{You guy, get down here!}

{If you have the guts, come up!}

{Just what I wanted!}


Makarov's hand turned into a huge fist, and the fist came down.

{I will never allow you to go to the second floor. You are not qualified yet. }

{Hahaha, you deserve to be scolded!}

{Laxus, that’s enough for you. }

{I will not give up the throne of being the strongest in Fairy Tail! Whether it’s Erza or Mysterio, I am the strongest!}

The plot continues.

pdd also has a deeper understanding of Fairy Tail and the classification of wizards.

Erza, Mistgon, and Laxus are all S-class magicians. They can go to the second floor to receive S-class or even ten-year missions and century-old missions above S-class.

Natsu is now only an A-level mage and is not qualified to go to the earth building.

S-class missions are dangerous missions that can lead to death if a moment of misjudgment is made.

Therefore, in Fairy Tail, only magicians approved by the guild president are eligible to go to the second floor of the guild to obtain S-level missions.

However, what no one expected was that Natsu, who was provoked by Laxus, stole an S-rank mission directly.


{President, the 23 orders posted on the second floor are missing one!}

By the time Mirajane found out, it was already too late.

The plot of Karna Island is also the beginning.

pdd also follows the plot, and the plot becomes more and more confusing.

Everyone on Karna Island actually turned into demons because of the changes in the moonlight.

{Underground in the ruins is a secret cave!}

{This is a rare opportunity, come and explore. }

{Please stop messing around. }

{What is that...!}

This...this! This is Deliora!}

{How come, why is Deliola here!}

Among the ruins on Karna Island, Natsu and his team unexpectedly discovered the monster Deliora that Gray's master Wu sealed with his own life.

{Deliora, one of the demons in the Book of Zeref, an immortal calamity demon who goes around doing evil and causing devastation to all living beings. }

{I once tried to destroy an entire city in less than a day. I once destroyed the city where Gray's home was located and indirectly killed Gray's parents. }

Deliora is extremely powerful, and even Uru, whose strength is no less than that of Saint Ten, had a leg broken by him. }

{Later was sealed by Uru with "Absolute Ice". While being frozen, his life was gradually consumed by Absolute Ice. }

On the screen, a subtitle introduction of Deliora was given.

"Damn it, has the second demon come out? It seems like this might be the second BOSS!"

Seeing the appearance of Deliora, pdd also made a judgment.

The main mission has reached this point. Although it is still a bit confusing, the clues are already there.

Maybe someone wanted to resurrect Deliora, so the moon changed color and everyone on Karna Island turned into demons.

The plot continued, and soon, two men came over.

One looks very similar to a dog, and the other has thick eyebrows and blue hair standing on end, which is noticeable at a glance.

{The sound came from nearby. }

{I feel so sleepy during the day!}

{Toby, have you grown ears after being exposed to the drops of the moon?}

{I didn’t, this is decoration, see clearly!}

{I was just teasing you, idiot!}

{You are good or bad. }

"Could the drops of the moon they were talking about be a curse?"

pdd also expressed his judgment.


The comments in the live broadcast room also echoed.

These guys... why on earth did they move Deliora here!}

{Or I should ask, how did they find the seal?}

{Sealed place?}

This guy was originally frozen in the iceberg of the northern continent. He was an immortal demon who was causing trouble in the Isbon region ten years ago!}

{At the same time, he is also my master, Uru staked his life on the sealed demon!}

As the plot continues, Natsu and the others discover a group of mysterious figures gathering in the moonlight, seemingly wanting to rescue Deliora from the frozen state.

Natsu and the others also decided to wait and see.

Time passed bit by bit, and night had arrived in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a purple light fell from the sky and shone on the frozen Deliora.


{Sure enough, it turns out that this group of people is really gathering their attention. }

{Let the moonlight shine on Deliora, what exactly do you want to do?}

{It’s a drop of the moon!}

{Drops of the Moon? What is it?}

These people want to use the power of the Moon Drops to unlock the absolute ice on Deliora and resurrect Deliora. }

{Drops of the Moon are magic that can melt absolute ice. }

{The magic power of the moon gathered into a bunch has the ability to break most magic!}

{Is this voice his?}

Natsu and others were waiting, but they didn't expect that the person waiting was Gray's senior brother Leon.

The plot has reached this point, and everyone is facing their opponents.

From the conversation, Gray finally understood that Leon, Gray's childhood senior brother, attempted to resurrect Deliora who had been sealed by their master Wu Lu, and even injured Gray who came to stop him.

Natsu, Lucy and others decided to stand up and confront Leon in order to save the lives of the villagers and at the same time stop this evil act.

Jie Li faced Lucy, and the magic puppet she used was specifically designed to control things other than humans.

Because the protoss is not human, her magic is very useful to the 923 protoss, and therefore Lucy has always been at a disadvantage in this battle.

But Lucy had an idea in the crisis and summoned Akuya.

Naturally, Akuiya was inevitably controlled by Jie Li, but no one expected that Akuiya's attack was so huge that it directly affected Jie Li.

"Okay, Lucy is quite smart, until she uses Akuya's characteristics.

After playing pdd here, I feel very happy.

The plot continued, Natsu found Leon, and Leon also told the reason why he did this.

Ten years ago, when Leon and Gray were both apprentices of the wizard Wu Lu, Wu Lu used the magic "Absolute Freeze" to help Gray get rid of the dark side in his heart.

This is a magic that turns one's body into ice and completely destroys the user.

Wu Lu sacrificed herself to freeze Deliora.

In order to realize his dream of surpassing Wu Lu, Leon tried his best to melt the ice formed by Wu Lu through the moon drop ceremony.

Then defeat Deliola and prove that he is stronger than Wu Lu.

Deliora was resurrected after the ice cube melted, but his body gradually disintegrated and lost its life. It turned out that in the past ten years, it had been killed by ten drops of life in the ice cube formed by Wulu.

The melted water of Wu Lu's ice flows all the way into the sea, and Wu Lu, who becomes the sea, will protect the apprentices she protects wholeheartedly.

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