard beside him didn't believe in evil, and began to think about Zhang Xuan's actions before, and began to turn his body.

But as he turned and turned, he also made a whooping sound.

His waist creaked as he turned.

Bursts of tingling sensations swept through his whole body.

"Ah... ah! It's twisted! Merlin's big pants!"

"It turns out that turning like this will really twist your waist!"

Several little wizards wanted to cry but had no tears.

And others also discovered that what Zhang Xuan did so easily is actually not that easy.

Zhang Xuan seemed to be able to do the movements casually, but if they did them, they would either dodge their waist or twist their legs.

Some movements can't even be learned.

Hermione Granger thought she was smart, and she remembered all the actions Zhang Xuan did just now.


She couldn't do those moves at all.

"How is this possible! How can the human body do that!"

Hermione Granger couldn't believe what she saw.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would even doubt whether it was true or not.

How could a person's body be bent like that, it's simply unreasonable.

"But he did it." Harry Potter and Ron Weasley beside him also felt very incredible.

Some of Zhang Xuan's movements seem to completely break through the human limit.

On the highest stand, the four professors also fell into silence.

They can see more clearly than those little wizards below.

Generally speaking, Zhang Xuan's movements seem to be very simple, and he seems to be able to do it easily.

But actually.

Some of Zhang Xuan's actions are simply beyond what ordinary people can do.

And in his extremely simplified movements, it seems that there are many weird changes.

Those changes are the most unpredictable.

"Minerva, do you think he did it on purpose, or is this just the routine?"

Professor Pomona Sprout looked at Professor Minerva McGonagall with a complicated expression.

Just now, she brought herself into those little wizards, imagining what she would do if she met Zhang Xuan.

But she found that there seemed to be nothing she could do.

At the beginning, I felt that she also practiced Taijiquan with Zhang Xuan and the little wizards for a period of time.

Even if he is not as proficient as Zhang Xuan, he can see where he wants to hit himself.

But later she discovered that things didn't seem to be that simple.

Zhang Xuan's movements seem to be changing all the time.

One moment you may feel that he is going to hit you on the shoulder, but the next moment he grabs your wrist.

Obviously one moment ago, you saw his hand about to grab your collar, but the next moment, you were already blown away by him.

His series of actions are completely unpredictable.

Professor Minerva McGonagall sighed deeply, then shook her head silently.

"I can't say for sure, but the ten little wizards of La Wen Keluo Academy are afraid that they will lose.

In the arena, the ten little wizards who pulled Wen Keluo were exhausted.

Zhang Xuan's magic is endless.

And because his incantations were too weird, sometimes, his magic had already been released, and they hadn't realized what kind of magic he was using.

The little wizards of La Wen Keluo feel like crying now.

Zhang Xuan's movements were too fast.

Sometimes, his sword had already stabbed them, and they realized that they had been beaten.

And the magic has already fallen on them, and they know what kind of magic he used!

All this is a double blow to them both physically and mentally.

"Ahem... Can I admit defeat?"

There was a very clever little wizard who couldn't bear such torture.

That's right, torture!

He can guarantee that Zhang Xuan did it on purpose.

With his strength, he can completely push all of them to the bottom of the ring.

But he just doesn't do it.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xuan seemed to have no intention of letting them go. .

Likewise, he didn't seem to intend to hurt them either.

That's what he did, harassing them with little innocuous magic tricks and a little poke with his sword.

The strength is almost the same as touching it.

Hearing him begging for mercy, Zhang Xuan stopped his movements.

He looked at the little wizard who was full of lingering fear and frowned.

Then he asked, "Have you learned it?"


The little wizard looked at a loss, not understanding what he was talking about.

Looking at his confused look, Zhang Xuan shook his head.


"I hit you for so long, remember how I did it?"

"Ah..." The little wizard begging for mercy was a little dazed.

How did you hit him?

emmmmm, it seemed like this, then that, and then he felt pain all over his body...

This little wizard didn't react, but the other nine little wizards did.

Zhang Xuan is helping them!

He is an abnormal guide game!

He is guiding them!

After knowing this, these small nets are no longer in a sad and sympathetic look.

They took the little wizard who begged for mercy and made the decision for him.

~He won’t, he doesn’t understand, he just said it wrong!”

Afterwards, these little wizards were like unbeatable xiaoqiangs, trying to attack Zhang Xuan continuously.

Although Zhang Xuan can easily deal with it every time, causing them a lot of psychological pressure, but these little wizards are happy!

Only when the pressure is high and the motivation is strong, they have more chances to become stronger!

And the little wizards below also put away their thoughts of watching the fun for a while.

Before, they felt that Zhang Xuan stood by them and helped them play, which was a good thing for them.

Now, they wish Zhang Xuan could be the one who helped Rao Wen Kelao!

Because, if that's the case, they can go up and ask Zhang Xuan for advice like these people in Rawen Klau.

"Hey, Zhang Xuan is really a good person, but! Why is he on the side with me!"

"I also want to go up and get beaten, what should I do?"

"I used to think it was a good thing that Zhang Xuan was with us, but now it seems, what a Merlin's beard!"

"It's over, it's over, this good thing has been taken up by the people of La Wen Keluo!"

The young wizards of the three colleges had great opinions. (Zhao De's)

And just when they were screaming.

The people who pulled Wen Keluo also yelled towards their little wizard on the ring.

"Brothers on the stage, are you tired? Shall we go up and fight for you for a while!"

They were glad they didn't go up before.

After going up, you have to face Zhang Xuan, which is like giving back.

But I didn’t expect Zhang Xuan to be a coaching match!

He's teaching them how to combine Tai Chi and magic together!

Such a good opportunity, they just let it go!

The ten people in the arena looked at the little wizards on the viewing platform gearing up one by one, and felt anxious and cold in their hearts.

They haven't learned yet!

How can these people come and rob them?

Immediately, all ten people expressed that they were not tired at all.

"I'm not tired at all, just look at it!"

Especially the little wizard who begged for mercy at the beginning, he shouted the loudest.

It seems that he is afraid that others will point him out and make him step down.

He hadn't reacted before.

Looking at it now, Zhang Xuan is simply a very good person!

He must not let go of such a good learning opportunity!

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