Chapter 75 A box worth 40 million! Silver dollar, small yellow fish…[4th more] Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for comments!!

[Hand grenade]: Value: 1000 yuan.

Lu Yuan stared at the dirt pit, and a grass and mud horse rushed through his heart.

Yes, I should have thought of it a long time ago.

The gun dug up, the ghost head knife dug up.

Digging up grenades, it seems to be normal too.

He looked at the crane-beaked hoe in his hand, wondering if he had to change his business? But if you think about it, what can you exchange?

As long as it is digging, there is no soft.

Soft ones can’t be dug either.

He grinded his teeth and stared at the pit for a few seconds, then ~ continued to dig.

This kind of thing has to be dug up and buried too dangerous—dangerous.

After digging for a while, Lu Yuan squatted down and said, “Brothers, I dug up a good thing!” ”

When he carefully took out the grenade, netizens fell silent.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should be a grenade.”

“Lao Lu, you call this a good thing?”

“Crazy, still hold it! Lost it! ”

“Hurry up and detonate, I want to watch the fireworks!”

“666, grenades can be dug up, Lao Lu, a batch of your gods!”

“If this thing can detonate, you really dig a grave for yourself.”

A group of people fearing that the world will not be chaotic, ran to Weibo, major forums, and went around to publicize.

“Hahaha, hold the grass, come and see, Lao Lu dug a grenade!”

“I also dug up dozens of pistols, and Lao Lu turned to sell Junhuo, and I want to buy it as soon as possible!”

“Has this anchor always been so brave?”

“Really brave, actually ran to Nanshan to dig, that place has fought before!”

Lu Yuan put the grenade on the ground with extra care, and then dialed Officer Wu’s phone.

“Hey, Officer Wu…”

“Lu Yuan, what’s going on?”

Officer Wu was in a very happy mood, a major case was solved, and he could rarely rest for a few days.

All thanks to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan said: “Then what, I dug something, do you want to send someone over to clean it up?” ”

Grenades certainly can’t be sold, and the best place to go for this thing is to hand it over to the police.

Officer Wu’s heart jumped: “You dug up people again?” ”

“Not people, it’s grenades.”

“That’s fine… Wait, you dug up a grenade? ”

“Yes, in Nanshan, I doubt that this grenade can still detonate.”


Officer Wu was speechless for a few seconds and said, “You wait, I’ll pass.” ”

Hung up the phone, Lu Yuan continued to dig.

Just because you dig up a grenade, you can’t stop moving.

True treasure diggers are never afraid of what is underground.

They are only worried that there is nothing underground.

A grenade counts as a hair?



“You dug up [Ordnance Literacy]”

[Ordnance Literacy]: Click to learn, and you will become a walking armament encyclopedia.

Click to learn, and suddenly there is an extra stream of information in my mind.

Looking down at the gun in the net pocket, Lu Yuan had a different feeling.

With his previous knowledge of archaeology, he had a clear understanding of the origin of these guns.

But now, in addition to knowing the origin of these guns, he also knows the range, power and other details of these guns.

Turning his head to look at the grenade on the ground not far away, lines of information came to mind.

Pull-ring grenade, diameter 5 cm, length 20 cm, rusty surface of the projectile, warhead, wooden handle well preserved.

The grenade leads have been lost, but the appearance is intact, and there should still be explosives inside, so there is still a risk of explosion after impact.

The information obtained with his professionalism made Lu Yuan’s palms sweat a little.

There is still a risk of an explosion after an impact…

His own hoe didn’t give it a dry explosion, it was really possessed by the god of Europe.

Change places, dig again.

This time he dug significantly slower.


Sun Xiangdong was on the phone.

“Hey, Old Chu, is Du Chu interested?”

“Du pout? Do you still have this good thing? ”

“I don’t have this, but a friend of mine has, just dug it, do you want it?” If you want to come to Nanshan, I will take you to collect it, just unearthed, fresh. ”

“Hey, Lao Fang, Xiao Lu has dug up good things again… What? Are you already on your way? Depend on! ”

Sun Xiangdong made more than a dozen phone calls.

He knows many collectors, including many military enthusiasts.

Usually, he only contacts one or two.

But this time is different, in terms of the amount that Lu Yuan has dug up now, a person may not be able to eat it.

God knows what else he can dig up this afternoon.

After making the call, Sun Xiangdong closed the door of the store and drove there…….

“You dug up [grenades]”

Lu Yuan’s face trembled, in this mountain, I am afraid that there are many wartime weapons and weapons

Fortunately, when he dug up the first grenade, he changed his strategy.

The surface soil is first dug up, and then along the edge of the treasure spot.

As long as you are careful, even if you dig up the grenade again, it will be fine.

A few minutes later, he took out the second grenade.

This one is more complete than the last.

And there are many treasure spots in this piece, and he suspects that this piece may be grenades.

“I’m afraid it wasn’t a trench here…”

Everyone looked at the grenade in his hand, and they didn’t know what to say.

