"Random? This is too risky. What if we randomly arrive at a higher civilization?"

"Yeah, this is totally a gamble!"

"When stars jump into space, they consume more energy than a starship can. Even if we drain the two worlds and create space orbits, we won't have enough energy left."

"If we randomly find some low-level stars with insufficient energy, we will not be able to replenish them, and we will also be dead."

"Everyone, be quiet." Fang Yi raised his hand and said calmly: "Who said that the space orbit is for our own use?"

"What? We don't want to make a space jump?" Everyone was confused.

"The Immortal Civilization also thinks so. If there is a space orbit, of course it must be used.

But what if we choose to push Blue Star in the opposite direction? Don’t forget our Star Leyline Cannon! "

Fang Yi said in a deep voice: "During this period, I need you to find a suitable star field. We will also collect starry sky data in the Xuanhuang Realm to select our new home."

After listening to his words, everyone was stunned and fell into deep thought.

This method is very safe. The only thing you need to worry about is that you may be disturbed by the stars on the way.

"I will transmit the [Cosmos Circle] plan to you again. With the [Cosmos Circle], Blue Star will be protected from interference."

Fang Yi said again: "Second-level or even third-level stars cannot stop the [World Circle]!"

The [World Circle] plan is the key to Blue Star’s voyage!

Only by creating the [World Circle] like the star ring can we protect the Blue Star from interference from meteorites and stars in the sky.

It can completely resist the gravity of ordinary stars, and even directly smash ordinary stars.

If the Xuanhuang Realm has enough energy, it is not impossible to create the second generation [World Circle]!

Just as Yang Yunshan was about to speak again, a voice sounded from the space: "The reception has been completed. The complete star collector and spirit son star technology transmitted from Blue Star, among which the [Emperor Star] plan, is very suitable for our Blue Star."

“We fully agree with the Emperor’s decision and can buy you no less than one year.

One year later, I hope that the emperor can solve the Xuanhuang Realm and strive to unite within two years to completely annihilate the Canglan Realm and start our next stage. "

After his voice fell, Yang Yunshan said: "This is the conference room. They have been watching here. One year should be enough, right?"

"That's enough." Fang Yi nodded: "I also hope that you will choose a new home as soon as possible. Blue Star currently does not have the ability to monitor the starry sky."

"Understood." Yang Yunshan and Shijun said solemnly.

Fang Yi switched the screen and watched the live broadcast of the battlefield.

"Ancestor, Blue Star is going to flee?" Fang Rou looked worried: "How scary is that advanced immortal civilization?"

"You can destroy us with one strike." Fang Yi said in a low voice.

This is the simplest and most intuitive answer.

A level five or even level six immortal civilization would definitely be able to destroy the current Blue Star with one blow!

Of course, the opponent may choose the star collector to drain them dry.

Fang Rou's heart sank to the bottom. In this era of ancestors, the opponents she faced were too terrifying.

Such a powerful ancestor, already possessing the power to destroy the world, could not block the attack of that mysterious civilization!

In comparison, those monsters that invaded the earth are simply garbage.

"You don't have to worry, it's still early days." Fang Yi smiled: "By the time they come here, we will have left long ago."

The other party just returned with a collector and may not have discovered Blue Star.

There is no problem with the sun yet, they still have time.

"Oh." Fang Rou responded, still worried.

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation on the battlefield first." Fang Yi raised his head and looked at the light curtain, no longer thinking about higher civilizations.

On the battlefield, artillery fire continued, and the Lingzi signal tower was activated from time to time. The terrifying Lingzi cannon directly destroyed the entire army.

The army of the Five Elements Spirit Clan in the Xuanhuang Realm was completely defeated. This time, all the Daoji of Blue Star were dispatched.

Fang Yi was left with only one [Yueying] and an eleventh-level [Galan].

And with the return of mechas such as [Black and White Impermanence] and [Zhang Jiao], thunder rolled in the sky, and endless thunder crazily harvested the Xuanhuang Realm army.

[Black and White Impermanence] The soul hook harvests souls, and then releases the dead souls, and the subordinates are beating more and more.

[Zen Master] and [Jialan] also took Xiao Leiyin away.

Although all sentient beings are saved by the Buddha's Dharma, there are also means of vajra's angry eyes.

Half of the stars were reduced to battlefields, and countless lives perished at this moment.

The Blue Star District Army suffered a lot of casualties, but if they wanted a quick victory, they could only attack in an all-out manner.

Xuanhuang Realm Base.

"The battlefield in the Blue Star District can still be delayed. The [Mountain Patrollers] and [Heaven Soldiers] on the Imperial Pass side are all high-level mechas. The battle line has been defeated and cannot be delayed."

A Tuling clan member reported with an ugly expression.

"Continue to explore." The five senior executives looked gloomy and said coldly: "We have to delay it even if we can't hold it off. We have no way out!"

