Let You Build A Marine Fortress, What The Hell Is Marineford

Chapter 73 Expedition! Get Weird! [Please Subscribe! 】

After a few minutes.

Hot Momousagi in sexy attire, pink-haired Hina, serious flying squirrel, Zephyr, Smoker and others are all standing in the office!

"Although you have only just come out, you must have known the information of this world. This place is no different from your Marine, and the concept is the same."

Gu Chen looked around at the crowd and said slowly.

But I added a sentence in my heart, "There is no constraint of World government and Celestial Dragons here, no filth and darkness"!

Everyone in the four major war zones lived to protect the Dragon Kingdom! They died to protect the Dragon Kingdom!

Including himself!

Hearing his words, Momousagi nodded in agreement, while Jonathan was thoughtful.

T Peng En even fought out, and said firmly:

"Marshal, don't worry!"

"No matter where I am, I will carry out justice to the end! No matter who the opponent is, as long as it goes against justice, I will stop in front of them!"

"Ah, very good!"

Gu Chen said happily, satisfied in his heart.

In the original book, the other party is also a person who is desperate for the common people!

His fort needs this kind of talent!

After explaining a lot of basic knowledge, Gu Chen finally stood up when everyone had a general understanding, and his face became serious.

"Next, I will announce the arrangement!"

"Momousagi, Flying Squirrel, Jonathan, each of you will lead three warships and command 9,000 troops!"

"Hina, Smoker, Drake...you alone lead two warships and unify ten thousand troops!"

"A total of 20 warships, 20,000 sailors, three Vice Admirals, and five Rear Admirals!"

Speaking of this, Gu Chen's eyes burst out!

"This time, I will use the power of the entire Marineford to conquer that strange spot!"

"Everything is up to you!"


The battle is coming!

After receiving Gu Chen's military order, all the generals went down and began to prepare.

As soon as tonight is over, we will go out tomorrow!

Time is running out!

At this moment, only Zephyr and Moxiu from the Science Corps were left in the office.

Gu Chen looked at Zephyr and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Zephyr, in Marineford, I have left 15,000 soldiers, as well as many powerful weapons of the scientific army, the headquarters, please!"

"Marshal, don't worry!"

Zephyr is equally serious, his old face has never been more solemn, and he whispers to himself:

"With my husband here, Marineford will be fine!"

"Okay, then I'm at ease."

With Zephyr around, Gu Chen is not worried either.

In the end, only the science troops remained.

Seeing the marshal's eyes, Mo Xiu hurried out and said with a hint of excitement:

"Marshal, pacifist, we have successfully developed two! They are in the military factory!"


Gu Chen's eyes lit up, although it's this one!

As expected of the 890 science unit, even if there is no Vegapunk, but with blueprints, it can still be easily made!

But it's not over yet!

Just listen to Mo Xiu continue to speak:

"Not only that, we are also stepping up research on the upgraded version of the pacifist, and we will be able to initially develop the first war machine in about ten days!"

In addition, we have also improved and upgraded those laser beams, fortresses, and laser towers, but the specific experiments will have to wait until half a month later.

Hearing this, the corners of Gu Chen's mouth curled up involuntarily.

One of his five legion plans, the pacifist war machine plan, is about to come to fruition!

And the science team brought him a surprise!

If all those defensive weapons are improved and installed in Marineford, then in the future, his military defense alone will not be weaker than a theater headquarters!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen had another idea in mind.

"The first legion plan is completed, it's time to start the second plan!"

"War Behemoth Legion Plan!"

For this plan, he was inspired by the science corps.

By making items eat Devil Fruit technology, use it on various modern weapons to mass-produce real technological war monsters!

And the key is Guy Sakurang!

Artificial Devil Fruit Technology!

Thinking of this, Gu Chen silently said:

"System, how much military merit do you need to buy Guy Sakurang?"

【Ding, if you buy Guy Sakurang alone, you only need 50,000 military merits. If you buy Guy Sakuron and his laboratory, you need 80,000 military merits!】

Gu Chen looked at his remaining military achievements.

Well, there are sixty-three thousand.

"System, buy Guy Sakurang separately."

【Ding, the purchase is successful!】

[Reminder: Characters with more than 50,000 military merits can choose to spawn in situ after unlocking. 】

【Ding, is Guy Sakurang generated in place?】


In the void, a wretched figure, accompanied by purple gas smoke, slowly condensed into...

next moment,




in a minute.

Guy covered the big bag on his head and hid in the corner, trembling and looking at Zephyr with horror in his eyes.

Fuck! Admiral!

Seeing his appearance, Gu Chen smiled.

It turns out that people with more than 50,000 military merits still have the authority to appear immediately by their side.

Previously, it was all spawned in Marineford.

And it is only available for purchased characters, and the ones like Momousagi and flying squirrel are not counted.

