Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

370 Rot and stench, the golden door! (Subscribe)

Su Yuxi's voice fell,

Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura burst forth from the body, and it spread suddenly!


Vaguely, it collided with the aura of those monsters in the darkness ahead.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed slightly.

From this moment on, he could basically confirm that the dream began to shift.


This dream is still like an imitation of what I experienced that day.

But now, the situation has soured.

After the werewolf was killed on the night he had been through, it was all over.

Su Yuxi took out the tablet of unlocking the curse and helped him complete the breakthrough of the first gate of the God's Path, thus stepping into a state of awakening.

but now……

Before that process was reached, a new monster appeared.

And not just one, but a large group.

From the breath,

It seems to be similar to the werewolf that just died, with the same aura of beast and aggression.

It was like a hungry wolf who had been thirsty for a long time and was released from a certain cage.

It has been a long time since Lu Yin felt such a strong sense of oppression.


This probably has something to do with his current state.

After all, now that he is deep in a dream, he no longer has any fighting power.

And as the saying goes—

All fear stems from the lack of firepower.

At present, the reason why Lu Yin can feel their strong sense of oppression may be because of his own lack of firepower.

Otherwise, whether it is a sword energy or a glacier, it can easily wipe out all the monsters in front of him.

Just when he thought of this,

Su Yuxi, who was in front of her, also started to take another shot.

From the scabbard around her waist, she pulled out the long orange ray of light again.

The dazzling fire light lit up in an instant, illuminating the entire dark alley like a bonfire party.

It is because of this flame,

The figures of the monsters in the darkness ahead began to gradually become clearer.

as predicted,

Under those red eyes, there are indeed werewolves.

But unlike the werewolf just now, their skin showed a rotting feeling, and their hair was blood red, as if it had been soaked in blood.

Just staring at it makes people shudder.

And the stench that was exuded made people feel like their stomach was churning.


Those rotten werewolves let out a low growl, and kept repeating the action of the steel claws rubbing the ground.


The harsh sound was unpleasant.

Su Yuxi's pupils lifted, she no longer hesitated, and rushed out instantly!


The flame brought by the orange long knife in his hand swept across the night sky like fireworks, rushing directly towards the bloody wolves ahead.

at this moment,

I don't know if they sensed the approaching danger, but the werewolf over there was also not to be outdone, and rushed out immediately!

Compared with Su Yuxi, their movements have no sense of beauty at all.

Even trying to find some fancy words is not enough to describe the chaotic feeling.


The first rotten werewolf slapped Su Yuxi's body directly with its steel claws, seemingly ignoring the knife and the flames entwined on the blade.


Before its steel claws touched Su Yuxi, all of a sudden, bang!!

Su Yuxi's hand holding the knife trembled slightly,

The orange flame on it was as if it had life, and it flew directly towards the monster!


The flame formed a blade-like shape, easily swept over the werewolf's neck, and cut off its head instantly!

Before the blood splattered out, it was instantly burned away by the flames.

Even the wound was directly forced to stop the bleeding, turning it into a black scorch.

Such a beautiful slash is still Su Yuxi's flat A.

Immediately after, she raised the knife again and slashed at the other werewolf rushing forward.

at this moment,

Her purpose is very simple, she just wants to kill the monster in front of her.


The orange flame blade swung down, and another rotten werewolf was killed on the spot.


The monsters in this alley do not seem to have the emotion of "fear",

Still rushing towards Su Yuxi one after another.

There are so many monsters that it is hard to imagine how they appeared in this alley.

At the beginning,

Su Yuxi can still dash forward.

But after a while, the number of monsters had grown to a bizarre level, making it impossible for her to move forward.

Only when standing in place and constantly swinging the knife to kill.

Looking at the back of Sa Da, Lu Yin couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this moment, Senior Sister Su Yuxi has a strong aura of "one husband is the only one who is in charge of ten thousand husbands".

Although completely suppressed in numbers,

However, there is still no injury anywhere, and even... there is no feeling of difficulty.


Why didn't she just use the large area burn skill?

In Lu Yin's impression, Su Yuxi's flame range is also very terrifying, comparable to her own glacier.

Could it be that……

Is this terrain limiting her performance?

Lu Yin looked to the side, and indeed, there were residential buildings on both sides of this alley. If the flames spread widely, it might cause very serious consequences.

That is to say...

As a night watchman, senpai is caring for the lives of other ordinary people around you...

Lu Yin's eyes drooped slightly.

From this point of view, the senior in front of me... It doesn't seem like the product of a dream, she is still following the principles in reality.


What happened to the Dream God agent?

How could the dream world he created even take into account the details of Senior Sister so well?

Just when Lu Yin thought about it,


A little change in front caught Lu Yin's attention.

see there,

Behind Su Yuxi,

Among those werewolf corpses that had been cut off, the rotten werewolf whose head was originally cut off.

Now...it's moving!

Between its head and body, a black shadow-like line appeared, reconnecting it!

The next moment, the wolf's head suddenly flew up, rushing directly over and connecting with the neck instantly!

at the same time,

The blood-red eyes of the werewolf lit up again!


This is so...

Resurrected in situ?!

Lu Yin's face suddenly froze.

From then to now, he has experienced a lot of battles, but this is the first time he has seen such a strange monster...

The resurrection was actually completed in such a strange way. (Li Zhao's)

Then there are so many monsters here... Could it be that Su Yuxi can be directly consumed by the wheel battle alone?

When Lu Yin realized this,

Su Yuxi over there, of course, also sensed the change behind her, and she immediately turned her head to look over from the corner of her eye.

Then, the pupils shrank suddenly——



Before she and Lu Yin could react,

Suddenly, another unexpected change occurred suddenly—


But under the dark night,

Above the alley, a golden space portal suddenly opened!

Then Chi,

A cat's voice came out of it:



I'm back again, no eunuch~

Because the editor-in-chief said that he reported the "manga change", so he did not dare to be eunuchs and ghostwriters~

It's just that I've been busy thinking about new books recently, so the update time of old books is more random. You can keep it for a while and read it again, it should be better, meow.

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