Let you contract with your ancestors and you summon the mythical blue star?

Chapter 70 I, Zhang Jiao, invite Xuan Huang to die!

With the help of [Overlord], the three-way battle line is completely stable.

The earth beasts are still slowly retreating to make room for the safe zone.

As the battle line advances, the people watching the live broadcast become more and more excited, and some people even stay up all night, staring at the live broadcast.

This battle makes people lose sleep!

Two days passed in a flash, and the battle line has been pushed out 50 kilometers.

The entire safe zone is full of psychic cannons, drones, and Blue Star soldiers.

Only Fang Yi's small shop is not disturbed.

Shi Shaoyue and a few others replaced Fang Yi to arrange these people.

The artillery fire did not stop for two days, and [Patrol] fought for two days, always maintaining the peak state.

Some humans were torn into pieces and swallowed by earth beasts.

Some demons were besieged by earth beasts and swallowed up with mechas.

There were also wounded soldiers, only half of their bodies were left, and they were brought back, howling in pain.

I don't know how many drones and war mechas were destroyed.

The artillery fire washed the ground, and the nearby ground veins were interrupted.

The mecha in Fang Yi's hand was finally transformed.

[Earth]: Level 10 mecha

Skills: Draw a prison on the ground, shrink the ground into an inch

Weapon: Earth Soul (can absorb the soul of the dead to increase, up to level 11)

Constitution: Body of the Earth (standing on the earth, endless power, I am a piece of earth!)

Combination: can be used with the nether mecha, open the small nether, and release the soul of the earth soul.

"Go." Fang Yi murmured, [Earth] merged into the ground and disappeared.

"Fang Yi, Yun Lao wants to talk to you."

Xiao Yuan's voice sounded, and a light curtain appeared in front of him, and an old man appeared in the light curtain.

"Yun Lao, are you the ruler of the Northern Army?" Fang Yi looked at him calmly.

"It's me, it's time to retreat." Yun Lao looked serious: "[Star Spirit] detected that the Earth Spirit Tribe has surrounded us, and our Dao Foundation can temporarily open a channel to allow the army to evacuate."

"Then you retreat." Fang Yi said lightly.

"Fang Yi, now is not the time to show off. If we all perish in this battle, there will be no hope for the Blue Star District." Elder Yun said in a deep voice.

"I will not lose!" Fang Yi said firmly: "Since you know that the Earth Spirit Tribe has surrounded us, you can expect that once we evacuate, they will take action in advance."

"Daoji can hide them and let them leave quietly." Elder Yun said: "Leaving some mechas and wounded soldiers can confuse them. This battle is good enough!"

"If [Patrol] can't withdraw, I won't withdraw either. Elder Yun, you guys should withdraw first. When the fight starts later, I may not be able to take care of you."

Fang Yi waved his hand and hung up the call.

Elder Yun looked grim: "Where does he get the confidence? Or does he really want to die in battle?"

"What should we do now? Fang Yi is determined to fight to the end."

"We can't bet on the entire Blue Star District. Start evacuating and make less noise."

The Blue Star army in the safe zone began to evacuate secretly.

The fluctuations of the spirit particles in the void changed, covering the retreating army.

Fang Yi flew up and came to the sky above the signal tower. Shi Shaoyue and the others were there.

"Ancestor." Fang Rou yawned and sat on the floor without any image.

"How did you rest?" Fang Yi asked with a smile.

"How can I sleep." Shi Shaoyue's eyes were red. Although she rested, she was under too much pressure and couldn't sleep at all.

Fang Yi looked at the battlefield and patted Yang Zhi: "Go back and have another sleep. I'll watch here."

"Is the [Earth] ready?" Shi Shaoyue asked softly.

Fang Yi nodded slightly: "Don't worry, we will win this time."

With the [Earth], even if the middle stage of the Dao Foundation comes, he is sure to kill it!

Shi Shaoyue nodded, but still didn't go to sleep: "I want to see the victory of the war before I can sleep."

"What is [Earth]?" Su Yunxue and Ye Feng asked.

"You will know when you see it." Fang Yi did not explain.

The battlefield was temporarily settled, and the psychic cannon was occasionally launched to relieve the pressure on the Blue Star District.

The army evacuated secretly. New trucks arrived, but they were all carrying obsolete products, used to confuse the Xuanhuang Realm.

Time passed, and the third day arrived.

A bright light shot from afar, like a meteor, falling at high speed, hitting the evacuation route of the Blue Star District.


In the void, the golden light was dazzling, and the azure light lit up, intercepting the bright golden light.

As they took action, the void spirits fluctuated violently, and the retreating army could no longer hide.

"[Patrol] Corps, retreat." Fang Yi immediately ordered: "The front line shrinks and retreats to the safe zone."


Above the sky, a roar exploded, and a huge monster, ten kilometers long, appeared out of thin air.

"Alarm, Earth Spirit fighter detected, alarm, Earth Spirit fighter detected..."

Xiaoyuan issued a shrill alarm.

Then, two more fighters appeared, suppressing the three major defense lines.

Behind the safe zone, connected to the Blue Star District, five huge figures stood in the void, filled with the aura of destroying the world.

Five Dao Bases!

Not only that, five more huge figures, more than ten feet tall, appeared in the sky above the Blue Star District.

The real decisive battle is coming!

"My God, ten Dao Bases, three Dao Base fighters, the Earth Spirit Tribe is pulling half of its strength here?"

"Aren't they afraid of the massive attack from our legions in other places?"

"Damn it, mobilizing so many strong people, didn't the Blue Star District notice it at all?"

In the live broadcast room, all the people in the Blue Star District were shocked and angry, and more of them were desperate.

This power gathered, and in a hurry, the Blue Star District would not be able to mobilize strong men in time!

"Fang Yi, if you surrender to our clan, our clan will give you preferential treatment and let you become our clan's mecha engineer. All human beings will be under your command!"

A tall figure, with a voice like thunder.

They couldn't build a ninth-level mecha that could cut the foundation of the Dao, so they naturally wanted to recruit them.

Fang Yi looked up at the sky and ignored them: "If you surrender and crawl at my feet, I can spare your life!"

"Then you will accompany the Blue Star District and perish together!"

A tall earth spirit, with a cold expression, fell with a palm, covering the sky and the sun, covering an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, and the terrifying aura was even stronger than the previous Ming Wu!

"How many foundations can your ninth-level mecha block?" Another cold shout.

A dazzling golden light lit up, and another palm force followed closely.

"The Blue Star District can't save you. You've brought the Blue Star District into a desperate situation!"

The Dao Ji's huge voice also came from the back, and five consecutive palm powers covered the safe zone and the rear route.

The three fighters shone at the same time, and the psychic cannon aimed at the spiritual signal tower.

"Fang Yi, you are the sinner of the Blue Star District!"

The live barrage, a series of angry accusations emerged.

Shi Shaoyue and others turned pale, but strangely, they didn't feel the terrifying pressure of Dao Ji.

Fang Rou's face was pale, and a palm covered hundreds of kilometers. The foundation of the earth couldn't touch it at all.

"Closing the net, great virtuous teacher!" Fang Yi looked wooden.

The next moment, the wind and thunder appeared strangely, and the dazzling red light lit up, covering all the fighters and Dao Ji of the Xuanhuang Realm.

A huge heavenly voice followed: "With my true essence, combined with the creation of heaven and earth, Thunder God help me!"

"I am Zhang Jiao, please die with Xuan Huang!"

An old face appeared above the sky, his eyes like the eyes of heaven, overlooking the earth.


Thunder appeared in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, thousands of thunders exploded, and endless thunder fell from the sky.

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