After a while,

Gu Chen told Guy Sa about the plan of the war behemoth army.

Hearing this grand plan and the weapons beyond his imagination, Guy's eyes widened, and he directly patted his chest to assure!

Within a month, complete the man-made demon technology!

Then start experimenting with the Behemoth Project!


The price was that Gu Chen's last 13,000 military achievements were all used to buy equipment and materials.

Looking at the military merit value displayed as 0,

Gu Chen sighed slowly, he became a poor man again, these plans are really a gold swallowing beast!

When will he be able to buy his long-awaited Devil Fruit......

"Whether you can earn more military merits depends on this weird battle!"

Gu Chen's eyes showed a shocking killing intent!

Spooky is worth the money!

If he wiped out all the strange points, he still doesn't know how much military merit he will get!

When the time comes, everything will be there!

Just think about it and look forward to it!

After confirming that everything was arranged, Gu Chen walked towards the small villa behind.

Have a good rest tonight and set off tomorrow!

into the room.

The first thing you see is the well-furnished bedroom.

Pink bed quilt, warm lighting...

seeing this scene,

Gu Chen also showed a gentle smile.

After a while, on the bed.

"Xiaochen, be careful tomorrow."

Su Ningxue was covered with a quilt, her delicate fragrant shoulders were exposed, her forehead was dripping with sweat, and the little bird leaned against Gu Chen's embrace, slightly worried.

"Don't worry, I will come back safely."

Gu Chen touched her little head and rubbed it vigorously, causing Su Ningxue to moan coquettishly.

Suddenly, he turned over again, pressed on Su Ningxue's body, and said with a low smile:

"Let's do it again."

"This time, I

Su Ningxue's face was flushed with embarrassment, she covered her head with the quilt, and said in a muffled voice like a mosquito:

"You can do whatever you want..."

"Do not ask me."

In an instant, there was another melodious voice in the originally quiet room...

The night passed quickly.

the second day.

Gu Chen dressed quietly, looking at Su Ningxue who was limp on the bed like a puddle of mud, a gentle look appeared in his eyes.

After he left, Su Ningxue also quietly opened her eyes, muttering to herself with a worried expression.

"Xiaochen, you must come back...


Gu Chen stood on a high platform in a white suit and a Marine cloak representing a marshal.

Looking at the densely packed soldiers below, as well as several Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals standing in the front, Gu Chen was shocked by Conqueror's Haki, and said in a deep voice:

"All troops, let's go!"


Under a military order,

20,000 sailors board the ship, and 20 warships set off!

One by one, heavy weapons were continuously transported to the warships.

Among them, there are two pacifists!

the sea.

Gu Chen's warship was at the forefront, behind him were three Vice Admirals, and behind him were five Rear Admirals and several generals!

The entire fleet, in the shape of a sharp knife, sailed towards the strange point in the 496 sea area!

The momentum is like a rainbow!

And this magnificent scene,

It was also recorded by a monitoring station

At the 496th sea area.

At this time, the place was completely covered in black mist, and the inside was so deep that nothing could be seen.

Strange and evil mist continuously overflowed, and any sea water that touched it became lifeless and assimilated in an instant!

In the center of the black mist.

A dark palace looms, and then disappears into the deepest darkness

Suddenly, on the throne at the highest point of the palace, a powerful, majestic, vague figure exuding endless breath of death flashed past!

Meanwhile, Kyoto.

In a quaint living room.

"Father, what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Hao walked in from the outside, sat (cibg) on ​​the sofa slowly, and asked.

In private, he directly called the other party's father.

"Hao'er, take a look at this document."

Mr. Zhang picked up the paper on the table in front of him and slowly handed it over.

Zhang Hao took it in doubt.

Is something serious?

After taking the file, Zhang Hao looked down.


At the junction of the ninth ring and the eighth ring in the Far East War Zone, the monitoring platform detected... six warships, fighting the beast horde that was attacking the eighth ring?

6,000 soldiers, fighting 50,000 monsters?

And... wiped out?!

This this!

Zhang Hao frowned.

This level of combat power, if there is no fortress-level large-scale military weapons, then only his special mech unit can achieve it.

It is worth mentioning here that,

Due to the great changes in the world, the satellites of all countries have lost contact, and the network has also been greatly affected.

The current monitoring stations in various sea areas are only based on the large database of the Dragon Kingdom to detect the types and sizes of monsters, as well as the number of warships and soldiers.

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao asked in a deep voice:

"Father, did Xu Ye send the special forces?"

Xu Ye, General Marshal of the Far East Theater.

In his opinion, this is the only way to do it.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang shook his head.

"This is the information submitted by Zhao Hong, and she said that Zhao Shihan personally witnessed it.

Zhang Hao came to check.

I saw the whole process of Zhao Shihan from the ninth ring of the Far East War Zone, until he was hunted down, finally rescued by Gu Chen, and then returned to the No. 49 branch fortress.

