Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 58: The Old Rich Man’S Inheritance Should Be Handed Over To The Country? Say It Again!

In the old house.

Li Mo said with envy on his face: "I guess the homeowner's ancestors were beaten down during the period when the local tyrants were fighting to divide the land, and most of their property was confiscated. In order to preserve their property, they made huanghuali wood into the beams and doors to hide them from others. , treat it as your own capital.”

Ji Xiangnan also had such a guess, saying: "In addition, the common people at that time were generally uneducated. They might be able to steal the gold, silver, calligraphy and paintings from the landlord's house, but it would be difficult for them to realize that these pieces of wood were also treasures, and they could naturally be given away by the landlord smoothly. Leave."

If not.

It is difficult to explain such a large huanghuali wood.

Why can it remain unknown here for decades?

Li Mo smiled, but the meaning was unclear: "It's really not easy. With such a huge family, I tried every means but only left wood, which is sad."

Ji Xiangnan smiled happily: "You should be glad that huanghuali is wood. If it were gold and silver, the landlord couldn't keep it even if he wanted to.

Speaking of which.

Several people also looked at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes.

Although they are all worth a lot, they all feel envious when they see Jiang Chen, a young man who picks up things wherever he goes. On the one hand, they admire Jiang Chen's sharp eyesight, and on the other hand, they envy Jiang Chen's luck.

Chen Wanshan asked: "Xiao Jiang, have you known the secrets in the old house for a long time?"

Jiang Chen shook his head hastily: "That's not true. I just bought it for the huanghuali wooden door of the old house. I don't know anything about the conditions inside."

This is not modesty.

Jiang Chen really didn't have the ability to see through the old house, he just came for the wooden door.

Liang Yong joked: "Old Chen, Jiang Chen has the ability to pick up leaks, but don't think of Jiang Chen as a super human with clairvoyance. I was passing by an old house, and even the beams inside were not used. We all know about wood, is this something that science can explain?”

Chen Wanshan smiled ashamedly after thinking about it: "That's right, it's just luck."

Just when a few people were chatting.

Wang An, who had been looking at the photos on his phone, suddenly made a different discovery: "Mr. Liang, what is the reflection in your photo?"

"Where is it? Let me take a look." Liang Yong took the phone back and looked at it.

Didn't notice it before.

All his energy was focused on the rafters in front of him.

At this moment, after Wang An reminded me, I really found that in an inconspicuous corner of the photo, there was a little weak reflection captured.

Several people also came over to observe.

Liang Yong thought for a moment and shook his head: I didn't notice what this was. "

No matter how high the pixels of a mobile phone are, in a dark environment, it is still difficult to see the true identity of the reflective objects in the corner through the photos.


This successfully aroused the curiosity of several people.

Yang Fugui analyzed: "What can reflect light, metal, glass?"

"I just went up once. If I can go up again and take a look, it's not a big deal." Liang Yong was very energetic. He just did what he said. He guessed the approximate location based on the photos, then pushed the table and chairs over, and asked Chen Wanshan to help him. , and then climbed to the top again.

Turning on the light of his mobile phone, Liang Yong looked around for luminous objects.

He flicked the light roughly.

His eyes were instantly locked on a few silver coins not far away.

"It's a silver dollar."

After Liang Yong saw it clearly, he reported the situation to the people waiting below.

Then he grabbed the eleven silver coins and returned to the ground with the help of others.

"Why are the silver dollars on the rafters?"

Chen Wanshan squinted his eyes and stared at Liang Yong's fist.

Several people gathered around.

I saw Liang Yong slowly opening his five fingers.

Eleven bright black silver coins the size of bottle caps were all exposed in front of a few people.

Jiang Chen was also watching, and the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room could also see the general appearance of the silver dollar.

At first glance, this silver dollar is no different from an ordinary Yuan Datou.

A large portrait of Yuan Shikai is printed on the front.

The words "Three Years of the Republic of China" are engraved on the top of the head.

There is "One Circle" in the middle of the back, surrounded by clusters of spike flowers.

[It turns out to be a silver dollar. 】

[I thought it was some good thing, Yuan Datou, my family also has a lot of worthless things. My dad said there are only five or six hundred of them. 】

·[Yes, Yuan Datou’s circulation volume was too large back then, and it’s not unusual now. 】

[But this Yuan Datou is different from the one in my family... Why are the three words "Suwei" and "Ai" printed on these eleven pieces? 】

【Soviet, this is......】

Many spectators saw it.

This silver dollar is different from the ordinary Yuan Datou.

Of course, such an obvious difference could not escape the eyes of the big bosses at the scene, so they all frowned and studied two pieces each.

"Soviet Yuan Datou?"

Yang Fugui blurted out.

Having worked as an antique for twenty years, Yang Fugui knew so much about silver coins that he knew without asking others what a huge fortune it would be if these silver coins were real!

