Let You Catch The Thief, You Broke The Serial Murder Case?

Chapter 176 Lock the area, change clothes, and spy!

at the same time.

Captain Zhang Hai took the criminal investigation team and tortured the young man who died of acne and returned to the Beining Branch.

After the group got off the bus.

Captain Zhang Hai waved his hand and said: "Li Ming, Liu Feng, you two, put this person in custody first, and then release the suspect after the child abduction case is arrested."

And by this time, this place.

The pimple kills the young man who needs Zhang Zhise before he is no longer there.

There was no arrogance on his face.

Only regret is left.

After a moment.

Inside the detention room of the Bac Ninh Branch.

The young man who died of acne stared at the other young man in a stunned manner, and the two looked at each other.


"Little melon?"

"Why did you come in?

"070" Why are you here? I said why I feel like I haven't seen you in a while.

"I was thrown in because I broke the cordon and broke into the crime scene of a case to shoot video."

"I was thrown in because I filmed a policeman's performance at the crime scene and posted it online.

Two dead young men:

After a relatively half-dead silence.

The young man who died of acne later came in with a bitter face and asked, "How long will we be locked up? How will they treat us?"

Hear this.

The former young man who had been detained for more than ten days, patted the other party's shoulder, and said comfortingly, "It's okay! It is estimated that we will be released in a few days."

As for "the other things! It's nothing, there is food and drink, but after the time, there are ideological education courses and basic legal knowledge learning courses."

"There's nothing else.

"I feel that I have learned a lot these days."

at the same time.

Downstairs from the traffic police team of Longming City General Administration.

Able to stand beside the car with a smile on his face, accepting criticism and education from the traffic police colleagues.

"Bears, do you know that you know the law and break the law?"

"It's not a crisis, life is at stake!" Nengzhuang explained with a smile.

The traffic police colleague said angrily: "After you explain this, of course I will know.

"Otherwise, why do you think I would still talk to you so well? Why haven't I given you a ticket yet?"

"Although, this time it happened for a reason.

"But, next time, pay attention."

"Speeding in urban areas is an extremely dangerous thing and an extremely irresponsible behavior for the safety of people's lives.

"If there is another crisis situation like this, call our traffic police team for support, and we will help you clear the traffic and save time."

After listening to Xiong Zhuangshi, he nodded again and again to express his approval.

At this moment.

Lin Nan also walked out quickly with Song Ruyan and Li Yanran.

When they saw this scene, they were slightly taken aback.

But soon, they responded.

This must be due to Neng Zhuangzhen's accidental speed when he was just driving, and was caught up by his fellow traffic policemen to criticize and educate him.


Now that the time is urgent, Lin Nan has no time to think about it, and hurriedly said: "Bears, the suspect has been found."

"The location is near a remote area on the outskirts of Longming City, and problems may arise if it is late.

Nengzhuang hurriedly said: "Hurry up, Ma Ran, get on the bus, we'll start now, Xiao Lin, don't forget to notify Team Zhang."

Lin Nan said: "Team Zhang has already been notified, but according to the distance calculation, they are relatively far away from that place, and they will arrive at least half an hour later than us.

Nengzhuang waved to Li Yanran to get on the bus as soon as possible, and said: "Time waits for no one, we will set off first.

"Four people, Ma Ran and I can handle it completely.

"Xiao Lin, you and Ruyan stay here and monitor them at any time to prevent them from escaping. Ma Ran and I are responsible for arresting them.

Lin Nan opened the passenger's door, got in the car, and replied: "There is no need to monitor here, there is no traffic surveillance video head near where they are.

"Moreover, I only infer the area where they are located, and I need to go to the scene to check to find their specific location."

As soon as this word comes out.

Nengzhuang also gave up the previous proposal and set off with Lin Nan and the other three.

During the period, the colleague of the traffic team also took the initiative to ask if they needed their assistance so that they could reach their destination as soon as possible.

But this proposal was rejected by Lin Nan.

Because when the traffic team opens the way to clear the traffic, the siren is bound to sound, which may arouse the vigilance of the suspects.


In the case that the safety of the child cannot be guaranteed for the time being.

Lin Nan and others agreed that it is safer to sneak in and search quietly.

Xiong Zhuangshi was galloping all the way, and quickly drove to the position indicated by Lin Nan.

After half an hour.

The crowd drove to a remote village on the outskirts of the city, but did not drive in the police car.

Lin Nan put on a coat and concealed his police uniform, and said, "Brother Xiong, your body shape is too obvious, which is not conducive to secretly investigating the situation."

"And Ruyan has not undergone special training, and it is safer to stay in a police car."

"Therefore, it is most appropriate for me and Ma Ran to disguise their identities and disguise themselves as ordinary people to investigate the situation.

"After we have finished investigating the situation, Team Zhang should have almost brought other people here and can provide support."

Nengzhuang frowned, his face dignified, and he said in a serious tone: "Okay! Listen to you! Keep in touch at any time, if there is an unexpected situation."

"I can provide support as soon as possible."

"Also, try not to act without authorization, everything is mainly to ensure the safety of children's lives. 0.8

Lin Nan said: "Don't worry, I know all this, Ma Ran, are you ready?"

Li Yanran's face was full of eagerness to try, she wiped her fist and said energetically: "No problem! My fist can't wait."

Lin Nan repeatedly instructed: "Remember, without my permission, never do it lightly.

"They have a six-year-old child in their hands.

"Moreover, the possibility of having other children is not ruled out."

Li Yanran nodded seriously and said, "Don't worry, I'm also a policeman.

"Being able to prioritize things.

"This time, without your permission, I will never do anything without your permission.

Lin Nan nodded, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a flash of light.

Shen Sheng said: "Let's go!"

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