Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 63 My Family Has A Treasure Audition Site, A Treasure Appraisal Expert Who Moved Hundreds Of

Jiang Chen and Shen Yin were ready to leave.

Seeing the two of them so close, Tong Kexin was dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen and Shen Yin know each other, but they want to have dinner together?

What is their relationship?

The man next to her put his arm around her shoulders and said with emotion: "Tsk tsk, they are a couple, right? What a talented and beautiful couple. I really envy that little brother. He has a great harvest in love and career. Not only is he rich and beautiful, but he also has a girlfriend. She is a female star.

Hearing this, Tong Kexin was immediately embarrassed and annoyed: "Why are you paying attention to them two? They are so annoying! Can't you do your job well?"

Leave the tax office.

Jiang Chen first met with Shen Yin and the director to talk about cooperating on the scene.

The program team and Shen Yin both want a win-win situation and are very willing to cooperate.

Jiang Chen's right to speak is not important.

So they both decided: let this matter go!

Then the two parties signed a contract on the spot to finalize the matter. If nothing unexpected happens, when Shen Yin's agency adjusts her schedule, Shen Yin will be able to parachute into Jiang Chen's live broadcast room at some time.

Had a quick lunch.

After the matter was settled, Shen Yin rushed to the next place to work without stopping.

She is an actress who has become popular recently.

The schedule is heavy.

I can't take any time off at all.

Jiang Chen also started his work after dinner, riding a three-wheeler, starting a live broadcast, and wandering around the streets.

[Brother Chen, I just saw that Shen Yin’s fans photographed you and Shen Yin riding in a car together. You two don’t have any secrets, right? 】

[Shen Yin? That Shen Yin of the 101 girl group?!]

[Brother Chen, since when did you start hooking up with Shen Yin behind our backs!]

[Damn it! I really don’t envy Jiang Chen for picking him up, but I would really not be willing to accept it if he kicked Shen Yin! 】

Seeing the wild guesses of the netizens, Jiang Chen explained in a dumbfounded manner: "Stop guessing, Shen Yin and I are just having normal business negotiations and have no personal relationship."

No matter how Jiang Chen explains it.

There are more and more rumors about him and Shen Yin on the Internet.

#"Career Challenge" is a solid script!#

# amateurJiang Chen unexpectedly met in private with 101-sister Shen Yin#

#packagingpenghong Jiang Chen or the agency behind Shen Yin is the mastermind behind it#

Seeing that no one believed him when he came out to clarify, Jiang Chen stopped doing useless work and let netizens just guess. Anyway, their guessing can only gain popularity for themselves.

"Offline treasure appraisal audition! If you have collections at home, you can go to Exit 1 of Guningta Subway Station to sign up. Five treasure appraisal experts will serve you!"

Jiang Chen passed by a subway station on a tricycle.

From a distance, I saw several young men and women at the subway entrance, holding banners to promote the event.

Jiang Chen stopped and took a look.

"The TV program "My Family Has Treasures" has an offline audition. Tibetan friends in Jiangnan City are welcome to bring their treasures to register," read the banner.

This is a treasure appraisal program on TV.

And it has been held for many years.

If I remember correctly, Jiang Chen watched this program when he was in junior high school. He didn't expect that it would still be held as usual after so many years.

Looked at the map.

Jiang Chen found that Guningta Subway Station was not far from him.

It's only two subway stations away.

From here, it takes about twenty minutes.

"Brothers, Guningta subway station is not far away. I will take you to the audition site. There are many treasures there, which will just sharpen our eyesight." Jiang Chen became interested and turned off the accelerator to speed up.

The sharpening of eyesight is fake.

Picking up leaks is the real thing.

At the antique audition site, there will be many people bringing countless collections to the scene for appraisal, and there is a chance that someone will make a mistake, "That's Jiang Kang's opportunity.

[Okay, okay, Brother Chen is no longer pretending, right? He is going to pick up antiques directly. 】

[I knew that collecting scraps was a lie!]

【Brother Chen’s job is to pick up leaks! 】

Jiang Chen hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the Guningta subway station.

Exit No. 1 is connected to the square of the shopping mall.

at this time.

The outdoor square was already crowded with people.

Almost everyone was holding a beautiful box, chatting and laughing with the people around them, and discussing the collection in their hands.

At the front of the line.

There are also several receptionists who are entering information for people who come to register.

Jiang Chen put down his tricycle and walked over to take a look.

First you have to pay the fee.

The registration fee is 100 yuan, which allows experts to identify a collection for free.

If the applicant has three collections in his hand, he has to pay a registration fee of 300 yuan to have all three items appraised by experts.

Paid the money.

You will receive an information card.

Write personal information and collection information on it.

With the information card in hand, you can go to the mall and queue up to find five experts for appraisal.

Jiang Chen is not here to appraise treasures.

So I strode towards the mall.

