Let You Control Insects, You Will Become A Sea Of ​​Ants And Annihilate Everything?

Chapter Eighty-Four: The Powerful Horror With Ghost Eyes Opened, And The Horrified People!

In the basement meeting room!

Seeing the god, twenty-eight mansions, and ghost Jinyang Wuta pouring golden flames into the ground, there was a sudden shaking of the mountain on the screen.

The corner of the mouth of Qin Chongguo, Qin Zuo, the supreme commander of the troops in the Tantric Realm, curled up slightly.

Wuta got serious!

It has to be said that the worm master Yu Sheng is really powerful, first defeated the celestial master Zhong Kui, and then broke Wu Ta's tricks without using the thunder worm!

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, it was just releasing insects, not even throwing out the professional skills of an insect master.

Apart from General Counselor Xu and Gu Po Peng Suzhen, this Yu Sheng is probably the insect master who is most likely to step into Rank 7!

Unfortunately, he met Wu Ta!

Being able to force Ta, who is a clergyman, to be serious is already a very remarkable achievement. If Yu Sheng is in the army, this achievement will definitely be a highlight on his resume.

But the cleric has the aura of being invincible at the same level, and in the case of the same level three, he is destined to be defeated by Wu Ta.

From the moment Wuta took out the golden flame, everything should be over!

"Ghost Golden Goat? Has this priesthood been reborn?"

Suddenly, Kang Jinlong's thick and rough voice sounded in the meeting room...

Just one sentence made the other officers including Shen Tianjun shake their hearts!

If I remember correctly......

The ghost golden sheep of the previous generation died in the hands of this strong golden dragon!!

For a moment, all the officers seemed to recall something terrible...

Killing another clergyman was definitely a manifestation of the incomparable strength of this lunatic Kang Jinlong, but what really made the officers angry was the result of the handling of this incident by the superiors!

The novice protection time for human beings is coming to an end, and every loss of a clergyman is a great loss to Yan Country.

Therefore, after losing the ghost golden sheep of the previous generation, the result of the treatment of this 933 golden dragon of the Qiu family is only a lifelong ban from the headquarters of the Luxi Military Region, and it is not allowed to leave without reason...

But as Kang Jinlong has climbed higher and higher in the army over the years, for this lunatic who killed people without paying for his life, the original handling results are almost useless!

The final round at this time.


With a roar that resembled a beast's roar, the trembling ground came alive, turning into a berserk clay monster!

"Under the infusion of my flames, all the plants and trees are exposed!"

"Ants who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, let you know what absolute suppression is today!"

As soon as Wu Ta finished speaking, he roared——

The mud monster suddenly exploded, and the mud arm that looked like a small building slammed down on Yu Sheng;

At the same time, because the mud monster is born from the earth, the greater its attack range, the stronger the earthquake in the entire final circle;

The vibrating ground made it impossible to stand still!

This seemingly simple offensive is actually a perfect combination of control and strong attack, and the threat is self-evident!

However, in the face of this oncoming fatal blow, a strong impatience flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes, as well as an incomparably cold and fierce light!

He was originally bored because he couldn't figure out the mysterious man...

The chattering fellow like a fly on the opposite side undoubtedly hit his muzzle!


Heh, I don't care who you are!!

I saw Yu Sheng waved his hand in boredom, and in the next second, bang——

The arm of the mud monster shattered!


The scene in front of him obviously surprised Guo Ta...how is this possible?

Is the insect master's physical fitness so powerful?

You must know that insect masters, like summoners and beast masters, can be attributed to the summoning profession, and people in this profession (cced) often have one thing in common, that is, they are physically weak;

No matter how strong the monster you control is, just overturn the main body!

But obviously, this insect master named Yu Sheng is very different!

"Although I don't know how much it cost you to improve your physical fitness to this level, but its physical fitness is more terrifying than yours!"

When Wuta came back to his senses, there was a hint of playfulness in Wuta's voice, and... the winning ticket was in his hands!

This insect master is indeed very interesting, but he doesn't think that the clay giants controlled by priests are so easy to deal with?

To be precise, he is not manipulating the mud monster, but through the ability of the ghost golden goat priesthood to make the whole land of the finals come alive, the mud monster is just a manifestation of the earth coming alive;

At the same time, mud monsters are born on the ground, and as long as the earth is still there, mud monsters will continue to regenerate.

No, the arm of the mud giant that was just crushed has been reorganized and restored to its original state!

"Facing this immortal alchemy monster that is constantly being reborn, mere worm master, what do you use to fight me?"

Wu Ta looked at Yu Sheng with his nostrils, and what appeared in his eyes was the disdain that the superiors looked at the ants of the lower ranks.

But at this moment!


A voice suddenly sounded from behind Wu Ta.


At this moment, cold sweat broke out from the back of Wu Ta's back, he didn't have the disdain and arrogance just now, there was only astonishment, incomparable astonishment!

He couldn't understand why the insect master could easily come behind him without him noticing!

The moment the voice sounded, bang——

Another dull sound followed!

