Chapter 191 In this life, I do not worship heaven and earth, do not worship ghosts and gods, and leave merit to future generations! 【1st Change】!!

Lu Yuan’s side is digging, and the people above are cleaning up.

This kind of bronze artifact buried directly in the ground is very troublesome to clean up.

Old Chen looked at the huge bronze statue in front of him, stunned, and said to himself, “I have to call them over.” ”

Just these two or three, it won’t work at all.

Young people, they are not at ease.

Lao Chen took out his mobile phone and dialed the number: “You guys clean up, the helicopter will pick you up now, come and clean up the bronze ding.” ”

Hanging up the phone, Lao Chen said, “Let’s go first.” ”


Old Chen and Teacher Yang, holding brushes, stepped on the folding ladder, and went up first to start cleaning.

Fortunately, when Lu Yuan was digging, he hollowed out all the mud in his mouth.

Otherwise, just cleaning up the dirt inside would have taken them at least a month at this rate.

Lin Xue’s heart itched when she saw it: “Old Yang, I’ll help you.” ”

“Roll the calf, stay cool, take your hand away, don’t touch it!” This is Jiuzhou Ding, touch off a piece of skin and I’ll peel you off a layer of skin! ”

Teacher Yang was so fierce that Lin Xue quickly withdrew his hand.

Teacher Yang smiled straightly: “You also have today.” ”

Lin Xue:…

Lao Chen said: “Lao Lin, you can just watch from the side, this kind of work is still handed over to us majors, you can’t.” ”

Although Lin Xue wanted to help clean up, she didn’t dare to move.

Half an hour later, a group of people were pulled over by helicopter.

More than a dozen experts, plus a dozen experienced archaeologists, worked together to clean up the huge bronze ding.

When they first saw the bronze ding, they were sluggish.

Why is this so big?

Big is surprising, big is scary, big is outrageous!

Looking at all the bronzes unearthed in the Dragon Kingdom, there are no such large pieces.

Even the bronze tree unearthed by Sanxingdui is only 3.9 meters, which is half of this statue.

Not to mention, the shape of the tree itself is easier to build.

Bronze dings are very difficult to build.

And this is likely to be the bronze ding of the Xia Dynasty, with the casting technology at that time, how was it created?

It’s also confusing.



“You dug up [the corpse]”

[Corpse]: Attribute: Shang Dynasty. Value: 10 million. From the value, it can be directly determined that this is Di Xin’s body. What is recorded in the oracle bone on the turtle shell is true.

They really put the town of Tisin in this place.

A generation of monarchs did not even have a coffin after death.

Lu Yuan dug up the soil around the corpse, carefully took out the corpse, and set it aside.

Then continue digging.


“You dug up [turtle shell]”


Lu Yuan shaved for a while, and his heart was abrupt.

These dozens of golden rays are all oracle bones.

He quickly cut them all out, more than forty pieces at a time.

The last piece of turtle shell was taken out, and it was determined that there was only one statue of this armor.

He asked the people above to put down their things, dragged the corpse and turtle shell with a cloth, and slowly put it away.

Making sure that there was nothing below, Lu Yuan also climbed up.

“Mr. Lu, this corpse belongs to Di Xin?”

Lin Xue asked with her back hand.

“This is what the oracle bones say, it should not be wrong.”

Lu Yuan walked up, picked up the turtle shell, and cleaned up the dirt on it.

After cleaning up, just look at it.

Lin Xue came over, and Lu Yuan gave him a slice: “Teacher Lin take a look?” ”


Lin Xue took it and looked at it word by word in her hand: “This is yes, this is ke, this is…”

Looking at Lu Yuan again, he had already put down the turtle shell in his hand and picked up another piece.

Lin Xue said, “Xiao Lu, what are you doing?” ”

“Huh? I’m done reading it. ”

Lin Xue’s heart twitched slightly: “Look, finished reading?” ”

Lu Yuan picked it up again and pointed to the words on it: “The approximate content of this piece is that a person called Donglou Gong from the country of Qi, divination asked if this place could be used to Zhendi Xin, and the divination results could be.” ”

“Oh, by the way, this Donglou Duke is a Miao descendant of Xia Chaoyu.”

