Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 142 The Mona Lisa of the Dragon Country, Open a Private Museum! [Chapter 3] Ask for a custom


No one really thought of buying it.

Qin Fuyin applied for a total quota of 7 billion this time, and one Suihou Zhu cost him 6 billion.

Chuan Guoyuxi, he did not hold out hope, but hearing the price of 10 billion, he was still in a heavy heart.

What made him feel even heavier was that someone had made an offer.

When he saw that the bidder was Li Botao, his brain shut down.

Returning to God's first reaction, impossible, absolutely impossible!

You can't come up with so much money for the Yingtian Museum!

It's not that you can't take it, it's impossible to give you so much quota.

Lin Guangmin's eyes were dull, and he couldn't understand even if he wanted to break his head.


You Yingtian Museum, why is it more arrogant than my Magic Capital Museum?

You bought so many things in the past, how can you still come up with 10 billion?

This is not scientific at all.

"Old Li, don't joke, sit down quickly, don't let Xiao Lu blast you out."

"That's right, what a joke at this time."

"Sit down now.

Other museums around them have opened their mouths.

Li Botao said: "I would joke about this kind of thing?"

If it was said that apart from Li Botao and the man beside him, whoever was the calmest was Fang Hai.

He wasn't surprised at all.

If it wasn't for that man, no one would have been able to buy this jade seal today.

Lao Yuan said, "Awesome, when did the Yingtian Museum become so rich?"

Old Yang said: "To be able to apply for so many quotas, Old Li really has a set."

Fang Hai laughed without saying a word, looking at the eyes of the two friends with a sense of superiority between high IQs and low IQs: "Do you think it's money from the museum?

"Why not? 35

"Ha ha.""

"what do you know?"

"Tell me.""

The old god Fang Hai was there, and uttered three words in a voice that only three people could hear: "Financial Bureau.

The two were stunned for two seconds, then suddenly realized.

Fang Hai raised his chin: "That one, don't you feel familiar?"

The two looked and stared at the man wearing a peaked cap and mask for a few seconds, and the more they looked, the more familiar they were.

"Who's surnamed Han?"

"Hey~ Yingtian is playing a bit big this time."

"Did you get your money back?"

Fang Haidao: "It will definitely not be recovered in the short term, but in the long run, it will not be a loss."

Li Botao swept over the crowd and saw that no one was talking, and asked, "Is there anyone else bidding?

No one responded.

After waiting for dozens of seconds, Li Botao said: "Xiao Lu, 10 billion, is worthy of the status of the jade seal of the country, how about it?

To be honest, Lu Yuan was also confused.

Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Deal. 35

The biggest baby, the one that has attracted the attention of netizens all over the country and even other countries, has just been sold.

From the introduction to the transaction, excluding the time for everyone's reaction, it should not exceed one minute.

The speed is fast and the turnover is large, which can be called the world's highest in the history of personal trading!


A stone fell to Li Botao's heart.

The deal is done, from now on, this Fang Chuanguo Jade Seal belongs to my Yingtian Museum!

No one wants to take it away.

At first, he didn't report too much hope, and he didn't even think about buying it.

It all started with a phone call the night I checked into the hotel.

A phone call from Yingtian Finance Bureau.

On the day the Chuanguo Yuxi came out, the director of Yingtian Tourism Bureau found the secretary, and the two chatted for an hour.

After that, the secretary contacted the Finance Bureau, the Investment Promotion Bureau and some important departments, and called several mayors to hold a meeting.

The content of the meeting is known only to a few people present.

After the meeting, it was late at night.

Then, Director Han of the Finance Bureau called Li Botao.

The content of the phone call was unforgettable in Li Botao's life.

"After a meeting of the leadership of Yingtian City, it was decided that special funds will be allocated to purchase the Imperial Jade Seal.

This is the original words of the Korean Bureau at the time.

The dust of the deal is settled.

A bunch of museums still don't understand.

Lin Guangmin couldn't help but ask: "Old Li, where did you get the money?

Li Botao smiled and looked at the man beside him.

Now that it has been won, there is no need to continue to hide it.

The man took off his mask, and immediately stood up and walked towards Lu Yuan amid the doubts of the crowd. He stretched out a hand: "Mr. Lu, I am Han Cheng, director of the Yingtian Finance Bureau. Thank you for handing over the Imperial Jade Seal to Yingtian. ."

"Cai, Finance Bureau!


"My horse is split!"

"Financial Bureau is over, this is a joke!"

"Damn, I said that Director Li is so arrogant these days, there is a big rich man behind him!

Netizens reacted at this time.

Everyone at the scene also reacted, and they regretted each and every one of them. They didn't even think about this aspect.

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, but also woke up in an instant.

Shaking hands, Lu Yuan said, "It's bought with real money, there's nothing that can't be paid."

This time Yingtian Finance Bureau caught others by surprise.

Thanks to their quick response, if it drags on for a few months, other cities will also react.

At that time, 10 billion will definitely not be taken down.

"I don't understand, how could the Finance Bureau end in such a good manner?"

