Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 90 Millions Of Commissions! Have You Forgotten The Old One With The New One?

Tang Yunna touched the big bowl hard, then let go and said: "Give it back to you.

Take back the porcelain bowl.

Jiang Chen put it back into the wooden box.

After finishing packing, he ordered the four migrant workers who were watching the theater nearby: "Okay, let's keep walking.

"Okay, my brother Di!"

After learning Jiang Chen's identity, the four of them have long become fans.

Respectfully, with Jiang Chen in the middle, he left the village in front of everyone.

Judge Han had mixed feelings in his heart.

He waved his hand and said:

"Stop looking! Go back to work!"

"Yes, leader!"

The bailiffs dispersed and went back to their posts.

The collectors also happily returned to the villa to pick out treasures. They had an expectation in their hearts: "Will there be a leak that even Jiang Chen didn't notice, and I will come across it?"

Thinking of this, they were very excited.

Chen Wanshan said to Judge Han: "Boss, I'll come as soon as I go."

Judge Han knew that Chen Wanshan was going to find Jiang Chen, so he said angrily: "Well...


Chen Wanshan trotted all the way.

He quickly caught up with Jiang Chen and couldn't hide his excitement: "Jiang Chen, are you going to find a private buyer for these three big items, or are you going to entrust them to an auction house?"

Jiang Chen understood what he meant and said with a smile: "Teacher Chen, call me when you're done and we'll find a place to chat."

"Okay, okay! I didn't hurt you in vain!"

Chen Wanshan was overjoyed, knowing that Jiang Chen was planning to leave the things to him, so he jumped back to the villa.

This order.

Hundreds of millions of goodies!

Put it in Chen Wanshan's hands for auction, and he could get tens or even millions in commission.

Moreover, Yang Anni's painting "Songshan Han Cypresses" was also introduced to Chen Wanshan by Jiang Chen, and she could get a commission of millions at least.


As long as these people have helped Jiang Chen.

They were all fed well by Jiang Chen.

At the same time.

Judge Han looked at the old couple who were crying bitterly with a gloomy expression.

"Have you two tampered with other things? If you confess, I can reduce your punishment as appropriate. If you refuse to confess, considering that you actually forged antiques to resist the law enforcement of the court, you will be punished by one grade!"

The old couple were heartbroken.

"Where are the things? Did that kid really take them away?"

"Otherwise, the purchase contract has been signed!" Judge Han said angrily. He took out the three contracts signed by Jiang Chen and was so angry that he wanted to eat these three pieces of paper.

"It's broken! It's broken! My favorite baby!" The old man cried out in mourning.

Judge Han lost his patience: "Have you touched other things?"

"No, nothing else."

The old aunt said in despair.

"No! You still have so many things in your house, but you only tampered with those three things? I don't believe it!"

Judge Jaehan thinks, since you have done everything, why not disguise everything?

The old man said painfully: "Do you think it's easy to cheat? There's not enough time!

From the moment I got the news that the assets in my name were seized a month ago, I looked for people everywhere to help with the fraud. I rushed day and night for a month to finish the three most valuable treasures! I will do more with the remaining dozen. There’s no time! I thought that after this crisis was over, I could cash out the three treasures and get the money to go abroad and reunite with my children! But what happened! Everything was ruined by that little brat!”

Hear the words.

Judge Han’s brows were knitted into knots.

It is not difficult to see from the desperate expressions of the two men that they are telling the truth.

Think of this.

Judge Han also wanted to cry.

"You two have also tricked me...

If it's not still working.

Judge Han wanted to cry with the old couple.

This time Barbie is Q.

For such a major mistake, he, the judge, must be blamed...


The bronze statue was loaded onto the cart.

Jiang Chen directed the car to the nearest hotel.

This is also a temporary storage.

Because when Chen Wanshan is finished, he will definitely bring someone over to take the things away.

