Looking at the pangolin covered in scales, Lu Yuan seemed to see the shadow of the flat-headed brother from its body.

Shouldn’t this product drink two bottles, and the species evolved?

Even the courage has become bigger, and he dares to take the initiative to attack the mountain!

A ferocious mess.

“What do I see?”

“Is Little Six so fierce? Dare to take the initiative to attack the mountain peak? ”

“I am especially willing to serve Little Six as the strongest!”

“Little Six is terrifying, this battle can definitely seal the gods!”

“Hold the grass and hold the grass, Little Six will be worshiped by me!”

“I, Nima, didn’t see it with my own eyes, and I don’t believe that pangolins can fight so much!”

“That’s over the mountain, and it directly crashed into the air!”

“Lao Lu, you have picked up the treasure, this guy will protect the lord!”

“This is Little Six? This is the old sixth! ”

Netizens are crazy.

The scene just now was like watching a science fiction movie.

Who would have thought that a pangolin, which is recognized as a coward and docile personality, would be so ferocious and capable of fighting!

The mountain peak stopped rolling, it lay on the ground, the big eyes of the green bean were a little dull, as if thinking, who am I, where am I, what’s wrong with me?

It got up from the ground and looked at the small figure, and its heart was extremely suffocated.

I went from south to west just to find a place of peace, but this mountain is so big, it seems that there is no place for me as a snake.

Even a pangolin dared to bully me!

No, I can’t even beat a pangolin!

It’s a shame among snakes!


After crossing the peak, he turned around and ran, turning into a gust of wind and disappearing into the forest.

“It’s just, it’s awesome.”

Lu Yuan was speechless.

The mountain crossing was beaten away and pushed to a new level.

Fortunately, I didn’t meet Fu Yang when he was there in the morning, otherwise it would be really a little dangerous.

“Gone, gone.”

Kicking Xiaoliu’s ass, Lu Yuan dragged the big tree and continued down the mountain.

All the way without surprises, when he reached the bottom of the mountain, Lu Yuan tied the lightning strike wood sideways to the back seat of the motorcycle.

Then drive Little Six home.

Lu Yuan rode very slowly, the back seat was too heavy, and it was easy to overturn when riding fast.

This motorcycle, which was bought back from Lu Yuanjunior High School, was under pressure that it should not have.

Forty minutes later, Lu Yuan arrived home.

Dad was on the phone in the yard, saw Lu Yuan dragging a big log back, hung up the phone, ran up and asked: “Why did you get a log back?” ”

“Good stuff, old value.”

With a click, Lu Yuan threw the wood on the ground.

Clapped his hands, stepped on the wood and said, “Dad, do you know what this is called?” ”

Dad looked at it for three seconds quite seriously and said, “I know, Golden Silk.” ”

Looking at the verification in his father’s eyes, the corners of Lu Yuan’s mouth tugged, and he decided not to sell it, lest the old man be embarrassed and cut himself.

“Ahem, this is lightning strike wood, mahogany.”

“Lightning strikes wood? Not goldenrod? ”

Dad knew that golden silk nan wood was worth money, and looking at his son’s baby, he thought he guessed correctly.

The result is not.

Grandparents and mom also came out of the house.

Dad stepped on the wood and asked prominently, “Do you know what this is?” ”

Grandpa glanced at it with his back and snorted: “This is lightning strike wood, right?” Good stuff, Xiaoyuan, you dug it? ”

Dad had a question mark: “You even know this?” ”

“Or am I your father?”

Grandpa walked around the wood twice and said: “In the early years, there was a mountain fire in the mountains, and the fire was extinguished, and someone went to the mountain to get this thing, and it was worth money.” ”

“Wildfire? Why don’t I know? ”

“It wasn’t you then.”


“The old man is really well-informed, and he knows all the lightning strikers.”

“Did Uncle Lu just want to pretend?”

“I didn’t pretend, I was killed by the old man’s blow, and I was happy.”

Grandpa wondered, “Xiao Yuan, how did you get it back?” ”

“Carry it back.”

Lu Yuan said it rightly.

Dad said, “This is a few hundred pounds, right?” Can you carry it? ”

Lu Yuan said, “It’s still done, it’s not particularly heavy.” ”

“I have two arms, or how can it be my grandson, who is a good hand at growing crops in the past, and girls in ten miles and eight villages have to beg their father to kiss.” Grandpa said with a smile and walked away with his back hand.

Dad was a little surprised in his heart, in this family, he is becoming more and more statusless.

“It’s on the air, see you tomorrow.”

Lu Yuan got off the broadcast and went to take a bath and change his clothes.

When I came out, I happened to see a middle-aged man of the same village uncle, carrying two old hens and two geese.

“Uncle Ren, this chicken and goose will be put here for you.”

“Hey, take it, take it.”

Grandpa waved his hand not to.

“My family still has business, go first.”

The middle-aged man left the chicken and goose and left.

As soon as he left, several villagers came with their things.

It’s either an old hen or a goose, or a duck.

Watching the chickens, ducks and geese kept being placed in the yard, no matter how grandpa pushed back, the chickens, ducks and geese in the yard were always growing, Lu Yuan was at a loss.

What’s the situation?

Did our grandfather save the planet?

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