Let You Build A Marine Fortress, What The Hell Is Marineford

Chapter 14 War Breaks Out! Quartet Emergency!

Extreme North Theater, Ninth Ring Fortress Headquarters.

"Marshal! The latest military situation!"

"The support of the fortress of the 47th branch was attacked by monsters. At the same time, their branch was also invaded, and they have now withdrawn to the fortress!"

"The fortress of the 46th Division has been dispatched to help!"

"The fortress of the 48th Division just sent an emergency message! There are estimated to be 5,000 monsters, including a low-level monster! The line of defense has been pulled to the rear!"

"In addition, according to reports from the 13th...24th, 35th, 39th and other 15 branch fortresses, they also found a large number of monsters gathering!"

meeting room.

One by one, the news was reported.

On both sides of the conference table, more than a dozen high-ranking generals all looked serious.

"Recently, the monster seems to be a little abnormal."

"According to normal times, this kind of mass gathering will only appear in one or two places occasionally, like now..."

"Some time ago, the research department released statistics that many monsters have suffered from a kind of mania. The symptoms are red pupils and complete loss of reason."

"Will that be related to this time?"

"Let's see what the marshal has to say."

The generals were talking in low voices,

Although the previous military situations seemed urgent, to them, they were just ordinary.

There are four major zones, a total of nine rings.

Every war zone and every ring has fifty branch fortresses.

It can be said that in a few days, a branch fortress is in danger, which is already commonplace.

As long as it is not destroyed, the headquarters can support the past.

Even if a branch fortress is destroyed, there is still an eighth ring behind it, and the monsters can't get through.

at this time,

Another figure quickly walked in from outside, it was a middle-aged man, and he was also the adjutant of the Marshal.

"Marshal, it's not good."

"The No. 3 fortress in the east has encountered an estimated 100,000 monsters invading. Now the No. 2 and 4 fortresses, as well as the 20 branch fortresses, have urgently dispatched troops to support them!"

"At the same time, they asked the headquarters for support!"

The adjutant took out a document and said in a deep voice.


"The No. 3 Fortress was invaded in a large scale?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of monsters... It's not too many, but it's not too many."

at the front of the conference table,

Ning Zhan sat on the marshal seat, frowning slightly.

He had a bad premonition in his heart.

Why... all at this time?

Could it be that the peace after ten years is about to cause waves again?

"War is not far away..."

Ning Zhan sighed slowly.

Then, he collected his thoughts and solemnly announced:


"Let the Seventh Fleet stop supporting the No. 48 Division Fortress, go all out to the No. 3 Fortress, and attack the monsters from the side!"

"Order the No. 5 fortress to patrol the entire nine-ring route!"

"At the same time, the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th fleets of the headquarters rushed to the rescue of the No. 3 fortress!"

After a pause, he shouted again in a deep voice:

"Ninth Ring of the Extreme Northern War Zone, issue a level 1 combat order!"

"The whole army is under martial law!"

With an order, everyone got up immediately.

"Yes! Marshal!"

In this urgent military situation, no one dared to delay, they all quickly walked out of the conference room and started to make arrangements.

The military order is like a mountain, and its speed is like the wind!

After everyone goes out,

Ning Zhan sat down on the seat again, his brows not only did not relax, but they were wrinkled even deeper.

"You go and notify the 49th Division stronghold."

"Just tell that guy Gu Chen, if he can help the 48th branch fortress to go to the headquarters to help, it will be counted as three times his military merit!"

"If he gets rid of those monsters..."

Speaking of this, Ning Zhan smiled meaningfully.

"Then what's the matter if I promise him the position of a big fortress?"

! ! !

The adjutant was startled.

big fort?

Just the fledgling kid who just graduated?

"But, where did he get the soldiers..."

After suppressing surprise,

the adjutant asked hesitantly.

What he thought in his heart was that when that kid went to the fortress of the No. 49 branch, the only warship he brought there was returned.

Where does the opponent come from for support?

What the hell, he thought it was a miracle that he could survive till now.

"Just go and notify."

Ning Zhan waved his hand, apparently not wanting to say anything more.

The adjutant had no choice but to answer, and then hurriedly prepared and issued military orders one by one.

meeting room,

Ning Zhan was the only one left, muttering to himself with eyes showing memories.

"Boss Gu, where have you been? We old brothers are still waiting for your return..."

The war has begun!

For a moment, the ninth ring, which was originally calm, became tense.

Fortress No. 48 Division.

Zhuo Wuyang gritted his teeth, put down the phone, and looked at the overwhelming monsters outside with hatred.

The Battle of Grand Fortress No. 3 broke out.

The troops at the headquarters are tense and cannot be dispatched!

"Doggy beast!"

"Laozi is fighting with you! Even if Fort 48 is destroyed, you won't be allowed to cross the ninth ring!"

It seems that some decision has been made,

Zhuo Wuyang's face showed determination.

Under each fortress, there are huge bombs buried, enough to destroy the entire fortress!


From the very beginning, we were ready to die together!

As Gu Chen said before,

Dragon Kingdom, there are no soldiers who are afraid of death!

at the same time,

On a warship, Gu Chen, who harvested his military exploits, also received a military order from the headquarters...

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