
Almost everyone who was watching the surveillance screen No. 9 was dumbfounded.


Also included several interviewers.

Some of them even raised their pens just now, ready to record the result of the failure of the Nine...

As a result, what the fuck? ? ?

Such a precise prediction, such an easy tilt of the head, and such a leisurely pace!

Are you sure this tm is the same person recorded in the data? ? ?

In an instant,

Several interviewers glanced at each other and saw a hint of surprise on the other's face.

At this time,

Not to mention the trainee night watchmen.

Including Yang Wei over there, without exception, they all widened their eyes and froze.

No one could have imagined,

A person who was just waiting for them to see a joke suddenly turned around and showed them...

to be frank,

Just that arrow. Even if these people go in, they may not be able to hide beautifully like Lu Yin.

Yang Wei on the side, with a stiff expression on her face, said:

"I-Isn't that right... I must have been lucky to escape...?"


The voice fell, but no one answered her.

Because, everyone is waiting to see how the second and third arrows are handled.

If it is true as Yang Wei said,

If he was just lucky just now, then he will probably be defeated directly.


While everyone was thinking about it,

in the screen,

However, Lu Yin suddenly increased his speed, changed from walking to running, and charged directly in front of the dark passage!



see this picture,

Everyone was dumbfounded again!

I rely on!

are you crazy? !

In the dark passage room with so many organs paralyzing arrows, how dare you run straight forward? ! !


Before they can respond,

at this time,


The second streamer paralyzing arrow was triggered and shot towards him again.

However, Lu Yin still maintained his running speed, without slowing down in the slightest, just turned slightly sideways!

call out!

The arrow unexpectedly passed by once again!


Immediately after,

The third one also shot quickly, targeting the location of Lu Yin's abdominal cavity!

But Lu Yin didn't panic at all.

At the moment when the arrow was shot, he turned sideways again, and still easily escaped!

A brace!

Among the arrows shot in the chaos, his figure moved nimbly, like a graceful dancer, and like a top spy!

Even the fourth arrow shot from behind, he seemed to have expected it long ago.

Slightly to the left, passing by.

Complete the hat trick!




this moment,

The expressions of everyone staring at the screen have become outrageous!

I Nima? !

Can you do that? ? ? ?

This guy... doesn't he have an eye on his back? !


Even with eyes on the back, it's impossible to have such a fast reaction speed, right? !

This guy......

Shouldn't it have already begun to predict the trajectory and start dodging the moment the arrow was fired from the mechanism? ? ?

Realizing this, everyone froze.

at this time,

In channel 7 on the side, an interviewee was unfortunately shot in the knee and eliminated on the spot.


Except for the trainee who brought him, no one cared.

Because of them, they are all staring at the incredible No. 9 surveillance.


Lu Yin was the last to arrive at the assessment channel.

but now......


He turned out to be the one who rushed to the front!

From just now, in just one minute, he has successfully avoided thirteen arrows!

And No. 3, who ranked second, has only just reached the seventh arrow!

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Only Su Yuxi looked extremely excited at the moment, as if there were stars twinkling in her eyes!

I knew it!

I knew this guy was really hiding his strength!

Such superb perception and reaction speed are completely super S-level!

Su Yuxi's heart was surging with passion.

this moment,

She had a hunch,

In this interview, Lu Yin not only passed, but also very likely won the first place directly!



And at this moment,

in that channel.

Lu Yin is domineering with superb knowledge, completely ignoring the surrounding darkness.

All scenes are transparent.

As for the arrow that came,

to be frank,

At this flight speed, Lu Yin's eyesight wanted to judge its trajectory, which was more than enough!


He dared to run forward recklessly,

after all,

By this time,

It was impossible for him not to understand.

Obviously, what the girl in the suit outside said before should be half-truth.

After synthesizing the current situation, Lu Yin finally deduced the answer:

This dark passage should be the place for the real interview and assessment.

As long as you leave here alive, you should be able to pass the assessment directly.

The so-called recommendation letter can be handed over after passing the channel, it is just to hide people's eyes and ears.

So he decided to run quickly and leave this place.

after all,

Using the domineering look for a long time will still consume physical strength for him now.

The longer he stayed, the worse it was for him.

That being the case,

It is better to find a way to leave as soon as possible while the physical strength is sufficient.

All the way forward.

bass! bass! bass!

There were constantly yellow arrows being shot, and Lu Yin escaped easily one after another with his domineering predictions.

Before he knew it, he became more and more proficient at using his own arrogance.

till the end,

After dodging the 24th arrow, no new arrows came.

"Looks seems that I passed the first level smoothly like this."

Lu Yin thought,

On the other hand, he slowed down a little,

Continue to walk forward while recovering your strength.

He had already sensed it through seeing and hearing, and it seemed that the front was not far from the exit.


In the darkness, there are still a few eye-catching breaths staring here.


Those monsters in the darkness seem to be the highlight of this assessment.


Of course Lu Yin was not afraid.

While walking forward, he raised his hand,

A pale wisp of cold air floated out from the palm of his hand, swaying like a cold flame.


The data is too miserable, ask for flowers, ask for flowers...

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