“Judging from the situation at that time, it should be Jiang Ziya who first divined over there, determined the location of suppressing Di Xin, and then continued divination here, and invited the descendants of the Xia Kingdom to divination. Although Jiuding was embraced by Di Xin at that time, it belonged to the Xia Dynasty in terms of belonging, so he invited this Duke of Donglou of the Qi Kingdom. ”

Lu Yuan pondered a little and said, “I remember that the person of Donglou Gong was mentioned in the “History”, and he is indeed a descendant of Yu. ”

Put this piece down and pick up another piece: “The content on this piece is not bad, and it is also a divination inquiry to see if Dixin can be suppressed here.” ”

He watched more than a dozen films in a row, all of which were about the same content.

This situation of divination of an event several times, or even dozens of times, is quite normal.

The more important the thing, the more divination.

“The content of this piece is that the Duke of Donglou counted the crimes of Di Xin to the ancestor, hoping that the ancestor would agree to suppress it with Jiuding.”

Lin Xue hurriedly asked, “What are the crimes?” ”

Lu Yuan said: “Alcoholism, listening to women’s words, disrespecting God…”

He put the turtle shell down and continued to look.

“This is also a list of crimes against Di Xin, similar to the one in the sacrificial pit before, nothing new.”

Lu Yuan is really a little speechless, you just make it up.

Oh, too, this kind of sacrifice, can’t be made up.

Yes is yes, no is no.

If you take out something that doesn’t have it and say that you have it, that’s obviously not appropriate.

“It’s over, what should I do if my impression of King Shun suddenly becomes better?”

“Di Xin was originally not that cruel, and the future generations were ugly.”

“Why is there no mention of human martyrdom and living sacrifice?”

“That’s right, didn’t he sacrifice all the Boykau alive? Why not write it? ”

“Sand sculpture, how to write? Do you think there are only living sacrifices of the Shang Dynasty? The Zhou Dynasty is the same living sacrifice, this thing is written, but not to scold Di Xin, but to scold himself together. ”

“The living sacrifice Bo Yi Kao, that is what Ji Chang agrees, he does not agree, it is he who is the living sacrifice. From the sacrificial atmosphere of the time, he could not mention it, and to mention it was equivalent to inflicting on himself. ”

Looking at the last piece, Lu Yuan said, “It’s gone.” ”

“This is gone?”

Lin Xue said, “Just these two things?” ”

“How else?”

“Originally, I came to Zhendi Xin’s corpse, the purpose is this, and the content of divination must also be related to it. Irrelevant ones will not be recorded. ”

Lu Yuan stood up and walked towards Jiuzhou Ding.

They’ve cleaned up that side by a third.

This efficiency is really low so that Lu Yuan can’t help but want to complain.

Lu Yuan picked up a brush and tweezers, and he joined the cleanup.

Lin Xue was still holding a bunch of turtle shells in place.

“How did he say it like the truth?”

“Is there such a decipherment?”

Lin Xue fell into deep doubts about her profession.

Why is he acting more professional than me?

No, he seems to have always been more professional than me…….

“Teacher Yang, I have good news for you.”

Lu Yuan stepped on the ladder and said, “A pile of turtle shells was just dug out from below, and there were records of the Xia Dynasty on it. ”

Teacher Yang asked, “What is recorded?” ”

“It is said that it is a person from the Qi Kingdom, called the Duke of Donglou, who asked the ancestors of the Xia Dynasty during divination if he could suppress it with Jiuding here.”

“Duke Donglou of Qiguo… There is this person! History records! ”

Teacher Yang’s eyes lit up, this news was too important.

He lowered his head and yelled at Lin Xue: “The surname Lin, quickly decipher the oracle bones on those turtle shells, hurry up!” ”

Lin Xue said angrily, “Old Mother Ganni, do you think it’s so easy to decipher?” ”

Teacher Yang said unexpectedly: “Hey, your temper surnamed Lin has come up, I like your temper, hurry, translator, don’t grind.” ”

Lin Xue cursed and took the turtle shell to the tent over there to translate.