“Lao Lu, or let’s change the mountain again.”

“I’m really afraid that you will dig and dig, bang…”

“Lao Lu, change places, it’s too dangerous here, and you will dig into the sky if you are not careful.”

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible, and suddenly I feel that it’s not unacceptable for the old king next door to dig up the Japanese body.”

Netizens are afraid to look at it.

Dig into a pistol, dig into a ghost head knife, even if you dig up a corpse, it’s nothing.

But this is a grenade.

Who knows if it will still work.

Carelessness is the rhythm of heaven.

Lu Yuan gently put the grenade on the ground and said, “It’s okay, I’m a professional in digging things.”

I suspect that this may have been a trench before, and it is estimated that there will be a good person and a good deed to remove all the security risks in this area. ”

After that, he took two steps ahead and continued to dig.

After two experiences, digging up again, it is simply easy.

“You dug up [the grenade].”

“You dug up [grenades]”

“You dug up [grenade x3]”


In just one hour, this piece was dug up by Lu Yuan.

18 grenades, lying neatly on the ground side by side at this moment.

Even if passing netizens saw it, they couldn’t help but shout 666.

“Why haven’t the police arrived yet?”

“18 pieces, that’s enough to ascend to heaven, right?”

“Bad luck, one is enough for you to ascend to heaven.”

Zhang Chao ran over sweaty and said, “Brother Lu, have you dug up anything good?” ”

Lu Yuan pointed to the ground, and when Zhang Chao saw it, his eyes almost popped out.

“This, what is this?”


“This can’t be used, does it?”

“It’s hard to say, I see that the appearance is basically good, if the operation is good, it should be usable.”

Lu Yuan said: “You’d better not dig, if the hoe hits, it will easily detonate.” ”

Zhang Chao was shocked, looked left and right, and suddenly felt unprecedented danger, and surrounded him.

“I, I’m not digging.”

What kind of joke, if he knew that there were grenades here, he would not dig to kill

He doesn’t have Lu Yuan’s ability, in case he doesn’t control his strength well, as soon as he goes down, it will be himself who goes to heaven.

This mountain is simply terrifying.

At this time, Wang Bing also walked over.

He and Lu Yuan were a little far apart, and it took him half a day to find it.

Seeing Lu Yuan drinking water with a hoe, Wang Bing came over with a pocket of things and smiled: “Old Lu, how is the harvest?” ”

Just after speaking, he saw a row of grenades on the ground.

Stunned for two seconds, wiped his eyes, it was indeed a grenade.

He subconsciously took two quick steps back: “How can there be grenades in this place?” ”

Lu Yuan said, “Digged.” ”

Immediately said: “You may also have it over there, be careful when digging, don’t get bombed.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Wang Bing immediately reacted and knew what was going on.

Vintage pistols, ghost head knives, ghost corpses…

There had been a war in this place, and it was entirely reasonable to have grenades.

Looking at the barely any broken grenades on the ground, he suddenly felt a pang of fear.

At the same time, he also admired Lu Yuan.

If you change yourself, how likely is it to dig up such a complete grenade? I’m afraid that the hoe will go straight up.

Thinking about that kind of consequences, his legs were a little soft.

Lu Yuan also saw the items in his net pocket, several Wang Ba boxes.

“You’ve got a good harvest.”

“I can’t compare to you.”

Wang Bing shook his head with a bitter smile, he still wanted to behave in front of Lu Yuan.

The gap is too big.

When he thought of the bold words he had dropped before, he felt a pang of shame.

Zhang Chao also said: “The same people, why can I only dig up corpses.” ”

Saying that, he looked at Wang Bing, and the corner of the latter’s mouth twitched: “I… I dug up more corpses than you. ”

Lu Yuan screwed the water on and comforted: “People and people’s physiques are different. ”

“God has a different physique, and he dies of laughter.”

“Lao Lu: Your physique can only dig up corpses, I’m different, I can dig anything except corpses.”

Lu Yuan walked towards the front and said, “It’s still early, I’ll dig over there, be careful when you dig.” ”

Zhang Chao said, “I won’t dig anymore, Brother Lu, I’ll help you look at these grenades.” ”

“Okay, that’s bothering you.”

Wang Bing did not speak, and went back silently.

Lu Yuan dug all the way, but the grenades were not dug, and he dug up a few pistols and broken knives.

After walking for about a kilometer, he waved the crane-beaked hoe in his hand in an open area.



Half an hour later, a pit of earth was dug nearly half a meter deep.


Lu Yuan’s eyelids jumped.

How fatten?

But I avoided digging, how can I still dig?

“You dug up [treasure]”

[Treasure]: Value: 40 million.


Lu Yuan let out a long breath, not a grenade.

Worth 40 million, this is the biggest harvest since he digged for treasure, of course, the value of the ancient town is immeasurable, and it cannot be estimated with money.

