Let You Develop Games, And The Boss Is Actually Aizen

63 Worship Is The Farthest Emotion From Understanding.

"Looks like Tōshirō likes Hinamori Momo."

"That's really pitiful. Tōshirō likes Hinamori Momo, Hinamori Momo likes Aizen, and Aizen...has been cheating on Hinamori Momo."

"So pathetic, Tōshirō..."

The surrounding tourists were naturally aware of Tōshirō's anger.

There are many plots about Tōshirō, and of course they can also see a little bit about Tōshirō's feelings for Hinamori Momo. They are definitely not just childhood sweethearts.

And now, Hinamori Momo fell in a pool of blood, probably dead.

Well, these tourists simply don’t understand the value of Hinamori Momo Shinigami’s first meat tank.

No matter how serious the injury is, Hinamori Momo is able to survive and become more alive after a while.

{What a pity, it was discovered...}

{Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. }

{At least she should be chopped into pieces without being discovered by you. }

After hearing Aizen say such cruel words with a smile, everyone's fists involuntarily hardened like Tōshirō in the plot.

"Ah, this Aizen, makes me want to hit him."

"It's so heartless and vicious."

"Am I the only one who thinks Aizen is scary? Seeing him say such vicious words with a warm smile made me tremble."

"Really, I won't dare to look directly at Nuan Nan anymore."

"Oops, Nuan Nan Feng Ping was killed!"

"The warm man ranks behind the dog!"

{Aizen, Ichimaru! }

{When did you start working together? }

{Before you pretended to be dead, right? }

Tōshirō suppressed his inner anger and tried to sound calm.

{Of course it was from the beginning. }

{Since I became captain. }

{I have never regarded anyone other than him as the vice-captain. }

The camera once again focused on Aizen and Ichimaru Gin.

The reflection from his glasses made the smiling Aizen look even more sinister.

Coupled with the smile of Ichimaru Gin next to him...these two Shinigami are obviously smiling, but the sight of them makes people sweat and tremble.

{Up to now, you have been...}

{ Hinamori, me, your no less than all other Shinigami...}

{Have you been deceiving us all this time? }

The camera shifted to Tōshirō, whose face was full of tension and anger.

{I did not intend to deceive you. }

{It’s just that none of you understand me. }

{My true face. }

Aizen smiled and spoke.

{Don’t understand? }

{ Hinamori, Hinamori she has always admired you. }

{Joined Gotei 13 just to be close to you. }

{In order to help you, I tried my best. }

{He finally became the vice-captain. }

Tōshirō also roared.

{I know......}

{No one is more manipulative than someone who idolizes themselves. }

{That’s why I made her my subordinate. }

{What a great opportunity. }

{You better remember this, Hitsugaya...}

{Adoration is the farthest emotion from understanding. }

After seeing Aizen say these words, everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps.

Until now, the character of Aizen has been portrayed as too cruel and too terrifying by the plot.

He clearly has a warm smile on his face, but it makes people feel chilled.

Moreover, until now, Aizen has not had much plot.

In other words, it's just that Aizen was resurrected and Tōshirō confronts Aizen so far.

But, only with Aizen's conspiracy wisdom.

Relying on the huge contrast between the good gentleman before and the big boss behind the scenes who kills without blinking an eye.

Plus the last sentence, "Adoration is the distance from understanding, the farthest emotion." As the finishing touch...

Even though Aizen hasn't started fighting yet, he hasn't shown his Zanpakutō abilities yet.

However, it has left an indelible impression on countless tourists and netizens.

Even the previous Shinigami captains didn't impress them as deeply as Aizen!

{ Bankai...}

After hearing Aizen's words, Tōshirō no longer suppressed his inner anger.

{ Daiguren Hyōrinmaru}

After Bankai, Tōshirō's image also changed a lot.

Behind Tōshirō, an ice dragon spawned. Its huge ice wings extended from the sword-wielding wrist, and ice crystals shaped like three huge petals emerged from its back.

The cold air that drifted out also covered the surrounding environment with a layer of frost.

"Bankai, finally Bankai?"

"Zanpakutō, who is known as the strongest ice and snow type, shouldn't let us down!"

Seeing Tōshirō use Bankai, the tourists also burst into exclamations.

Bankai is the strongest power of Shinigami. Every time he appears, it will make people's blood boil.

Of course, Abarai Renji's Bankai and Tousen Kaname's Bankai are a bit too hip.

But considering that their opponent at the time, Abarai Renji played Byakuya Kuchiki, and had just learned Bankai, it was normal to lose miserably.

Tousen Kaname used Bankai to beat Zaraki Kenpachi, which can only be said to be completely restrained.

Tousen Kaname's Bankai Suzumushi final style, Yama Cricket, releases Reiatsu into a huge ellipsoid-shaped barrier that wraps Tousen Kaname and the enemy.

Except for the person who touches the handle of the Suzumushi sword, the hearing, vision, smell, and Reiatsu senses of everyone else within the barrier will completely disappear.

Only the sense of touch is left to feel the pain of being at the mercy of Tousen Kaname.

But Yama Cricket's barrier doesn't seem to have strong defense.

Zaraki Kenpachi, a fighting maniac, didn't care about this at all. He relied on his fighting intuition to grab Tousen Kaname's Zanpakutō, and then killed Tousen Kaname with a single blow.

If Tousen Kaname had not met Zaraki Kenpachi, his defeat would not have been so tragic.


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