Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 44 Don’T Know The Treasure Is In Front Of You

Deliver the comic book to Yang Fugui's branch.

Jiang Chen left not long ago.

3.45 million was also transferred to Jiang Chen’s bank card in multiple installments.

Jiang Chen was in a good mood while riding a three-wheeler, collecting scraps and chatting with water friends.

Chatting and chatting.

Look up.

I actually came to the second-hand trading market.

People here will take things they don't use to the market and sell them second-hand, which is much more cost-effective than selling scraps.

[Item]: Candy mobile phone.

[Details]: The physical keyboard mobile phone launched by Nokia in 2014...

[Value]: 25 yuan.

. . .

[Item]: Hanging air conditioner.

[Details]: Gerry Company produced in 2017...

[Value]: 350 yuan.

. . .

[Item]: Down jacket.

[Details]: Coat made of goose down...

[Value]: 258 yuan.

Jiang Chen laughed while riding a tricycle in the market.

"The people here are reluctant to sell things as scraps. I, a scrap collector, want to find a business here... It's a bit brave. I'd better run away and find another place."

Just when Jiang Chen wanted to turn around and leave.

But I found a lot of people gathered in front of a stall.

They stood on tiptoes and stretched their necks. It was obvious that something was deeply attracting them.

Everyone loves fun.

Jiang Chen is no exception.

Leaving the car aside, Jiang Chen squeezed into the crowd to watch. He saw a woman in the middle, chatting with a man with a smile. Next to them, there was a 1.8-meter-high simple wooden bookshelf, which was dark yellow in color. , very bright in the sunlight.

The woman asked in surprise: "Brother, are you lying to me? The bookshelf is really made of golden nanmu. It is very valuable?"

The man also nodded with joy and said confidently: "It must be so. I knew it was made of golden nanmu at a glance, and it's quite old!"

The more the woman listened, the happier she became: "As long as you say this, how long will it take for your brother to arrive?"

The man laughed and said, "My brother will be here soon! He is a treasure appraisal expert and is well-known throughout the country. He can estimate the accurate price just by taking a look at it. He will definitely pay for this bookshelf when the time comes!"

"Ouch! Good, good!"

Hear the conversation between the two.

Jiang Chen also roughly guessed some information.

He turned around and asked the uncle next to him: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

The uncle sighed with envy on his face: "This big girl brought the bookshelf she used at home to sell here. She sold it for five hundred yuan, but no one wanted it. This big girl was planning to go home, but this big brother came over and took a look at it. She said that her bookshelf is made of golden nanmu, which is extremely valuable, and can be sold for seven to eight hundred thousand at least. Oh! I am so jealous!"

It’s pretty much what Jiang Chen guessed.

This is because the treasure is in front of you without knowing it. Such a precious thing is almost disposed of as garbage.

——[Golden nanmu? I've heard that this wood is extremely expensive! 】

——[Yes, it is said that the wood used in Heshen’s home is all golden nanmu, and the wood alone is worth 1.3 billion! 】

——[What a pity! What a pity! If Brother Chen had come a step earlier, this leak would have been Brother Chen's! 】

"Give way, please give way!"

Behind the crowd, an old man shouted. He was wearing black training clothes and many gold, silver and jade finger rings. He looked like an antique boss.

Hear the uncle's voice.

The man was overjoyed:

"My brother! Master Liu Qing Liu is here! He is the vice president of the Jiangnan Antiques Association and a recognized expert in treasure appraisal in the industry!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this title.

It has a great background!

Even Jiang Chen couldn't help but look at Liu Qing.

I saw Liu Qing walking to the bookshelf. He first asked the woman how to say hello and briefly understood the situation here. Then he devoted himself to studying the bookshelf: "It does look like golden nanmu, but I have to look carefully at the details." look."

He reached out and touched the bookshelf.

The wood was smooth, as if coated with wax.


In front of everyone, Liu Qing put his nose to the bookshelf again and sniffed hard.

Then his expression tightened.

"You can't be wrong, it's most likely golden nanmu."

But he was an expert after all, and it was impossible for him to make such a rash decision, so Liu Qing looked at the man who called him and said, "Go and buy a bottle of olive oil and a soft-bristled brush."

The man was confused: "Brother, what is that for?"

This question is also a question for everyone present.

I saw everyone looking puzzled.

Liu Qing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and said with a show of knowledge: "The golden nanmu looks not much different from ordinary wood under normal conditions, but with a gentle brush with olive oil, the texture of the golden nanmu will be exposed, and it will be exposed to the light." It shines brightly under the irradiation, and the golden waves flow, it is really beautiful! Therefore, brushing with oil is the easiest way to identify it. "

When everyone heard this, they all nodded in praise.

He is indeed an expert.

You know more.

Soon, the man bought the things and gave them to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing dipped a soft-bristle brush into olive oil, picked a spot and brushed it gently. Under the influence of olive oil, the originally dull and slightly dark red wood instantly looked brand new as if it had been polished!

The dark yellow wood becomes bright and red!

Like blood surging!

And among this bright red, there are also strange golden textures mixed in. With different viewing angles, the refracted light shines with a dazzling golden light, making the viewers frown in wonder!

"Brother, this must be golden nanmu!"

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