Chapter 0077: Saying Right is called Romance, Saying Not Right is Called Harassment! Your reaction is so cute!!!

Have a meeting.

Old tradition.

Start by letting a group of leaders nag for a while and motivate the students.

Even if the students at the bottom are extremely high-quality talents, they are extremely tired of this kind of speech.

Even the applause is sparse.

Netizens couldn’t help but laugh when they saw this scene.

[It seems that schools all over the country are the same?] 】

[That’s when it’s raining, we have to listen to the head teacher]

【Gee, old tradition】

[It seems that I still have a little bit in common with Xueba~]

[I didn’t expect that I would watch this on the live broadcast one day, and I was sleepy all of a sudden]

[Lu Feng, you boy, quite able to play? ] 】

[Damn, we’re all listening to the encouragement, why don’t you play with Yue Yixue?] Is it human? 】

[I’m going, it’s really, the dog thing stops me! ] 】

Netizens watched others listening to the conference bored.

But when Lu Feng and Yue Yixue were playing with small movements.

Suddenly, the gap between people and people is greater than that between people and dogs!

Nima’s. Can you converge a little. Damn it, it’s really not a thing.

Can this occasion also be provoked?

Lu Feng smiled and wrapped Yue Yixue’s two hands in the palms of his hands.

Wen Wen made people sigh: “Your hands are so small.” ”

Yue Yixue tentatively dragged back.

As a result, his hand was firmly held in Lu Feng’s hand.

After symbolically resisting twice, Yue Yixue did not resist.

“It’s fine.”

“Why don’t you keep your nails?”

Lu Feng rubbed Yue Yixue’s fingertips.

The nails are clean, pink and white.

Don’t girls nowadays like whole nail art? It’s scary and expensive, see how many faces you can catch.

Yue Yixue smiled shyly.

“I’m afraid I’ll stay too long and catch you.”

“And isn’t it pretty?”

Yue Yixue poked Lu Feng’s palm and asked boldly.

Lu Feng smiled dumbly.

How can someone be so soft and cute even when questioned.

Is it true that other people in the school say that Yue Yixue is very cold?

It’s obviously a little cutie!

“It’s good-looking, it’s fascinating.”

Lu Feng’s love words came as soon as he opened his mouth.

“Slippery tongue.”

Yue Yixue commented.

Lu Feng ridiculed with a face: “Do you know if the oil is not slippery or slippery if you try it?” Netizens exploded directly! ”

[Nima’s! Tiger and wolf words, absolute tiger and wolf words! 】

[Hello? Police? There are hooligans here! 】

[You shut up for me! The tires weighed on my face! 】

[Good evening, except for the two of you]

[Originally it was annoying to pee! ] 】

[It doesn’t matter, I’ll report it with my middle finger]

[Huh, your mouth is a watering can?] 】

[Xuexue, we must not be seduced by this stinky boy! ] 】

[Learned and learned, send it to the goddess in a while]

[Forget it upstairs, imitation needs to be cautious, you are not a land wind]

That’s a love word.

Meat is not hemp is not important.

If it’s right, it’s romance.

If you say no, it’s harassment.


Lu Feng knew what to say to whom, and Yue Yixue had a strong sense of insecurity around him.

Then he will have nothing to say more.

Let Yue Yixue know that he likes her! The effect is also obvious.

After hearing Lu Feng’s words.

Yue Yixue’s brain directly shut down, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

No one dares to say such things in front of her in this life! But how could it be inexplicable… Sultry.

Yue Yixue said sullenly: “You tease me again.” ”

“I just searched for what you said last time.”

Until you see the noun explained.

Yue Yixue knew that Lu Feng always drove directly inadvertently.

And he himself is too slow in this regard.

I don’t always know about brain waves.

Old Lu Feng’s face turned red.

He is used to running trains every day, and sometimes he will have a little color in and out of words, but he didn’t expect Yue Yixue to go to search for it.

It’s embarrassing.

Yue Yixue’s small hand clenched into a fist and assured: “But don’t worry, I will study hard!” ”

“Next time I’ll try to understand what you’re saying.”

“Ah, this…”

Lu Feng was stunned.

What does this mean?

Her own clean little girlfriend like a blank piece of paper.

Going to learn how to become a female gangster?

Lu Feng was speechless: “Your studiousness, duck does not have to be used here.” Boy! ”

Yue Yixue, this student.

You don’t even have to know these color-stained things, do you? Yue Yixue shook her phone with a simple face.

“But Yun Zhao has already sent me a lot of learning materials.”

Hold the grass!

What learning materials? It won’t be a yellow film, right?

This wave directly alarmed Lu Feng, and quickly stopped it: “No, no, no, no, no need.” ”

Confiscated Yue Yixue’s mobile phone and slowly began to reason.

“You stay with me more, you will slowly understand, no need to learn.”


Yue Yixue looked disbelieving.