After walking around inside, it was easy to find the locations of the five experts.

It was a deserted corner of the mall.

The place is big enough and spacious enough.

Five experts sat neatly behind a row of long tables, and in front of them were collectors waiting in line to appraise the treasures. In addition, there were also many spectators, and there were quite a lot of people, so the scene felt a bit messy.

【I'm going, there are so many people?】

[Every Tibetan friend from Jiangnan City must be here. After all, "My Family Has Treasures" is a long-established program that has been running for almost ten years, and its influence is absolutely incredible. 】

[It makes me want to take my grandfather’s collection for appraisal. 】

Jiang Chen walked forward.

When I came to the treasure appraisal table, I saw experts concentrating on appraising antiques.

“Friend Tibetan, this blue and white porcelain of yours is from the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty, and the signature is also from the Yongzheng period, but please pay attention...

"No, I said, uncle, what is this? You asked me to identify your clothes drying rack? Are you kidding me?"

"This thing is... Sanxingdui mask? Haha, brother, this must be fake."

"Why do you say this is fake? I saw a Sanxingdui mask on TV that was the same as the one I have in my hand. How could it be fake?"

"Brother, if this thing is real, you can't stand here and argue with me. You should be working on a sewing machine in the detention center..."

It's quite interesting to see this group of experts facing off against Tibetan friends.

Jiang Chen stood aside and watched for a moment.

I found that 90% of the collections brought by collectors were fake, and the remaining 10% were old objects, but they were not worth anything, only five or six thousand.

During the half hour that Jiang Chen stood here, only one gilt bronze Buddha was valued at 150,000 yuan by experts.

Through the system, Jiang Chen discovered that what the expert said was true.

[Item]: Gilt bronze statue of Ksitigarbha Buddha.

[Details]: Made by the Qing Dynasty court to win over lamas in Tibetan areas...

[Value]: 180,000.

This 180,000 is the top recycling price.

For private sales, the prediction of 150,000 given by experts is relatively reliable.

"They are all street stalls, there is no chance to miss them. Jiang Chen sighed in his heart and prepared to leave to do his own work.

He turned around and took two steps.


A girl attracted Jiang Chen.

She had a pretty face and stood out among the people waiting in line. The old men nearby couldn't help but come over and ask questions.

"Little sister, what are you holding?"

"Does such a young girl also like to collect?"

"You are so beautiful, little girl."

Facing so many men of the same generation as their grandparents, the girls seemed a little embarrassed.

"What I got was a painting."

"It was passed down from the old man in the family."

But unlike others, what attracted Jiang Chen was not the girl's appearance, but the scroll she held in her arms.

[Item]: Songyang Han Cypress Picture.

[Details]: Vertical scroll painting, the center of the painting is 58 cm long and 29 cm wide. It was made during Qianlong's hunting tour in 1750...

【Value】: 120 million.

I saw it was worth over 100 million.

Jiang Chen's brain buzzed.

The sum of all the things you worked so hard to pick up is only less than 100 million, but the painting in the girl's arms is worth 120 million...

Look at the girls still queuing up for expert appraisal.

Jiang Chen had some guesses in his mind.

This girl definitely doesn’t know that the scroll in her arms is worth over 100 million, otherwise how could she come to such a messy audition site and be judged by my mainstream expert?

What's even worse is.

This scroll doesn't even have a storage box.

Just being naked and being held in the arms of a girl......

Such careless treatment shows that girls do not know the value of paintings.

Jiang Chen was moved.

Standing nearby silently.

Thinking about how to get the painting.

But before Jiang Chen could come up with a solution, the girl had already stood in front of an expert named Li Wang, bowed politely and said hello: "Hello, Teacher Li!"

Seeing such a beautiful girl, Li Wang was in a good mood and greeted with a smile: "Hello, little girl, you are so beautiful!"

"Thank you, teacher!" The girl was a little shy.

Li Wang asked again: "What do you want to identify? Take it out and show it to me."

The girl said: "I want to authenticate this painting." She put the scroll on the table and handed it to the expert.

Li Wang carefully went up to take a look.

After looking at the outside, I slowly unfolded the scroll and looked at the patterns on the painting...

The more I look.

Li Wang's expression became more solemn.

"Do you know what kind of painting this is?"

The girl looked nervous and said: "I know, I checked the information and found that the poem on the painting was written by Qianlong, and this painting is Qianlong's "Songyang Han Cypresses".

Li Wang was a little surprised and praised: "Awesome, I didn't expect you to know the origin of this painting. Yes, this is "Songyang Han Cypress Picture", so where did your painting come from?"

"It's passed down from my family's ancestors."

"Have you asked anyone else to appraise it before? What are their opinions?"

"The painting has been kept at home and no one else has ever seen it. Something happened at home recently and I need money urgently, so I wanted to see how much this painting is worth and whether it can be used for emergency purposes."

Hear this.

