Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

25The Whole Internet Is Hotly Discussing, Who Is The Murderer?

Aizen's tragic death hit Hinamori very hard. With the appearance of the third captain Ichimaru Gin, Hinamori, remembering Hitsugaya's advice, lost his mind and rushed to Ichimaru Gin.

As the adjutant of the third team, Kira of course stood in front of Hinamori. The angry Hinamori freed Zanpakutō, and Hitsugaya arrived in time just when the situation got out of hand.

{I'm really sorry that my people have caused you trouble. }

After the people who arrived took Hinamori Momo and Kira away separately, Ichimaru Gin also said with a smile.

{Ichimaru, you just wanted to kill Hinamori, right? }

{Ah, what are you talking about? }

{I said it first, if you dare to let Hinamori bleed, I will kill you. }

{It’s really scary. Then you have to watch out and be careful not to let bad guys get close to her. }

Hitsugaya Tōshirō and Ichimaru Gin are in a confrontation, and the plot of Gotei 13 comes to an end here.

pdd also took a long puff of cigarette.

He really didn't expect this main plot, there were too many twists and turns.

When he first started playing the game, he thought the main plot was about Shinigami killing Hollows, but he was told that people from Soul Society wanted to capture Rukia.

Then he thought that the protagonist team was going to confront the Jing Ling Ting later on, with the purpose of saving Rukia.

But now he is told that there is a huge conspiracy in Jinglingting. There are as many as thirteen captains in Jinglingting, and it is impossible for the protagonist group to defeat them.

The greater possibility is that someone is using the protagonist group to carry out some conspiracy.

When pdd thought that the captain-level Shinigami was invincible and would definitely be the core of the subsequent plot.

Now tell him, captain of the fifth division, Aizen is dead? !

This plot is really full of twists and turns, completely beyond pdd's expectations.

However, it was this kind of unexpectedness that made pdd feel particularly happy.

This kind of plot is a plot with heart, not a boring plot where you can directly guess the outcome at a glance!

"Wow, this plot is really unexpected all the time."

"I even wonder if it was Ichimaru Gin who killed Aizen. I feel that the plot planned and produced by Shinigami is definitely not something we can easily guess."

"I now wonder if it was Tōshirō, or that Urahara Kisuke who made the move."

After taking a puff of cigarette, pdd couldn't help but speak.

Although these two guesses are outrageous, pdd always feels that Shinigami planning will not simply put the answer on the riddle.

If Ichimaru Gin is really the boss behind the scenes, it is absolutely impossible to point it out to you so early according to the urine planned by Shinigami.

"Teacher whoring? Why don't you listen to what you are talking about?"

"Tōshirō is the mastermind behind this? How is this possible? He doesn't look like him at all, okay? It's Urahara Kisuke...it's hard to say."

"Indeed, Urahara Kisuke seems to be a deep-minded and highly strategic person at first glance. Maybe he is using the protagonist group to achieve some ulterior secret."

"That's what I say, but there's no reason not to suspect Ichimaru Gin, who is the most likely murderer, right?"

There was also a lot of discussion in the barrage in the pdd live broadcast room.

"What I said is certainly well-founded. Think about the plot of the Shinigami game. Which thing is not beyond our expectations?"

"Is Ichimaru Gin, the apparent murderer, really the murderer?"

pdd also expressed his thoughts, which was well-founded and convincing.

pdd The plot promotion of Shinigami has not yet ended, and topics related to Shinigami have already occupied the hot search list.

The most hotly debated topic is who killed Aizen.

Although Aizen only appeared for a short period of time, because he suspected that there was a mastermind behind the scenes, he spoke to the protagonist group and brought some fans to Aizen.

This image of a gentle and good gentleman is still very popular.

It's a pity that he died after not even surviving for long in the plot.

Many people are speculating on who killed Aizen.

Most people think it's Ichimaru Gin. After all, Ichimaru Gin doesn't look like a good person from the time he appeared until now.

There are also a few people who think that Shinigami's plan will not expose the murderer so easily.

Just like the storyline of Shinigami up to now, how much of it has been carried out step by step?

Maybe Urahara Kisuke, who has been helping the protagonist group, is the mastermind behind this.

After all, the image of Urahara Kisuke itself is playful on the surface, but it gives people a mysterious and elusive feeling.

And why does Urahara Kisuke help the protagonist group?

It’s impossible to think that the protagonist is handsome, right?

Maybe Urahara Kisuke used the protagonist group to enter Soul Society?

"The script written by Mr. Xu is really well written."

"I don't think anyone would have guessed that Aizen, who is now pretending to be dead, is the boss behind the scenes, right?"

Hu Tao also saw the discussion on the Internet and spoke with a smile.

As a part of the production of Shinigami games, Walnut naturally knows the follow-up of the plot.

To be honest, when she saw the continuation of Shinigami's plot, she felt numb all over and felt completely stupid.

What kind of brain and mental state can create such a charming villain like Aizen?

Mr. Xu, the eternal God!


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