Let You Control Insects, You Will Become A Sea Of ​​Ants And Annihilate Everything?

Chapter 72: Arriving At Luxi Military Region, No One Wants To Run Into This Monster Yu Sheng! !

On the other side, the family compound of the headquarters of the Luxi Military Region!

A detached small villa, the toilet on the first floor......

the light is on!

Xu Tingzhao stood in front of the mirror, the complicated look in his eyes flickered frequently, and he didn't know whether he was looking in the mirror or looking at "Yu Sheng" in the mirror.

"Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng, the opportunity has been given to you, I hope you seize it!"

"If you want to be my stumbling block, don't blame me for being cruel...

Xu Yanzhao's eyes seemed to recall some good memories back then, but in an instant, all of these turned into a heavy iron-like color.

Two days later!

The helicopter group took off from the first-level city of Rongdu in the Shu region, and one transport plane and two escorted Wuzhi flew to the Chongling Mountain in the Tantric region!

in the cabin.

Yu Sheng leaned against the bulkhead, squinting his eyes, the thoughts in his head were in a mess!

The mysterious man who appeared that night seemed to mention his mother, Ms. Hooch...

Involving my mother, this makes Yu Sheng have to think a lot!

My mother is suspected to have the strength of a seventh-rank magic shop, and that mysterious eight-rank powerhouse seems to know my mother!

Let him take his mother out of the jurisdiction of Luxi Military Region?

Could it be that.…………

All of a sudden, a bold idea popped out of Yu Sheng's mind...... Could it be that my mother has been hiding for so many years, hiding from the army?

To be precise, someone in the army, or a certain faction?


Thinking of this, even Yu Sheng was taken aback by the sudden pop-up!

But he couldn't help but continue to reason.

If that person is my mother's old acquaintance, then he should be a friend rather than an enemy?

Reminding him to retire is to protect him?


Yu Sheng immediately denied this conjecture!

Rank 8 powerhouses are basically the ceiling of this world and this era, even in the army, they are still at the level of generals and 22nd generals!

If my mother knew a strong person of this level, why would she stay in a small place like Yunmen's third-level city and disguise herself as a third-rank magic chef?

And, the golden light splashed all over his body when the mysterious strong man crushed him also gave him a vaguely familiar feeling, but he still couldn't remember where the familiarity was!

The more you think about it, the more chaotic it gets!

I can't make sense of this mess in my head...  

"It doesn't matter whether that mysterious person is an enemy or a friend, in short, I'm going to confirm Lu Xixiongkui's seat!"

Yu Sheng murmured, and slowly opened his eyes, revealing extremely firm gazes.

Hidden geniuses will never get resources, and large secret realms have all been controlled by various powerful forces.

Only when you rise with brilliance will countless strong people come to you and invest in you.

If he keeps hiding, how can he get the equipment invested by Mr. Su Qingbai?

So no one can stop his way forward, at worst, when he becomes stronger, he will completely wipe out all the enemies who have forcibly blocked him.

A trace of hostility flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes, he is not a good-tempered person!

And at this time, Wu Haoran who was sitting on the left side opposite him suddenly spoke!

"Everyone, I have received news from the military region. The final battle of this training camp is different from the past. First of all, it is the internal competition of each territory and city!!"


As soon as these words came out, nine eyes, including Su Yueqing, focused on Yu Sheng!

The expressions of helplessness, apprehension, and even fear burst out from everyone's eyes...

Who here has not been abused by Yu Sheng?

Everyone knows the horror of this boss, he is the real invincible at the same level, pushing everything horizontally, hanging everything...

Music teacher Tao Yunshuo, ghost swordsman Jiang Han and others subconsciously touched their faces and bodies;

The marks on the skin and flesh that were bitten by the army of bloodthirsty army ants have not disappeared yet!!

The little fat man Tang Long was even more disbelieving and aggrieved: "Then let's compete for a hammer!"

"It's impossible for all of us here to wrestle with Brother Sheng!"

Wu Haoran glanced at him: "Little fat man, you are very self-aware, this is an advantage..."

Then the topic changed: "You don't have to worry, the doctor will not fight you directly!"

"And you won't fight directly!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good, that's good!

As long as it's not a direct confrontation with Boss Yu Sheng!

It's not like Yu Sheng has never done such a thing by single-handedly overthrowing hundreds of people, let alone three or two of them...

If you really want to face Yu Sheng directly after landing, you might as well just jump from here!!

"Look at how stupid you are..."

Wu Haoran said angrily, but he also knew that these guys were beaten out of their psychological shadow by Yu Sheng's overwhelming Zerg army!

Then he said: "Although you won't face Yu Sheng directly, don't take it lightly!"

"Your opponents are monsters who start from LV.69 and gradually increase in level..."

"Shu Realm, Esoteric School Realm, Panshui Realm, Yunding Realm, Fengshan Super City, each with 10 participants, half of them will be eliminated in the first round!"

"Four realms and one city, there are only 5 promotion places!"

Fighting monsters directly?

At least LV.69 or above?

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes... This is a good rule!

Compared with fighting monsters directly, fighting people directly is the last thing he wants to face;

Because you can't kill people directly, you can't get any benefits!

But facing monsters is different, not only can he kill him directly, but the life energy of monsters can also be used by him!