"Yeah, what are they planning?"

"It's lost to grandma's house. 99

There were also people who couldn't understand.

"Mr. Lu, please provide your bank account number.

"it is good."

Lu Yuan provided the bank account, not only him, but also other people to transfer money.

Don't give money, do you want to take it?

Everyone chatted while calling and transferring money.

The stars behind it are not very clear, but many individual collectors and museums are Qinger.

Especially museums, so clear!

"Director Lin, how could the Finance Bureau intervene?"

A female star asked softly, after a few days, these stars have met many people in the collection industry with their excellent communication skills.

Director Lin and several others were holding their stomachs full of depression. Hearing this, they glanced at these beautiful female stars, suppressed their depression, and didn't mind explaining to them.

"Did you think that Yingtian City was overheated for a while?"

Just about to nod, I felt bad, and smiled awkwardly.

The curator of Han Wu Chu said: "People have allocated tens of billions of dollars to buy a jade seal. What is the plan? Of course, it is to return."

"You don't know our line of work, the museum's income mainly comes from two aspects. One is tickets, and the other is cultural and creative income.

"The most profitable museum in the country is the Forbidden City, but the annual ticket revenue is less than one billion yuan. However, the revenue of cultural and creative products is more than two billion yuan."5

Speaking of this, Curator Chu looked at Qin Fuyin: "Curator Qin, it's almost the same number, right?

Qin Fuyin snorted: "Last year, the two added up to 5 billion."

"Tsk tsk.""

A group of curators were somewhat envious.

Xia Ying was still puzzled: "Yu Xi can bring tourists, but just relying on the income from these two aspects, you want to pay back at least ten years?"

Qin Fuyin didn't mean to explain, maybe he felt that Xia Ying's question was a little too simplistic.

Lin Guangmin said: "The jade seal brings more than just museum tickets and cultural and creative income. This is the jade seal of the country! As long as it is properly promoted, it can be transformed into a tourism resource for the entire city. 35

He looked at Li Botao and Han Cheng who were chatting with Lu Yuan, and said quietly: "This is the key point of Yingtian's leadership.

Curator Chu said, "Have you heard of the Mona Lisa in the Louvre?

Xia Ying's group nodded like pecking at rice.

Curator Chu said: "This painting alone brings in more than 90 million euros in ticket revenue for the Louvre every year. This is just ticket revenue, not including extended tourism revenue. It is no exaggeration to say that this The painting brought a visible boost to the GDP of the entire city.

Li Huakai didn't know when he came over, leaned on the chair and said: "I understand this, I remember that someone stole the Mona Lisa from France in the last century, and it was found to be authentic, but at this time the painting was already Falling on Itali."

"After the two countries negotiated, France asked the other side to return it. At that time, Itali and France also jointly valued the painting, which was worth as much as 3.45 billion US dollars. This also means that if Itali does not return the painting, it needs to $3.45 billion paid.""

"What is this concept? It was in the 1920s, and the GDP of the whole of France was only 11.8 billion US dollars, that is to say, the value of the Mona Lisa was equivalent to a quarter of France's GDP at that time.

Lin Guangmin nodded and said: "The purpose of Yingtian City is to make the Chuan Guoyu Seal a cultural symbol of the Dragon Kingdom and create a cultural imprint that can affect the whole world. At that time, it will not only attract local residents, tourists from all over the country, and even the whole world. Tourists will be attracted. This kind of thing, many cities have tried before, but they have all failed."? "The reason for the failure is not the money, but the item itself."

"Mona Lisa can become a French national treasure because it is the Mona Lisa, because of its author, and most importantly, the local publicity and the packaging of various stories have made it a household name. ""

"And the Imperial Jade Seal itself has such attributes. The Jade Seal held by the first emperor of the Dragon Kingdom is a symbol of the true destiny of the emperor, and the Imperial Jade Seal that countless emperors of later generations hope to obtain!

Speaking of which, a group of curators sighed in a tacit understanding: "You may think that Yingtian City bought it at a price of 10 billion, which is a loss-making business. But as long as they operate properly, at most two or three years..."

"Two or three years? You look down on the Chuan Guoyu Seal too much." Lin Guanmen shook his head and said, "One year, at most one year, Yingtian City's fiscal revenue can cover this part of the expenditure. The unearthed of this kind of national treasure has been very popular in the past few years. It is the highest. As for whether it can be maintained in the future, whether it can become a household name like Mona Lisa, or even famous all over the world, it depends on whether their publicity can keep up.

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the case.

After such an analysis, they suddenly discovered that 10 billion seems to be really cheap.

Develop the tourism industry of the whole city around the Chuan Guoyu Seal!

With a mere 10 billion in it, it becomes very inconspicuous.

This is why, in addition to purchasing the jade seal, Li Botao also purchased some other cultural relics.

However, this is also a huge adventure for the leadership team of Tianshi.

Whether it can be done or not, they are not sure.

But this is quite a rare opportunity, if you miss it, you may never have it in this life.

After all, the Chuan Guo Jade Seal is unique.

