Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

087 Face the kingship and suppress the sword! (Subscribe)

Lu Yin was naturally stunned.

He was of course dumbfounded when he suddenly heard such a long series of inexplicable words early in the morning.

"Uh, senpai...․ What's the situation? 39

At this moment, after hearing his response, Su Yuxi on the other side of the phone laughed excitedly:

"Hey, 39

"Anyway, hurry up - get ready to go!"

"Wait for you!

The voice fell, and before Lu Yin could respond, Su Yuxi hung up the phone directly.


Lu Yin was about to continue the questioning when the voice of hanging up came from the phone.


Lu Yin scratched his head, a little confused about the situation.

He had heard of the headquarters' ace squad "Black Moon".

After all, Executive Minister Si Yingxue came out of it.


Why did a new ace troop "Dawn" suddenly appear?


Both sides or opposing camps?

An ability faction, a swordsmanship faction???

The amount of information in this series was naturally a bit confusing to Lu Yin in the early morning.

After a while,

Only then did he switch his phone to the chat interface, and decided to see what the commissioner group of the executive department said.


When he opened the group, he was immediately stunned.

as predicted,

As Su Yuxi said, the entire executive department has indeed boiled over.

At this moment, the information inside burst out like a tide, swiping the screen quickly.

Lu Yin flipped the chat log directly to the top in one breath, and then looked at it.

"I rely on me! Did you hear about it, old man?!

"The headquarters actually dispatched two commissioners from the ace unit "Black Moon" to Linjiang!!

"It is said...to invite Lu Yin to join!!!99

"I wipe!? What's the situation??

Baijia' rely on, elaborate!!

"It is said to be due to the unexpected situation of Commissioner Lu Yin's re-rating assessment last night,"

"Alone, he suppressed two priests in white clothes, and... he directly froze the entire gymnasium!




"Fuck? Is this true??!""

"Hey, I heard it just now, isn't it a rumor?!

"Of course it's true! I've seen it in the gym myself, and it's so fucking spectacular!!

"It's like really entering the Ice Age!!"

"Open your eyes! 35

At this point, the commissioner even sent out several photos in succession.

no doubt,

Naturally it's all about the frozen gym.

There are major enemies who are frozen, and there are scenes of various walls and the earth being frozen.

At this moment, after reading it, the other commissioners were naturally all shocked.

"I rely on!!?"

"Is this the fucking Ice Age?!"

"Hey... I'm getting chills just looking at the pictures!!""

"This fucking ability, it's not Iron S anymore?!

"It's awesome... No wonder even the ace "Black Moon" team will personally invite!!"

"Stable, stable!!!"

"About a week after I joined the Executive Department, I was directly invited by the ace troop... terrifying!""

"I fucking bowed my head and bowed down!!

The commissioners sent messages one by one,

Lu Yin quickly flipped through it funny, and as a result, he flipped through it, and sure enough, someone started to mention another one.

"Everyone, I'm fucking stupid! Just now... two more ace troop commissioners came to the headquarters!

"It doesn't seem to be "Black Moon", but "Dawn" who opposes them!



"Fuck? That werewolf troop playing swordsmanship???

"That's right! 55

"Hey, what are they doing here? On a mission?

"Uh, I'm afraid you won't believe it... They seem to have come to invite Lu Yin too.

"I just heard from our boss that last night, Lu Yin used superb swordsmanship in the basement of the executive department to forcibly kill an enemy in the royal realm..."

"Furthermore, it seems very likely that it is the mysterious Pope in the Church of Evernight!""



"I rely on!??!"

"Wait wait, is this fucking fake?!!

"I remember the weapon he just went to the equipment department to get yesterday morning...

"Can you kill the king at night???"

"This is absolutely fucking heaven-defying, isn't it?! It's outrageous to open the door to the outrageous, outrageous to come home!!!"

"No wonder...even the commissioner of tm "Dawn" personally came to invite!!

"Brother Lu, this wave is true!! 35

"I'm afraid this is the first person who has ever received an invitation from two ace troops at the same time?!""

"The key is that these two ace troops are completely opposite!

"Then the question is - which one will Brother Lu choose?!"

"The black moon symbolizes the peak of the supernatural faction, and the dawn symbolizes the peak of the swordsmanship faction!"