"Yes." The Tuling Tribe officer bowed and retreated.

"It's time for us to leave. If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave." A senior member of the Earth Spirit Tribe stood up and said.

"Wait a moment." The top management of the Wood Spirit Tribe's eyes flickered, and a communicator appeared in his hand: "What's going on over there at the Space Gate?"

No response.

"Answer me, what happened to the Space Gate?" the top executive of the Wood Spirit Tribe shouted urgently.

An indifferent voice sounded: "He can't answer you anymore. I answer you, the door to my hometown is closed!"


The Wood Spirit Clan leader exerted force with his hand, and the communicator exploded on the spot. His face was as gloomy as a demon: "Damn Blue Star, damn Fang Yi, how could he still have a mecha and block the portal? How is it possible!"

"Let's ask again." The other four leaders also took out their communicators.

The space gate has always been guarded by the army to prevent accidents.

There are a total of five space gates leading to the Xuanhuang Realm, corresponding to the clan lands of their five races.

As they asked, four voices sounded: "Where are you? Do you need us to pick you up? We will pick you up and bury you."

Four leaders: "..."

The four gates were also controlled!

"Damn Fang Yi, he wants to leave us all on Blue Star?" The Fire Spirit Clan leader was furious.

"It's over, we're done." The Water Spirit Clan leader sat down, as if all his strength had been drained.

"I regret it! We should have mobilized all our forces and killed him directly!" The Gold Spirit Clan gritted his teeth.

The Earth Spirit said coldly: "It's you who insisted on waiting for the Blue Star starship to leave before taking action, wanting to weaken our power. Are you satisfied now? You all have to die on Blue Star!"

"If you Earth Spirits weren't trash, how could he develop?"

"You Earth Spirits, even ten Dao bases can't destroy him, you are just a bunch of trash."

"I f*cking asked you for help, did you help?" The Earth Spirits' high-ranking officials were furious.


The Wood Spirits' high-ranking officials said coldly: "There is one last way now. If it succeeds, we can still occupy Blue Star and turn defeat into victory!"

"What way?" The four high-ranking officials looked at him.

"Capture Fang Yi!" The Wood Spirits said coldly.

"Are you kidding? What can we use to capture Fang Yi?" The four great spirits looked grim. Now the army was in disarray. How could they capture Fang Yi?

"Fang Yi has sent out all his mechas, even the [Little Leiyin] prison has been dispatched. His imperial pass only has a spirit signal tower."

The Wood Spirit Clan leader calmly analyzed: "We are scattered, his spirit signal tower can only hit one side, and we have five!"

As soon as this was said, the four leaders fell into deep thought.

It seems, is it really feasible?

"Fang Yi is just an engineer, he is an ant himself, as long as he avoids the spirit signal tower, won't we be able to control him?" The Wood Spirit Clan leader sneered.

"This method is indeed our only way, and it is also very feasible, but his mecha is very strong, and we don't think we can be his opponent if we only leave one."

The Earth Spirit Clan leader looked grim: "I suggest that we do our best to mobilize the Dao Foundation strongmen and bring all those Dao Foundation mid-stage ones over."

"This... Once we move them, we can't hold on to the battlefield at all." The Water Spirit Clan leader showed difficulty.

"We have no choice. As long as we take down Fang Yi, victory will be ours. Using Fang Yi to threaten Blue Star, at worst we can safely retreat to Xuanhuang Realm." The eyes of the Wood Spirit Clan flashed: "That's it, mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized."

"Okay, I'll send someone down to pass the message." The high-level of the Earth Spirit Clan gritted his teeth and prepared to pass the message.

"Wait, you go there in person. Now the spiritual signal has been covered. I'm worried that Blue Star has begun to monitor us."

The high-level of the Wood Spirit Clan said in a serious tone: "This matter cannot be communicated, go there in person."

"Okay, we will each go to the clan to gather." The other four high-level people got up and left.


Half an hour later, the Emperor Tower.

An ethereal voice sounded: "Emperor, the spiritual signal has been fully covered, and the professor wants to contact you."

"Professor? He finally appeared, agree." Fang Yi's face showed a hint of strangeness.

The screen switched, and a tall and old Earth Spirit Clan member appeared.

"Earth Spirit Clan?" Fang Yi was stunned, his face darkened: "You captured the professor? Are you here to negotiate with me?"

"Emperor, is it possible that the truth is what you saw, I am the professor." The old Earth Spirit Clan smiled bitterly: "My name is Yang Qing, you can retrieve my file, or ask [Star Spirit]."

The ethereal voice sounded, [Star Spirit] said: "According to the soul sense fluctuations fed back by the spirit signal, he is indeed Professor Yang Qing, but there are also earth spirit soul sense fluctuations."

Fang Yi thought for a moment and asked: "How did you become like this?"