Lu Yuan was stunned when he saw it, and Old Chen was not surprised: “This is the way the two of them get along.” ”

After Kyushu Ding was dug up, the heat has spread from the country to the whole country

All countries are watching, and Lu Yuan’s overseas live broadcast room data has exploded all the way.

The Louvre, the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum are also looking.

Their hearts are sour.

There are really a lot of treasures at the bottom of these three museums, but this thing is not much.

“Such a big bronze ding, it’s a pity.”

“Oh, you can’t buy it.”

“Big, too big!”

The huge bronze ding seven or eight meters high, even if it is not the Jiuzhou Ding, as long as it is thousands of years ago, its status is not low.

If it is determined to be Kyushu Ding, its value will be immeasurable.

Billion? Or more?

When artifacts reach this level, money is a string of numbers.

The next morning.

Lu Yuan and his party got up at eight o’clock and continued to clean up.

With Lu Yuan joining, the clean-up work went faster.

Follow this step, and in three days at most, it will be cleaned up. If Lu Yuan is alone, one day, he can definitely clean it up.

If you let these archaeologists clean up, it won’t be cleaned up in a month.

As time passed, the outside was basically cleared out.

A truss was built around the bronze drought, and Lu Yuan and several archaeologists, hanging from the truss, were cleaning the internal dirt of the bronze ding.


At noon on the fourth day, a helicopter flew over.

A gray-haired, at least sixty-year-old man, arrived accompanied by a young man.

The armed police stopped him, the old man dialed a phone, and came in after a while.

The young man walked up and asked, “Hello, is Mr. Lu Yuan here?” ”

The archaeologist pointed to the rope hanging from the truss on the bronze ding: “Lao Lu is inside.” ”

The young man said thank you, turned around and walked to the old man’s side: “Lu Dong, Mr. Lu is cleaning the bronze ding inside.” ”

Lu Dong nodded, did not speak, just waited and watched.

Teacher Yang saw it here, climbed the ladder, and said to the bronze ding: “Xiao Lu, there is a grandfather looking for you.” ”


Can you call uncle, how old is that?

Lu Yuan climbed out, and when he saw Lu Dong, he was sure that he didn’t know him and got down from the truss, took off the rope and walked over: “Uncle, are you looking for me?” ”

The old man handed over a business card, Lu Yuan looked down, holding the grass, is it so big!

Chairman of Honghe Tobacco Group LLC! What’s that, big guy!

What is the size of the tobacco company?

It occupies 6% of the total tax payment ratio of the Dragon Kingdom! Of course, this is all tobacco companies taxed.

But even if it’s just one, it’s very hanging, after all, it’s tobacco, big head!

The old man smiled and said, “Mr. Lu, this statue of Jiuzhou Ding…”

Without waiting for him to finish, Lu Yuan quickly shook his head: “Lu Dong, this is not for sale, it really is not sold.” ”

You can’t wait for him to finish, this thought can’t be had.

It doesn’t matter who comes, how rich you are, you can’t do it.

In fact, he was very puzzled in his heart, you are a tobacco company, what do you buy Kyushu Ding for?

You can’t hit it.

Lu Dong smiled: “It’s not to buy Jiuzhou Ding, it’s to buy the copyright of Jiuzhou Ding.” ”


“Yes, the photo is on the cigarette case.”

Lu Yuan suddenly realized that this was the case.

He had heard of this, and Liqun bought the copyright of “Fuchun Mountain House Map”, and it was said that the thief who sold the cigarette was expensive.

“Xiao Lu, come quickly.”

On the other side of the bronze ding, Old Chen shouted loudly.

Lu Yuan said: “Old man, you find a place to sit for a while, we will talk about the copyright matter later, I am a little busy here.” ”

“It’s okay, you’re busy.”

Lu Dong said with a smile, and found a place with a good perspective to sit on the ground.

