Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

048 The Next Generation Of The Protoss, The Genius And Lunatic Of The Research Department

As soon as her voice fell,

The scene immediately resounded with tidal applause, one after another.

All the commissioners had friendly smiles on their faces.

However at this moment

Lu Yin here is just like the cat on his shoulders, completely dumbfounded!

what the hell?

The birth of the Protoss sub-species? ? ?

Of course he didn't understand what that meant.

And this time,

Su Yuxi in front of him trotted closer and said with a smile:

"Yesterday, the commissioners of the Research Department, after extracting the tissue of the invisible monster, found that... this is indeed a descendant of a mixed race of the Protoss, named Snake-tailed Griffin."

"However, unlike other hybrids,"

"Its body seems to have been injected with a special "evolutionary sequence" by the Church of Eternal Night. "

"And, after it devoured Commissioner Yang Wei's wings,"

"In fact, it has already begun to enter the evolutionary process to the "sub-species". "

"And the strength of the next generation can even destroy a city..."

"Do you understand what you're saying?"

Su Yuxi finished the explanation in an orderly manner and blinked.

It was only then that Lu Yin came to a realization.

last night,

When the griffin jumped down,

Lu Yin really felt that its strength suddenly increased.

However, I didn't expect...

This guy actually started to evolve after swallowing Yang Wei's wings?

And this time,

Before he could think about it,

A female commissioner of the research department took a step, pushed up her glasses, and smiled:

"Although we are very unfortunate about what happened to Commissioner Yang Wei."


"After some reasoning, we believe that this is most likely a prepared trap."

"Commissioner Yang Wei may have fallen into the trap of the Evernight Church, so she crossed multiple jurisdictions and came to Maple Leaf Road to come into contact with this snake-tailed griffin."

"And as we all know,"

"At some point in history..."

"The griffins with divine blood are specially made to feed on elves!"


"When Yang Wei with elf wings approached, she inadvertently triggered the hunting instinct of the divine blood in the griffin's body."

"That's what led to the mutation that followed."

"Speaking of which..."

"Thank you again, Commissioner Lu Yin."

"If you hadn't sealed him with ice in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable."


"It is impossible for our research department to obtain such precious research materials."

The commissioner of the research department said this, and suddenly showed a happy smile.

And at this moment,

Of course, Lu Yin was a little shocked when he heard such a large passage.

good guy...

just one night,

These people actually directly calculated the situation at that time to be almost the same? ? ?

Is it even including the ingredients with traps?

This is a bit outrageous, isn't it?


At this time, Su Yuxi quietly approached, lowered her voice and chuckled:

"Don't be surprised."

"This group of people in the research department, at least in this regard, is not weaker than the geniuses in the executive department..."

"Some even called them 'madmen'..."


When the words fell, Lu Yin suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart.

The composition of this night watchman is really a bit complicated...

First came the enforcement department of armed thugs, and now came the research department of Frankenstein...

And this time,

The members of the research department over there continued to grin and smile:

"Commissioner Lu Yin,"

"After discussing with Commissioner Su Yuxi,"

"I also think... you should probably apply for a re-evaluation of the power level."

"after all,"

"Even if it is a next-generation monster that has not fully evolved, its strength should not be underestimated."

"It's impossible to win with a mere F grade."

"No, let alone F-rank, even A-rank, if the realm is not strong enough, it will be difficult to win."

"And you, actually completed absolute suppression with the strength of the second realm."

"Let me have to wonder, if your abilities are fully activated, what level will it be..."

"I even want to slice you straight to study your body composition..."

while talking,

The female commissioner of the research department suddenly grinned, stuck out her tongue and licked her lips,

Showing a very coveted strange look.

He looked Lu Yin up and down, as if he was already observing an experiment.


Lu Yin suddenly felt a chill behind him.

I rely on!

No wonder these guys are called lunatics by Su Yuxi...

Why do you want to slice it for me? !

And this time,

Su Yuxi on the side also looked at him with a smile in her eyes, and said:

"How is it, Lu Yin?"

"Do you want to challenge the re-rating of the ability...?"


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