After picking up such a big leak, Jiang Chen was in a good mood. He sat in the box and chatted with fellow swimmers.

Just chatting.

Yang Fugui called.

"Jiang Chen! With Teacher Chen, have you forgotten me?"

The voice sounded a bit resentful.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "I'm not someone who likes the new and hates the old."

"You picked up such a good thing, why don't you ask me to come over and let me touch it and enjoy it?"

"Haven't these things just been put away? I'm about to call you to invite you."

"Well, give me an address and I'll take a few friends over to have a look.

"Okay, I'll send it to you."

Get the address.

It didn't take long.

Yang Fugui came to the door with a few friends.

Four people, two of whom were known to Jiang Chen, Boss Yang and Cui Yong, Cui Yong was the one who took away Jiang Chen's copper coins. In addition to them, there were two strangers who "presumably are Yang Fugui's friends."

Yang Fugui laughed and said:

"I'm sorry, Jiang Chen, you brought so many friends to your door."

Jiang Chen doesn't mind, not at all.

This antique thing.

The more people watch.

The more people recognize you.

The higher the selling price will be.

Although these few are not treasure appraisal experts employed by big auction houses, they all make a living by flipping antiques, and their eyesight is just as good as that of collectors. It is beneficial for them to come and comment.

Take a seat.

Four people can't put it down for three treasures.

It is rare to see something so valuable.

To finally have close contact, you have to get a foot plaque.

And this is also a good opportunity to gain experience.

Antiques are one part based on theory and nine parts based on practice. If you haven’t even seen the real thing with your own eyes or touched it, you can just rely on the knowledge in the book to judge the quality of an item.

That would be stupid.

But after this close contact.

Four people have met.


He knew in his heart what was going on with this real guy.

If we meet in the future.

Compare the guy in your hand with what you remember.


Can you tell the authenticity?

Jiang Chen accompanied me and chatted with the four people. I found that what they were most interested in was the big bowl of lotus flowers, followed by the portraits of the heroes. As for the half-human-tall bronze statue, they just went there to admire it and didn't study it at all. .

Jiang Chen guessed that this must be related to market acceptance.

The large bronze statue is the least popular among the unpopular.

Blue and white porcelain bowls are the most popular.

That means.

Porcelain bowls are easy to sell.

But for large bronze statues, it may not be so easy.

While he was playing around, Chen Wanshan also called: "Jiang Chen, where are you? I'm done. Now I'm going to find you with Lao Liang."

"The location will be sent to you."

Not long after.

Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong hurriedly opened the door and entered.

I was a little surprised to see the four people in front of me.

Yang Fugui introduced the identities of the next few people, and everyone became less restrained and sat down to eat and chat.

They are all working together in the same industry.

Even though we haven't seen each other very often, we still have some impressions from each other.

Chen Wanshan's purpose is pure.

He took a sip of wine and said:

"Jiang Chen, let me auction all three items. If it works, I'll call the company and ask someone to come over and take the things away.

Because he had promised before, Jiang Chen nodded and said, "No problem, please excuse me, Teacher Chen."

"You're so familiar with me and you're still being polite."

Chen Wanshan joked with a smile.

Then he took out his mobile phone in public and called the company to report the situation here.

"Yes, let's drive an SUV, a sedan will definitely not fit in.

"Come to this hotel first and wait for me to get down."

"Well, call me when you get there."

Put away your phone.

Chen Wanshan smiled and toasted Jiang Chen with a glass of wine.

But Yang Fugui was jealous, and said with an unhappy face: "Jiang Chen, if you come across something good, please trouble me again, and I can help you identify it."

In recent days, Jiang Chen has been going to Sotheby's whenever he has something.

He almost forgot about his Yipinzhai.

Oh no.

I have already forgotten!

Jiang Chen had no choice but to explain: "The things I got during this period are too valuable, costing tens of millions. Boss Yang, your Yipinzhai can't eat it, so I can only send it to the auction house. If you find good things again in the future, How about I come to you first?"


