Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

49The Murderer Of Aizen Was Actually TōShirō?

On the other side, the camera was also shown to Soul Society.

Abarai Renji escaped from prison, Ichimaru Gin rescued Kira, and Inoue Orihime temporarily stayed in the 11th Division.

Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika also had a friendly attitude towards Inoue Orihime, and even cared about Ichigo.

Zaraki Kenpachi even decided to help Inoue Orihime. As long as he helped Inoue Orihime, he could see Kurosaki Ichigo again and have another fight with Kurosaki Ichigo.

Well, Zaraki Kenpachi has itchy hands and wants to fight Kurosaki Ichigo again.

Ishida Uryu, Sado Yasutora, and others were locked up in the fourth team's dormitory.

Another mission followed.

Through the mission, the surrounding players also learned that Hinamori Momo was in the special improvement class with Kira and Renji, and practiced hard every day in order to become an excellent Shinigami.

During a captain's inspection of the academy, Hinamori was deeply moved by Captain Aizen's strength and gentleness, and secretly decided to join Captain Aizen's fifth division after becoming a Shinigami.

While training to fight simulated Hollows in the real world, Aizen rescued them from being besieged by giant Hollows...

After learning this story, the camera turned to Hinamori Momo.

Hinamori Momo also escaped from prison.

After learning about this, Hitsugaya had a premonition that Hinamori would go to Ichimaru Gin for revenge. In order to prevent Hinamori from being harmed, Hitsugaya went to Ichimaru Gin first and decided to hit him before Hinamori.

"Damn it, the plot is so smooth. I feel like there is too much information in it."

"Hinamori Momo's look of disbelief, as well as the conversation just now, clearly indicate that the murderer of Aizen is probably a very unexpected person."

"It's fun, it's so fun, hurry up and continue, I can't wait to see the answer to the mystery."

The surrounding players were also talking a lot and began to discuss among themselves.

The real culprit of Aizen's death was about to surface, making them very excited.

{You two are indeed together. }

{As I expected, only Kira's cell door was opened from the outside. }

{If you want to let him go secretly, then you are not very smart, right? }

{Ichimaru Gin}

Hitsugaya Tōshirō also quickly stopped Ichimaru Gin and the others and spoke.

{What, your statement is really strange. }

{I did this on purpose to let everyone know. }

Seeing the confrontation between Ichimaru Gin and Tōshirō, everyone held their breath and looked forward to it.

{Fortunately Hinamori Momo is not here yet. }

{I will kill you before Hinamori Momo comes. }

Tōshirō is also preparing to draw his sword and kill Ichimaru Gin.

Then the next moment, Hinamori Momo came.

{ Hinamori......}

Tōshirō also let go of Zanpakutō.

"Come on, come on, the mystery will be revealed!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. Who is the murderer? Is it really Ichimaru Gin?"

"Hinamori Momo has found this place, so it must be Ichimaru Gin. Could it be Kira?"

"Maybe it's Tōshirō!"

"Tōshirō? Impossible, absolutely impossible. Look at Tōshirō's dialogue and performance during the previous mission. It doesn't look like he was the murderer behind the scenes."

"Stop arguing, just keep reading."

{Finally found......}

{So you are here...}

Hinamori Momo also looked at Ichimaru Gin.

"Damn it, I just said Ichimaru Gin is the murderer! How can Hinamori Momo's actions be fake?"

"Damn it, no way, the answer really lies in the mystery? Ichimaru Gin has been acting so weird from the beginning, how can he be the murderer?"

"My God, are we really thinking too complicated from the beginning?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Ichimaru Gin is the murderer. In fact, we were already prepared for it, weren't we?"

After seeing the plot here, almost everyone thinks that Ichimaru Gin is the murderer behind the scenes.

After all, with this performance, Ichimaru Gin can still be considered a murderer.

However, in the next moment, all the tourists who were paying attention widened their eyes.

{Stop it, Hinamori. }

{He is not an opponent you can deal with. }

{Leave him to me and get out of here! }

Tōshirō shouted, but Hinamori Momo ignored it and pulled out his Zanpakutō.

Zanpakutō's blade was not aimed at Ichimaru Gin and Kira, but at Tōshirō!

All the tourists who were paying attention to the big screen of the parallel world had their eyes widened and seemed to be holding their breath at this moment.

"Holy shit, it's Tōshirō?!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Inversion, there is another inversion, the murderer is actually Tōshirō?"

"It's incredible."

"No, no, no, I don't believe it. There will definitely be a reversal later!"

The booth in the parallel world was quiet for five seconds before louder discussions broke out again.

Everyone's reactions were different, and most of them felt extremely surprised.

{Captain Aizen’s hatred...}

{Why...you want to captain Aizen...}

{I know it all from the letter the captain left me. }

Hinamori Momo also spoke out the ‘truth’.


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