"It was an accident, I will talk about my affairs later, now Xuanhuang Realm has formulated a decapitation plan, and they are going to capture you at the Emperor's Pass."

Yang Qing looked serious: "Quickly transfer the mecha back and set up an ambush."

"How many Dao bases do they have?" Fang Yi asked.

"No less than fifty, including ten in the middle stage of Dao Foundation." Yang Qing said in a deep voice: "They have mobilized all the powerful people they can mobilize."

"I know." Fang Yi nodded slightly: "You can wait with peace of mind. Also, tell me where you are, and I will let the mecha pick you up."

"Thank you, Lord Emperor, [Star Spirit] knows where I am." Yang Qing said.

"Well, wait for a moment, I will let the nearby mecha pick you up." Fang Yi said.

"Lord Emperor, be careful." Yang Qing said and hung up the call.

"It really surprised me. I didn't expect the professor to become a Tuling Clan. Resurrecting a corpse? Reborn in another body?"

Fang Yi thought about it. This kind of thing is not uncommon, far less magical than his own time travel.

When the [Book of Life and Death] and the [Creation of Life] mecha are built, just give him a new body. It's not a big problem.

He also understood why the professor could become a high-level Tuling Clan, because he is now a Tuling Clan, and he has the soul of the Tuling Clan on his body. It's just that his heart is towards Blue Star.

"Catch the thief and the leader, it is indeed your only chance to fight for your life."

Fang Yi smiled faintly: "[Yueying], [Galan], prepare to greet the old rivals."

"Emperor, rest assured, I will make them come without return." [Yueying] and [Galan] said respectfully.

[Yueying] is a level 12 mecha, equivalent to the late stage of Daoji, and really does not take them seriously.

[Galan] is level 11, equivalent to the middle stage of Daoji, and is also confident that he can sweep them.

"By the way, leave one of the early stage of Daoji for me to practice with later." Fang Yi smiled faintly.

He has not been idle for more than a year, and most of his time has been spent in seclusion and driving mechas.

Now he has the Daoji cultivation and possesses all the skills of these mechas!

"Xingling, notify the other mechas to let them come over, don't stop them."

Fang Yi said calmly.

"Okay, Emperor." [Xingling] responded.

The spirit particle fluctuated and the signal was transmitted.

The mechas received the message, but they did not go back to support the Emperor Pass, nor did they stop them.

Fifty-three Dao bases, this is all the strength that the five major spirit races can draw.

They gave up the battlefield. If they could not take down Fang Yi, they would be defeated quickly.

The void spirit particles fluctuated, and they escaped into the void, hiding with the help of spirit particles, and quickly came to the Emperor Pass.

A moment later, fifty-three figures appeared a hundred miles away from the Emperor Pass.

"Too smooth, this is not normal, there is no obstruction at all." The high-level of the Wood Spirit Clan said in a serious tone, full of uneasiness in his heart.

"We avoided the front battlefield, and it is normal that they can't find us." A middle-stage Dao base said.

"The simple spirit signal tower can't find us. Even if it is blocked, the single-sided battlefield can't stop us."

Many Dao bases said one after another.

"At this time, is there any choice?" The high-level of the Fire Spirit Clan said coldly: "Quick battle, divided into four directions, it depends on who is unlucky."

"Do it!"

The other Dao bases no longer hesitated, each chose a direction, and surrounded the Emperor Pass.

"The Xuanhuang Realm Daoji team has arrived. Should we activate the Lingzi Giant Cannon?" The voice of [Xingling] sounded.

Their so-called hiding had long been seen through by [Xingling], and it was no different from a bright light in the dark night.

"Activate." Fang Yi said coldly: "Yueying, Galan, don't hurt the residents in the city."

The current Lingzi Giant Cannon is enough to kill the twelfth level. In the direction of the attack, those guys in the strongest Daoji middle stage have no chance of survival!

There are still many people in Diguan City, all of them are old, weak, women and children, who did not go to the battlefield.


The Lingzi Giant Cannon bloomed and turned into a brilliant aurora, directly covering the area of ​​100 miles ahead.

"Uh ah..."

A shrill scream came from the void in front. More than a dozen figures were forced to rush into the air and appeared, but they didn't last for a moment and turned into ashes directly.

"It's a bit wasteful, leave the whole body." Fang Yi frowned.

These Daoji strongmen are also top materials, and they should not use the Lingzi Giant Cannon.

"What's going on?"

"The Dao base of Xuanhuang Realm is coming?"

The residents in the city looked up at the noise just now, looking at the void in horror.

Densely packed, figures appeared in the void, all Dao base masters.


Silver-white light flowed, and a towering white jade fairy palace appeared out of thin air. The vast pressure swept in all directions, covering half of the imperial pass, including the two teams.

"Level 12, how could there be a level 12 mecha here?"

"Level 12 master, Fang Yi, fuck your mother..."

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