Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

076 Sorry, this road is blocked! (Subscribe)


Inside a corridor of the gym.

A group of mysterious people are walking slowly forward in the darkness.


The person standing at the forefront was a man wearing the "Saint Moon Dress".

It was a priest in white from the Yongye Sect.

And what followed behind him was a group of Eternal Night believers dressed in black,

Unlike ordinary Christians,

Above their black robes, they were all bordered with silver, which outlined strange curves.

And at this moment,

The man in black at the forefront was not wearing the clothes of the Evernight Sect at all.

But a black tight-fitting combat suit like an assassin,

The whole body was wrapped very tightly, only two eyes were exposed.

Under his right eyelashes, a special black eyeliner like thorns was outlined.

his clothes,

It was the same as the man in black who stabbed Lu Yin with a dagger outside the abandoned factory that night.

That's right.

He is not related to the Evernight Church,

It was an assassin from the "Night King" organization.


He was entrusted by the white-clothed priest of the Yongye Sect, and came here to carry out the mission together.


As they progressed gradually,

The black-clothed assassin approached the white-clothed priest and said in a low voice:

"The 3rd Sacrifice Lord, 35

"His Holiness the Pope said that he will send you and the ninth priest here tonight to be responsible for delaying all the night watchmen...

"Aren't we waiting for the ninth sacrifice now?"

the voice fell,

The white-robed priest suddenly raised his eyes slightly, then shook his head and said solemnly:

"She'll be here soon, but we can't wait."

"His Holiness the Pope has personally penetrated into the underground floor of the Executive Department, and will inevitably fight with the night watchman in it!"

"It is estimated that people here will receive the news soon."

"So, we must arrive there in advance, monitor their movements, and be ready to intercept them at any time."

"All in all... These guys must not be allowed to interfere with His Holiness the Pope's plan!"

"Got it. 35

The black-robed assassin nodded thoughtfully.

Today's task is actually a bit confusing to him.

The superior asked him to come over and cooperate with the two white-clothed sacrificers, who were responsible for delaying the night watchman cadres who lived here.

He 397 is doing things with money, and of course he doesn't care too much.

And this time,

The priest in white looked at him again and sneered:

"It's up to you to help us get rid of all the night watchmen in a moment. 39

"Once that Mr. Maboan's domain is successfully unfolded and the thick fog spreads.

"All the night watchmen will become headless flies.

"By the time,"

"You can use your "eyes" to share the sight in the thick fog with us. "


"We're like dealing with a bunch of blind men!

"If you add the power of the "Next Generation", maybe... you can crush them in a slaughter-like manner! 39

while talking,

There was a ferocious light in the eyes of the white-robed priest.

And hear here,

The Night King Assassin also laughed lightly, his eyes shone, and he said in a low voice:

"Ha ha......"

"Mr. Maboan's strength, I have long admired.

"However, I haven't seen him since he quit our Night King, 55

"I didn't expect... to meet again today."

"It seems that this time I have the opportunity to appreciate his "Seeing Flowers in the Mist".

When the words fell, the white-robed priest immediately waved his hand and said with a light smile:

"Ha ha.

"I just hope that Mr. Maboan will take his breath away and take action when the group is ready to leave. 55

"This will also buy more time for His Excellency the Pope.

while talking,

Ahead, it is also gradually approaching the exit.

They were already beginning to see the light coming from within.

The white-clothed priest suddenly turned serious, raised his hand to signal, then looked at the people behind him, and said in a low voice:

"Attention, it's approaching."

"Look at Mr. Maboan's signal later!"

"As soon as his thick fog covers the field, we're ready to go! 55

"You also want to summon that 'Next Generation' as soon as possible, understand!?

"Yes!" "Yes!" "Understood!"

The several black-clothed cultists behind them all replied in a low voice with solemn expressions.

From their looks,

Apparently, it was already clear what was going to happen tonight.


One by one, they were waiting.

After a while,

Several people finally approached the exit of the gymnasium and looked towards the green field ahead.

Their eyes swept around quickly, trying to find the location of the target people as soon as possible.


Just after their eyes turned around,


Everyone was stunned on the spot!


On the huge green field, at this moment, there is no one strangely!!

only far away,

There is a position similar to the judge's seat on the high platform, which looks a bit abrupt.


There is no trace of anyone at all!!

this moment,

Whether it was the priest in white, the assassin of the Night King, or the followers in black next to him, everyone was stunned!



The pupils of the white-clothed priest shrank instantly, and there was nothing but sluggishness on his face!

What the hell is this?!

Not a single one!?

Didn't the intelligence say that they will hold a re-rating assessment here tonight?!!

What kind of person?!

Could it be the wrong location?!!

its not right.....…

The judges over there seem to be fine.

The white-robed priest was stunned.

And at this moment,

The Night King Assassin and the Black Cultists on the side were even more confused than him.

they just,

In my heart, I kept the order firmly in mind...

Just look for Mr. Maboan's thick fog and signals to get ready.

As a result, now, let alone the thick fog of TM!

What about the Marboan?!!

Everyone's eyes widened and they glanced around.


in the next moment,

They seem to have discovered that—

On the opposite side of the distant green field, in a corner, there seemed to be something.

From a distance, it looks a little reflective.

But I can't see the specifics clearly.