Lu Feng couldn’t wait to go back and pump his own mouth.

As long as you talk a lot, as long as you love to drive, as long as you are cheap! Damn it!

Lu Feng nodded seriously: “Really, it’s truer than pearls!” ”

“But I think these things are very interesting.”

Yue Yixue retorted, looking at his mobile phone confiscated by Lu Feng.

Lu Feng’s heart was cold.

I won’t run trains every day and completely pollute a young lady from a good family, right?

Damn, he damn it! What a crime! Lu Feng died urgently.

Clicked on Yue Yixue’s mobile phone.

For the first time, he opened the chat record between Yue Yixue and Ke Yunzhao a little out of bounds.

The latest news still stayed on Yue Yixue asking Ke Yunzhao to help move, and Ke Yunzhao ridiculed her for forgetting her friends.

Well…… What about tablets?

When Lu Feng was puzzled, he suddenly had a flash of light.

Look at the cameras.

Look at Yue Yixue’s little face that has been lowered.

A thought formed in Lu Feng’s mind.

He lifted Yue Yixue’s chin in disbelief.

Only then did I find out that Yue Yixue had been secretly smiling when she pursed her mouth? Snickering?!

“Blanch! Your tricky task? ”

Lu Feng scolded the director fiercely in his heart.

Scare skr people.

He also thought that he had broken Yue Yixue.

Yue Yixue nodded obediently, and then said with a starry eye.

“Your reaction is so cute.”

I was so anxious that I had to speak to myself in a good voice.

It’s so cute!

Lu Feng’s rare old face blushed.

Damn it.

It’s not enough to be cheated on, but also specially teased by his wife.


Yue Yixue then explained: “My whole trick is to let the other party know that I am watching… The film thing. ”

“Look at the other person’s reaction.”

The more Yixue spoke, the quieter he became, and in the end, it was obvious that he lacked confidence.

Directly gave Lu Feng a smile.


He always forgot the essence of this dead show.


If it weren’t for the fact that he still had to continue to earn grudge value, Lu Feng would have dragged his family with his mouth and left!

Sooner or later, I have to fix this director.

Lu Feng thought secretly in his heart.

“Don’t be angry.”

Yue Yixue pinched Lu Feng’s face and begged in a low voice.

Lu Feng also smiled, “I’m not angry, what’s so angry about this.” ”

“I’m just afraid you’ll learn badly.”

“If you have any questions, just ask me directly.”

Yue Yixue nodded and complained again.

“But you didn’t answer me last time.”

Old Lu Feng’s face turned red.

Isn’t he also shy?

“Whatever it takes, last time doesn’t count.”

Unable to say anything, Lu Feng decided to play tricks.

Before he heard Yue Yixue’s reply.

Just hear the huge sound of the microphone – let us welcome Yue Yixue from the Department of Finance of Beijing Science to the stage to receive the award.

Subsequently, the audience erupted into loud applause.

Lu Feng: “…”


It’s good to wait for my little girlfriend to answer me and read it again!

A group of old men don’t understand the fun between small couples at all, hehe. Lu Feng turned into the Zuan God of War, and he had already cursed people a hundred and eighty times in his heart.

The first time the students in the audience saw Yue Yixue, various whispered discussions broke out.

“Hold the grass! Isn’t she the contestant on the show? ”

“Good guy, see the real person.”

“It turns out that there is really no filter in the show, I look really good.”

“Pure Xueba…”

“What about Lu Feng?”

“The more I remember the one next to the snow location.”

College students, no matter how awesome the school, also needs recreational activities.

Watching variety shows is a good way to adjust.

Coupled with the popularity of “Love Variety Show 2” now.

At least half of those present had heard the names of Lu Feng and Yue Yixue.


At the first time when Yue Yixue appeared.

Countless eyes fell on Lu Feng in the audience.

Lu Feng, who realized this: “…”

Do you know what is called MMP in the heart and grin on your face? He could only continue to silently scold his mother in his heart.

When the people around saw the land wind, Gu Shi sighed a little.


“The two are really a good match.”

“The temperament around here is also calming down, right?”

“He must be proud of his girlfriend, right?”

“Fuck, why don’t I have Yueyi Xue, and I don’t have a land wind.”


Lu Feng was about to roll his eyes. No, really not.

He followed Yue Yixue.

I’ve been in college for two years now.

It’s been two years since I won the award.

If it’s two years, it’s going to be tight.

That’s really helpless! On the table.

Yue Yixue had a light smile on her face.

I received an award that recognized my ability to learn.

Before Xue Ping finished presenting the award and left, he did not forget to whisper a word: “Classmate Yue, remember to consider our school.” ”

“I’ll consider it, Professor Xue.”

After Xue Ping left satisfied, Yue Yixue leisurely stood in front of Limai, and wherever he went, he was a weapon for killing.

Therefore, the head up rate of the seats is much more than the leaders spoke just now.

