It wasn’t until he saw Lu Yuan pinching the snake’s head and grabbing it that he reacted.

“I poke and poke!”

“Old Lu Niu!”

“What’s going on?”

“Lao Lu didn’t even run, and fought back, this is outrageous!”

“Over the mountain: I was careless, there was no flash!”

Although the mountain peak was strangled by the throat of fate, its huge body was still twisting vigorously, trying to break free from Lu Yuan’s confinement.

Lu Yuan didn’t give it a chance, looked up at the tree nest in the bamboo forest, and didn’t see the second one, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

He walked towards the tree nest, which was empty.

And the treasure point that was scanned was this tree nest.

The system is so pitted that it even made me dig out the snake’s nest!

It’s also a nest over the peak!

“This tree nest is a nest over the mountain.”

Lu Yuan said: “If you see a similar tree nest in the mountains in the future, don’t get close, run as far as you want, run as fast as you want, don’t hesitate at all.” ”

“Lao Lu, are you laughing, cross the mountain peak and live here?”

“The first time I’ve heard of mountain peaks still living in tree nests.”

“This is obviously a pheasant nest, you caught it by coming over the mountain to hunt.”

Looking at the barrage, Lu Yuan shook his head and said: “This is the nest of Guoshan Peak, Guoshan Peak is the only snake that can nest, and it nests and guards during breeding, which is considered an outlier among snakes.” ”

“WTF? Really fake? ”

“Dongguang people tell you, it’s true, once on the way home in junior high school, I passed by the foot of the mountain and saw this kind of nest once, I was a passer-by, and as a result, the mountain peak ran over to chase me like crazy, especially chasing me dozens of meters away, I am afraid that speed I will not be able to run a second time in my life!”

“I’ve also come across… And it was two, chasing me together, I cried and ran home, and then my father beat me to death with a stick, and ate two large bowls with tears in my eyes at night. ”

“Lao Lu, you are careful, nests are built only during the breeding period, and there are generally two nests.”

“I looked, there are no eggs in the nest, this snake should still be single.”

“Snakes can also build nests, what a long sight.”

“Indicates first meeting.”

Lu Yuan was actually the first time to see it, but the knowledge in his brain let him know this.

He glanced at the mountain peak in his hand, and “hissed” to himself, and the small eyes of the green bean were full of defiance.

“It’s good luck for you to run into me.”

Lu Yuan’s wrist shook, and the mountain peak cut a graceful arc in the bamboo forest and landed dozens of meters away.

After landing, he twisted and ran away after crossing the mountain.

Can’t beat can’t beat, slipped away.

With this, Lu Yuan also picked up his spirit and continued to walk towards the next place.

In this way, digging until four o’clock in the afternoon, Lu Yuan gave up.

Nearly four hours, nearly eighty places were dug, without exception, all snake dens.

Later, he didn’t struggle anymore, every time he dug a snake, he would wait for the snake to drill out, and then popularize what kind of snake it was to netizens.

From the scientific name of the snake to its habits, it is explained in great detail.

The live broadcast room has clashed 5 million online.

Netizens counted in the live broadcast room one by one.

“80 up!”

“Lao Lu, keep up the good work, a hundred is just around the corner!”

“Eighty snake dens have been dug in one afternoon, and professional snake catchers have to pass cigarettes to ask for experience when they see you.”

“I obviously came to see the anchor digging for treasure, and I have been digging snakes for Mao?”

“Snakes are also treasures, ahahahahah!”

“Old Lu Zhenhang, recognize so many snakes.”

What scenes have netizens not seen?

But they really haven’t seen this face.

80 snake nests were dug in one afternoon, and if it weren’t for the live broadcast, no one would have believed it.

Lu Yuan himself is a little skeptical of life.

“Don’t dig anymore, don’t dig, go home to eat, and come back tomorrow.”

Lu Yuan drank his saliva, got up and grabbed the iron pickaxe and went down the mountain.

“Don’t, Lao Lu continues to dig, I haven’t seen enough.”

“Enough for a hundred snake dens before leaving.”

“Keep digging and see, maybe the next one is a crater.”

“Yes, yes, the next one must be a crater!”

Lu Yuanhehe, am I so easily deceived?

There are no doors!

He said today that he would not dig anything.

And he’s deep in the mountains, and it’ll be dark a little later.

As soon as it got dark, any wild beast appeared in the mountains.

Regardless of the persuasion of netizens, Lu Yuan went down the mountain quickly.

When he arrived at the bottom of the mountain, Lu Yuan said: “It’s broadcast, see you tomorrow.” ”

Come home, take a shower, finish eating.

At the dinner table, my father asked, “What did you dig up in the mountain today?” ”

Lu Yuan’s face darkened: “I didn’t dig anything.” ”

After speaking, he shut up and buried his head in the meal.

After eating and drinking, he wandered around the village to eliminate his food.

At eight o’clock in the evening, someone edited the content of Lu Yuan’s afternoon live broadcast into a small video of a few minutes.

Title: “Lao Lu dug up 80 snake nests in four hours, the contemporary snake catcher”

As soon as the video was sent, it immediately rushed to the hot search.

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