Li Wang nodded again.

Finally, he carefully put the painting away and said with a smile: "Congratulations, you are the same old thing again.

Hear the words.

The girl's nervous expression instantly relaxed.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.


No chance to pick it up.

The girl quickly asked: "Teacher, how much is this painting worth?"

Li Wang smiled and said calmly: "Don't worry, I said, the painting is an old thing, but it's a pity that it is not real, it is a high imitation of the ancients. Alas, there are too many fakes like this on the market. There are so many of them, I'm not surprised.

As soon as these words came out.

The girl's beautiful smile froze instantly.

She was a little sluggish.

Somewhat panicked.

"Teacher, what do you mean..."

"That's what you think. The painting is not authentic, but imitated by later generations of painters. But it seems to me that it is from the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. It is considered a good thing and can be sold for some money.

Li Wang also looked sad and regretful.

But Jiang Chen on the side raised his eyebrows after hearing this.


Did Li Wang make a mistake?

[What a pity, this painting turned out to be a fake. 】

[Looking at this girl’s face alone, I am willing to believe that this painting is authentic!]

[I think it is better to let these experts look at it than to let me, Brother Chen, look at it, because I, Brother Chen, are more professional!]

[Brother Chen, this girl is so beautiful. Please do me a favor and accept the money. She told me that her family is in urgent need of money. 】

【Let me go, is she going to cry?】

[No way! Isn’t it just a fake painting? 】

on site.

The girl learned that the painting was fake.

He actually wiped his tears in grievance.

This scene made the old men around feel distressed, and they all said comforting words: "~Little girl, don't be sad, this is the antique business, it's all fake and nothing real." "Yeah, didn't Teacher Li say it? It’s imitation, but it’s still valuable. “It’s not that bad, girl!”

But the girl's eyes were full of despair, she was holding the painting and was choking and almost crying.

Jiang Chen was also stunned.

What's going on here?

A fake painting.

You won't cry, right?

With tears in her eyes, the girl bowed to Li Wang in front of her and said, "Thank you, Teacher Li, please excuse me!"

Li Wang was also a little surprised. He hurriedly stood up and waved his hands: "No trouble, you are exaggerating! But little girl, is this painting very important to you?"

The girl wiped her tears and explained: "Six months ago, my dad and mom were in a car accident while driving drunk and were sent to the ICU for emergency treatment. Even now, they have had three surgeries and they are still not out of danger. In order to pay for the treatment expenses for my parents, I sold my house and car, and now I am about to have my fourth surgery. As long as this surgery is successful, my parents can survive, but me, my family..."

You can hear it.

The girl's mood collapsed.

Jiang Chen was also surprised.

It turns out that such a big change happened in the girl’s family.

No wonder she shed tears of sadness when she heard that the painting was fake. It turned out that she had pinned her parents' hope of survival on this painting.

The people around her also felt sympathy and sympathized with the girl, but they were powerless and could only offer some comfort.

Li Wang was speechless.

He stared blankly at the girl and shed tears.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth.

"Little girl, don't be too hard on yourself. Although your painting is a high imitation, it is still an old thing. It is not a problem to sell it for 50,000 yuan. In this way, I will give it to you. A collector’s phone number. His surname is Wang and his name is Wang Bufan. Contact him and ask him if he wants this painting. If he wants it, say that Li Wang introduced him to it and offer him 80,000 yuan. !”


He took out his cell phone and gave her the friend's phone number.

The girl was a little touched when she heard this and kept bowing and thanking her: "Thank you, Teacher Li, you are a good person!"

Under the gaze of everyone.

The girl got the collector's phone number.


Li Wang said earnestly: "If it were anyone else, my friend would definitely not be able to give you the price of 80,000, but when he hears that I introduced you to him, he will definitely give you 80,000. Little girl, I can only help you. Here it is.”

The words just fell.

There was warm applause from all around.

Everyone is praising Li Wang for his kindness.

[I was so moved that I almost cried, such a person can be called an expert!]

【We need more experts like this!】

[Is there any donation channel? I am willing to donate some money to this little girl!]

[Teacher Li is so good, who can be so kind-hearted!]

In the live broadcast room.

The barrages of praise were also overwhelming.

Jiang Chen remained silent, quietly watching the girl interact with Li Wang.

Shortly after.

Under countless gazes, the girl left holding the scroll.

Jiang Chen also followed closely to the warehouse.

As soon as she left the mall gate, the girl hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called the collector: "Hello! Is this Teacher Wang Bufan? I was introduced by Teacher Li Wang. I heard that you are a collector. I have a collector here. I don’t know whether you are interested in the painting or not.”

"Great, thank you!"

"My name is Annie Yang!"

"I understand, Teacher Wang, let me find a place to meet you. I'm in need of money, so I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"Are you also near the mall? What a coincidence!"

"I'll go over if I know about Teacher Wang!"

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