Aware of this singularity,

The white-robed sacrificer suddenly sank slightly in his heart, then frowned, looked at the people around him, and said:

"Go, go check it out!


He immediately took the lead and rushed in that direction.

The people behind them glanced at each other, and they also breathed a sigh of relief and followed.

And just a moment later,

As they got closer to that reflective "thing"...

In an instant, all faces changed drastically!


It was only then that they suddenly discovered that it was not something reflecting light at all...

But a layer of ice!!

A layer of thick ice shrouded the human figure!!


Even more terrifying,

This frozen person, they... actually know all of them!!



After seeing the appearance of the freezer,

this moment,

There was an indescribable look of astonishment on the faces of everyone present!

An invisible fear instantly appeared in their hearts, making them feel as if their blood was cold!

until a moment later,

The black-clothed assassin over there was astonished as if his pupils were shaking:

"This, is this... Mr. Maboan!!!?"


His voice fell,

The whole place was silent.

Not a single (bcbi) person spoke up.

Because that's a question that doesn't need to be answered at all.

At least, everyone in the room knows... this tm is definitely the Maboan!


What the hell is going on here!?!

Why is Ma Boan being frozen here, but there is no trace of anyone else at all!!


What's the matter with so much blood on his body?!

Could it be... an unknown war has already happened here?!

think of this,

In the heart of the white-clothed sacrifice, an extremely unpleasant feeling suddenly poured out!

His face was extremely ugly.


He has begun to realize... his original plan has been completely disrupted!

Don't talk about relying on dense fog to take advantage of the view...

Now, looking at this outrageous amount of bleeding, there is a high probability that Ma Boan has already sent it!

Not to mention blocking the cadres of the executive department...

There is no one here now!

think of this,

The priest in white immediately looked at the people beside him, gritted his teeth, and said with great difficulty:

"Damn...we've been fooled!

"It must be the man surnamed Xia who discovered our plan in the city next door!"

"So schedule their evacuation ahead of time!


"Immediately set off with me to the executive building! They must have left before us! 35


He can't care about the life and death of this Ma Boan,

Immediately turned around, ready to go back in the direction you came from!

The people next to them naturally couldn't care too much, and they all turned around and prepared to leave here with the white-clothed sacrifice.


Just as they turned around!


In everyone's heart, there was a sudden "squeak"!

Because at this moment,

Right in front of them...

Suddenly, a black-haired boy with his back turned to them appeared!!

He was wearing a black combat uniform with a quaint long knife on his waist.

He wears a dark blue cloak on his shoulders, on which is tattooed a huge golden tree and a pattern of an ancient oriental dragon!

And below this pattern, is an unsheathed sword!



The moment they saw this uniform, everyone present was suddenly shocked!

And the expressions on their faces changed drastically again!!


and many more!?

The Night's Watch Executive!?

Faced with this familiar uniform and coat of arms, they naturally recognized it immediately!

To know,

The Evernight Church has been fighting with the entire country's night watchman organization for almost ten years.

Moreover, 90% of the time, they are dealing with the executive department.


Even if you only look at the back,

They can recognize it in an instant, too!

Immediately after,

Everyone's faces became ugly.

what happened?

How did this guy get behind them quietly just now...!?

Could it be that it was a pre-set ambush?!

Do not,


How could anyone stand in ambush alone!??

According to the practice of the night watchman executive department, it has always been the one that likes to make a thunderous attack.

If you don't make a move, it will be a big move.

Logically speaking,

There is absolutely no way that only one person is arranged to be ambushed!

That is,

Is this guy, the only executive commissioner who hasn't been evacuated from here...?

Just when they looked serious and thoughtful.


The boy in front of him in the uniform of the executive department then slowly turned around and looked towards them.

With a kind smile on his face, his eyes were like stars.

It was Lu Yin.

And at this moment,

He smiled and looked at the few people in front of him, and said with a light smile:

"You seem to be a little late?"

As soon as this is said,

The faces of everyone present suddenly darkened.

Is this a "slightly late" question?

The executive commissioners in the audience, are you the only one left?!


realize here,

The white-clothed sacrificer's face suddenly sank, and he stopped talking nonsense.

His eyes narrowed, his chin raised slightly, and he said coldly to the people behind him:

"Come on together.

"From the corpse of the Night's Watch... run over!


the voice fell,

The faces of the black-clothed believers suddenly sank, and they showed their fighting stances and began to show murderous aura.

next moment,

Several figures rushed towards this side in an instant!

Someone's fists were raised high, showing a crimson-like color like a flame, and the steam was steaming continuously!

Some people jumped up and kicked, and their feet were covered with a violent blue storm!

What's more, he directly pulled out the silver blade and slashed with the sharp blade in an instant!


Seeing this picture one by one,

Lu Yin just lowered his eyes slowly and raised the corner of his mouth lightly.

He was just afraid that these people wouldn't fight with him, but he didn't expect...they rushed up on their own initiative.

In this case,

Then I just came to take this opportunity,

Let's try the move that is estimated to be able to use up almost all of his current physical strength in an instant...

realize here,

Lu Yin's eyes shone slightly, he raised his hands lightly, looked at the people in front of him, grinned and whispered:

"Sorry, this road is blocked!

"Ahead is... 'Ice Age'!"

The moment the voice fell—

Infinite and infinite pale cold air suddenly surged out from his body in an instant!

Pale white hell glacier, suddenly come!!!



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