Yang Fugui was overjoyed, "Okay, it's a deal! Give the valuables to Teacher Chen, and you can leave these hundreds of thousands or millions of gadgets to me!"

Everyone was full of wine and food.

Three items were also taken away by Sotheby's employees.

same as usual.

Such a valuable thing.

It is necessary to first invite experts in various fields to jointly identify it.

When it is unanimously approved, several experts will prepare an appraisal certificate and sign their names on it. After that, the appraisal certificate will be with the baby, waiting for Kangkangji Bai to take the photo.

After finishing what he was doing, Jiang Chen said hello to his friends and went off the air.

He rushed to the hospital immediately.

He had learned before that today was the day when Yang Anni's parents had surgery. Since he and Yang Anni had a one-night stand, Jiang Chen naturally had to get some snacks and go to accompany her.

Arrived at the hospital.

Yang Anni was a little excited when she saw Jiang Chen arriving.

"How did you come?"

"I was worried about your parents' surgery, so I came here to take a look." Seeing her rosy face and raised corners of her mouth, Jiang Chen knew it was good news: "The surgery was successful?"

Yang Anni nodded and said: "It's very successful. The hospital used the most advanced materials to repair my parents' skulls, and they are out of danger. Next, it depends on their recovery. The doctor said that if it goes quickly, it will be within three or four months." I can regain my consciousness, but if it doesn't work well... I may not be able to wake up in this life.'

Hearing this, Jiang Chen understood.

Although he won't die.

But there is still one level left to pass.

Either you recover, then you have a second life.

Otherwise, it will become a vegetative state, an empty shell...

Before Jiang Chen could think of how to comfort the other party, Yang Anni said with anticipation: "But the doctor said that the probability of being in a vegetative state is very small, so I shouldn't worry.

"That's good."

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

They stayed in the hospital until eight o'clock in the evening before leaving the hospital.

Maybe it's because his parents successfully survived death.

Annie Yang was particularly excited tonight.

Jiang Chen thought he had a pretty good physique, but he was about to fall apart due to her tossing him around.

It was past three o'clock, and Yang Anni was still ready to continue, but Jiang Chen quickly declined on the grounds that "he still has to work tomorrow."

Early the next morning.

Jiang Chen quickly slipped out of the hotel while Yang Anni was still awake.

He had a premonition.

If Yang Anni wakes up, she will definitely ask for more.

Hit the road on a three-wheeler.

Start broadcasting.

In just a few moments, the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

No need to guess.

What happened yesterday, for sure

I was swiped by marketing accounts again.

same as usual.

Jiang Chen chatted with water friends and helped advertisers advertise, and time passed by three o'clock in the afternoon unknowingly.

By now the weather was getting warmer.

It's still a little hot under direct sunlight.

After taking a look at the harvest in the carriage, it was not bad today. Interestingly, even if Jiang Chen was wearing a mask, there were still young people who could recognize him when collecting waste.

"Holy shit! Boobs! This is Jiang Chen, a big internet celebrity!"

But only for young people.

People over 35 years old may pay less attention to online marketing accounts, so they cannot recognize Jiang Chen’s identity.

In general.

The normal work progress has still been somewhat disrupted.

"Collect scraps! If anyone has scraps, sell them quickly!"

Passing by an alley.

Jiang Chen heard a familiar chant.

Take a closer look.


Traveling with you?

The other party is an old man about eighty years old.

His skin is dark, with obvious wrinkles, his clothes are a bit ragged, his arms and legs are thin, and he looks weak at first glance.

More importantly.

He is so old.

The ride turned out to be a human-powered three-wheeler, the kind that requires people to pedal with their feet.

Instead of the electric three-wheeler prepared by the program crew for Jiang Chen...

So old.

He also rides a human-powered three-wheeler.

This made Jiang Chen couldn't help but look sideways. .

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