After killing two dungeons of the Xiongbing Training Camp, I stayed in the Killing Rainforest for another forty days [The highest value of life energy accumulated in Shan Hai Jing · Hong Fan Jing has reached D3000 points:

It's a pity that it was used when the ghost eye was split.........

The ghost's summoning cost is 500,000 points of life energy, and each split will consume 10% of the summoning cost, which is 50,000 points of life energy...

And after that, I have been using experience value capsules to upgrade myself and Guimu, and only 3000 points of life energy left in Shan Hai Jing and Chong Fan Jing have long been waiting for food!

I only hope that the strength of the monster can be a little stronger, preferably a guy with a rank four level......

In this way, the life energy needed to summon the third thunder locus can be quickly accumulated;

When the number of thunder moths reaches five, they will be able to use a combined skill that is stronger than double thunder shocks. The thunder formation... Form a pentagonal thunder formation, and wipe out everything in the formation !!

By then, his strength and combat power will once again undergo a qualitative leap!

But well, a tower can only be formed by gathering sand, let's call the third thunder locust first...

Wu Haoran glanced at Yu Sheng...this guy!

When other people heard that they were going to confront monsters directly, their faces were somewhat heavy:

Only Yu Sheng's face showed no trace of fear, even some excitement and anticipation?

As expected of the guy who is investing in the future of even the most powerful man in the Yan Kingdom, Su Qingbai...

Right there, he glanced at Yu Sheng again!

Then he continued: "The news I got is that each of you will be assigned a channel, and you need to pass at least ten levels before you can reach the buffer zone!"

"There are five buffer areas in total, one for the Four Realms and One City Guest!"

"Each buffer zone can accommodate five people, and when the fifth person enters the buffer zone, the armored gate leading to the buffer zone will close..."

"Those who didn't reach the buffer zone will be eliminated, and the remaining five people will continue to kill monsters and break through the level as a team!"

"At this time, it's all about speed!"

Wu Haoran paused.

"Four realms and one city, there are a total of five teams, only the two fastest teams can reach the finals, and compete for 5$!"

"How to compete in 5V5, the above hasn't said it yet, it probably won't be announced until you reach the finals!"

Is it the individual competition screening first, and then the team competition?

Yu Sheng immediately understood the purpose of the selection rules.

The individual competition is based on individual strength, while the team competition should have quality tests such as not abandoning or giving up, which is more in line with the consistent habits of the army.

who cares!

After all, strength decides everything, as long as everything in front of him is pushed aside, Lu Xixiongkui's seat will be in his pocket!

"In addition to the rule changes, the rewards for the final battle of this training camp have also been enriched!"

Wu Haoran suddenly added something!

Immediately, everyone's interest was aroused.

Wu Haoran took out the information terminal, clicked on a video, and then, a piece of... meat appeared on the screen?

No, sarcoma?

A wriggling sarcoma, like a diseased tissue that has just been cut out and is still alive...


The two girls Su Yueqing and Ji Wutong were undoubtedly disgusted by the things in the picture.

"This is not the reward, is it? It's disgusting..."

The little fat man was full of disgust, and the faces of the others were not much better.

Only Yu Sheng's eyes lit up: "Live Tai Sui?"

Wu Haoran was shocked for a moment, and looked at Yu Sheng with admiration: "The third-level Chengnan Street University in Yunmen has been the number one student in theoretical knowledge for three consecutive years. The knowledge reserve is really not covered!

"That's right, this is the reward for Lu Xixiongkui, live Tai Sui, a monster with extremely strong vitality, theoretically speaking, has unlimited 730 growth possibilities! Its flesh...

Great vitality!

That's why Yu Sheng's eyes lit up!

He is no stranger to living Tai Sui. The Tai Sui meat he ate at the God of Wealth Auction House, strictly speaking, is actually the sliced ​​tissue of living Tai Sui...

And this kind of sliced ​​tissue has been eaten by his mother countless times since he was a child

It has the effect of strengthening meridians, viscera and improving physical fitness!

Of course, the food value of mere food is far less than the value of living Tai Sui to the classics.

What is vitality?

Life force is life energy, and it is an indispensable thing for all kinds of mountain and sea alien species in Summoning Insects.

The living Tai Sui in the picture is as big as a water tank, and the life energy it provides, is it possible to directly pile up the fifth thunder locust?

In terms of paper value, if the water tank is too big to live the Tai Sui, the value should not be hundreds of millions?

You know, the paralysis ring that Zhang Fei paid him back was only 20 to 30 million...

Yu Sheng speculated like this, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement!

It really deserves to be the work of one of the Nine Military Regions of Yan Kingdom!

Taking out hundreds of millions of things as rewards, how rich and powerful!

It seems that there is one more reason to win Lu Xixiongkui's seat!

With enough life energy, let alone more Layton:

The other Zerg races in the Mountain and Sea Classic Zong Fan Jing can also be continuously summoned, and his Zerg army can continue to transform into a real natural disaster army!

For about three hours, everyone sitting in the cabin felt a significant slowdown!


"Look, the following is where you will participate in the final battle!"

Yu Sheng looked down through the window!


Looks like a gigantic ...... Colosseum?

No, to be precise, apart from the huge circular appearance, other places are not at all like the Colosseum.

Looking down from a high position, it can be clearly seen that this huge ring-shaped building covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers and is divided into five large areas.

There are helicopters passing by around, flying over the circular building, and throwing monsters injected with sleeping potions into different areas...

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