Let You Build A Marine Fortress, What The Hell Is Marineford

Chapter 26 Gu Chen Was Attacked? Support Of Fort 48! [Add More]


The pitch-black fist flashed past!

The remnant body of the sea monster was blown away, turned into liquid, and reassembled with other bodies.


Drake took a breath and said in a low voice.

Damn monster! He didn't pay attention just now, and was almost successfully attacked!

"What the hell is this?"

Smoker came over and asked with a serious face.

To be honest, he had never seen anything like this before.

It looks a bit like the ability of the Logia fruit, the body can become liquid, but it is very different from the fruit.

When the siren is about to recover,

With a movement of Gu Chen's footsteps, an afterimage of his body flashed out, and he was kicked and flew into the sea.

Hearing Smoker's question,

Then he said in a deep voice Kaidō:

"I call this creature the Screaming Siren."

"Their life structure is very special. All sea monsters are conceived from the mother's body, which is very strange."

"Except for fire, sound waves, and strong pressure, it is difficult to kill completely."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen showed a trace of worry.

"And, they all attacked in groups!"


The voice fell.

Outside the cabin, there were continuous screams!

"Enemy attack!"

"Defend quickly! Fire!"

"No, why can't these monsters be killed?"

"Can kill! Focus fire on one!"


Hearing these cries,

Gu Chen's face became even more gloomy.

"Is it because I was unlucky that I ran into this group of things, or was it this weirdness that made me appear in this world?"

He knows the siren,

It was also because in the future catastrophe, in addition to the invasion of sea beasts, dozens of unknown and unknown creatures suddenly appeared.

Each of these creatures has unique abilities,

For example, this sea monster, as long as it does not use fire, sound waves, etc., is equivalent to immortality!

Of course, the sea monster is relatively low-level, and if the bullets are concentrated, they can also cause damage.

There is an unknown creature like a bee, which can be invisible intermittently, flies extremely fast, and is extremely tricky.

In his previous life, as the General Marshal of the Far North Theater,

He immediately received the military information from the frontline reports.

That's why I know so clearly.

"It seems that it really is a problem with Fort 49."

Gu Chen's thoughts turned sharply.

It all started with Fort 49.

Thinking of this, he immediately said:

"Smoker, Drake, you guys go out and help with the defense!"

"Yes, Marshal!"

After getting the order, the two acted immediately.

Gu Chen quickly ran out of the cabin, and Su Ningxue was still inside.

Fortunately, there are thousands of sea soldiers resisting, and it is difficult for the sea monsters to break through for a while.

"Xiaochen, what's wrong?"

Su Ningxue sat up with sleepy eyes, the quilt slipped off her body, revealing her fair and delicate body, which made people's hearts flutter.

But Gu Chen didn't have that thought at the moment.

"It's fine, just stay here and don't go out!"

I saw nothing unusual in the room,

Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and ordered solemnly.


Su Ningxue was a little dazed,

What happened?

But before she could ask clearly, Gu Chen hurried out.

After sending Tashigi over to guard,

Just strode towards the deck, where the battle zone is!


The Krakens are in groups, frantically wanting to rush forward.

But being blocked by the wall of white smoke that Smoker turned into, Drake also turned into a tyrannosaurus, rushing into the sea monsters to fight wildly!

To say before, he might get hurt.

However, after fully transforming into the Allosaurus form, the defense power is greatly increased, and with the Armament Haki coverage, no matter how the Kraken bites, it cannot break through the defense.

The sailors are constantly outputting behind.

[Hint: kill unknown creatures, military merit +5]

[Hint: kill unknown creatures, military merit +5]

[Hint: kill...]

For every Kraken that dies, military merit will always increase by five.

after a while,

He originally only had 57 military merits, but it rose to 382.

"There is no way to go on like this."

Gu Chen frowned tightly,

Smoker and Drake's physical strength is limited, and it is impossible to maintain this form forever.

And the biggest problem is,

He found that the speed of the warship was getting slower and slower!

Obviously, below the surface of the sea, there are countless Krakens trying to stop the warship!

When will it be a desperate situation!

After thinking for a while, Gu Chen summoned a sailor and said in a deep voice:

"You go to make a call to the No. 48 branch fortress."

"Just tell them that I encountered a monster attack in the 473rd sea area, and let them bring all the sound wave devices in the fortress and use them on my warship!"

"Yes! Marshal!"

After the sailor saluted, he immediately went to the communication room.

"I don't know if it's too late."

Just when Gu Chen was worried,

The speed of the warship is getting slower and slower...

PS: Add more rewards for the boss for the rest of his life!

Tomorrow, I will add more updates for the big guys who sent flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!

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