"Tsk tsk... unimaginable! 35

"I've never heard of anyone applying for an interview to get into the ace troop. This is the first time I've heard that both sides are invited at the same time!""

"@Su Yuxi's little follower, Brother Lu, hurry up and do multiple choice questions!!"

Messages go down one by one,

Finally, many people have started to directly Aite Lu Yin.

And the following chat content is all about which side Lu Yin should choose.

Some believe that he should join the Dawn of the Sword faction.

But more commissioners felt that he should still join the Black Moon of the supernatural faction.

Both sides held their own words and argued endlessly.


Even in this small Linjiang executive department, there is a dispute between the two factions.

Lu Yin swiped here, put down the phone, and understood a little of the current situation in his heart.

No wonder Su Yuxi is so excited,

It turned out that the two ace troops had thrown an olive branch to him at the same time...

Lu Yin smiled helplessly and shook his head.

The commissioners in those groups may not know,

Of course, these ace troops were not attracted by him.

It was because of that demigod who could come at any time—Cerberus, the watchdog of hell.

That's right,

last night,

Mr. Ye from the headquarters once said,

He will immediately notify the headquarters, so that the ace commissioners will be notified as soon as possible to be stationed in Laijiang.

And, I hope that several people present are kept secret.

Therefore, it is normal for those people not to know that the demigods are coming...


Lu Yin did not expect,

The speed of this group of ace troops is so fast...

Came right in one night.

After a while,

Lu Yin finished washing quickly,

After changing into his own set of casual clothes, he carried the guitar case with the hidden knife on his back, and then prepared to go downstairs.


Just as he was about to go out,

The cat suddenly didn't know where it came from, and with a sudden "bass", it flew over and climbed onto Lu Yin's shoulder.

Fast and violent movements, it is obvious that the shaving in the six styles is used.


It grabbed Lu Yin's collar with its two small claws and let out a sweet and sweet milky cry.

When Lu Yin saw its gleaming eyes, he knew that this guy probably wanted to hang out with him again.

So, he raised his hand with a smile, touched its little head, and said:

"You can go out, but the rules are still the same as last time, don't run around."


The cat suddenly showed an "understood" look, and looked very sensible.

Lu Yin couldn't help laughing at its serious appearance.

This eldest lady only acts so well-behaved every time she goes out to play...

Go down to the bottom of the building.

Lu Yin was going to take a taxi.

But suddenly I saw, not far away, a blue Maserati driving fast!

Then, a "chi" sound

A sudden brake stopped directly in front of him.

When the car window came down, Su Yuxi showed an excited smile and blinked:

"Go, Lu Yin!

"No time to explain! Get in the car!!!"

As soon as this is said,

Lu Yin couldn't hold back for a moment, and laughed involuntarily.

As he walked over, opened the door, and sat in the passenger seat, he laughed:

"Sister, you can't wait, so you came to pick me up in person?"

the voice fell,

Su Yuxi's eyes suddenly flashed a sly smile, saying:

"Hey, what else is there to say?"

"You don't know, the entire executive building has been bombed!"

"Someone even ran into your frozen gym last night and said it was a 'Holy Land Tour' haha!

Su Yuxi said with a blushing face.

When the words fell, Lu Yin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Sit tight!

Su Yuxi reminded with a chuckle, then released the brakes and stepped on the accelerator.

The blue Maserati rushed out in an instant.

All the way forward.

Lu Yin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly thought of another point that puzzled him.

So he looked at Su Yuxi and said strangely:

"By the way, senpai, 35

"Didn't you say before that Minister Si Yingxue is from the secret Black Moon Squad, so all the information is kept secret?"

"Why this time,""

"Their members of the Black Moon have come so loudly? 99

the voice fell,

Si Yingxue suddenly laughed lightly:

"That's because the ace troops are also divided into two different combat force specialists."

"Some, like Minister Si Yingxue, are called "secret combat power." ""

"They are responsible for some extremely dangerous special tasks, also known as 'black commissioners'.

"And others, like the commissioners dispatched by the headquarters today, are called "facade combat power."

"They are responsible for dealing with some high-risk incidents that occur in the major divisions, called 'white commissioners',

"The two are similar in strength, and are divided into black and white according to their different abilities. 35

"The black commissioners in the secret battle force, as the trump card of the headquarters, require strict confidentiality of information.

