Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 82 The Werewolf Self-Destructs? Crime Of Information Asymmetry And Fraud! Confiscated!

The bailiff doesn't even need to open it.

One glance and you'll know the inside story.

Then he said seriously:

"You two, don't you know that the assets in your name are going to be auctioned on the spot? The things no longer belong to you, but belong to the court, and they are subject to the full discretion of the court. The things that I bought from the court with money are legal. Comply with the regulations and don’t accuse others of stealing.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand: "Let's go."

It depends on the plan.

The old aunt immediately shamelessly pointed to the people around her and said: "No! I just don't want to sell things to him! Sell it to you! Sell it to him! Sell it to him! Or sell it to him! In short, I can't sell it. Give it to this boy!"

Jiang Chen was happy: "Who do you want to sell it to? I've already spent money to buy it. This thing is mine."

Hearing this, the old aunt rushed up and hugged the bronze statue tightly: "It's the Russian thing! No one can take it away."

The old man also sighed and said: "I have such an old face, so I will risk my life!"

His heart skipped a beat.

Following the example of his wife, he walked towards the cart and said, "Come on! Run over me if you dare! Otherwise, don't even think about leaving with my things!"

hard to imagine.

These two people were once the couple of directors of a large group...

It's better to meet someone who is reasonable.

It is also difficult for the police to deal with unreasonable people.

The bailiff looked at his colleagues and said, "Come here, take these two away, don't let them interfere with the work on site.

"Well, come on."

Several people came forward.

He grabbed the old couple's arms and pulled them away.

Even though both of them were in their sixties, they were still very strong. They would not let go even though they were crying, making people nearby complain that it was difficult for them.

There was such a lively happening in the yard.

Naturally attract the attention of people around you.

The reporter brought a cameraman with him 24 hours a day to record everything.

People in the villa also heard the crying outside and asked curiously: "What's the sound outside?"

"It looked like someone was crying."

Someone laughed and spread the word: "Go out and have a look. As soon as Jiang Chen walked out after buying something, the old couple pounced on him and pestered him, refusing to let him go. If we bought it, it would probably be the same. Don’t even think about going out like this.”

Chen Wanshan was surprised when he heard this: "Is there such a thing? Don't they know that there is a court auction?"

Liang Yong also scratched his head: "That's right, the court has clearly notified it.

The man with sunglasses smiled arrogantly: "I'll go out and take a look."

He walked out of the living room door.

It also led many good people to follow him out.

Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong looked at each other and felt that Jiang Chen's affairs could not be ignored, so they also walked out the door.

The young woman didn't want to join in the fun.

But she thought that the person involved was Jiang Chen, who had become famous recently, so she followed the crowd inexplicably.

Not long after.

There were a lot of people standing in the courtyard.

Everyone was watching the old couple's joke.

The court staff are patiently guiding the old couple, hoping that they will cooperate with everyone to carry out the work, but the old couple just don't want to let go.

People around him kept making noises and making noises.

"What nonsense? Just pull them apart!"

"Don't be afraid, Jiang Chen. You are so rich that you can run over them with a cart. It's not like you can't afford to pay!"

"Is this guy really the director of Qianyue Group? How come he behaves like a gangster?

I heard everyone talking.

The old man's face turned red. He never thought that as a rich man, he would one day act rogue in public...

But for money.

He had to do this.

And I am still comforting myself all the time: A man can bend and stretch...

This is a treasure worth hundreds of millions.

What's the shame?

Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong were both dumbfounded.

This was the first time they had seen a chairman-level figure act arbitrarily and arbitrarily in public, regardless of the eyes of others.

[I have learned a lot! It turns out that such big guys can also play rogue. This is the most real business war. 】

[Oh my god, I feel so embarrassed for both of them. 】

[What are you trying to do? Do you really think the two of them can fight the law? 】

[Brother Chen is spending money on something bad this time. After all this, it’s better not to buy it. 】

[But look at Brother Chen, he is smiling and calm, and he doesn’t seem to be at all...]

Jiang Chen is patient.

If you want to spend it, just spend it.

Anyway, the transaction proof is in Jiang Chen's hands, and these three things cannot escape.

But the bailiffs were getting impatient.

No matter how they behave like this, who else will dare to participate in the foreclosure?

No way, this!

The sergeant gritted his teeth and said, "Ask two more people to pull them apart and use force. Don't be afraid of hurting anyone!"


The bailiffs called in several more colleagues.

Even Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong joined the ranks to help.

"Hold their hands and feet and come!"

"One! Two! Three! Get up!"

"Asshole! You are a bunch of robbers! These are my things, give them back to me!"

"Let's go! Carry them away!"

"There is grass over there, throw it on the grass for them, hold it down and don't let them move!"

"Okay! It's done!"

With the joint efforts of everyone.

The old couple was carried to the grass a few meters away, with several big men sitting on them to prevent the two from coming over again and causing trouble.

The two of them were held down, their eyes scarlet red, staring at the bronze statue with great reluctance.

There is also the wooden box and cloth bag held in Jiang Chen's arms.

That is their hard work!

Seeing that the two were subdued, Jiang Chen also urged the four helpers and said, "Okay, let's go, be quick and don't get into trouble again."

"Okay, let's go!"

Five people walked forward and backward, sending the cart forward.

I can't stop it.

The three treasures were about to fall into the hands of others right in front of them.

The old man couldn't hold himself any longer.

His face was red.

It's like going to the sauna after drinking too much.

