Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

31 Shinigami Explodes With Sales Of 3 Billion!

After a while, amidst everyone's crazy astonishment, Zaraki Kenpachi's pv finally ended.

"Ya'eryo, it's so hot. The character Zaraki Kenpachi is so hot!"

"It's rare to see a character be so passionate."

"It's rare to see such a fighting maniac character done so well."

"It's a pity that Zaraki Kenpachi won't be able to release Zanpakutō. I wouldn't have known how strong this character would be."

pdd couldn't help but feel excited and frantically discussed with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

And will Zaraki Kenpachi really not be liberated?

Until this stage of the plot, this is indeed the case.

But actually, behind Shinigami, Zaraki Kenpachi was able to learn Zanpakutō liberation.

Zaraki Kenpachi Shikai and Bankai will definitely be changed into SP form and enter the card pool again as the plot progresses.


The popularity of Shinigami has exploded.

As more and more people fall into the trap, the main plot of Shinigami is also stripped away, and more and more people are attracted to the Shinigami game.

"The main plot of Shinigami is only so small, but there are so many twists and turns. It feels really fascinating."

"I really like the character creation in Shinigami. Byakuya Kuchiki is handsome, cold and arrogant, cold on the outside but hot on the inside, and Zaraki Kenpachi is a fighting maniac who only wants to fight."

"Even though I am a male, I like these two characters very much."

"It's a pity that the two UP pools are all male characters. Inoue Orihime and Shiba Kukaku are only four-star companions. When will there be a female character in the UP!"

"@parallelworld, dog thief! Hurry up and tell me who killed Aizen! I obviously had a good impression of Aizen, so why did I kill Aizen?"

"Can you like Aizen without much plot?"

"I just like handsome gentleman-type characters, don't I?"

"In fact, we can basically conclude that the murderer is Ichimaru Gin. The parallel world just has the word bad guy carved on his face."

"No, no, no, just because the parallel world just has the word "bad guy" carved on Ichimaru Gin's face, so Ichimaru Gin doesn't look like a murderer."

"I think so too. Parallel worlds like to reverse things so much. It's really unreasonable not to reverse them."

"The enemy, I feel like the killer looks like Urahara Kisuke. He is too enigmatic and fits my ideal image of a great villain."

"Is it possible that it's Hitsugaya Tōshirō? The dog head saves his life."

"Ah, some people really suspect it is Tōshirō. At first glance, that little boy looks like the kind of person who can be easily deceived. I can't imagine that he is the mastermind behind this."

Suddenly, the hot search topic about Shinigami occupied two spots in the top ten of the hot search list.

The most controversial one is, of course, who killed Aizen.

After all, this can be said to be the biggest conspiracy in the plot now. Although the conspiracy only reveals the tip of the iceberg, it is already exciting enough.

Countless netizens are using their imaginations to guess who killed Aizen.

Some people think it's Ichimaru Gin. After all, Ichimaru Gin doesn't look like a good person.

However, as more and more people analyze Hinamori Momo's shocked look after seeing Aizen's suicide note, more and more people feel that Ichimaru Gin may not be the real murderer.

As a result, suspicion was directed at Urahara Kisuke and others, and even Hitsugaya Tōshirō was on the suspect list.

In other words, almost all captains are on the doubt list.

After all, Aizen is also the captain of the fifth division. If you want to kill Aizen, you must be the captain after all, right?

There was only Zaraki Kenpachi, and few doubted it.

Come on, who would suspect a fighting maniac of conspiracy?

That’s too uncharacteristic. A parallel world would definitely not seek death like this.

"When will version 1.2 come? I can't wait any longer for version 1.1!"

Countless players also commented jokingly, and even started a "call for updates" on the Internet.


"Mr. Xu, the first month's sales of Shinigami have been released, and the global first-month sales reached 3 billion."

In the conference room of the parallel world, Hu Tao also reported with excitement.

3 billion!

30 small goals!

Although turnover does not equal income, it is exciting enough.

After hearing Hu Tao's return, the employees in the conference room were in an uproar and looked excited.

This is a game they made.

It’s unbelievable that they actually made such a popular game.

Gan Yu, Sivana and the others were also in a trance, wondering if they were dreaming.

Was this such a popular game really made by them?

"Well done. This month, all employees' salaries and bonuses have been doubled."

Xu Mubai also chuckled and then spoke.

"Wow, the boss is wise!"

Hutao was the first to speak, and then all the employees echoed excitedly.

The game results are good and they are happy.

If the boss increases their salary, they will be even happier.

"Okay, okay, don't get too excited."

"This is just the beginning. I believe Shinigami's follow-up will be even more popular."

"Of course, Shinigami's popularity is also inseparable from your efforts."


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