Let you contract with your ancestors and you summon the mythical blue star?

Chapter 59 Blue Star District: Where did our [Mountain Patrol] Corps come from?

Blue Star District!

"Are they from the Blue Star District?"

"How is this possible? How can there be such a strong team in the Blue Star District?"

The Earth Spirit Clan in the sky had gloomy eyes.

On the ground line, surpassing them, the shot just now completely reached level seven!

"Encircle and suppress them. We must not let them escape. Mobilize level seven mechas immediately!"

A cold voice sounded.


In the sky, ten Earth Spirit Tribe mechas came through the air, and their spirit waves all reached level seven.

The mecha pilots are all at the sixth level of Qi training.

The earth beasts dispersed one after another, and ten cannonballs came through the air and bombarded the earth vein light curtain.


The shell exploded with a bang, and the golden light was dazzling, like ten little suns.

But the earth vein light curtain only had a ripple!

"How is this possible? It's also a level seven mecha. How can our shells be useless?" A Tuling clan member had an ugly expression on his face.

"Transfer the information into the calculation array and analyze the earth vein light curtain."

A mecha quickly transmits battle information back.


There was an explosion, and seven Overlord guns fired simultaneously.


The armors of the seven mechas cracked and fell down.

The scattered earth beasts gathered again and covered the three Earth Spirit mechas.

Shi Mingyue groaned, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth: "It is really unbearable to use all the energy of the mecha."

The shot just now was made by the [Mountain Patrol] mecha with all its strength, which saved the time of charging.

"You are already very strong." The [Mountain Patrol] mecha praised.

"Clean up the earth beasts first." Shi Mingyue took a deep breath and activated the Overlord Spear again.

"We are fully prepared. Their shells will be decomposed by the earth's veins. Unless the eighth level of Qi training is mobilized, they cannot be broken."

[Mountain Patrol] Mecha Road.

High in the sky, the faces of the Earth Spirit Tribe were extremely ugly.

A piece of information came through, making their hearts sink to the bottom: "That earth vein light curtain can decompose our energy, and the other party has mastered our technology!"

"How is it possible? How do they have our technology?"

The Earthlings are in a panic.

Until now, they were the only ones planting spies in the Blue Star District, but now it's the other way around?

However, how do they arrange them if they have different races?

"Is there a Tuling clan that betrayed the Xuanhuang Realm?"

"There is another possibility that they made a technological breakthrough and unlocked the mecha."

"It's impossible to understand our technology just by relying on the Xuanhuang warriors they captured alive."

Driving a mecha and understanding mecha technology are two completely different things!

"Now is not the time to think about these things, we have to take them down." A Tuling tribe said in a deep voice: "Requesting support from the eighth-level mecha?"

"They are still confronting the Blue Star District Level 8. If we transfer over, the battlefield will collapse."

Some of the Earth Spirit clan members had ugly expressions on their faces: "It doesn't matter if they understand the technology. With some more level 7 mechas, we can still defeat them."

In the sky, twenty level seven mechas appeared again, cooperating with the remaining three mechas to concentrate their firepower on the attack.


Artillery fire came again, and after firing the shells, the mechas quickly dispersed, blended into the group of earth beasts, and hid.


The earth vein light curtain vibrated, but did not break.

"Even if you are not as good as me, how can you break through the defense? Just maintain it like this and give them hope." Shi Mingyue said with a smile.

The eighth-level mecha was not sent directly, but this semi-automatic mecha still needed people to control it.

On her side, the nine fully automatic mechas can exert their full strength, and they will not be able to break through the defense even if they are exhausted.

"Drain the soul."

With a sound of subzero, illusory earth beasts rushed madly into the earth soul knife behind [Xunshan].

In an instant, the Earth Soul Sword was filled with terrifying evil aura.

This is also one of Shi Mingyue's purposes, to come to the battlefield to raise the sword and raise the earth's soul to the strongest level!

Twenty level seven mechas were transferred over, and the pressure on the Blue Star District was greatly reduced on the battlefield.

At the rear base of the Blue Star District, a drone transmitted back the picture.

"There was an accident in Mine No. 7. The Tuling Tribe mobilized thirty mechas to provide support."

A young man looked at the empty scene and hurriedly reported: "Lieutenant Colonel, the remote shooting video came in. Seven level-7 mechas were knocked out. The earth beasts are dying quickly."

The lieutenant colonel with a serious look walked over quickly and checked the screen: "Can you see clearly what exactly happened?"

"It's impossible to see clearly. Our drone can only shoot remotely. If we want to know the specific situation, we can only activate the dark sub."

The young man said solemnly: "We managed to break in with great difficulty."

"Turn it on. After fighting for so long, the Xuanhuang Realm has almost come to its senses. We have figured out their mecha information." The lieutenant colonel muttered.

"Yes." The young man looked straight and gave the order: "Transmit screen number 7189 and open your field of vision."

The next moment, a void scene appeared, and what came into view was Mine No. 7, guarded by ten Earth Spirit tribesmen.

Seven mechas appeared, directly wiped out the Earth Spirit clan team, and began to slaughter the Earth beasts.

"7189 immediately took shelter and fled the scene. He blended into the herd of beasts and was temporarily safe." The young man said.

The lieutenant colonel nodded slightly, and then a voice came from the screen: "Blue Star District, under the Lord God's seat, the first team of the [Mountain Patrol] Legion, retreat immediately, otherwise a devastating attack will be launched!"

The two people's brains buzzed and went blank. When did the Blue Star District have the rank of God Lord?

When did the [Mountain Patrol] Corps appear?

"Lieutenant Colonel, if there is an action from above, why didn't we notify us to cooperate?" the young man asked doubtfully.

"I didn't know. Help me contact Mr. Yun." The lieutenant colonel said solemnly.

"Yes." The young man contacted quickly, and the other party answered quickly. An old man with half-white hair asked: "Sun Yu, but what happened on the battlefield?"

"Mr. Yun, do we have a [Mountain Patrol] Corps? Are they under the control of the God Lord?"

Lieutenant Colonel Sun Yu said while playing the scene again.

"[Mountain Patrol] Legion? God Lord?" Old Yun looked moved. He recalled carefully in his mind, but couldn't find any relevant information!

"Mr. Yun, because of their appearance, our pressure has been greatly reduced, and the front has advanced five kilometers." Sun Yu said.

Hearing this, Mr. Yun thought: "The additional troops will put pressure on the Xuanhuang Realm. Cooperate with them. Regarding the [Mountain Patrol], I will contact you later."

"Yes." Sun Yu saluted, turned around and gave the order: "Pass the order, use full firepower, and cooperate with them, but there is no need to support Mine No. 7."

It's enough to put pressure on him so that Xuanhuang Realm can't come back for help.

On the other side, Mr. Yun looked solemn and called out: "[Star Spirit], check the news about the [Mountain Patrol] Corps."

"Sorry, [Star Spirit] cannot reveal other people's privacy. Please obtain the other person's permission." An ethereal voice sounded.

"That's enough." A smile appeared on Mr. Yun's face.

This has proven that the [Mountain Patrol] Corps belongs to the Blue Star District and is our own!

"I don't know which old guy trained him privately. It really gave me a surprise."

Mr. Yun pondered for a moment: "I should have caught a lot of ore this time. I have to ask them to get some. I don't want to waste my cooperation."

He contacted them quickly, but what he didn't expect was that no one knew the [Mountain Patrol] information.

Even though he kept promising that all the old wine would be brought out, no one would admit it.

"Aren't they these old people?" Mr. Yun frowned.

But if it weren't for them, who could build seven level-7 mechas?

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