Let You Control Insects, You Will Become A Sea Of ​​Ants And Annihilate Everything?

Chapter 30: Chasing Yu Sheng, The Outbreak Of Dragon Hunters And Blood Fury Warriors!

Outside the dungeon, in the venue!

"Damn it!"

Seeing Yu Sheng disappear into the teleportation vortex, the angry blood warrior Ji Chuan suddenly felt a lung-exploding anger!

He is a majestic angry blood warrior, and he actually gave the mere worm master a head start!

It's a disgrace!

Great shame...

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have kept my strength! !

If he had reserved his strength from the beginning, what would happen to that mere worm master Yu Sheng?

His goal is not only to be the number one in Rongdu Xiongbing Training Camp, but to be the leader of the entire Sichuan Xiongbing Training Camp!

Since he is a strong one, how can he be ranked second?

The strong should advance all the way, take the lead every step of the way, and win the final victory!

Who would have thought that Yu Sheng, an insect master, would come out halfway to beat him one step ahead, which would disrupt his overall plan and make his record of dominating the training camp of the soldiers in Shu not perfect!

"Bastard, you wait for me!!"

Ji Chuan's eyes were filled with anger, a layer of black and muddy substance was excreted from his pores, and the fine green scales on his body quickly disappeared. At the same time, the gun-shaped syringe was pierced into the carotid artery again...

With the injection of blood, Ji Chuan's whole body became visible to the naked eye, and his muscles were knotted, as if turning into hard granite!


He roared loudly, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, rampaging, overturning all the war machines in front of him, boom——


The war machines exploded one after another, billowing black smoke everywhere in the venue.

No matter whether it was hit by a shell or a bullet, at best it would only make one more white spot on his body.

In just a few breaths, Ji Chuan had already rushed in front of the beast-shaped war machine. Before the beast-shaped war machine could make a move, he swung out his arm as thick as a stone pillar, and clasped the forelegs of the beast-shaped war machine with five fingers like iron pincers. ,boom--

A muffled sound!

Dirt and stone chips splashed everywhere!

Like a re-enactment of Yu Sheng, he threw the animal-shaped war machine to the ground!

Then, bang—

It was another fierce poke, kicking the beast-shaped war machine a hundred meters away...

He seems to be declaring to everyone with actions that what Yu Sheng can do, he can do the same;

And do it more thoroughly and do it better!

Ji Chuan crossed the finish line like a giant bulldozer, signed a suicide note, and broke into the dungeon!

Almost at the same time, the kicked beast-shaped war machine fell towards the charging Zhou Kai...

Look at Zhou Kai again!

This dragon hunter didn't even lift his eyelids, and held the blood-red dragon head sword upwards to slash;


The blood-red sword light flashed, and the forelimbs of the animal-shaped war machine were cut off, leaving a smooth and smooth cut surface at the fracture!

He walked leisurely, and swung the blood-red dragon head sword in his hand at the right time. Among the dazzling blood-red sword flowers, no matter whether it was the shells, bullets, or war machines blocking the way, they were all taken aback. For two!

Walking straight ahead, strolling across the finish line, he seems to be telling everyone with his actions what it means for a strong person to only walk in a straight line;

What is elegance and timelessness;

Although this elegance obviously has the posture to compete with Yu Sheng...

When Zhou Kai's figure disappeared into the teleportation vortex, the whole venue exploded again!

"Let me just say, no matter how powerful an insect master is, it is impossible for him to be stronger than a dragon hunter and a blood-rage fighter!"

"It's no wonder that worm master Yu Sheng was able to take the lead. It turns out that these two didn't exert their strength just now!"

"See, whether it's Zhou Kai or Ji Chuan, as long as they want to pass, these obstacles are useless to them..."

"It's that Yu Sheng who threw out a lot of bugs, I'm afraid he has exhausted all his skills!"

Everyone is talking about it!

Blood Raging Warriors and Dragon Hunters are far stronger than Bug Masters, this is a fact recognized by everyone!

And Ji Chuan and Zhou Kai, who worked hard one after another, also proved this point with their strong strength...

For a while, even An Jing and Fu Chengda were extremely satisfied with their performance!

"What did I say, these two people will definitely pass this pre-test!"

Fu Chengda said.

An Jing nodded: "As I said, Yu Sheng's performance is indeed amazing, but once these two people get serious, Yu Sheng will only be reduced to a green leaf!"

"However, in general, the quality of the 10th Rongdu Xiongbing Training Camp is still very good!"

At this time, Fu Chengda frowned: "But don't you think, both Zhou Kai and Ji Chuan have secretly competed with the insect master Yu Sheng!"

"They both imitate Yu Sheng, or compete with him, in the way they block fire, it's too obvious!"

An Jing didn't seem to be surprised at all: "If the strong are stepped on by the weak, of course they have to be stepped back in the same way. Young people, it's good to be a little bit like this!"

While the two were talking!

clap clap -

A burst of applause suddenly sounded!

"very good!"

"Finally, a bunch of interesting guys have come, so this training camp will not be boring!"

An Jing and Fu Chengda looked up...huh?

I saw a young and mature figure with a crew cut, wearing a Tang suit, and a white paper fan pinned to the back collar, walking out slowly. While walking slowly, he gently clapped his palms, looking very... arrogant!

and beating...


With the applause that deserved to be beaten all the way, the scene where Yu Sheng passed the firepower blockade before seemed to be repeated!

Wherever the figure in the Tang suit passed, the war machines all stopped in place, twitching, unable to execute the attack command!


Seeing this scene, even An Jing was shocked, and immediately opened the information files of the trainees!

"Tao Yunshuo?"

"Hidden occupation, musician?"


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