"Mr. Xu, we really blew up this time."

"Eighty percent of domestic mainstream game evaluation groups have evaluated and scored our games, and all of them are 9.5 or above."

“Even the self-review media with over a million fans on various platforms are full of praise for our game.”

In the conference room, Hu Tao also spoke happily.

Media evaluation is a form of media communication in which professional evaluation teams on mainstream game websites or forums systematically rate and rate the most popular masterpieces.

To some extent, media evaluation is also an important way for game promotion.

In fact, its role is more prominent than ordinary game news.

Because players want to be more convinced by this kind of professional evaluation.

In particular, several mainstream domestic evaluation media can almost be said to be the weather vane of games.

However, according to Hutao's understanding, these professional evaluation teams rarely pay attention to games that are not well-known.

"We are so lucky..."

Hutao also muttered, obviously a little surprised by this piece of cake falling from the sky.

"You got so many evaluation opportunities in vain?"

However, Topa smiled and shook his head at what Walnut said about being lucky.

If she didn't know Xu Mubai's family background, she might think so.

The reality is that Xu Mubai's family has made great efforts.

In the past, games made in parallel worlds did not work, and Xu Mubai’s family had nowhere to work if they wanted to.

But the quality of this Shinigami is different.

It needs pictures with pictures, plot with plot, and gameplay with gameplay.

For a game like this, and with someone behind it, it's impossible not to become popular.

"That's right, how can you say that you got multiple evaluation opportunities in vain?"

"It's obvious that our game is good."

Yula also spoke.

"But this isn't right either."

"To take a step back, some media saw the quality of our game and thought it was very good..."

"That should also be because it was evaluated by a mainstream media and caused a wide response in the market."

"After a period of fermentation, other media will then evaluate it."

"Instead of like now, a huge number of media swarmed over it, as if it had been discussed."

"At the same time, we will launch a review and release of our Shinigami game."

Gan Yu also weakly raised his hand.

"So, someone is going to do some propaganda for us."

Shyvana also realized that this was definitely not an ordinary piece of luck.

Many game media unanimously helped them. There must be someone behind it.

"That's right."

"Just think of it as if I was the one operating it."

Xu Mubai also realized something and spoke.

"Mr. Xu, do you still have this ability?"

Hu Tao also showed a surprised look.

"What do you think? Without any ability, my company would have gone bankrupt a long time ago."

Xu Mubai showed a polite but graceful smile and said that he was a gangster.

After hearing Xu Mubai's words, everyone in the conference room couldn't help laughing.

Don't tell me, a company that has not made any profit at all for two and a half years can still pay wages as usual. It is a sign of strength that it does not delay wages.

"Okay, no more joking."

"In order to cooperate with the sales of Shinigami, it is best for us to conduct more activities and provide some benefits and rings (the currency in Shinigami) to all players."

"The other thing is to develop a special community software for our parallel world, let's call it Pingyoushe, so that players can post and discuss in the community."

"You can also see the player's in-game information, such as what characters you have, the lineup for customs clearance, etc."

"Also, we encourage players to create new things..."

Xu Mubai also spoke slowly and expressed his thoughts.

It’s not enough for Shinigami to be a good game.

Xu Mubai is also preparing to make more moves by referring to his gaming experience in his previous life.

Then go make a second game.


Shinigami is unsurprisingly popular.

Just like a person's success requires strength and luck.

The success of a game also requires two elements-quality and publicity.

There is no doubt that the quality of Shinigami has begun to shine in this world.

Coupled with the strong support of Comrade Xu Liangan, teams from all walks of life worked hard to publicize and distribute.

Shinigami has become a hotly discussed game among players in the past two weeks.

Even many tourists who don’t play games will know a little about the plot of Shinigami and some of the lines in Shinigami.

Especially many girls are attracted by Byakuya Kuchiki's handsomeness and then fall in love with him.

When there are more girls in a game, there will naturally be more boys.

In particular, Shinigami is not a stand-alone game, it can also be played online.

The Pingyoushe APP was also released shortly after, and it was also well received.

The popularity of Shinigami has swept the entire Internet like a gust of wind, and it has immediately left the circle. Even people who may not pay much attention to games are aware of the existence of Shinigami.

Not to mention those who are engaged in this industry themselves.

"What do you think of Shinigami?"


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