Yu Sheng's indestructible fist hit Wu Ta's back, yes, fist, ever since he knew that the opponent was a clergyman, Yu Sheng had no intention of using bugs to solve the problem!

He still clearly remembers the bloodthirsty army ants being shot by Su Yueqing last time!

Although bugs such as bloodthirsty army ants and poison quenchers can only be called consumables, consumables should also be used where they are worth consuming!

Suddenly, swish——

Wu Ta's whole body was blown away like a cannonball fired.

"Damn it!"

"This guy's physical body is actually so strong?"

"Can you blow me away with just brute force?"

Wu Ta muttered carelessly!

However, defeating the clergyman with fists?

If that guy releases the thunder bug that defeated Tianshi Zhong Kui in an instant, maybe he will be afraid;

As for relying on fists alone...... Oh, naive!

He is a god, twenty-eight mansions, ghost golden sheep, and a powerful alchemist, and the strongest equipment refined by an alchemist is often worn on himself!

This punch seemed to blow him away, but in fact, it couldn't even break through the defense of the alchemy armor!


At this moment, Wuta's body was covered with golden light, a golden helmet with ram's horns, shoulder armor with ram's head... a whole set of golden alchemy armor emerged on his body.

"You should know I'm an alchemist from the first time I threw a lot of alchemy weapons!"

"Your physical body is indeed strong, but you are trying to break through the defense of the alchemy props with your fists. Should you say you are naive, or should you say you..."

Wu Tana's arrogant voice suddenly stopped!

Because he clearly felt that a majestic energy was continuously gathering in Yu Sheng's chest, and then, it was like a laser beam, blatantly lasing!

Laser is laser, which is a polymer of light;

How fast is light?

The most straightforward concept, it is faster than the thunderbolt in the lightning flash state!!

Almost at the moment when Wu Ta discovered the laser, the laser released by Guimu Yintong had already arrived in front of him!

"Damn, totally crazy!!"


The laser engulfs the air, forming an air wave impact!

As for Guo Tower, he hadn't landed yet, and immediately, he bumped into the superimposed metal gate of the Yunfengjing Passage!

Lei Chi, a mountain and sea alien with a summoning cost of 20,000 points, can easily penetrate the heavy alloy armored gate, let alone ghost eyes!

What is Ghost Eye?

It is the right eye of the ancestral worm that summons a BOSS-level mountain and sea alien with a price of 500,000!

Under the terrifying power, the heavy alloy armored gate was blasted through in an instant, and the laser laser was like a spear piercing through the sky and the earth. The destructive power pushed across the passageway in the top of the cloud, invincible!

Wherever it went, even the ghost king eel in the passage was implicated, instantly vaporized by the high temperature......

"Fuck, flash!!"

Cheng Xiaoyu, who was still experiencing the 2,000-meter massacre, panicked like a ghost in daylight, and immediately dodged to the corner of the passage!

At the same time, a lot of experience points and life energy are constantly gathering towards Yu Sheng!

Between Lightning and Flint!


Another bang came from afar, billowing smoke and dust everywhere!

And when the smoke clears!


Wu Ta, who was so arrogant before, was directly blasted to the starting point of the path of massacre in the Yunding Realm, in other words, he was directly blasted thousands of meters away!

Wu Ta sat on the ground, his face was covered with blood, the armor on his body was torn apart, only the sheep's head shoulder armor on the left shoulder could barely see its shape...

The armor on the chest was completely shattered, and the fragments were embedded in the flesh...

Blood gushed out, making him look like a blood man, extremely embarrassed!

Under the eyes, the extreme shock and fear almost splashed out from the eyelids!

At this moment, the only thing that can move in Wu Ta's whole body is the heart and scalp, beating suddenly, and the heart muscle is contracting violently!

The scalp is also numb!

What kind of monster is that guy...

Why are you still firing lasers? Hey!!

That terrifying power seemed to penetrate him, no, it seemed to evaporate him directly!

Penetrating light, blazing heat!

That power is completely beyond his comprehension, and it is definitely not something that a third-rank professional can explode!

If it weren't for that moment when the ghost golden goat priest manifested sheep's hooves and horns and the human body god was lying in front of him, then his fate would never be better than those ghost king eels!

Zila, evaporate instantly!!

But even so, the statue of the goat's hoof and horn was still smashed into pieces with its golden armor on.

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable thought popped out of Wu Ta's mind!

Could it be that that guy is not three turns, but four turns?

Clerics are invincible at the same level!

There is only another priest who can defeat a priest at the same level...

That Yu Sheng could defeat him so easily, he couldn't think of any other possibility except that he was a Rank 4 powerhouse.

But this also means that Yu Sheng, who is in the same age group as him, reached the fourth rank in less than three months after completing the awakening ceremony!

This guy can level up faster than a priest?

You know, the clerics get three times the experience points from hunting any monsters!!


Totally lost....

At this moment, the pride and confidence that belonged to the clergy in Wuta's heart were completely destroyed!

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