Lu Yuan walked over and asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Old Chen retreated far away and pointed to the bronze ding in front of him: “Jin Wen, there is Jin Wen on it!” ”

When the outside of the bronze ding was almost cleaned up, Lu Yuan began to clean up the inside, only a quick glance, and did not observe in detail.

Listening to him say this at this moment, if you look carefully, there are extremely rich patterns on the bronze ding, as well as words one by one.

Jin Wen, also known as Zhong Dingwen.

Because Xia Shang Zhou called copper gold, the text engraved on bronze is also called golden text.

The earliest golden texts issued so far are from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and the engravings found on pottery found at the Erlitou site are considered to be the earliest writing in the history of the Dragon Kingdom.

But this does not mean that the Xia Dynasty did not have writing.

Writing is constantly evolving, and the earliest may only be runes, slowly changing into words through runes.

The writing of the Shang Dynasty cannot appear directly overnight, and before the Shang Dynasty, there must be a relevant written basis.

The symbol-like golden text on this bronze statue is a huge bronze dome like iron, painted with mountains and rivers, as well as some animal patterns.

In addition, it is the runes that are uniform one by one.

These runes were difficult for Lao Chen and the others to recognize, even more difficult than oracle bones, but they had something in common.

Lu Yuan recognized it at a glance.

Teacher Yang asked, “Xiao Lu, what does this mean?” ”

Lu Yuan pointed to the rune on the left and said, “I became the leader of the tribe, I led the men of the tribe to defeat them, and they are here again.” I decided to drive them away completely, and as we drove over, the gods there were angry, the place where they lived was cracked, they were devoured by the earth, and I led the tribe, won them, and unified the world. ”

Then he looked at another place: “My father managed the flood and died for several years without success. Gaotao recommended me to Shun, and Shun said to me, if I can control the flood, give an official. The water treatment passed Tu Shan, the girl showed me her love, we were married, my child, Kai. ”

“Seven years old, twelve states into nine states. Years eight, pass Kyushu. At the age of eleven, I determined the river with a divine needle and led to the Nine Rivers. When the flood waters receded, I ordered Boyi to distribute rice seeds and teach the people to plant in low-lying areas. At the age of thirteen, I calmed the floods and stabilized the world, and Shun gave me Xuangui and gave me Xiaber. ”

“Shun invited me to discuss with the princes, and I offered it to Shun with Kyushu, Yugong, and Wufu.”

“Shun retreated, Shang Jun was not virtuous, and I became the leader.”


After reading the golden text on this side, Lu Yuan was a little stunned.

There are not many words on it, many of them can only express a general meaning, and the rest can only be supplemented by Lu Yuan himself.

It can be seen that there were indeed few words at that time, and it was difficult to achieve their meaning.

But Lu Yuan still understood.

Moreover, Lu Yuan also found an important detail on these golden texts that he almost missed.

God needle the river!

The legendary Dinghai God needle, this thing, actually exists!

When Teacher Yang and everyone were still immersed in Lu Yuan’s translation, an archaeologist suddenly shouted excitedly in Dingnei: “Old Lu, there are words in Dingnei!” ”

Everyone suddenly woke up, Lu Yuan climbed the ladder and asked, “What text?” ”

“I don’t know, it looks like Oracle.”

Lu Yuan didn’t care to look at the golden text in the other positions of the bronze ding, tied the rope, jumped down, and looked at the ding wall that the man had just cleared, and the clear words were presented on it.


And it’s the golden text of the Shang Dynasty!

His pupils shrank slightly, and he muttered, “How can it be the golden text of the Shang Dynasty?” This is obviously the bronze ding of the Xia Dynasty…”

Before the words fell, his pupils suddenly froze, fell on those words, and read out: “Yu Yi people do not worship ghosts and gods, do not worship heaven and earth, and inscribe their merits to show their descendants!” ”

“Yu Yi… This is, Tisin? ”

Yu Yiren, in the Shang Dynasty, specifically refers to the Shang King himself, and the “lonely” of later generations. ”


The meaning of “朕” is similar.

The translation is, in this life, I do not worship ghosts and gods, do not worship heaven and earth, and leave merit to future generations.

This is is… The word of Tisinliu?

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