The skin on my body is all pink.

He said in a suppressed voice:

"Let go! Let go! I want to report! I want to report!!"

But no one around him paid any attention to him.

They were all laughing at the joke.

But the old man was so angry that he shouted again: "That bronze statue is not a fake! It's real! It's a gilt bronze statue of the King Guangmu from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty! I spent two thousand from Poly Auction House more than ten years ago. I bought it for more than ten thousand yuan! I asked experts from Hong Kong and Beijing to look at it, and the judgments they gave are all genuine! That kid missed it! He missed it!"

As soon as these words came out.

The laughter that was erupting just now.

Suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The surroundings were eerily quiet.

Everyone looked at the old man who was pinned down on the grass with complicated expressions.

Or confused.

Or surprised.

Or doubt.

The bailiff asked: "What do you mean?"

The old man explained: "Is that bronze statue regarded as a modern handicraft? Isn't it!"


Everyone present looked at Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong.

Chen and Liang also looked at each other.

Then he nodded heavily.

"Yes, we have seen it, and we also asked colleagues from the Zhihai headquarters who have studied the bronze statue for many years to see it, and they all agreed that the bronze statue is a contemporary handicraft."

The Tibetan friends present also talked in low voices.

"Yeah, it looks contemporary to me."

“It’s too new, the old work is perfect, but an expert can still tell something is wrong.

"So many people have seen it, it's impossible for them all to miss it, right?"

The young woman stared at Jiang Chen who was walking away, with curiosity written all over her face.

Seeing everyone indifferent.

The old man became anxious: "Hurry up and stop him. The things I bought for tens of millions on horseback were bought by this kid for tens of thousands! I don't accept it! I don't accept it on horseback!!"

Chen Wanshan asked: "Have you tampered with the bronze statue?"

At this time, the old man simply held the mentality of "I can't get it, and you don't want it". There was no need to continue to deceive everyone. He simply shook it off and said: "Yes! I deliberately let people disguise the bronze statue as a modern one." It’s a handicraft! Just to deceive you and the court! That thing is real! Really real! Quick, stop that kid! Sell it again! Sell it again!!”

Even so.

But everyone still looked at Jiang Chen anxiously.

No one can guarantee whether what the old man said is true or false......

The bailiff was the first to react and said: "Go and call them back and ask them to show the things to the judge again and discuss how to resolve this matter.

Something worth tens of millions.

No one wants to suffer this loss.

Anyway, it is not difficult to call Jiang Chen back to study it.

Several people walked over and explained the situation to Jiang Chen: "The man said that the bronze statue you bought is real. We hope you can bring it back and give it to our leader for further study.

[I lost it! What did they say? That bronze statue is authentic!]

[No, so many people say it is a modern handicraft, who should I believe?]

[I must believe the chairman. How could he know about his own things? I think it’s just what he said. Brother Chen has missed it again!]

[Good boy... I succeeded in picking up the leak in front of a group of experts, incredible! 】

[Brother Chen, don’t go back! Anyway, you have already bought the bronze statue. What will happen if you don’t go back? 】

[Yes! The baby is my own, why should I give it to others to study? 】

Jiang Chen pondered for a moment.

He had the purchase agreement signed with the court in his arms.

From a legal perspective.

The three treasures are already Jiang Chen's private property.

Although the court can still take away the bronze statue from Jiang Chen on charges of "economic disputes" or "information asymmetry fraud", don't forget that Jiang Chen is currently conducting the "Career Challenge>> live broadcast room with ten people from around the world. Several to more than 200,000 spectators.

If the court does this at this time......

Outrage is sure to be committed.

The reputation can even spread abroad.

Jiang Chen thought that the Jiangnan City Court could not be so stupid...

Think about it.

Then he nodded and said:

"Okay, take it back and let everyone take a look."


Under the gaze of everyone.

Jiang Chen came back with his things.

People from all directions immediately moved forward, wanting to see the mystery of the bronze statue.


The judge leading the team arrived.

He already knew roughly what happened here, and at this time he was feeling very uneasy.

He glanced at the old couple who was pressed to the ground.

The judge was upset.

He waved and said, "Take these two away and don't let them get involved in this matter."

Send the old couple away.

The judge walked to the bronze statue again, but he studied law and knew nothing about antiques. He could only ask Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, when you bought this bronze statue, did you already see the uniqueness of this bronze statue?" ?”

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes.


What are you trying to say to me?

If Jiang Chen said, "I just bought it after seeing it," then once it is confirmed that the bronze statue is authentic, the judge can void the transaction for the crime of "asymmetric information fraud" and return the money to Jiang Chen and the bronze statue to Jiang Chen. court.

So Jiang Chen pretended to be relaxed and said: "I didn't see it, I just thought I liked it, so I bought it."

The judge pursed his lips.

He asked again:

"You bought the bronze statue for 30,000 yuan, why didn't you sell it if someone else offered it 50,000 yuan?"

This is another cliche.

The judge's purpose is simple: to make sure that Jiang Chen knew the value of the bronze statue in advance, but he hid it and didn't tell it. This is information asymmetry and fraud.

Jiang Chen was very calm and explained in one sentence:

"I think he was just trying to show off. Spending 500,000 yuan on something worth 30,000 yuan must be a bit crazy in his head. So I said he wouldn't sell it for 5 million. I was just trying to show off."

The judge nodded.

Jiang Chen's answer is watertight...

He couldn't find any flaws. .

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