The barrage in the live broadcast room also had a rhythm, and they all asked PDD to choose three.

PDD did not disappoint the water friends in the live broadcast room and directly clicked option three.

In the scene, Kurosaki Ichigo kicked Rukia away, then turned on the light and pointed at Rukia.

"What's so close, idiot!"

"You guy, you still pretend that you can't see me, who are you!"

Rukia, who was kicked away by Kurosaki Ichigo, had question marks on her face.

The serious and serious look he had just now suddenly changed into a look of scorn, with a big question mark on his forehead.

"You brat, can you see me?"

Seeing Rukia like this now, the barrage in the live broadcast room also flooded the screen.

"Hahaha, I originally thought she was a cold beauty, but I didn't expect she turned out to be a slutty beauty!"

"Hahaha, one second there was a chill, and the next second one was kicked and one's nature was exposed."

"It's so fun. Could this be a funny game?"

Seeing Rukia's sarcastic look, PDD couldn't help but laugh.

Following the main line, PDD and his friends in the live broadcast room also learned that this sand sculpture beauty is called Rukia Kuchiki, and she is a Shinigami.

Shinigami, on the other hand, are living beings with a very high concentration of spiritual particles. They have abilities that exceed those of humans and can also fight against Hollows.

At the same time, Shinigami is also Kyon's favorite food due to the high concentration of spirit seeds in his body.

Shinigami shoulders the responsibility of protecting mankind, guiding and purifying the "empty" and returning it to the Soul Society, maintaining the balance of the two worlds to prevent the world from becoming unstable and perishing.

"Dead humans" are souls, and the souls will be guided by Shinigami to Soul Society.

The souls of human beings who have died in this world, once they are attached to this world for some reason and refuse to go to the Soul Society where their souls are placed, they become lonely ghosts, wandering around.

"Spirits" generally do not threaten humans and will speak to those who can see them.

However, due to the deep desire in the heart, if the "soul" is not guided to the Soul Society in time, it may become an evil spirit, that is, a "virtual".

Xu, on the other hand, is the soul in this world. After a period of time, the inner desires will corrode the body and turn it into "xu", that is, an evil spirit.

The Hollow will go around devouring the souls of other living people, especially those they loved during their lifetime.

Generally, Hollows seen in the present world still retain the ability to talk to people who can see them, which means that their reason is not completely destroyed.

Since most Hollows still have a conscience deep inside their hearts, as long as they have the assistance of other spirits, they can still transition to Soul Society and wait for reincarnation.

Ordinary humans cannot see Shinigami and Hollows, but some humans have high spiritual power and can witness spirits such as "Zheng" and "Hollow".

It's obvious that Kurosaki Ichigo is one of the humans here.

"The setting of this game is quite interesting."

"I can probably guess the main plot of this game, which is to become a Shinigami and then fight against Kyon."

PDD touched his chin and then spoke.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"It's been written so obviously, who doesn't know?"

"It's interesting, so the next step is to become Shinigami and have fun killing all the way?"

Most of the water friends in the PDD live broadcast room have some gaming experience.

Regarding PDD, they cannot deny it.

Come on, once this setting comes out, you can basically guess that the protagonist becomes a Shinigami and then destroys Hollows, right?

Unless the game company is a bit more creative, they will make the protagonist a Hollow and fight Shinigami.

The game continues, and the next second after Rukia's explanation, Kyon attacks Kurosaki Ichigo's family.

Xu, whom pdd has been thinking about for a long time, finally appears.

"Damn it, this Xu is too, too..."

PDD was also shocked when he saw Xu appear on the stage.

This virtual image... has a big empty hole in the middle, a strange shape, and a white mask on its face.

Coupled with its huge size, it was very oppressive.

However, despite the overwhelming feeling, it is not scary.

"Is this Hollow? It feels like a monster."

"Indeed, it's a monster, and it's a bit twitchy."

"It's time for us to go out and kill this Hollow, right?"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also flooded the screen.

Sure enough, the next second, PDD found that he could control the character.

"This is for us to control Rukia to fight."

PDD tried it and got started quickly.

The monsters in this game still have health bars displayed, and the Rukia Kuchiki controlled by the same PDD also has a health bar.

PDD controlled Rukia and slashed towards Xu.


"Wait a does this attack feel?"

PDD's eyes also lit up slightly at this time.

In action games, feel has always been a very subtle and abstract word, but it is real.

The strength or weakness of the feel often becomes one of the key factors in retaining players.

It also includes feedback feedback to the brain from hand operation instructions.

It also includes psychological visual feedback.

And the feel of this game called "Shinigami" so damn good.


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