Let You Be The Night Watchman, You Become Ragnarok?

089 The No. 1 Sword Saint of the Yan Kingdom! The only demigod of the ice element! (Subscribe)


in an instant,

Xia Jiu'en's pupils shrank suddenly, and her face changed drastically!!

At this moment, she only felt an incomparably terrifying chill, which instantly poured out from the cat's body and directly surrounded herself!

At the same time, the moment

As if there was an invisible big hand that instantly pressed on her soul!!

The incomparably heavy feeling of oppression and dizziness rushed into her mind in an instant!

this moment,

She only felt her hair stand on end and her hands and feet were cold!

When I looked at the cat, there was only indescribable fear and shock left in my mind!

This, this is... what!?!

God's might?!


just a cat,

How can it be possible to have...a terrifying coercion comparable to a demigod?!!

This is absolutely impossible!!!

Xia Jiu'en's face was pale, and instinctively began to retreat.

On her smooth forehead, she began to involuntarily seep out layers of fine cold sweat!

At the same time, her magical field of demonic charm also collapsed weakly in an instant!


realize this,

Lu Yin's eyes lifted slightly,

Then, he raised his hand expressionlessly and put it on top of the cat's head.

The cat felt the warmth of Lu Yin's palm, slowly raised his head, looked at each other, and then unwillingly removed his domineering.


With a disdainful expression on her face, 12 lay down on Lu Yin's shoulders again, and let out a soft cry:


And until now,

Xia Jiu'en suddenly escaped from the invisible fear just now!

this moment,

She was like a person drowning on the shore, gasping for breath and looking incomparably horrified.



At this moment, the other people in the reception room were all stunned!

I rely on?

what's the situation???

Xia Jiu'en... Why did she suddenly start to back away in horror?

So much cold sweat?

Zhou Lan on the side suddenly narrowed his eyes and said:

"Jiuen, what's wrong with you?

the voice fell,

Xia Jiuen ignored him at all,

He still just stared at Lu Yin and his cat with an extremely ugly expression, and then he gritted his teeth in shock and said:

"What the hell is this cat of yours?! Why is there... such a terrifying coercion!?

her words,

Naturally, he was questioning Lu Yin.

However, after the voice fell, Lu Yin didn't respond, but the others on the side were instantly confused again.


Wait, terrifying coercion?

Got it wrong?

Isn't this just an ordinary kitten?

Everyone was naturally a little stunned.

after all,

Just now, the cat used a precise deterrent to lock the target, and it did not affect other people at all.

Naturally, they couldn't feel this invisible sense of oppression.

And at this moment,

Lu Yin laughed in his heart.

Others can't detect it, but of course he can feel it.

In fact, the cat's overbearing deterrence may have only been used to a degree less than 1/3.

If it's really hard,

I am afraid that even this Xia Jiuen has already fainted in place...

think of this,

In Lu Yin's heart, he couldn't help showing a satisfied smile at the power of the overlord color.

It seems,

This time, the inheritance of the top king color is really bloody!

Maybe at that time, the so-called "demigod realm" can really be hardened...

thought for a moment,

Only then did Lu Yin look at Xia Jiu'en again, and then, with an innocent face, he said:

"I have no idea what you mean.

"However, didn't you just use some kind of domain-like ability on me?

"Besides, you are not good at swordsmanship at dawn? Could this be considered swordsmanship?""

"Your chest muscles are about to hit my face, right? 35


As soon as this is said,

Xia Jiuen was stunned at first, then his face suddenly turned red, and he said with shame and anger:

"That's because I want you to join Dawn!

"Also, this isn't an ability...it's just a special secret technique!!"

"And, don't stray off topic!"

"I'm sure...there is absolutely something wrong with your cat!!

Xia Jiuen gritted his teeth.

On the other hand, Zhou Lan also looked helpless.

Not to mention those people, even he didn't notice anything unusual about the cat.

Except for the fierce expression on his face just now... nothing.


No matter how fierce a kitten is, it can't scare an adult to the point of losing its color?

What's more, it's someone like Xia Jiuen...

While Zhou Lan was thinking about it,


from outside the parlour,

But suddenly another voice came.

This voice was very clear, it sounded like a youthful voice, and he said with a big smile:

"Haha, wonderful!"

"I didn't expect that even the "Devil Charm", which has always been invincible to men, would be deflated..."

"Wonderful! Really wonderful!!

while talking,

A tall and tall man in white walked in.

Wearing a gorgeous white suit uniform, he walked in casually with a smile on his face.

As he walked, he applauded.

On top of his eyes, he wore a black eye patch, which completely sealed his eyes.

There are two big characters written on it - "touch the fish".

And at this moment,

following him,

It was a short-haired girl wearing a black mask, with an expressionless face and a pair of dead fish eyes.


The moment the two entered,

Over there, Xia Jiu'en and Zhou Lan's expressions suddenly changed!


The people of the Black Moon are here!?


before they speak,

The blindfolded man over there smiled, looked precisely in the direction of Lu Yin, and chuckled:

"Yo ho, Lu Yin, isn't it. 99

"Introduce myself, I am from the Black Moon Squad, my name is "Ling Zhenze", and I am the No. 2 facade specialist of the Black Moon Squad. ""

"This shy little sister beside me is called... uh, what's your name?

the voice fell,

He suddenly looked at the dead fish-eye mask girl next to him.

However, hearing this, the girl just rolled her eyes and didn't plan to answer him at all.

see this picture,

Naturally, everyone on the side had a question mark on their faces.

What kind of operation is this Nima, who doesn't know the names of his teammates?

However, at this time,

The blindfolded man named Ling Zhenze spread his hands helplessly and said with a smile:

"Although she has joined Black Moon for half a year, I still don't know her name."

"I just know she's not dumb."

"You can be like me, just call him shy sister. 35


He turned his eyes to Lu Yin's direction again, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a light smile:

“Commissioner Lu Yin,”

"I just went to your gym with her and saw the glacial world you created."

"I have to say, the degree of control you have over abilities...it can be said to be the pinnacle of 397!

"Even among the various monster geniuses in the headquarters, it is enough to rank among the best!


"I now, on behalf of the entire Black Moon Squad, formally invite you!

"Welcome to Blackmoon Squad. 35

"By the way,

"Even if you don't plan to join Black Moon, don't join Dawn.

"Look at this Miss Xia Jiuen,""

"As a supporter of the swordsmanship faction, but still using the power of supernatural power... Isn't this self-defeating?

"Joining them will only delay your future in abilities.


He again showed a slightly provocative smile towards Xia Jiuen opposite him.


When the voice fell, Xia Jiuen over there suddenly gritted his teeth and said angrily:


"Joining you Black Moon is ruining his unparalleled kendo talent! 35

"He is the most promising person in the future to become the "First Sword Saint of the Flame Kingdom"! Did you know that!?

However, as soon as the voice fell,

The blindfolded man Ling Zhenze suddenly grinned, raised his chin, and said disdainfully:

"Oh, holy or not, I don't know...

"But I know that he is more likely to become the only ice element demigod of the human camp! 95

the voice fell,

In an instant, the momentum of the two sides suddenly collided in the air!

In the air, it seems to be immediately filled with an invisible atmosphere of swordsmanship!


see this picture,

At this moment, let alone Lu Yin, even Su Yuxi and the cadres on the side were immediately confused!

Everyone stared with big eyes and small eyes, all dumbfounded.

good guy!

The No. 1 Sword Saint of the Flame Kingdom!?

The only ice element demigod of the human camp?!

I rely on???

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