Let You Be Cannon Fodder, But You Become A Winner In Life?

Chapter 325 Becoming the Stepfather in the Chronicle 1

As soon as Chen Nuo's eyes regained light, he saw a little boy standing in front of him.

Said to be a little boy, but he was actually eight or nine years old.

It's just that this little boy is not good-looking, and his eyes are full of hatred when he looks at Chen Nuo.



Feeling the little boy's gaze, Chen Nuo frowned.

"I'm hungry, go and cook for me, hurry up.""

Seeing Chen Nuo looking at him, the little boy said directly.

The words were full of commands and condescension.

This made Chen Nuo frown deeper.

Ignoring the little boy, Chen Nuo first looked around.

A very old-fashioned two-bedroom, one-bedroom with no TV, but a sewing machine and a radio.

The place is not big, but it is very clean.

Just at a glance, Chen Nuo knew that this time he had entered the "690" modern world.

And I'm afraid it's still the world of the age.

Because he saw the portrait of the leader hanging in the house.

"I'm talking to you, didn't you hear?" The little boy saw that Chen Nuo was ignoring him, his face flushed with anger, and the hatred for Chen Nuo grew in his eyes, and he shouted loudly.

When he shouted out, he didn't seem to be angry, he stepped forward and pushed Chen Nuo hard.

But with this push, Chen Nuo didn't move, instead the little boy fell directly to the ground.

"Wow, you hit me, but you dare to hit me, but if my grandfather didn't have a good thing, everything my grandma said was right..."

Liu Jun fell to the ground, crying loudly and harshly.

Listening to Chen Nuo's ears made him more and more irritable.

Of course, Chen Nuo also captured a keyword.


In this world, is he a stepfather?

Chen Nuo thought about it in his heart, and saw a woman suddenly rushing out.

"Chen Nuo, what are you doing with Xiaojun?"

The age of the woman is about twenty-five or sixteen, and she is not good-looking, at best she can only say something delicate.

After rushing over at this moment, he first protected the little boy behind him, and then looked at Chen Nuo with an ugly face.

"Mom, he hit me!!

Seeing the woman coming over, Liu Jun cried even louder and complained at the same time.

"Chen Nuo, how did you promise me at that time? You said that you would treat Xiaojun as your own son, and you beat Xiaojun not long ago, you disappointed me so much!!

Listening to her son's cry, Wang Mei's face became more and more ugly, and she questioned Chen Nuo angrily.

"I didn't hit him, he fell by himself."

After Chen Nuo said this, he walked directly towards a bedroom.

Although he has not yet received the world plot, Chen Nuo probably knows what is going on in this world.

Therefore, I didn't bother to entangle with this mother and daughter, and I was going to go back to the room directly to receive the world plot.

Just watching Chen Nuo go straight back to the room.

The mother and son Wang Fang and Liu Jun, who were in the same place, were stunned for a moment.

Wang Fang was stunned because Chen Nuo had always been very kind to her since he knew her, he almost obeyed every word, and would rush to explain anything.

And now, when the other party hit her son, he just said a word in a lighthearted manner, and then he didn't write any more??

This made Wang Fang's complexion gloomy and ugly in an instant.

And Liu Jun was stunned because of this, but he was even more happy.

"Mom, he did hit me just now, grandma is right, stepfather doesn't have a good thing, can you take me back to grandma's house??

Liu Jun put his arms around Wang Mei and said loudly.

But under these words, Wang Mei did not speak.

go home??

how is this possible.

The old woman only knew that she was distressed for her grandson, but she scolded her in every possible way.

She managed to find someone like Chen Nuo with great difficulty. She didn't care that she was taking advantage of her son, and she was a worker with good conditions, so she might leave yesterday.

"Xiaojun is obedient, and when he comes out later, I will ask him to apologize to you.

Wang Mei thought about it in her heart, and then coaxed Liu Jundao.

"No!! I want to go home, I don't want to be here, he is a stepfather, he will abuse me.

Liu Jun cried loudly.

Chen Nuo heard the movement outside the house, and his face turned cold immediately.

But soon, Chen Nuo's face calmed down.

"System, receive the story of this world." Chen Nuo opened his mouth and shouted to the system.

The next second, a mass of memories flooded into Chen Nuo's head.

Like the previous worlds, the predecessor was also called Chen Nuo.

The world is in the eighties..

Formerly a city man, although he only graduated from junior high school, he was also assigned to the factory and became a very honorable worker in this era.

His predecessor was a solid person, with a low education, but he was able to endure hardships very well, so the master who brought him was also willing to teach him things.

The predecessor studied very hard, and the feedback to the work was naturally very effective.

Therefore, although the predecessor was only in his early twenties, his technical ability was excellent, and the wages were not low in the factory, and even when the factory allocated unit buildings, he was assigned a set.

This era is not the future, everyone is willing to live in a unit building, not a courtyard.

Therefore, there are many people staring at the unit building in the factory, but even so, the predecessor can still be assigned a set, which is enough to see the ability of the predecessor.

The parents of the predecessor are also in the factory, a dual-earner family, and they are down-to-earth.

When the predecessor reaches the marriageable age, there are many people who want to match the predecessor.

Originally, the predecessor would marry a girl who was not beautiful but very down-to-earth, had two children, and lived a good life.

However, the predecessor met Wang Mei, a single mother with an eight-year-old son.

Since then, the life of the predecessor has become miserable.

The predecessor's acquaintance with Wang Mei was a coincidence. When the predecessor was shopping on the street during a break, he met Wang Mei who happened to be shopping too.

At that time, Wang Mei did not bring any money to buy things, and was being mocked by the salesperson.

The predecessor could not see it, and the thing was only a few cents, so the predecessor went to pay the bill.

The predecessor of the original 2.0 did not take this seriously, but who would have thought that when he was about to leave, Wang Mei stopped him.

During the chat, the predecessor learned about Wang Mei.

He lives in the countryside around the city, and was forced to marry a young man from the same village when he was seventeen or eighteen.

A son was born within a year of marriage, but who would have thought that just after giving birth to a son, her husband passed away.

She could only bring her son and work hard in the village.

At that time, after listening to Wang Mei's cry of pear blossoms and rain, the predecessor felt sympathy in his heart.

But the predecessor didn't say anything at that time, and he never thought that after that, he would be able to meet Wang Mei every few minutes.

Then, the two had more contact.

Under Wang Mei's deliberate study, her predecessor fell in love with Wang Mei.

(New world~).

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