So he held Yuan Datou with his hand, and his heartbeat was speeding up!

Li Mo, the history professor next to him, was also amazed, "Xiao Jiang, have you ever come into contact with silver coins?"

Jiang Chen responded: "I have been in contact with him."

Under the current situation, even if Jiang Chen comes into contact with silver coins for the first time, he still has to bite the bullet and say that he has come into contact with them before.

Otherwise, how can we discuss it with these big guys later?

Li Mo said with an envious tone: "Then you must know the origin of these silver coins, they have a great background!"

Regarding the silver dollar information, Jiang Chen had seen it from the system.

He opened his mouth and came:

"This is the Soviet silver dollar. In 1914, Yuan Shikai issued a large number of silver coins with his own face as the template. In 1931, the northern red regime was violently suppressed by the Republic of China government and carried out brutal military siege and economic blockade in an attempt to collapse the red regime. In order to In order to meet the needs of the struggle against the enemy, the red regime launched a campaign against local tyrants and seized a lot of silver coins from the local tyrants. In order to use the silver coins for our own use and to show the difference, the red regime stamped the stamp of 'Soviet' on the right side of Yuan Shikai's portrait. .

"In order to suppress the red regime, the Republic of China government confiscated the silver coins stamped with 'Soviet' and recast them. Therefore, Yuan Datou stamped with 'Soviet' is rare. Until March 1933, in order to prevent a large amount of silver dollars from flowing overseas, the Nationalist Government introduced a bill to abolish the use of silver dollars and replace them with banknotes for circulation in the market. It also recycled silver dollars on a large scale, making the stock of "Soviet" silver dollars become scarce. "

Look at Jiang Chen describing this silver dollar in such detail.

Several people also looked at Jiang Chen with surprise and admiration.

He is indeed an all-rounder!

Liang Yong fondled the silver coins fondly and said, "Xiao Jiang, you are so knowledgeable! I am not exaggerating to say that these silver coins are one of the best treasures in the silver dollar world!"

Look at his enthusiastic look.

There is no need to say more about the authenticity of silver coins.

It must be true!

Ji Xiangnan and Wang An also looked over and over, and the more they looked, the more frightened they became. Soviet silver coins were already rare, but now one of them appeared at the same time!


Ji Xiangnan swallowed.

As the director of the museum, his occupational disease broke out: "Jiang Chen, I suggest you put these silver coins..."

The words were only half spoken.


Everyone present turned to look at him.

His eyes look like he wants to kill someone!

Do you want to say, hand over the silver dollars to the country?!


handed over to the state.

Then how can they, such thoughtful bosses, pay to hide one?

Feeling everyone's malice, Ji Xiangnan quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to dispose of these silver coins properly. It's best to sell one to our Jiangnan Museum."

Hear this.

Only then did the murderous intentions of several people subside.

That’s pretty much it!

Jiang Chen asked with a smile: "Several teachers said this, does it mean that these eleven silver coins are genuine?"

Yang Fugui was the first to nod: "I think it's true!"

Liang Yong also nodded silently and said: "It's all true!"

With the two of them speaking, truth or falsehood is no longer a problem.

in front of the screen.

Song Miaomiao's heart tightened.

What's going on?

Why are there so many treasures in this old house?

The huanghuali wood is not finished yet, here comes a Soviet silver dollar?

"Is this thing valuable..." Song Miaomiao quickly took the tablet computer, opened the search page, and looked for information about the Su Weizhen silver dollar.

At the same time.

Chen Wanshan's voice came from the live broadcast room at the same time: "I checked the information and found that there are currently 7 Soviet silver dollars in the world. One coin has one price depending on the quality. Because it is too scarce, the market liquidity is very low, and collectors Once you get it, you won't let it circulate on the market easily. Several of them were sold for 1.8 million in 2013, 2.13 million in 2014, 2.26 million in 2016, and 2.35 million in 2017."

Hear these prices.

Song Miaomiao's little hands shook while she was typing!

People are immediately numb!

The average price is more than two million!?

Then these eleven are not 22 million...

Suddenly, Song Miaomiao felt like the world was spinning.

This can't be blamed on her. After all, human nature is like this. Who can stand up to such a valuable thing being handed over to others?

Don't say it's her.

Even if the richest man comes, he still has to put on the mask of pain.

——[One silver dollar is more than two million?!]

[Eleven pieces are not worth more than 20 million!]

[Confiscation! It must be confiscated! Are there any relevant departments in the live broadcast room? Why don’t you hurry up and arrest Brother Chen and ask him to confiscate all these things? 】

【If you don’t get it, destroy it hahahaha!】

[I lied to you when I said I was so envious that I cried. But now, I am so envious that I cry... More than 20 million. I have an annual salary of 200,000 and have to work for a hundred years to earn more than 2,000. Ten thousand! In one fell swoop, I earned money that would only take me two lifetimes to earn!】

The heat in the live broadcast room exploded.