"And the white commissioners of the facade are the superficial trump cards of the headquarters, and they need to be used to deter the enemy, so naturally there is no need for secrecy.

"This time, to meet the demigods, the four trump card fronts were dispatched.

Su Yuxi spoke in an orderly manner, apparently very understanding.

Lu Yin nodded suddenly, and then suddenly thought of something.

"Say, senpai,"

"With your strength... it should be enough to join the ace force?" Lu Yin asked curiously.

the voice fell,

Su Yuxi was stunned for a moment, then lowered her eyes and chuckled softly, saying:


‘Half a year ago, the Black Moon Squad invited me.

"However, I refused.


Lu Yin was taken aback for a moment, "Why? 35

"Um... secret.

Su Yuxi's eyes flashed with brilliance, and she said softly:

"There's always a special reason...

"However, you can rest assured. I will not interfere with your choice today, and I will support whichever one you want to join.

Su Yuxi still said with a smile.

But I don't know why,

Lu Yin felt a faint sadness in her breath.

When talking about the invitation of the ace army half a year ago, she seemed to have something in the past that she didn't want to look back on.

Lu Yin's heart moved slightly and nodded silently.

Just as Su Yuxi trusted him, he naturally wouldn't question her.

And this moment.

Inside the Executive Building.

Underground floor, thirteenth floor deep.

A group of commissioners in suits and ties are surrounding the closed morgue of the fallen angels.


They didn't come to see the fallen angel's corpse.

Instead, he was looking at the battle marks around him.

That's right,

This is of course the place where Lu Yin fought the Pope last night.

Among these commissioners in suits, there are two, exactly two of the three cadres who were here last night.

But the others were different.

Although they were wearing suits similar in style to the executive department, they had a special dark gold badge pattern tattooed on their chests, showing their differences.

This is a pattern that only exists on the suits and uniforms of the "Night Watch Headquarters".

That's right,

Naturally, they were the two commissioners of the ace unit "Dawn" in the Night's Watch headquarters.

Next to them is their secretary.

Every night watchman on the facade will be equipped with a secretary to facilitate various actions.

And at this moment,

One of the gray-haired youths wearing golden round glasses,

Then he slowly leaned over, stretched out his hand, and touched a deep crack on the floor, his eyes shining brightly.

After a while, he raised his eyes again, looked at the cadre next to him, and said:

"Are you sure this is the trace of damage he caused last night when he swung his last knife?

"That's right. 35

The two cadres immediately answered with great certainty.

The scene from last night has long been engraved into their DNA, and of course they will not remember it wrong.

At the beginning of Lu Yin's battle with the Pope, there were no traces around.

And just after his final knife fell,

On the floor and walls of the entire 13th floor, such huge cracks appeared as if they had been split by a knife.

It looked startling.


After hearing the affirmative answers from the two of them, the gray-haired young man's eyes moved slightly.

Afterwards, he nodded thoughtfully, stood up, and looked at a tall and beautiful girl with a high ponytail next to her.

His expression became serious, and he said in a condensed voice:

 …for flowers  …

"It seems that you are right, Jiuen,

"This apprentice named Lu Yin does possess quite terrifying skills in swordsmanship..."

the voice fell,

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of the girl she called "Nine En".

"Oh, of course that's true...

"Otherwise, why would I immediately notify Yuxi to ask her to call that guy over?"

"To be one step ahead!

"With such a superb kendo talent, wouldn't it be a waste to join that "Black Moon"?

When the words fell, the gray-haired young man in a suit laughed lightly, pushed his glasses, and said:

"We, "Dawn", haven't encountered such a terrifying newcomer in kendo talent for nearly three years, right?

"No wonder you are so decisive this time.

The two smiled at each other.

At this time,

Beside, a little secretary girl, looked at the gray-haired youth, and said carefully:

"Well, I see the destructive power of this swordsmanship, it doesn't seem to be as powerful as yours...

hear this,

The gray-haired youth immediately raised his eyes and looked over, and then chuckled:


"You may think that his swordsmanship is only at this level."5

"But in fact, that's because he just wants to do that.


The voice fell, and the little secretary on the side was suddenly stunned.

