Let You Dig Treasure, You Dug Out The Tomb Of The Emperor!

Chapter 39 There Are Sharks Here! Lu Yuan: You Seem To Be Kidding Me! [Part 4] Ask For Flowers, Go T

All the way to the accelerator to the end, ten minutes to arrive.

Lu Yuan, who was far away, looked down, and the roaring sound of the water pump was gone.

Old Chen, who provided the water pump, stood on the shore, looking anxious with the workers, stepping on his feet to look at the reservoir from time to time.

"Why is Lao Lu here?"

"Arrived forty minutes early today."

"Why did the pump stop?"

Netizens looked curiously at Lu Yuan who suddenly ran over.

Lu Yuan ran up and asked, "What's going on?"

Lao Chen pointed to the reservoir and said, "Yes, there are sharks!"


If it wasn't for Lao Chen's serious expression, he really felt that this guy was making fun of him.

This is so fresh water, are you telling me there are sharks here?

Do you believe this yourself?

"What? Shark?"

"I die laughing, there are sharks in the freshwater reservoir, I really want to die laughing."

"Is it from Lao Lu Fang?"

"Old Lu is not so boring."

No one believed it at all.

Lu Yuan didn't believe it either.

Old Chen didn't believe it even more: "I know you don't believe it, but there really are sharks, I didn't see them alone."

A few workers next to him said: "We saw it too, it's a shark."


Lu Yuan was silent.

Looking at the serious and serious expressions of Lao Chen and the others, he didn't know what to say.

"It's the same as the truth, I almost believed it."

"Why doesn't Lao Lu speak?"

"Old Lu is afraid that the defense is not broken. I will contract a reservoir. You tell me there are sharks in it?"

"Anyone with a bit of common sense would not dare to say that."

Netizens didn't believe it at all, but they were curious about what Lao Chen and the others saw.

From their expressions, they must have seen something.

But definitely not sharks.

Lu Yuan was a little less confident.

His first reaction was that there could be no sharks.

But the thought of diving that day and seeing the swimming baby made him a little shaken.

Ordinary fish should not be called treasures.

If it's a shark, it immediately makes sense.

But this is a reservoir...

Lu Yuan asked, "When did you see the shark? Did you take a picture?"

"I didn't have time to shoot."

"I'll call you then."

"Mr. Lu, can this water still be pumped? If this kills the shark, we won't go to jail, right?"

They are not afraid of being bitten by sharks, no matter how ferocious the sharks are, they are also fish.

As long as you don't go down, don't be afraid.

The point is, does this thing protect animals?

What if I die?

They are here to make money, they don't want to lose money.

Lu Yuan glanced at the reservoir, which covered thousands of acres, and only the middle one still had water.

The water depth will not exceed three meters.

Lu Yuan said, "Put down the net and fish out the fish."

No matter what kind of fish, you will know when you get it out of the net.

"Are you going to fish!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"It's too early to start fishing now, at least you have to draw about 1.5 meters."

"When you reach 1.5 meters, the sharks are all dead."

"Do you really believe in sharks?"

Lu Yuan walked towards the little remaining water and said, "I'll contact the zoo later, if it's really... a shark, let them take it away."

He stood on the bank and looked into the water.

There is a golden light that keeps moving, and there is more than one.

Lu Yuan was a little confused, what the heck was going on?

Old Chen said: "That's okay, you contact the zoo first, and I'll pull the net."

Before Lu Yuan could find out the zoo's phone number, the zoo took the initiative to call him.

There is a Jinniu Lake Wildlife Park near Yanglin Village. It is one of the only two zoos in Yingtian City.

Lu Yuan's action of pumping water and digging for treasure is so popular that it has attracted the attention of all walks of life.

Pump water, catch fish, and dig treasure.

Every keyword has a fatal attraction to men.

Maybe some people don't like fishing, but no one can refuse to fish!

Lu Yuan's actions this time were like hunting in a modern city.

And hunting is a gene engraved in a man's bones, indelible.

There are also people watching the live broadcast in the zoo, from morning to night, eating and shit.

The zoo didn't believe it when they learned that there were sharks, but they were sure that they were also interested.

"Let's go over now, Mr. Lu, you can pull up the Internet cafe first."

"it is good."

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