Wang Fengxia had a lot of money in her hands, all the money that Chen Nuo had transferred to them before, as well as the money from selling the house and land in her hometown.

This is a lot of money, almost two hundred thousand.

But now they have no money in their hands.

Because from frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.

Not only Zhang Ya, but Wang Fengxia, Zhang Laohan and Zhang Xiaobao.

Chen Nuo used to be a supporter before, and their family was used to spending a lot of money.

In addition, they all believed that as long as Zhang Ya lowered her posture, she would be able to reconcile with Chen Nuo and let Chen Nuo continue to be their provider.

Therefore, in the beginning, they spend money like water.

Wang Fengxia and Zhang Laohan retaliated and bought themselves a lot of popular elderly clothes.

Zhang Ya even took money from Wang Fengxia several times to buy clothes and designer bags.

And Zhang Xiaobao, who was in the middle, took another 100,000 to gamble.

In just one week, the money was spent by them all.

So they were kicked out of the hotel and rented a small single room in this urban village with only a few hundred dollars left.

The small room of less than 20 square meters has to live in a family of four.

To go to the toilet, you have to go to the public toilet several hundred meters away from here.

But the most difficult thing is to eat.

After renting the house, the family didn't have any money left. After a day and night of hunger, Wang Fengxia couldn't help it. She went to the vegetable market to pick up some vegetable leaves that others didn't want, and took them back and boiled them in boiling water.

But after only two days of picking up vegetable leaves, he was beaten by other pickers and warned that he could not pick them up again in the future.

So just go to the trash can.

Days like this made everyone in the family unbearable.

After all, in the past few years, because of Chen Nuo, they were not short of money, and they could eat whatever they wanted.

But now...

Therefore, seeing Zhang Ya coming back again now, the whole family crowded over with nervous anticipation in their eyes.

They all desperately want to escape from their current life.

Zhang Ya stood there in despair, glanced across the small and crowded room, and then glanced at the family staring at her, with disgust and disgust in her eyes.

She shouldn't live like this.

She obviously should live in Chen Nuo's large flat, so she doesn't have to worry about food and drink, and lives as a noble wife.

"You talk!! You can't be dumb!! Did Chen Nuo forgive you this time??"

Seeing that Zhang Ya didn't speak, Wang Fengxia shook Zhang Ya a few times.

But because I was hungry and full this month, I didn't have much energy.

"Speak quickly, what did Chen Nuo say this time?"

Zhang Xiaobao gritted his teeth, his eyes full of anxiety.

He still owes more than 100,000 yuan in loan sharks.

The other party has asked him for it several times, but he has used the trick of procrastination.

But it is unrealistic to drag it on, because the other party said, give him another week.

And tomorrow is the last day.

Thinking of those vicious loan sharks, Zhang Xiaobao's face turned pale.

"Impossible, he already has a new girlfriend and is getting married."

Facing the nervous look of the family, Zhang Ya shook her head.

Immediately, the light of hope in the eyes of Wang Fengxia and Zhang Laohan disappeared.

In fact, for the past month, they have given up hope for this.

But every time I look forward to it.

But every time the result makes them despair.

"What's wrong with having a new girlfriend? You are the one he has loved for so long. If you tell him well, he will definitely forgive you. Yes, tell him well."

Zhang Xiaobao was a little unwilling.

"Daughter, your brother is right. Just tell Chen Nuo well, he will definitely miss the old love."

"Our family's hopes are all on you!!"

"We sold our house and land to come to you!"

Wang Fengxia's face squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"You continue to find him now, even if you kneel down for him, ask him to continue talking with you, hurry up, go now!!"

The old man Zhang had an urgent tone, and when he looked at Zhang Ya, he already had an order.

"Do you think I've never knelt down?"

Zhang Ya roared.

Over the past month, she has kneeled to Chen Nuo several times and even kowtowed to beg for mercy.

But to no avail.

If she can reconcile with Chen Nuo by kneeling, Zhang Ya will not be stingy.

But it turns out that it doesn't work.

Chen Nuo is determined to break up with her.

"How come, you are the woman he loves the most, how can he hate you so simply..."

Zhang Xiaobao's face was dull, but the next second, his eyes became fierce.

Snapped! !

He raised his palm directly and gave Zhang Ya a slap.

"I don't care, you have to get Chen Nuo back, otherwise, I will kill you!!"

After hitting Zhang Ya with a slap, Zhang Xiaobao didn't stop, but instead stepped forward and punched and kicked Zhang Ya.

That fierce look completely lost the respect he had for Zhang Ya before.

"Yes, kill her, she is a broom!! Our family came to find her by selling the house and land. We came to the provincial capital to be a gentleman, not here to pick up trash!!"

Wang Fengxia's eyes were filled with resentment, but she did not stop her son from punching and kicking Zhang Ya.

She is the provincial capital where she sold her house and land.

But now, it's not as good as in the village.

At least in the village, she has money, land and a house.

But what about now?

"Don't really kill her, she still has to earn money for our family."

The old man Zhang squatted on the ground and looked at Zhang Ya with resentment.

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