That thing can’t be bought or sold after all.

He dug at the treasure point and soon revealed a corner of the treasure.

Under the earthen pit, the palm-sized place reveals an earthy green.

Lu Yuan dug up the surrounding dirt, and the treasure below receded the mud little by little, revealing his true face.

A large iron box with a copper-green glow.

“Lao Lu, you have become rich!”

“Open it and take a look.”

“Probably all grenades.”

“It should be war supplies.”

Netizens speculated that Lu Yuan was not verbose, and lifted the iron lock with a hoe.

“Crunch” —

Sound, lift the lid.

When opened, there is a layer of rainproof cloth.

Lu Yuan carefully pulled out the layer of rainproof cloth on it little by little.

Subsequently, the true face under it was undoubtedly revealed.

“Hold the grass!”

“Lao Lu, you have become rich!”

“Baby, it’s all baby!”

“This is really developed!”

“I see Yuan’s big head!”

“And the silver ticket!”

“I see the little yellow fish!”

The barrage was crazy, and the eyes of netizens were red.

What king eight box, what grenade ghost head knife, under this box of treasures, are all scum!

The contents of the box are already messy, but they are well preserved.

“Good stuff!”

Lu Yuan also looked eagerly, during this time, what was dug.

This is called treasure!

He casually took out a large coin: “Do you know this?” Silver dollar…”

Seeing the barrage brushing ‘Yuan Datou’, Lu Yuan shook his head and said: “This is not Yuan Datou, silver dollar is a general term, and Yuan Datou is just one of them.” ”

“Silver dollars are the circulating currency that began to be minted in the fifteenth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, and there are many types, there are more than 200 kinds of minted in China, and there are thirty or forty kinds of foreign silver dollars flowing into China.

The color and weight of each silver dollar are different. ”

“99% of the high color can be high, and only 60% of the low color.”

“This one… I’ll take a look. ”

Lu Yuan was in no hurry to pour out all the contents inside.

As long as you take it out and look at it, you can know what it is.

This experience will not stop surprising him.

Lu Yuan took the silver dollar in his hand, flipped it over and over several times, and said: “This is a Longyang, a very common silver dollar in the collection market.

The one in my hand was made in Beiyang for 34 years.

The dragon face is a coiled dragon playing fire bead, surrounded by auspicious clouds, and 34 in the direction of nine o’clock is marked by the year number, which is a typical dragon ocean. ”

“This stock is very large, but this one is quite good, and it is estimated that it can be sold for about 3,000 yuan.”

With archaeological knowledge, the information of these antiquities is simply at your fingertips.

Putting the silver dollar on the ground aside, Xiao Liu picked it up and gnawed it, but did not gnaw it.

Lu Yuan flicked its little head and took out another silver dollar.

“This is what you said Yuan Datou, well, the most ordinary one for three years of famous countries, not expensive, about one or two thousand.”

He glanced at it, and there were many silver dollars in the box, more than a hundred.

He took them out one by one and placed them neatly on the ground.

“This is also Yuan Datou, a famous country for three years…”

“This is also…”

“Huh~ this one.”

Lu Yuan picked up one and looked at it for a while, and said: “This is a commemorative coin, Xu Shising commemorative coin, this thing is incredible.” ”

In front of this silver dollar is a bust of Xu Shichang, behind it are the hall and figures, and there are four small characters of ‘Renshou Tongtang’, the eight characters say ‘Planting Flowers in the Tenth Year of the Country’, and the three characters of the commemorative coin are written below.

“Lao Lu knows so much!”

“Can this be more expensive than Yuan Datou?”

“It’s small, the pattern is small, and it’s much more expensive than Yuan’s big head.”

At this moment, there were footsteps and conversations not far away.

More than a dozen middle-aged people walked quickly towards this side, and Lu Yuan saw two familiar figures.

Sun Xiangdong, Fang Hai.

“Xiao Lu!”

Sun Xiangdong called his name from afar.

Lu Yuan stood up, waited for them to come over, and said, “Why is Brother Sun here?” ”

Sun Xiangdong smiled and said, “I heard that you have dug up good things, and a few of my friends are quite interested.” ”

Lu Yuan looked at these people beside him, do you have so many friends?

Sun Xiangdong looked at the gun in his net pocket, and then his eyes flickered and he saw the big iron box.

“What is it?”

“Just dug it up.”

Before the words fell, someone on the side said excitedly: “Dayang! ”

Suddenly, a group of people were excited, and they all gathered around, constantly hearing excited voices.

Sun Xiangdong also leaned over and glanced at it, his eyes were almost blind.

“Xiao Lu, you have to sell me, you must sell me!”

“Mr. Lu, you have a share in the sight, and you are satisfied in terms of price!”

“Mr. Lu, can I touch it?”

Although these people were excited, they did not forget that this thing was dug by Lu Yuan.

They just watched, didn’t touch it.

I still understand this rule to zero…

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