And in

In the past, it was written that Gu Chen specifically asked him the location of the beast tide.

the most important is,

Gu Chen led exactly six warships!


Zhang Hao's complexion changed slightly!

In just a few days, has Gu Chen's strength become so salty?

Thousands of people dare to fight tens of thousands of monsters?

The problem is, they still won!

And it's not like he hasn't seen the soldiers under the other side before, they are indeed very elite.

Doesn't this mean,

Gu Chen's soldiers are equivalent to his mech troops?

Thinking of this, Zhang Hao's eyes changed.

The little devil who was still a student before, has become so that he has to face up to it...

At this moment, Zhang Lao suddenly sighed:

"There is still some information, let's talk about it when the meeting is held."

"Thinking about it, those people should have arrived.

The voice just fell.

Outside, the voice of secretary Zhang Geng came.

"Mr. Zhang, the Patriarch of the Ye Family, the Patriarch of the Su Family, and a few big families, and more than a dozen members of the military, all sent people here to ask to see Mr. Zhang!"

"Tell them, go to the Military Academy."

Mr. Zhang got up slowly, and said to Zhang Hao beside him: "Hao'er, let's go.

"Father, I will help you."

Zhang Hao hurried forward to help.

I saw a few words protruding from the corner of the document Mr. Zhang was holding.


Extreme North Theater, 495 sea area.

Twenty large warships are galloping fast, full of chilling atmosphere!

On the first warship.

Gu Chen held the phone in his hand, and after some hesitation, he still dialed.

"This is the headquarters fortress of the Extreme North Theater."

"Help me connect with Marshal Ning Zhan."

The extreme northern theater, the headquarters fortress.

command room.

"Huh? Gu Chen took the initiative to call me?"

Ning Zhan's complexion changed, a little surprised.

After a moment of contemplation, Ning Zhan picked up the phone.

"I am Ning Zhan."

On the warship, Gu Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ning Zhan still wanted to answer his call.

He called this time to remind Ning Zhan that a king-level monster will appear in the extreme north in the near future.

Moreover, the Dragon Kingdom was caught off guard without knowing its capabilities, and the opponent single-handedly destroyed two-thirds of the military defense line of the headquarters fortress!

So much so that the ninth ring of the extreme northern theater is on the verge of collapse!

And in terms of time,

It is not long after the war in the Far East theater has been quelled!

"Marshal Ning Zhan..."

Gu Chen began to tell.

Afterwards, he carefully explained the characteristics and abilities of this king-level monster, emphasizing on abilities.

command room.

listening to the content on the phone,

Ning Zhan frowned deeply and fell into deep thought.

After each meeting, he opened his mouth and said:

"You mean, this king-level monster can devour heavy weapons and store them in its belly, so they can be used at any time? And it's in the extreme north?"

"Gu Chen, do you understand the consequences of lying about military information?"

"I see!"

Ning Zhan's face became ugly.

He didn't ask why Gu Chen knew that a king-level monster was about to appear, out of trust in Gu Yuntian, he believed it directly.

Gu Chen inherited Gu Yuntian's mysterious army,

The other party may have some special means, let's investigate.

Just like their monitoring station.


If there is such a monster

That problem is not in his extreme northern theater at all!

Finally, Ning Zhan sighed.

"Gu Chen, there is one thing you don't know.

"In the Far Eastern Theater, that guy Ren Xu has already applied to Kyoto for the right to use L-2, and Kyoto has also approved it. In terms of time... it should be too late."


As soon as he said this,

Gu Chen on the warship was stunned.

Scenes of memory fragments flashed through his mind, and finally spliced ​​into a conclusion!

That is:

In the future, the "Super Electromagnetic Nuclear Fusion Cannon" spewed out by that Wangji monster raiding the headquarters fortress was not launched by the Extreme North Theater at all!

It was Ren Xu who used L-2 to destroy the monsters in the Far East!

After the king-level monster swallowed L-2 successfully, it left the extreme east.

Those monsters that invaded the Far East War Zone, of course, also left with it!

Because they don't need to stay in the Far East!

And this is also the reason why Ren Shu resigned after the accident on the ninth ring in the extreme northern theater!

It turns out that the truth is like this!

After hanging up the phone, Gu Chen's expression was also ugly.

That's too late!

So what should I do? The only way is to find the monster first, and kill it before it launches an attack!

After thinking about it, the fleet also reached the edge of the 496 sea area.

Looking at the black fog in front of him, Gu Chen suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and quietly waited for the notification from the system.

After a while, time returns to zero!

[Warning! Strange point No. 1 has been formed! 】

Seeing this, Gu Chen's Conqueror's Haki gushed out crazily, his eyes flashed red, he waved his hand, and said in a low voice:

"The whole army, attack!"

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