Chapter 0098 – Good Fellow! What kind of cultivation are you so special? (Seek the full certainty!!)

Wang Dawei sighed with emotion.

I couldn’t help but envy: “Wind, you are really suitable for love.” ”

Not only understand the small fun in love, but also understand the bottom line above the big things do not retreat.

This is what kind of people attract what kind of people…


After drinking the last sip of wine, Lu Feng made a summary, and he didn’t want to talk about it in vain.

“Good words are hard to persuade damned ghosts.”

“I’m done here.”

“If you want to get married, then you will get married, if you don’t want to get married, then don’t get married, it’s okay with me.”

After realizing the irritability in Lu Feng’s words, Gan Dawei grinned.

A look of emotion: “No one dared to say this to me before.” ”

No one around him dared to let himself break up with Li Ting directly.

Or Lu Feng, a person who has only seen two sides, is happy and neat.


Lu Feng smiled, “Then the people around you are also too dish.” ”

Even such obvious words are not said to his brother.

Isn’t this a crime?

Wang Dawei helplessly spread his hands: “Those brothers who have a hot personality, Li Ting won’t let me interact with them.” ”

Lu Feng: “…”

He really doubted how Wang Dawei’s stupid black sweet lived until now?

No wonder he was hung by Li Ting as a golden turtle son-in-law, it turned out to be excusable.


Isn’t this pure PUA?

Not only is it controlled in money, but even in special relationships?


Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick to the end, nothing!

“No wonder don’t be a relationship mediator.”

“I sat here just listening to it and felt my blood pressure soar.”

Lu Feng rolled his eyes.

It is clear that he came out to find a good partner, how come it has now become a conference for the transmission of emotional experience?

And his own personality, actually fluctuated a little emotionally.

It can be seen how annoying Wang Dawei and Li Ting are!

Not wanting to deal with this matter anymore, Lu Feng simply took out his mobile phone.

There is a message from the program group above.

He shook his phone and asked, “You’re my partner, right?” ”

“Oh, yes, yes, yes.”

A little surprised by how quickly Lu Feng’s topic changed, but Wang Dawei still agreed again and again.

He also took out his own mobile phone.

The above is also a message sent by the program group, that is, let him wait well on the bench.

Two people acting in a play, conflict and contradiction.

Observe the reaction of their respective girlfriends.

Some girlfriends will hide in the house and not come out, some girlfriends will call the police, but few people rush up.

Therefore, although this experiment is not aimed at the contestants, it is very testable.

After all, the husband and wife were originally the same forest birds, and the saying that they flew separately when the disaster was imminent has been circulating for a long time, and has even penetrated into the hearts of the people.

Lu Feng looked at his figure, and then at Gan Dawei’s figure.

Well…… With his own physical condition, it is more than enough to hit Wang Dawei at that time.

And Wang Dawei in front of him is purely fat.

No threat!

Feeling the gaze of Lu Feng, Wang Dawei raised his arm a little confused.

The fat meat was chubby, and it looked quite bluffing.

Thinking that Lu Feng was afraid that he would hurt him, Wang Dawei assured him very reliably.

“Don’t worry, Wind, although I am very powerful, but I am very measured, I will definitely not hurt you!”



He silently stretched out his hand and reached out to Gan Dawei’s arm.


A powerful sense of power struck, instantly disintegrating Wang Dawei’s confident defensive power.

“Whoosh! It hurts! ”

Wang Dawei held his arm and screamed, his face painful.

He looked at Lu Feng’s tall and thin figure in shock, and was surprised that he couldn’t do it.

“Wind, have you practiced? Especially Li Ting didn’t hurt so much when she hit me! ”

It is because his defense is relatively high, so when Wang Dawei was beaten now, he was not particularly painful to the point of being unbearable.

“It’s enough to hit you.”

Lu Feng said with a smile.

He is not a character who suffers in itself.

Therefore, I have been consciously exercising all along.

Coupled with the fighting skills exchanged by Fukubukuro, Lu Feng’s current combat effectiveness is simply on the next level.

Although most of modern society is reasonable.

But who dares to say that he can’t run into a few unreasonable hooligans? At that time.

The fist is the real last word!

As for what to say that you were beaten silently, and called the police afterwards to pick up the car? That’s all a joke!

Lu Feng would rather not have that car than allow himself to be bullied and beaten! Hearing Lu Feng’s words, Wang Dawei was silent.

He silently stepped forward and squeezed Lu Feng’s arm.


It’s so hard.

Wang Dawei didn’t believe in evil and lifted the short sleeves of Lu Feng’s T-shirt to take a look.

It’s all muscles?!

Although it is not large, it has been carefully trained, and you can know that you can fight at a glance!

Rough! Finished.

I actually played with a big knife in front of the public door just now, and the class door got an axe! Woo hoo throw the dead!

He is two hundred pounds of weight and one hundred and ninety-nine pounds of fat.

And Lu Feng is a weight of one hundred and fifty pounds, a hundred and fifty pounds of muscles!

He also thought that although his brain could not compare to the land wind, but this fat body could finally compare with the land wind, right?

Didn’t expect that.

Lu Feng gave him a heavy blow.

