Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

023 Serial No. F.01, Unprecedented Executive Commissioner!

No. 3 He Zifeng's eyes,

He swept across the audience in disbelief, and finally, looked at Lu Yin who was standing there.

At this moment, he was the only person present who did not sit at the round table,

Naturally it means that

He should be the first interviewee who passed the assessment.


Yang Wei said she was...F class? ? ?

No. 3 He Zifeng's face suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

The next moment, he looked at the interviewer and the others over there, with an ugly expression, and said:

"I-I have a question!"

"I have never seen this interviewee before entering the assessment venue..."

"Why did he suddenly become number one?"

"In here..."

"No, is there any shady secret?"

He Zifeng finally bit the bullet and said what was in his heart,


As soon as his voice came out,

A female interviewer with long black hair over there, but her face suddenly sank slightly, and said:

"Number 3, please pay attention to your words."

"Player Lu Yin did arrive a little later than you guys."

"However, his performance was seen by all of us here."

"The so-called "black screen"? "

"Hmph, why don't you ask Commissioner Yang Wei next to you."


As soon as this is said,

Yang Wei, who was sitting over there, was suddenly shocked, and her body suddenly froze!

Immediately after, he gritted his teeth and looked at He Zifeng beside him, his face ashen and cast an angry look.

She has seen it,

He Zifeng's words just now clearly angered the interviewer!

To know,

She is the only high-level commissioner from the headquarters in this assessment!

It represents the "absolute justice" in the procedure!

In front of her, suspecting that there is a shady scene in this interview, is undoubtedly slapping her in the face!

Because of this, she suddenly spoke out, directly scolded He Zifeng, and also cued her Yang Wei by the way!

To know.

Yang Wei's goal is to enter the headquarters!

Naturally, she did not dare to openly offend the special commissioner from the headquarters on such an occasion...

Therefore, he turned to He Zifeng.

At this time,

After He Zifeng felt Yang Wei's unhappy eyes, he immediately realized that he had said something wrong.

His face changed quickly and he lowered his head.

The other apprentice vigilantes on the side were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

How is this going......?

This He Zifeng is obviously an A-level genius, and the second person to pass the test...

Now it actually shows the attitude of a loser?


On second thought,

They can understand,

Of course, it has something to do with Su Yuxi and Lu Yin on the opposite side.

Lu Yin, as the least favored person in this interview, surpassed the most favored No. 3 He Zifeng.

And Yang Wei, who has always been proud, once again lost to her nemesis Su Yuxi...

This is what makes the current atmosphere so strange.

After a while,

The other interviewer just coughed and broke the silence of the scene, saying:

"Cough, the interview is still going on, please pay attention to the remaining players."

"As for the two interviewees who have passed, you can already prepare for the procedures."

"Commissioner Su Yuxi, Commissioner Yang Wei."

"You two are responsible for leading them to go through the procedure, and tell them the rules here by the way, no problem?"

At the end of the voice,

The interviewer's eyes turned to Su Yuxi and Yang Wei over there.

Su Yuxi was naturally fine, and responded with a refreshing smile.

On the other hand, Yang Wei felt a little uncomfortable, and nodded reluctantly to answer.

Although she also has the opportunity to be promoted to the official commissioner,

However, she lost a chance to defeat Su Yuxi, which made her feel particularly uncomfortable.



After a while,

Under the leadership of Su Yuxi, Lu Yin left the monitoring room,

All the following procedures went through smoothly.

First of all, go to the third floor, record the fingerprint and iris information, and do the identity registration——

Night Watchman Executive Department, Linjiang City Branch,

Sequence "F·01" trainee.

The letters in front represent the power level of awakening.

The numbers that follow represent the registration order of this level.

Therefore, Lu Yin's F·01,

it means,

He is currently the first and only F-rank member of the entire Night's Watch system!


Even the registered staff over there,

After seeing the proof of his power level, they all showed a ghostly look.

I thought the information was wrong.


After seeing the affirmative gaze of Su Yuxi, the S-rank commissioner, she took the initiative to deal with it.


When Lu Yin entered the company, he only needed to use his fingerprint + iris to detect his identity.

And after the sequence registration is complete,

Immediately, a special person came over and measured various data of Lu Yin's body in detail.

From head to toe, the whole test again.

It is said that this is to help him customize a suit for the executive department and a combat uniform.

Suits are naturally worn on formal occasions.

after all,

The Night's Watch also occasionally attends some major events.

And the combat uniform,

It is specially used for their night patrol missions at night.

After the body data is collected,

Su Yuxi took Lu Yin again and gave him a general introduction to the upper and lower structure of the company building.

For example, the first to third floors are the insurance business floors, responsible for maintaining the "Shenxia Insurance Company" brand.

The fourth to tenth floors are the branches where other departments of the Night Watch are stationed here.

Starting from the tenth floor, there are floors for different executive officers responsible for various types and divisions, until the 72nd floor.

It seems that the higher the floor, the higher the strength and rank of the commissioner inside.

However, there are also surprises like Su Yuxi.

Although she is currently the only S-level genius in Linjiang, she is currently only on the 32nd floor due to her low position.

"Let's go,"

"Now take you to see where I live~"

While talking, Su Yuxi took Lu Yin into the special elevator.


When the two entered the elevator,

Lu Yin was slightly stunned, because at this moment, he suddenly realized.

under the elevator,

The extremely rare "-1" to "-18" floor is marked!


Underground, a full 18 floors? ? ?

Lu Yin was a little stunned, looked at Su Yuxi, and said:


"You just introduced the general division of the 72nd floor above the building. What about the 18th floor below...?"

The voice fell,

Su Yuxi's face was slightly startled at first, then she looked over, her eyes flashed slightly, and she said with a light smile:

"If I say... there's 'hell',"

"Do you believe it?"



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