“Dear teachers, dear students, good evening.”

“I am honored to receive…”

Acceptance words.

After saying it for so many years, it is all this old.

So Lu Feng didn’t listen carefully.

Anyway, I told her about the same.

And when Yue Yixue’s acceptance speech came to the end, a sentence suddenly came.

“Therefore, I am very grateful to my school for allowing me to meet my lover.”

“I hope that when you apply for the exam, you will consider our Beiri University more~”


The audience erupted into loud applause.

Principal Beili, who was sitting in the first row, had a bad smile on his face.

Sure enough, the more Yixue is reliable, remember to promote your school! The students below even whined and applauded.

“Damn, is it time to go to Beili now?”

“Good fellow, bright show of affection!”

“How embarrassing it would be if it were divided.”

“You can’t hope for something good!”

“So happy, really happy, woo-woo.”

Compared to the gossip of the melon-eating masses.

As a land breeze who was thanked for himself, a warm current poured into my heart.

He knew very well that Yue Yixue was particularly shy and introverted.

Can take the initiative to mention his boyfriend on such a big occasion.

It’s already the first time!

The most critical is.

The words she said were not boyfriend, but… Wife.

Lover, hey, lover!

When Yue Yixue sat down, her whole body turned red.

I can’t wait to get into Lu Feng’s arms.

“So, how am I doing?”

Yue Yixue blinked her eyes and looked at Lu Feng earnestly.

This is like waiting for its owner to purr a kitten with its own fur.

Lu Feng thought so and did so…

He teased Yue Yixue’s chin a few times, and the corners of his mouth smiled: “It’s very good.” ”

Hearing this, Yue Yixue was even happier.

The interaction between the two.

Put the surrounding melon-eating masses who have been secretly paying attention, and the whole heart is surging! Damn it.

A pair of such sweet CPs in front of you, are you still human if you don’t knock? Next, Lu Feng came to power.

He got up and straightened his back and walked to the podium in a spirited manner.

Xu Zhendong presented him with an award with a smile on his face, and whispered in his mouth: “You boy, okay!” ”

I didn’t expect this sweet and serious confession. It was actually what Lu Feng, this kid, could get.

Damn, envy!

Lu Feng lowered his head and laughed: “Of course, I deserve it.” ”

With such a good little girlfriend, isn’t this what he deserves?

Xu Zhendong scolded with a smile: “Stinky and shameless.” ”

After speaking, he got off the stage.

Leave Lu Feng on the podium to deliver his acceptance speech.

Lu Feng walked to Limai with a smile and threw a bomb when he came up.

“Hello everyone, my name is Lu Feng, I am from Bei Ri University, and I am also the last winner… Wife. ”


The audience seats in the venue exploded directly.

The cheers of the melon-eating crowd almost overturned the roof of the venue.

This is not as strong as listening to the leader’s farting!

And Yue Yixue, who was sitting in the audience, was blown up and his brain was confused.

The eyes were subconsciously red.

She couldn’t remember exactly what Lu Feng said afterward.

Yue Yixue only remembered that Lu Feng said that he would get along well with himself.

Let everyone find a partner to come to Beiri University.

But you shouldn’t find someone as nice as his girlfriend…

Lu Feng on the podium said the last sentence and said with a smile on his face.

“I’m done, thank you, remember to apply for our Beiri University!”

The first row is full of various leaders.

It was the first time I had seen this kind of scene, and I didn’t know what to do.

And the principal of Beili seems to be old-fashioned, and he directly took the lead in applauding.


These two students, it’s so good, and they know how to publicize the school, they really have a conscience! Applause!

Even the principal of Beili applauded, and other leaders clapped their hands one after another.

There was a lot of cheers in the venue, and there were even whistles.

In short, since the scholarship award, I have not encountered this situation.

Each time, a group of people were there to make a scene, talk about clichés, and finally complete the entire award ceremony mechanically.

It can be said.

Lu Feng and Yue Yixue completely injected new vitality into this award ceremony! Such a lively atmosphere directly spread to the hearts of netizens in the live broadcast room.

[Damn, show me if you don’t convince! ] 】

[There are four special scholarships in total, Lu Feng and Yue Yixue account for two, after studying for so long, you can’t enjoy it? ] 】

[It is! ] I really admired, studied well and talked, envious of me to death! 】

[The most important thing is that these two people said this directly in front of everyone, and they didn’t leave a way out for themselves at all]

[Yes, if it is divided, it must be very embarrassing, so Lu Feng and Yue Yixue definitely have the idea of long-term development]

[Good, two hundred]

[Good, 300 gifts]

[When I get married, I’ll sit at Xu Zhendong’s table! ] 】

[Laugh at me, love does not forget to promote their school, Beili on the hot search! ] 】

【Hold the grass! Isn’t this a great opportunity for recent admissions? 】

The hot search of various platforms was directly blown up by this award ceremony!

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