And at this moment,

The girl with the high ponytail over there also shone, looking at the various broken cracks on the wall over there, chuckled lightly:

"That's right,

"The traces of damage caused by these surroundings are not simply caused by swords," 5

"It's... the sword energy that escapes!

"What's more terrifying is that this seems to be... the sword qi that has been deliberately suppressed."

"Obviously, 55

"That guy doesn't seem to want to destroy the entire basement with one move, so... he has reservations about his strength. 95



As soon as this is said,

Don't say it's a little secretary,

Even the cadres and commissioners of the executive department next to them froze!

This...is it just the suppressed sword energy?!

I rely on?!

real or fake!?

The terrifying move that slashed the king's realm with a single knife... Is it still the power after reservation?!

The executive officer on the side took a deep breath and said in horror:


"Miss Xia Jiuen,

"Doesn't this mean that Lu Yin's real realm has reached... the great master of kendo!? 35

the voice fell,

Here, Xia Jiu'en's eyes shone, and he said with a playful smile:

"That's not easy to say.

"Although it is called "sword energy", it is generally accepted that only the great masters of kendo can release it at will.

"However, if the kendo perception reaches a certain level, it is not impossible to release it.

"My second uncle, when he reached his peak in the sixth realm, he was able to release his sword energy..."

"It's a pity that he seems to have become a decadent alcoholic now."

"After so many years, I don't know if his swordsmanship has improved."

"Ah, no, it's too far.

Xia Jiuen shook his head again and chuckled lightly:


"On the basis of the damage caused by these sword qi, it is impossible to simply judge whether he is a great master of kendo.

"However, my assessment is ... very likely. 35

"After all, what he killed wasn't some fish enemy, but a king..."

"Being able to calmly suppress the destructive range of sword energy in the face of such an enemy...'

"I really can't think of anything other than the great master of swordsmanship in such an extremely profound state."


hear this,

A few people on the side took in a breath of cold air.

At this time, the gray-haired young man in a suit next to him raised his eyes and said:

"A 20-year-old kendo master..."

"This is unique even in the entire history of our Night's Watch, isn't it?

"The smallest previous record I can remember was... 22? 35


Xia Jiu'en nodded and said with a light smile:

"However, that gentleman hasn't shot for a long time, and he is still doing some sorting out of swords in the headquarters. 55

As soon as this is said,

A cadre next to him suddenly lit up and said subconsciously:

"Is the gentleman you're talking about the author of the famous book "Sword Experience: From Beginner to Mastery"?

"That's right. When I was young, I was fortunate enough to meet his personal teaching, but unfortunately, I couldn't see his exquisite swordsmanship at that time."5

Xia Jiuen shook his head again with emotion.

At this time, the little secretary on the side was surprised:

"Then this Commissioner Lu Yin, if he has really reached the realm of the great master of Kendo..."

"Isn't it possible that in the future it will surpass that person's power?!

"Well, it's hard to say. 35

"After all, after so many years... that person's realm has long been unfathomable."

"It's not a realm that a simple "great master" can describe.

while talking,

Just then, all of a sudden,

In the secretary's pocket, a text message from the mobile phone suddenly rang.

She quickly took out her phone and looked at it.

And after reading it, she suddenly looked happy, and quickly raised her head and said:

"Commissioner Lu Yin has arrived at the Executive Department!"


As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of this Xia Jiuen and the gray-haired young man next to him lit up at the same time.


Xia Jiu'en's eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, and he smiled confidently:


"Go and meet him now!

"Humph, if he is truly an unparalleled swordsmanship genius,

"We must not miss the dawn! 35

"When the time comes, when he meets that demigod, he will surely win a super feat for us at dawn!""

As soon as this is said,

The gray-haired man next to him suddenly smiled helplessly: "What if that guy chooses Black Moon?"

When the words fell, Xia Jiu'en's mouth curled into a smile, saying:

"Then I will sacrifice a little and use my beauty... to take him down!

As she spoke, she suddenly stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, revealing a charming look in her eyes.

A determined look.


This seems like a normal move,

But it suddenly made the male commissioners next to him itch.

This is so...

Miss Xia Jiu'en is worthy of the rumored person who masters the secret technique of "Devil Charm".

Who can endure this?

It is said that even some small animals could not control the look in her eyes when they saw her.

I don't know if that Lu Yin can stand it...


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