As the sums of money arrived, major museums and individual collectors arranged for professionals to bring them back.

The last payment arrived at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Lu Yuan arranged a dinner party at the hotel to entertain everyone.

"It's on the air first, see you tomorrow."

After the broadcast, Lu Yuan left the venue with everyone and went to the restaurant.

Pushing the glass for a change, after three rounds of wine, everyone was slightly drunk.

A group of curators came to toast with Lu Yuan, and they all revealed that they would dig something good in the future, and they must think of me and so on.

Lu Yuan smiled and made no affirmative promises.

At this time, he also figured out the mind of Yingtian City's funded purchase.

A thought popped up in his mind.

Perhaps, you can open a private museum yourself.

Money, he is not short.

A tomb of Zhao Gao brought him extremely terrifying income.

Counting the previous income, together, it is close to 70 billion!

Of course, you have to pay taxes.

Even after paying taxes, there are still nearly 60 billion.

With so much money, he doesn't know how he can waste it.

Since there is no shortage of money, there is no need to sell good things again.

The idea of ​​opening a private museum is also getting stronger.

If there is a system, there is no need to worry about not being able to dig good things.

After eating and drinking, Lu Yuan leaned back on the chair and chatted directly with Li Botao about this matter.

"You want to open a museum?" Li Botao was sober.

"Have the idea."

"This this…"

Li Botao didn't know what to say, and it took a long time to say: "Why do you think about opening a museum?

"I'm not short of money now, and if I find something good, it's the same whether I sell it or not. Then I might as well open a museum myself and put the stuff in there."5

"This..." Li Botao thought for a long time and asked a key question: "Where do you plan to drive?

"Where else can I be, my family is Yingtian, it must be Yingtian, otherwise I won't ask you."

Yingtian has passed the national jade seal, and it must be a large-scale publicity in the later stage.

There is no better choice than Yingtian.

Li Botao breathed a sigh of relief: "It's definitely no problem if you want to open it, choose an address, leave the rest to me, and I'll handle it for you.

"Line 213, just wait for Director Li's words.

Li Botao still has some regrets.

If you really dig up any good things in the future, you won't be able to buy them with money.

But on second thought, what does it matter?

It's all according to the sky, people come to see him, can't they stop by to see the Chuan Guo Yuxi?

Mutual benefit, good thing.

Museums in other cities will probably be scolding the mother when they know about it, but it is a happy event for the Tongtian Museum and the entire Yingtian City.

Confidentiality, must be kept secret, can not let others know.

Otherwise, Xiao Lu will be taken away.

As long as Lu Yuan digs up good things in the future and does not plan to sell them, the biggest beneficiary will be where his museum is opened.

Dogs understand this.

After leaving the restaurant, Lu Yuan returned to his room, washed himself, and threw himself on the bed.

The next morning, I met Li Botao at breakfast.

Li Botao saw him and pulled Han Cheng over.

Han Cheng said straight to the point: "Mr. Lu, I heard from Director Li that you want to open a private museum yourself?"

"Have the idea."

"Have you thought about the address?""

"I don't have time to go back.

"What about the size?"

"Size... a little bigger."

In the future, the baby will definitely not be less, and the bigger the better.

"Then I'll take a look at it for you, and I'll send you a photo later.

"Trouble the Korean Bureau.

"No trouble, just a hand. 99

Han Ju smiled, not to mention how happy, when he learned about this yesterday, he realized the importance.

Not to mention helping him choose a site, if Lu Yuan is sure about this, the city can probably provide him with an exhibition hall for free.

As for site selection, there will be professional people to do it.

It cannot be too close to the Yingtian Museum, but the traffic must be convenient, otherwise it will be inconvenient for tourists to come here in the future.

There must be something to eat, live, and play nearby.

All in all, there are professionals to help.

Of course, the premise is that Lu Yuan can dig something good behind him.

This is purely metaphysical.

At least in his opinion, the baby is not so easy to dig.

After breakfast, Lu Yuan said, "Bureau Han, Director Li, I'll go straight into the mountain in a while, and I'll find you guys for a drink when I go back."

"it is good."

Lu Yuan returned to the room, packed up, grabbed the backpack and led Xiao Liu out.

Get in the car, fire it up, and start broadcasting.

"Brothers, I'm going into the mountains."

[This book is not fantasy, nor will it turn fantasy, I can't write fantasy, and there is no zongzi or anything. Don't worry that the Chuan Guoyuxi won't have to be written after it comes out. There are many treasures, just like me. Recently, the update time has been unstable. First, the work and rest have returned to normal. They all get up during the day to write, and they used to write in the middle of the night. But 15,000 words a day is still the same

Soon to collapse. The most irritating thing in this writing is not what is precious or not, but the problem of connection. What is found first, what is found later, and where is found, the connection is a big problem, there are many good things, but the geographical location is a big problem. The location of Qinling is too embarrassing. Many plots cannot be put here. I am studying how to arrange it reasonably. If the arrangement is not good, I may not be able to sleep tonight. Just sauce, ask for a flower and ask for a monthly ticket].

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