There are so many barrages that they cover the entire screen.

Li Mo asked: "Mr. Chen, what do you think the price of these silver coins is..."

Chen Wanshan is the appraiser.

The price given is more convincing.

So several people were waiting for Chen Wanshan to know everything.

"Based on the auction prices in the past ten years, the market price of each of these silver coins should be around 2.5 million. But now..." Having said this, Chen Wanshan glanced at the silver coins in the hands of everyone, and everyone present said: Each of the seven people had one or two Soviet silver dollars in their hands. "Suddenly, 11 more Soviet silver dollars appeared, so I estimate that the price of each Soviet silver dollar should have depreciated to around 2 million."

Everyone frowned when they heard this.

Be good!

Directly reduced by half a million!

Devalued by 20%!

Jiang Chen felt a little distressed after hearing this. One coin has depreciated by half a million. Doesn't eleven mean more than five million?

Even though he felt distressed, Jiang Chen knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

This is the law of the market.

Things are rare and valuable.

Originally, there were only 7 Soviet silver dollars on the market, but now there are suddenly 11 more. They are no longer as rare as usual, and the price will naturally shrink.

'''~I will pay 4.1 million!" Yang

Fugui suddenly said: "Jiang Chen, I like this thing, sell me two!"

Like is like.

But Yang Fugui still went there to make money.

According to his understanding of the antique market, the price of Soviet silver dollars will definitely fall in a short period of time, but over time, the price will definitely rise back.

Buy two now for 4.1 million.

Three years later.

Maybe it can be sold for 5 million.

Earn 900,000 in three years.

This rate of return is already very good.

During these critical three years, Yang Fugui could still be ruthless.

Yang Fugui made a prototype, and others were also inspired. Wang An and Ji Xiangnan were from the Provincial Museum. They had no money in their private pockets, but they could use the budget given by the government to buy the current Ji Xiangnan.

He said: "On behalf of the Jiangnan Museum, I also want to buy two!"

Look at how they are ready to move.

Liang Yong stood up to stop him: "What's the hurry? There are eleven! There are only seven of us in total, isn't it enough for everyone to share?"

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

It seems so...

Everyone present has a certain friendship with Jiang Chen.

And they all know that Jiang Chen is a man of justice and will not favor one over another in terms of friendship.

Thinking of this, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

Calculate it this way.

Everyone can buy one or two Soviet silver dollars from Jiang Chen.


Chen Wanshan chuckled and said: "That's what Lao Liang said! What's more, Jiang Chen doesn't have the habit of collecting treasures. Strictly speaking, the six of us will be divided into eleven silver coins, and each of us can get it with a guarantee.

Once you get one, there is no need to fight for it.

Li Mo explained: "No, no, no, it's divided among five people. I'm not interested in collecting antiques, so I won't get involved."

(Wang Zhao) He just finished speaking.

Chen Wanshan's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Wait a moment, I'll take a call from my friend."

He stepped aside.

Press answer.

The person on the other end of the phone spoke in a very urgent tone: "Old Chen! We are friends! Whatever I want to sell, I will give it to you for auction. Just tell me if you still remember this friendship!"

Chen Wanshan was stunned for a moment, "Then we must not forget it. What's wrong?"

The man hurriedly said: "That's okay, I like the Soviet silver dollar! Hurry up and buy one for me! I'll pay 2.1 million!"

These words made Chen Wanshan confused, "Are you watching the live broadcast?"

"Nonsense! I've been watching! Hurry up! I'm waiting for your good news, Lao Chen, don't let me down!"

After solemn instructions, the phone hung up.

Chen Wanshan put away his phone and took a deep breath.


Although this commission is difficult to handle.

But if you are shameless, you can still do it.

Returning to the crowd, Chen Wanshan felt a little embarrassed and explained his friend's request: "Jiang Chen, a friend of mine is also interested in Soviet silver dollars and is willing to bid 2.1 million.

Buy one from you......

Everyone frowned slightly and remained silent.

Jiang Chen thought for a moment and felt that it was okay to be a favor, so he responded: "Teacher Chen's friends are my friends, of course.

Chen Wanshan was overjoyed: "That's great!"

The words just faded away.

The mobile phones of Yang Fugui, Liang Yong, Wang An, Ji Xiangnan and Li Mo also rang one after another.

"Dear~Fly slowly~Be careful of the roses with thorns in front~"

"Can we meet again [I have been praying in front of the Buddha for thousands of years!"

"The bitter sand, the feeling of blowing pain on the face, like the father's scolding and the mother's cry..."

"The first snow in 2002! It comes later than before!"

"We like you from Times Youth League. We like Ma Jiaqi, Ding Chengxin, Song Yaxuan..."

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