Wang Dawei’s face was deep: “You actually cultivate both civility and martial arts?” ”

“In these years, intellectuals also have to be full of martial virtue.”

Lu Feng said leisurely.

“Wind, you can start lightly in a moment.”

Wang Dawei couldn’t help but say.

He was afraid, really afraid.

Although he can contain his own strength, he doesn’t know the situation of Lu Feng, what if Lu Feng is the kind of player who smashes it?

“Although my fat body is very strong in resistance to blows, if you hit too much, I can’t stand it.”

Wang Dawei pulled his eyebrows and said with a sad face.

When he said this, Lu Fengzheng smiled.

kindly patted Wang Dawei’s shoulder, and as a result, this kid subconsciously trembled.

It made Lu Fengji even more funny: “I’m so scary? ”

Didn’t you just pinch him?

As for it!

The expression on Wang Dawei’s face became even more bitter: “As for.” ”

It’s all muscle memory!

The muscles are telling him that Lu Feng is a bad person to mess with! I’m not that kind of nerd at all.

“Don’t worry, I went on a mission, not to beat people.”

Lu Feng comforted with a smile.

I didn’t expect that as soon as he made a casual move, he would scare Wang Dawei like this.

Alas, a misstep!

Just as Lu Feng was thinking about how to comfort Wang Dawei, he suddenly asked.

“Wind, what floor is your house?”

“Sixteenth floor, what about you?”

Wang Dawei replied in surprise: “My house is on the fourteenth floor, and the fifteenth floor is empty.” ”

“I’ll go! Such a coincidence! ”

“No wonder the program team let the two of us partner together.”

“Isn’t that the perfect plan?”

If Lu Feng is noisy and jumping upstairs and so on, and then Wang Dawei feels that he can’t sleep to go up to theorize, it is easy to cause a conflict!


Fair and reasonable……

When Lu Feng thought about it, it was indeed like this.

So he nodded and said, “Then let’s do it.” ”

“You remember to bring Li Ting.”

In this whole thing, Li Ting is an important guest present.

Lu Feng smiled meaningfully: “If I beat Li Ting’s boyfriend, guess if she runs or stays where she is?” ”


Hearing Lu Feng’s words, Wang Dawei’s brain was stunned at once.

I immediately felt that this was a very good plan!

But he was also a little hesitant: “Don’t you want to cheat your wife?” ”

“I don’t want to.”

Lu Feng spread his hands, “My wife is very good, originally I wanted to put this task to rot, but now that I see you, my heart of great benevolence suddenly burns!” ”

“It’s to see the lively soul, right?”

Wang Dawei said faintly.

He now seems to understand a little bit of Lu Feng’s character.

Lu Feng: “…”

Worst! Seen through! But that’s okay.

Lu Feng raised a smile: “Don’t you want to see that scene?” ”

“You were beaten, if Li Ting can rush up to save you, then I respect her for not being a guy who plays on internal and external offenders.”

“But if she didn’t come up to save you, I think you should think very clearly, but if she can secretly call the police, then she can be regarded as having some feelings for you.” This is already a test scenario with a very ulterior motive. ”

It is completely possible to test out the attitude of the subject towards you in a critical moment!

Even if the object runs away but calls the police, it is considered that it has not completely given up on you

But if the subject completely escapes.

Then you can consider returning to singleness.

Wang Dawei sat on the chair, drinking while thinking about what Lu Feng had just said.

Thinking about the scratches on his neck that were still faintly hot and painful, he took advantage of the wine to make up his mind.

“Good! Just do it! ”

“Wind, you will act realistically at that time, I want to see if Li Ting can save me!”

“If she really desperately came up to save me, then even if she beat me for the rest of her life, I will admit it!”

Wang Dawei sighed deeply.

Seriously looked at Lu Feng and said.

This test is his last chance to give Li Ting.

If Li Ting can’t grasp it, then don’t blame him for 3.4 hardened hearted, Lu Feng smiled: “Okay, you will be a little miserable when the time comes.” ”

This can be regarded as his own accumulation of virtue, so he is still quite willing.

Toot toot.

A hurried phone call interrupted the conversation between the two.

As soon as Wang Dawei clicked on the connection, a breathy voice rushed out through the mobile phone.

“Wang Dawei! Didn’t you go downstairs to buy something? ”

“Why haven’t you come back yet! Did you meet some beauty?! I know that you men are all of this virtue…”

Listening to Li Ting’s chatter, Wang Dawei looked helpless, quickly got up, and waved at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng also sat on the chair and nodded, and said softly with a smile: “You are busy with yours.” ”

Before leaving, Wang Dawei smiled cheekily.

Then he took out a handful of red money from his pocket, stuffed it in Lu Feng’s hand and ran away.

Lu Feng chatted with himself so much just now, and it was not exaggerated for him to give some money!

Looking at Wang Dawei’s back getting farther and farther away, as well as a handful of red money in his hand, Lu Feng sighed.

It is not your own fate to force, but it is just to hurt others and hurt yourself, it is better to draw a knife and cut off the water, and withdraw as soon as possible.

There are really not many stupid and honest people like Wang Dawei in this society

He also did a good thing…

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